19 products were found matching your search for Evenhanded in 2 shops:
My Latest Grievance
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.06 $Chafing under the care of "the most annoyingly evenhanded parental team in the history of civilization," Frederica is starting to feel that her life is stiflingly snug. Into this cozy world, comes Miss Laura Lee French - a wannabe former Rockette and the new dorm mother at the college where Frederica's parents teach and live. Laura Lee proves to be the enthralling and glamorous antithesis of the Hatches, whose passion for liberal political causes is all-consuming - even Frederica's Barbie dolls have been anatomically corected. Lipman turns this seemingly routine faculty hire into a catalyst for havoc and hilarity. For it happens that Miss French - in the distant past - was married to none other than Frederica's earnest and distinctly unglamorous father.
Infinity 13 in. Faux Slate Indoor-Outdoor Wall Clock with Built-In Thermometer
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 37.99 $If you are looking for the perfect indoor/outdoor wall clock, the faux slate is it. The evenhanded color scheme makes it a great fit for any home. With a pure white face and black hands, it is easy for anyone to read. The built-in thermometer and petite size create an accent piece worth every penny. Your patio will be amiss without this natural looking wall clock hanging for all to see. Color: Multi-Colored.
The Two-State Delusion: Israel and Palestine--A Tale of Two Narratives
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.24 $Padraig O'Malley is the subject of the new acclaimed documentary The Peacemaker“A thoughtful autopsy of the failed two-state paradigm . . . Evenhanded, diplomatic, mutually respectful, and enormously useful.” —Kirkus, starred reviewDisputes over settlements, the right of return, the rise of Hamas, recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and other intractable issues have repeatedly derailed peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.Now, in a book that is sure to spark controversy, renowned peacemaker Padraig O’Malley argues that the moment for a two-state solution has passed. After examining each issue and speaking with Palestinians and Israelis as well as negotiators directly involved in past summits, O’Malley concludes that even if such an agreement could be reached, it would be nearly impossible to implement given the staggering costs, Palestine’s political disunity and the viability of its economy, rapidly changing demographics, Israel’s continuing political shift to the right, global warming’s effect on the water supply, and more.In this revelatory, hard-hitting book, O’Malley approaches the key issues pragmatically, without ideological bias, to show that we must find new frameworks for reconciliation if there is to be lasting peace between Palestine and Israel.
Mathematical Logic (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.02 $Undergraduate students with no prior classroom instruction in mathematical logic will benefit from this evenhanded multipart text. It begins with an elementary but thorough overview of mathematical logic of first order. The treatment extends beyond a single method of formulating logic to offer instruction in a variety of techniques: model theory (truth tables), Hilbert-type proof theory, and proof theory handled through derived rules.The second part supplements the previously discussed material and introduces some of the newer ideas and the more profound results of twentieth-century logical research. Subsequent chapters explore the study of formal number theory, with surveys of the famous incompleteness and undecidability results of Godel, Church, Turing, and others. The emphasis in the final chapter reverts to logic, with examinations of Godel's completeness theorem, Gentzen's theorem, Skolem's paradox and nonstandard models of arithmetic, and other theorems. The author, Stephen Cole Kleene, was Cyrus C. MacDuffee Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Preface. Bibliography. Theorem and Lemma Numbers: Pages. List of Postulates. Symbols and Notations. Index.
English Architecture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.51 $This comprehensive, well-illustrated survey of English architecture provides an evenhanded, straightforward history from Anglo-Saxon times to the end of the twentieth century. Concentrating on buildings that can still be seen today, David Watkin discusses all the styles and periods of English architecture, including Norman, early Gothic, Perpendicular, Tudor and Jacobean, Baroque, Classical, and Victorian. The emphasis is on the high points of English creative genius as expressed in the art of architecture by Edwin Lutyens, Inigo Jones, Christopher Wren, John Soane, James Stirling, Richard Rogers, and a host of others. This updated edition includes a new preface, a revised bibliography, and an expanded chapter on twentieth-century architecture that brings the story up to the present. 320 b/w illustrations.
Harold and William: The Battle for England, A.D. 1064-1066
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.47 $The fundamental event in British history is the Norman Conquest, when William, Duke of Normandy defeated Harold, Earl of Wessex, and took over England. In Harold and William, historian Patterson presents an evenhanded look at the relationship between the two leaders. Patterson presents the Conquest, and the years leading up to it, from both the Norman and the Saxon points of view. He also assess the skills of both-as rulers and as warriors-and offers a new look at the still-debated politics of succession in which both men claimed to be rightful heirs to Edward the Confessor's throne. According to Patterson, one man was the rightful heir, and the other was the better choice.
The Israelis: Founders and Sons; Revised Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.18 $“The most illuminating, evenhanded, candid appraisal of the contemporary Jewish condition yet to appear.”—Newsweek Israel was built on dreams and strivings, on humanistic principles and hard labor. What was conceived as a country of peace and dignity, however, has emerged as a society of contradictions, ethnic tensions, clashes between the religious and the secular—a society buffeted by extreme changes in both national and international politics. The ideals of the founders have floundered in the reality of wars and violence. In this dramatic, fair-minded portrait of Israel, Amos Elon places the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East in brilliant historic perspective. In illuminating the political and philosophical background of the State of Israel, he offers rare insight into the rise to power of Menachem Begin and the complications of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, and he shows how Zionism, ironically, led to the development of its bittersweet enemy, the Palestinian nationalist movement. “Superb . . . A deliberate act of self-awareness exploring how a people got where they are.”—Time
Dawning of the Cold War: The United States* Quest For Order
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.61 $This highly praised account of the origins of the Cold War is quite simply the best comprehensive history available. Combining a lively narrative with evenhanded analysis, Woods and Jones draw on a vast amount of Cold War scholarship to examine the issues and forces that shaped the East-West confrontation in the years after World War II. From the Yalta Conference to Churchill's Iron Curtain speech; from the Truman Doctrine to the Marshall Plan; from the formation of NATO to the Berlin blockade, the authors appraise the atomic and economic diplomacy of the Cold War and provide an invaluable guide to one of this century's most important historical events. "The most satisfactory narrative history we now have of how the Cold War came about in Europe."—John Lewis Gaddis, American Historical Review. "Balanced and up-to-date ... a clearly written and carefully argued history of the origins of the Cold War, the best yet in print."—Robert A. Divine, University of Texas. "Solidly researched, clearly written ... perhaps the best guide [to the Cold War] yet to appear in print."—Betty Miller Unterberger, Political Science Quarterly.
Worlds Apart : Narratology of Science Fiction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.16 $[Malmgren] succeeds in formulating a typology of science fiction that will become a standard reference for some years to come."―Choice... the most intelligently organized and effectively argued general study of SF that I have ever read."―Rob Latham, SFRA Review... required reading for its evenhanded overview of so much of the previous critical/theoretical material devoted to science fiction." ―American Book ReviewWorlds Apart provides a comprehensive theoretical model for science fiction by examining the worlds of science fiction and the discourse which inscribes them. Malmgren identifies the basic science fiction types, including alien encounters, alternate societies and worlds, and fantasy, and examines the role of the reader in concretizing and interpreting these science fiction worlds.
The Jicarilla Apache Tribe: A History, 1846-1970
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.42 $This evenhanded history of the Jicarilla Apache tribe of New Mexico highlights their long history of cultural adaptation and change--both to new environments and cultural traits. Concentrating on the modern era, 1846-1970, Veronica Tiller, herself a Jicarilla Apache, tells of the tribe's economic adaptations and relations with the United States government.Originally published in 1983, this revised edition updates the account of the Jicarilla experience, documenting the significant economic, political, and cultural changes that have occurred as the tribe has exercised ever greater autonomy in recent years.
Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 144.95 $This user-friendly text takes a learn-by-doing approach to exploring research design issues in education and psychology, offering evenhanded coverage of quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and single-case designs. Readers learn the basics of different methods and steps for critically examining any study's design, data, and conclusions, using sample peer-reviewed journal articles as practice opportunities. The text is unique in featuring full chapters on survey methods, evaluation, reliability and validity, action research, and research syntheses. Pedagogical Features *An exemplar journal article at the end of each methods chapter, together with questions and activities for critiquing it (including, where applicable, checklist forms to identify threats to internal and external validity), plus lists of additional research examples. *Research example boxes showing how studies are designed to address particular research questions. *In every chapter: numbered chapter objectives, bulleted summaries, subheadings written as questions, a running glossary, and end-of-chapter discussion questions. * Electronic Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, provided separately--includes chapter outlines; answers to exercises, discussion questions, and illustrative example questions; and PowerPoints.
In Struggle : SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.95 $With its radical ideology and effective tactics, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was the cutting edge of the civil rights movement during the 1960s. This sympathetic yet evenhanded book records for the first time the complete story of SNCC’s evolution, of its successes and its difficulties in the ongoing struggle to end white oppression.At its birth, SNCC was composed of black college students who shared an ideology of moral radicalism. This ideology, with its emphasis on nonviolence, challenged Southern segregation. SNCC students were the earliest civil rights fighters of the Second Reconstruction. They conducted sit-ins at lunch counters, spearheaded the freedom rides, and organized voter registration, which shook white complacency and awakened black political consciousness. In the process, Clayborne Carson shows, SNCC changed from a group that endorsed white middle-class values to one that questioned the basic assumptions of liberal ideology and raised the fist for black power. Indeed, SNCC’s radical and penetrating analysis of the American power structure reached beyond the black community to help spark wider social protests of the 1960s, such as the anti–Vietnam War movement.Carson’s history of SNCC goes behind the scene to determine why the group’s ideological evolution was accompanied by bitter power struggles within the organization. Using interviews, transcripts of meetings, unpublished position papers, and recently released FBI documents, he reveals how a radical group is subject to enormous, often divisive pressures as it fights the difficult battle for social change.
Adopting on Your Own: The Complete Guide to Adoption for Single Parents (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.36 $The first guide of its kind, covering all stages of the adoption processAdopting on Your Own addresses the questions and concerns of prospective single parents. Lee Varon, a practicing therapist specializing in adoption counseling and the single mother of two adopted children, helps readers make an evenhanded assessment of whether adoption is right for them, then leads them through the different stages of arranging and financing the adoption. She weighs the advantages of open versus closed and international versus domestic adoption for the single parent, and demystifies potentially daunting steps such as choosing an agency and preparing for the home study.Adopting on Your Own also offers up-to-date information on the latest developments in interracial adoption policy, the legal rights of gays and lesbians to adopt, and the evolving attitudes of agencies and social workers toward single-parent adoptions. Throughout the book, Varon draws on personal anecdotes and the experiences of her clients to offer honest, insightful advice on every step of the adoption process.
Feudal America: Elements of the Middle Ages in Contemporary Society
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.86 $Do Americans live in a liberal capitalist society, where evenhanded competition rules the day, or a society in which big money, private security, and personal relations determine key social outcomes? Vladimir Shlapentokh and Joshua Woods argue that the answer to these questions cannot be found among the conventional models used to describe the nation. Offering a new analytical tool, the authors present a provocative explanation of the nature of contemporary society by comparing its essential characteristics to those of medieval European societies. Their feudal model emphasizes five elements: the weakness of the state and its inability to protect its territory, guarantee the security of its citizens, and enforce laws; conflicts and collusions between and within organizations that involve corruption and other forms of illegal or semilegal actions; the dominance of personal relations in political and economic life; the prevalence of an elitist ideology; and the use of private agents and organizations for the provision of safety and security. Feudal America urges readers to suspend their forward-thinking and futurist orientations, question linear notions of social and historical progression, and look for explanations of contemporary social problems in medieval European history.
The Street Stops Here: A Year at a Catholic High School in Harlem
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.01 $The Street Stops Here offers a deeply personal and compelling account of a Catholic high school in central Harlem, where mostly disadvantaged (and often non-Catholic) African American males graduate on time and get into college. Interweaving vivid portraits of day-to-day school life with clear and evenhanded analysis, Patrick J. McCloskey takes us through an eventful year at Rice High School, as staff, students, and families make heroic efforts to prevail against society's expectations. McCloskey's riveting narrative brings into sharp relief an urgent public policy question: whether (and how) to save these schools that provide the only viable option for thousands of poor and working-class students—and thus fulfill a crucial public mandate. Just as significantly, The Street Stops Here offers invaluable lessons for low-performing urban public schools.
Anger: A Step-By-Step Program for Managing Anger Calmly and Effectively: Taming the Beast
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.76 $Don’t Let Anger Control You! If you or someone you love is experiencing difficulty coping with their anger, this useful and practical book is the first place to turn to for help. With its clear, evenhanded approach, this book shows you · Why you handle anger the way you do · Positive ways to manage anger · How to speak up strongly and effectively · Effective ways to handle frustration and resolve conflicts · How to set limits and say no to unreasonable demands · Practical ways to cope with stress, embarrassment, and shame · How to relate your feelings to others without losing your cool Whether you have an explosive temper or are brooding over suppressed anger, the questionnaires, step-by-step exercises, and strategies outlined in Anger: Taming the Beast will teach you how to change the way you experience and express anger.
Montserrat Caballe: Casta Diva
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.72 $This is the story of Montserrat Caballe's life and career from her childhood in war-torn Spain, through her years of training and struggle, to her current world-star status. The authors draw on a wealth of the diva's private documents, photographs, and personal reminiscences, and provide a shrewd and evenhanded analysis of her art, both on stage and in recordings.
Washita, The U.S. Army and the Southern Cheyennes, 1867-1869 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $An evenhanded account of a tragic clash of cultures On November 27, 1868, the U.S. Seventh Cavalry under Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer attacked a Southern Cheyenne village along the Washita River in present-day western Oklahoma. The subsequent U.S. victory signaled the end of the Cheyennes’ traditional way of life and resulted in the death of Black Kettle, their most prominent peace chief. In this remarkably balanced history, Jerome A. Greene describes the causes, conduct, and consequences of the event even as he addresses the multiple controversies surrounding the conflict. As Greene explains, the engagement brought both praise and condemnation for Custer and carried long-range implications for his stunning defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn eight years later.
Mathematical Logic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.32 $Undergraduate students with no prior classroom instruction in mathematical logic will benefit from this evenhanded multipart text. It begins with an elementary but thorough overview of mathematical logic of first order. The treatment extends beyond a single method of formulating logic to offer instruction in a variety of techniques: model theory (truth tables), Hilbert-type proof theory, and proof theory handled through derived rules.The second part supplements the previously discussed material and introduces some of the newer ideas and the more profound results of twentieth-century logical research. Subsequent chapters explore the study of formal number theory, with surveys of the famous incompleteness and undecidability results of Godel, Church, Turing, and others. The emphasis in the final chapter reverts to logic, with examinations of Godel's completeness theorem, Gentzen's theorem, Skolem's paradox and nonstandard models of arithmetic, and other theorems. The author, Stephen Cole Kleene, was Cyrus C. MacDuffee Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Preface. Bibliography. Theorem and Lemma Numbers: Pages. List of Postulates. Symbols and Notations. Index.
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