26 products were found matching your search for Event und Messeteppich Rips in 4 shops:
Event- und Erlebnismarketing. SWOT-Analyse eines Marketingevents von Sephora in Dubai 2013 (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 1, Donau-Universitat Krems - Universitat fur Weiterbildung, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Events werden als kommerzielle Ereignisse, als Mittel zur Unternehmenskommunikation und zur Aktivierung von Zielgruppen immer wichtiger. Durch den Erlebnisfaktor und der hohen emotionalen Ansprache der Teilnehmer hat sich das Event an sich als ein machtiges Kommunikationsmittel im Marketingkonzept und als uberaus beliebt bei den Teilnehmern erwiesen. Die vielfaltigen Einsatzmoglichkeiten und Potentiale des Event Marketing ermoglichen es, relevante Zielgruppen zu erreichen, markenrelevante Wirklichkeiten und Erlebniswelten zu konstruieren, Emotionen und Sympathiewerte zu erzeugen und auf diese Weise eine Bindung zwischen Unternehmen und Rezipienten herzustellen. Um ein Event erfolgreich umzusetzen ist es wichtig, eine gute und moglichst genaue Planung des Events und dessen Ablauf auszuarbeiten. Je besser die Vorbereitung auf mogliche Schwierigkeiten und Hindernisse sind, desto einfach konnen diese auch umgangen werden. Eine Hilfestellung dazu ist vor allem die SWOT Analyse, die im Vorhinein schon mogliche Schwachen und Bedrohungen aufzeigt und systematischen Produkte, Prozesse, Projekte und anderen zu analysierenden Objekte betrachtet. Zu Beginn dieser Arbeit werden kurz die Grundlagen des Marketings im Allgemeinen erklart, sowie auf die Definition des Event-Marketing eingegangen. In den folgenden Kapiteln wird eine Veranstaltung beschrieben, welche in einem Einkaufszentrum in Dubai 2013 stattgefunden hat. Im Vordergrund stand die Vermarktung einer neuen Produktpalette von Sephora, einer Kosmetikmarke, die eine neue Badekollektion mit neuen Duften auf den Markt brachte. Um moglichst viele Besucher des Einkaufszentrums anzusprechen, wurde verschiedenste "Tools" angewendet. Das Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, die neue Kollektion in einem moglichst kur
Erinnerungen und Gedanken
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Erinnerungen und Gedanken Eine Jugend in Deutschland Golo Mann (1991) Softcover in Good Condition. Some surface wear on cover but nothing major. Text is clean and unmarked with no rips, tears, creases, writing, marks or any loose pages. There is some light foxing on the Fore Edge that is visable when the book is closed but is not on the actual text page. Spine is firm with creasing from being read. Prompt shipping.
Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery / Atlas d'anatomie humaine et de chirurgie / Atlas der menschlichen Anatomie und Chirurgie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.92 $We owe a great debt to Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery (1797–1849) for his Atlas of Anatomy, which was not only a massive event in medical history, but also remains one of the most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated anatomical treatises ever published.Bourgery began work on his magnificent atlas in 1830 in cooperation with illustrator Nicolas Henri Jacob (1782–1871), a student of the French painter Jacques Louis David. The first volumes were published the following year, but completion of the treatise required nearly two decades of dedication; Bourgery lived just long enough to finish his labor of love, but the last of the treatise’s eight volumes was not published in its entirety until five years after his death.The eight volumes of Bourgery’s treatise cover descriptive anatomy, surgical anatomy and techniques (exploring in detail nearly all the major operations that were performed during the first half of the 19th century), general anatomy and embryology, and microscopic anatomy. Jacob’s spectacular hand-colored lithographs are remarkable for their clarity, color, and aesthetic appeal, reflecting a combination of direct laboratory observation and illustrative research. Unsurpassed to this day, the images offer exceptional anatomical insight, not only for those in the medical field but also for artists, students, and anyone interested in the workings and wonder of the human body.
Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery / Atlas d'anatomie humaine et de chirurgie / Atlas der menschlichen Anatomie und Chirurgie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.46 $We owe a great debt to Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery (1797–1849) for his Atlas of Anatomy, which was not only a massive event in medical history, but also remains one of the most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated anatomical treatises ever published.Bourgery began work on his magnificent atlas in 1830 in cooperation with illustrator Nicolas Henri Jacob (1782–1871), a student of the French painter Jacques Louis David. The first volumes were published the following year, but completion of the treatise required nearly two decades of dedication; Bourgery lived just long enough to finish his labor of love, but the last of the treatise’s eight volumes was not published in its entirety until five years after his death.The eight volumes of Bourgery’s treatise cover descriptive anatomy, surgical anatomy and techniques (exploring in detail nearly all the major operations that were performed during the first half of the 19th century), general anatomy and embryology, and microscopic anatomy. Jacob’s spectacular hand-colored lithographs are remarkable for their clarity, color, and aesthetic appeal, reflecting a combination of direct laboratory observation and illustrative research. Unsurpassed to this day, the images offer exceptional anatomical insight, not only for those in the medical field but also for artists, students, and anyone interested in the workings and wonder of the human body.
Spina bifida: Interdisziplinäre Diagnostik, Therapie und Beratung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.94 $This is the first comprehensive source for teaching about the Jewish life cycle. Written by the authors of "Teaching Torah", "Teaching Mitzvot", and "Teaching Tefilah", this book contains in-depth overviews of every life cycle event. Also included are hundreds of creative activities about the cycle of Jewish life for students in Grades K-12 and adults, as well as activities for family and all-school programs. Take a journey on the path of life - birth, adolescence, conversion, marriage, divorce, parenthood, aging, and death and mourning. Explore traditional rituals of Brit Milah and naming, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, weddings, and funerals. Discover contemporary rituals related to birth, growing up, and celebrating milestones along the aging process. Complete with useful glossary and comprehensive bibliographies.
Sonnenlauf und kosmische Regeneration [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.38 $The imaginative world of the Netherworld Books includes events and actions within the framework of the divine sphere that take place in different areas of life, such as light/darkness, day/night, aging/rejuvenating, sacrifice, agriculture, ruling power, and the destruction of enemies. These so-called life processes are analyzed in this volume. Part 1: Studies; Part 2: CD-ROM with detailed tables. German text.
Fliegende Blätter: Die Sammlung der Einblattholzschnitte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 190.35 $The upsurge in publishing in the sixteenth century turned the Reformation into a media event, and printed products of every kind superseded the communication methods used thus far. Flyers were particularly successful in reaching their audiences as an easily affordable information medium. Renowned artists such as Hans Sebald Beham, Lucas Cranach Sr, Albrecht Dürer and Michael Ostendorfer produced the woodcuts for these single-sheet prints, which thematised the political, religious and societal happenings of the time. Portraits of protagonists, such as Luther and Karl V., but also fables and proverbs as well as reports on miracles and celestial phenomena, catastrophes and crime all found their platform in these pages. One of the largest collections of illustrated single-sheet prints in the Palace Museum of the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha provides a rich treasure trove of prints that informed the Reformation. The Gotha inventory of around 700 flyers from 1480 to 1599 is today considered unprecedented. Now for the first time it has been published in its entirety.Text in German.
Fliegende Blatter. Die Sammlung der Einblattholzschnitte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts der Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 19.98 $The upsurge in publishing in the sixteenth century turned the Reformation into a media event, and printed products of every kind superseded the communication methods used thus far. Flyers were particularly successful in reaching their audiences as an easily affordable information medium. Renowned artists such as Hans Sebald Beham, Lucas Cranach Sr, Albrecht Dürer and Michael Ostendorfer produced the woodcuts for these single-sheet prints, which thematised the political, religious and societal happenings of the time. Portraits of protagonists, such as Luther and Karl V., but also fables and proverbs as well as reports on miracles and celestial phenomena, catastrophes and crime all found their platform in these pages. One of the largest collections of illustrated single-sheet prints in the Palace Museum of the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha provides a rich treasure trove of prints that informed the Reformation. The Gotha inventory of around 700 flyers from 1480 to 1599 is today considered unprecedented. Now for the first time it has been published in its entirety.Text in German.
Nicht Disneyland : Über andere Ausätze über Modernität und Nostalgie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.84 $Neuware - In seinen Essays untersucht der Kunsthistoriker Stanislaus von Moos ausgewählte Kapitel schweizerischer Architektur und Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert. Im Vordergrund steht das Spannungsfeld von ästhetischer Moderne und historistischer Rekonstruktion. Den Rahmen bilden Events wie die Landi 1939 in Zürich, der Brand der Luzerner Kapellbrücke 1995, sowie die Expo.02. Auch die Fama der Tessiner Architektur seit den 70er Jahren sowie der spätere Aufstieg Basels als schweizerisches Architektur-Athen sind Themen.Im Zeichen der stets lauter vorgetragenen Ansprüche von Tourismus, Stadtmarketing und Unterhaltung erweisen sich diese Ereignisse als ein irrlichterndes Laboratorium von Kunst, Architektur und Stadtgestaltung an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Abwechselnd die Lupe und dann wieder das Fernglas auf Künstler wie Max Bill oder Pipilotti Rist zu richten und nach ihrer Stellung in der nationalen Mythologie und Kulturindustrie zu fragen kann in diesem Zusammenhang überraschende Perspektiven eröffnen.Was bedeutet Avantgarde im politischen und ideologischen Kontext einer Zeit, in der die Grenzen zwischen ästhetischer Radikalität und kommerzieller Vermarktung durchlässig geworden sind
Bem's Feldzug in Siebenbürgen in den Jahren 1848 und 1849 (Classic Reprint)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.97 $Print on Demand. This book provides a thorough examination of the turbulent events of 1848-1849 in Transylvania, a region contested by Hungarians, Romanians, and Saxons. The author presents a detailed account of the struggles for national identity, autonomy, and political rights, set against the backdrop of the revolutionary upheavals in Europe. The book explores the complex dynamics between these groups, their aspirations, conflicts, and alliances, as well as the role of external powers in shaping the region's destiny. Ultimately, the book offers valuable insights into the enduring legacy of Transylvania's diverse heritage and the challenges of forging a shared future amidst historical divisions. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work, digitally reconstructed using state-of-the-art technology to preserve the original format. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in the book.
Adel Und Edle Steine (nivel 1) (
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.03 $A fast-moving mystery for beginning German students featuring private detective Helmut Müller, who is in Munich planning security for a gem and jewelry show. But there's a hitch. His former girlfriend, Maria, a known diamond thief, is organizing the event. Level one difficulty.
Rip Ford's Texas (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.28 $The Republic of Texas was still in its first exultation over independence when John Salmon "Rip" Ford arrived from South Carolina in June of 1836. Ford stayed to participate in virtually every major event in Texas history during the next sixty years. Doctor, lawyer, surveyor, newspaper reporter, elected representative, and above all, soldier and Indian fighter, Ford sat down in his old age to record the events of the turbulent years through which he had lived. Stephen Oates has edited Ford's memoirs to produce a clear and vigorous personal history of Texas.
Tidewater Rip (Tidewater Novels)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.26 $In the dead of night, a blacked out plane flies over a river in coastal Georgia where moments later, a man is shot and left for dead. On a secluded two-lane road nearby, a woman is killed in a one-car accident. Atlanta Realtor Abbey Taylor Bunn plunges into action to find out what’s going on because the events seem to have one thing in common: the hunting and fishing club co-founded by her grandfather. Abbey isn’t the only one on the move and looking for answers. The car accident victim’s husband, an Atlanta attorney, believes his wife was murdered. When Abbey finds herself up against drug trafficking land grabbers, she is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the place and people she loves.
Genuine Joe Plastic Table Covers
Vendor: Bulkofficesupply.com Price: 26.67 $ (+8.99 $)Present a clean, uniform look for your next banquet, party or function with this table cover. Thick, durable design resists rips and tears to hold up throughout your entire event. Pre-cut table cover is designed to fit standard-size cafeteria and conference tables.
VEVOR Street Hockey Net, Outdoor Steel Hockey Goal, Official Regulation Pro Training Goal Set, Hockey Goal,72 in. L x 48 in. W
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 71.99 $Hockey Net. Our portable hockey goal is made from premium materials, professional and reliable. Perfect for hockey sports in outdoor sports events, roller rinks, gyms and more. The street hockey goal features a professional-style top shelf and back support brace, so you can let it rip like the pros. It's a portable goal suitable for youth use. The indoor outdoor hockey goal is made of high-quality steel pipes.
VEVOR Youth Street Hockey Net, Outdoor Steel Hockey Goal, Portable Lightweight Youth Street+Roller for, 54 in. L x 44 in. W
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 60.99 $Hockey Net. Our portable hockey goal is made from premium materials, professional and reliable. Perfect for hockey sports in outdoor sports events, roller rinks, gyms and more. The street hockey goal features a professional-style top shelf and back support brace, so you can let it rip like the pros. It's a portable goal suitable for youth use.
Gesammelte Werke in zeitlicher Folge [in sechs Bänden]. Dritter Band
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.03 $Zustandsbeschreibung: Mängelexemplar. Dritter Band: Graf Öderland. Don Juan oder die Liebe zur Geometrie. Kleine Prosaschriften. Der Laie und die Architektur. Achtung: Die Schweiz. Stiller. Rip van Winkle. Hrsg. von Hans Mayer unter Mitwirkung von Walter Schmitz. Der dritte Band enthält die Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1949 bis 1956. 877 Seiten, Leinen (Suhrkamp Verlag 1976). Früher EUR 38,80. Gewicht: 626 g - Gebunden/Gebundene Ausgabe - Sprache: Deutsch
Final Impact: World War 2.3
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.51 $The Sequence of event of the Second World War was altered forever at the very moment the task force of ultra-modern stealth warships emerged from a rip in the time-space continuum. Hurled back from 2021 to 1942 after a quantum experiment goes horribly wrong, no one could have predicted the impact of this futuristic fighting force. Chaos ensues...In the third and final gripping instalment of the Axis of Time trilogy, the revised history of the War is more alarming than ever. Hitler and the Japanese race towards atomic capability; Stalin plots to tear down the future and rebuild it in his own image; and the allies begin their Great Crusade, with the weapons of know-how of the twenty-first century.The final battle of the war is about to begin...
Wild & Woolly: An Encyclopedia of the Old West
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.39 $From dust jacket flap: This action-packed, rip-roaring compendium presents a fact-filled, fun-filled look at the personalities and events that make up the wonderful lore of the Old West. Over 2,500 entries ranging from one-liners to brief encapsulated accounts to mini-treatises - unfold one of the liveliest and most colorful chapters in all American history.
One Hundred Glances Large Print
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.49 $Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Über den AutorrnrnInternational bestselling author of more than thirty novels, Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping love alive. Always a romantic, she blends real-life events with her vivid imagination to create characters and.
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