6 products were found matching your search for Expansion and Reaction in 2 shops:
Kajukenbo 2: Self Defense Hawaiian Kenpo Method
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $In this second volume, Luis & Joe Diaz present you the basics but also variations and expansions that adapt to any opponent's form of body, to the morphology, to their reactions. The techniques of this Hawaiian self-defense martial art are not frozen in a pre-established choreography, they are being used with their very essence and therefore become truly useful. You will watch empty-handed work, self-defense principles against stick & knife attacks, and kali principles. Languages: French, Englis
Réinventer la tradition : Alexandre Stourdza et l'Europe de la Sainte-Alliance [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 432.00 $Paris 2008. 1 Volume/1. -- Comme Neuf -- Reliure éditeur cartonnée . Format in-8°( 22,5 x 16 cm )( 756 gr ). ----- 624 pages dont 16 pages d'illustrations. ********** "" 1815. Après vingt années d'expansion révolutionnaire et napoléonienne, l'heure est à la réaction. La Russie, qui a été menacée dans son existence même, émerge comme pilier du nouvel ordre politique européen. Pour assurer celui-ci, et sceller la paix enfinretrouvée, le tsar Alexandre Ier propose une Sainte-Alliance des souverains et des peuples chrétiens. Il charge son conseiller A lexandre Stourdza de mettre en forme cette surprenante proclamation politico-mystique bientôt ratifiée par tous les pays du continent. Après le fracas des armes, le destin de l'Europe se joue désormais dans les chancelleries, dans la presse et dans l'opinion. Centré sur la vie et l'oeuvre d'Alexandre Stourdza (1791-1854), ce livre jette une lumière inédite sur l'histoire de la Sainte-Alliance. Il examine en particulier l'influence des milieux mystiques et de la pensée contre-révolutionnaire sur le climat intellectuel de l'époque, ainsi que leur impact sur la politique russe en Allemagne, en Grèce et dans les Principautés danubiennes. Il décrit également les effort s d'Alexandre Stourdza en vue de définir une orthodoxie rénovée, capable de fédérer les différentes populations chrétiennes de Russie et de l'Empire ottoman. Loin de se réduire à un combat d'arrière-garde, ce grand projet de " modernisation défensive " des sociétés orthodoxes incluait l'émancipation nationale des Grecs et des Roumains, ainsi que l'abolition du servage en Russie. . '' ******************
Foundations Of Quantum Chromodynamics: An Introduction To Perturbative Methods In Gauge Theories (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 127.55 $This volume develops the techniques of perturbative Qcd in great pedagogical detail starting with field theory. Aside from extensive treatments of the renormalization group technique, the operator product expansion formalism and their applications to short-distance reactions, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to gauge theories. Examples and exercises are provided to amplify the discussions on important topics. This is an ideal textbook on the subject of quantum chromodynamics and is essential for researchers and graduate students in high energy physics, nuclear physics and mathematical physics.
Foundations Of Quantum Chromodynamics: An Introduction To Perturbative Methods In Gauge Theories (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.12 $This volume develops the techniques of perturbative Qcd in great pedagogical detail starting with field theory. Aside from extensive treatments of the renormalization group technique, the operator product expansion formalism and their applications to short-distance reactions, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to gauge theories. Examples and exercises are provided to amplify the discussions on important topics. This is an ideal textbook on the subject of quantum chromodynamics and is essential for researchers and graduate students in high energy physics, nuclear physics and mathematical physics.
The Tobacco Monopoly in the Philippines Bureaucratic Enterprise and Social Change 1766-1880
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.79 $xvi, 228 pages : illustrations, maps : 24 cm. Contents: From cult object to cash crop -- The Philippines in the mid-eighteenth century -- Establishment and organization -- Expansion and consolidation -- Indigenous reactions -- Imperial response -- Profits and problems -- The Cagayan Valley before the monopoly -- The Cagayan Valley after the monopoly -- The Cagayan Coleccion -- Foreign trade : stimulus and response -- Abolition -- Colonial exploitation and socioeconomic change.
Christotainment : Selling Jesus Through Popular Culture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.02 $For more than two thousand years Christian expansion and proselytizing was couched in terms of 'defending the faith'. Until recently in the United States, much of that defense came in the form of reactions against the 'liberal' influences channeled through big-corporate media such as popular music, Hollywood movies, and network and cable television. But the election of Ronald Reagan as a Hollywood President introduced Christian America to the tools of advertising and multimedia appeals to children and youth to win new believers to God's armies. Christotainment examines how Christian fundamentalism has realigned its armies to combat threats against it by employing the forces it once considered its chief enemies: the entertainment media, including movies, television, music, cartoons, theme parks, video games, and books. Invited contributors discuss the critical theoretical frameworks of top-selling devices within Christian pop culture and the appeal to masses of American souls through the blessed marriage of corporatism and the quest for pleasure.
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