17 products were found matching your search for Fischer Michael Wie gewinne in 4 shops:
American Michael Fischer violin, Stradivarius copy - Joseph S...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 33,000.00 $ (+15.95 $)This instrument is part of our 7th annual Contemporary American Makers Exhibition, 2024 Measurements Length 35.8cm Upper bouts 16.8cm Mi...
American Michael Fischer inlaid violin, 2000, copy of Nicholau...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 39,000.00 $ (+15.95 $)About the Maker Michael Fischer was born and raised in the South of Germany. At the age of 18 Michael decided to learn the art of violin-making,...
Carl Fischer Webster- Magic Flute Fantasy-Flute, Clarinet in Bb, Piano
Vendor: Samash.com Price: 28.49 $In the spirit of the great 19th-century virtuoso fantasies on famous arias, Michael Webster has created a concert trio on the many great arias from Mozart's The Magic Flute, combining the most exciting and satisfying features of opera medleys and characteristic variations. Webster makes the most of the flute (doubling piccolo) and clarinet as versatile performers equally suited to deliver Mozart's beautiful vocal writing, and to ornament and embroider the themes in elegant Mozartean styl
So Wie Ich Bin (IMPORT)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 36.99 $So Wie Ich Bin (IMPORT) Helene Fischer - CD 5099968798123
Fischer v. Spassky--Reykjavik 1972
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 131.93 $with a report from Reykjavik by Francis Wyndham and drawings by Michael Foreman; edited and designed by Derek Birdsall
Was Sie über Geldanlage wissen sollten: Ein Wegweiser der «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung» für Privatanleger Ferber, Michael
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.92 $ein paar kleine Teeflecken im Kopfschnitt, ansonsten ungebraucht, Auflagfe 2016, wie abgebildet
Carl Fischer Weber Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in F Minor
Vendor: Samash.com Price: 21.38 $Michael Drapkin has gained expertise in virtually all aspects of music-making and music publishing. He has become a leading proponent of the clarinet, with emphasis on the bass clarinet, and has authored the five-volume series Symphonic Repertoire for the Bass Clarinet. As an orchestral clarinetist and soloist, Drapkin is intimately familiar with the Weber Concerto. As an arranger, he has distilled the orchestration down to a string quartet, making this stellar clarinet showcase accessible to ma
The Office: Seasons 6-9
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 59.98 $The Office is a hilarious mockumentary-style glimpse into the water-cooler culture of the 9-to-5 world. Join obnoxious regional manager Michael Scott (Steve Carell) and his fellow paper pushers Dwight (Rainn Wilson), Jim (John Krasinski), Pam (Jenna Fischer) and Ryan (B.J. Novak), Andy (Ed Helms) and the rest of the Scranton crew as they steal customers, frame co-workers, indulge in intra-office love affairs and just plain behave badly while a documentary film crew captures their every word and
Selma Jezkova
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $Yiva Kihlberg, Palle Knudsen, Hanne Fischer, and Gert Henning-Jensen star in the Royal Danish Orchestra production of the Ruders opera based on Lars von Trier's Dancer in the Dark, conducted by Michael Schonwandt.
Anthropology as Cultural Critique :: an Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Using cultural anthropology to analyze debates that reverberate throughout the human sciences, George E. Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer look closely at cultural anthropology's past accomplishments, its current predicaments, its future direction, and the insights it has to offer other fields of study. The result is a provocative work that is important for scholars interested in a critical approach to social science, art, literature, and history, as well as anthropology. This second edition considers new challenges to the field which have arisen since the book's original publication.
Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.26 $Using cultural anthropology to analyze debates that reverberate throughout the human sciences, George E. Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer look closely at cultural anthropology's past accomplishments, its current predicaments, its future direction, and the insights it has to offer other fields of study. The result is a provocative work that is important for scholars interested in a critical approach to social science, art, literature, and history, as well as anthropology. This second edition considers new challenges to the field which have arisen since the book's original publication.
Blood Work **Signed** [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.00 $Edited by Rick Ollerman. Alphabetical list of contributors: Scott Adlerberg, Eric Beetner, Kristi Belcamino, Michael A. Black, Michael Bracken, Don Bruns, Gary R. Bush, Austin Camacho, Dave Case, Jessie Chandler, Reed Farrel Coleman, Jen Conley, John Gaspard, Lois Greiman, Libby Fischer Hellmann, David Housewright, William Kent Krueger, Jess Lourey, Michael Allan Mallory, Terrence McCauley, Jenny Milchman, Stuart Neville, Rick Ollerman, Nick Petrie, Gary Phillips, Lissa Marie Redmond, Michael Stanley, Duane Swierczynski, Randy Wayne White, and Case Younggren. Many of today’s top writers get together to celebrate the themes of books and bookstores (and even a tuba or two!) As we celebrate the life of Mystery Writers of America Raven Award-winning Gary Shulze, long-time owner of the legendary Once Upon a Crime bookstore in Minneapolis. Gary left an indelible mark on the crime fiction community across the world before he passed away in 2016 due to complications from leukemia. Join as Duane Swierczynski, William Kent Krueger, Randy Wayne White, Jess Lourey, Stuart Neville and more come together in this tribute to a man whose legacy will not be forgotten.
Journeying East: Conversations of Aging and Dying
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.84 $Some of the West's foremost spiritual teachers share their thoughts on aging and the end of life process. Comprehensive and original interviews with Ram Dass, Michael Eigen, Norman Fischer, Joan Halifax, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sister Chan Khong, Frank Ostaseski, Rodney Smith, and John Wellwood provide new perspectives and offer comfort and support. This accessible, thought-provoking, and unique book is an invaluable resource for individuals, classrooms, hospice or home care settings, and for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one.Journeying East also features a comprehensive resources section with an annotated bibliography, guidelines for general reading and study, information on the training of hospice employees and volunteers, and suggested at-home activities.Victoria Jean Dimidjian is professor of education at Florida Gulf Coast University. She began her study of Buddhism at the Zen Studies Society in Manhattan in 1974 and is a founding member of the Naples Community of Mindfulness."An important and life-changing book." - Diane Cox, CEO, Hospice of Naples, FL
Die Filme der Jessica Hausner
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.72 $Neuware -Jessica Hausner (geb. 1972) zählt zu den renommiertesten Filmemacher_innen ihrer Zeit. Längst hat sich die Regisseurin und Drehbuchautorin auf internationalem Parkett verdient gemacht, ihr Name wird heute in einem Atemzug mit Regiedoyens wie Stanley Kubrick und Michael Haneke genannt. Ihre Filme wurden vielfach gelobt, zahlreiche Male prämiert und von Kritiker_innen aus aller Welt hinlänglich besprochen. Trotzdem wird man auf der Suche nach substanziellen Publikationen zu ihren Werken bislang kaum fündig. Sabrina Gärtner liefert erstmals eine Zusammenschau des bislang aus zehn filmischen Projekten bestehenden uvres - von »Flora« (1997) bis »Little Joe« (2019). Sie arbeitet die Besonderheiten der außergewöhnlichen Hausner'schen Filmsprache heraus und verortet das Schaffen der Österreicherin in Beziehung zu 'Nouvelle Vague Viennoise', Berliner Schule und weiteren transnationalen Netzwerken. Ausführliche Berücksichtigung finden die märchenhaften Elemente ihrer Filmerzählungen wie beispielsweise die ambivalenten Mutterfiguren, wirkmächtige Requisiten oder das Motiv des 'sprechenden' Tiers. 536 pp. Deutsch
Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 142.03 $Anthropology as Cultural Critique helped redefine cultural anthropology in the 1980s. Now, with Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice, pathbreaking scholar Michael M. J. Fischer moves the discussion to a consideration of the groundwork laid in the 1990s for engagements with the fast-changing worlds of technoscience, telemedia saturation, and the reconstruction of societies after massive trauma. Fischer argues that new methodologies and conceptual tools are necessitated by the fact that cultures of every kind are becoming more complex and differentiated at the same time that globalization and modernization are bringing them into exponentially increased interaction. Anthropology, Fischer explains, now operates in a series of third spaces well beyond the nineteenth- and twentieth-century dualisms of us/them, primitive/civilized, East/West, or North/South. He contends that more useful paradigms—such as informatics, multidimensional scaling, autoimmunity, and visual literacy beyond the frame—derive from the contemporary sciences and media technologies.A vigorous advocate of the anthropological voice and method, Fischer emphasizes the ethical dimension of cultural anthropology. Ethnography, he suggests, is uniquely situated to gather and convey observations fundamental to the creation of new social institutions for an evolving civil society. In Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice Fischer considers a dazzling array of subjects—among them Iranian and Polish cinema, cyberspace, autobiographical and fictional narrative, and genomic biotechnologies—and, in the process, demonstrates a cultural anthropology for a highly networked world. He lays the groundwork for a renewed and powerful twenty-first-century anthropology characterized by a continued insistence on empirical fieldwork, engagements with other disciplines, and dialogue with interlocutors around the globe.
Central Asians Under Russian Rule: A Study in Culture Change (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.12 $Originally published in 1966, this edition of Elizabeth E. Bacon's classic work of history and ethnography includes an extensive introduction by Michael M. J. Fischer that surveys developments in our knowledge of Central Asia in the fifteen years since its initial publication while speaking to the timeless qualities of Bacon's original research and insights.
Mord im Aufschwung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Neuware -Wie kommt es, dass Menschen töten Michael Kühner, langjähriger Ermittler und Leiter der Stuttgarter Mordkommission a.D., geht der Frage anhand von drei Mordfällen nach, die in den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren die Schwabenmetropole erschütterten. Täter, Opfer und Hinterbliebene taumeln in einem Strudel aus Leben und Tod . Sachlich und authentisch breitet der Autor ein Panorama menschlicher Tragödien im Schatten des Wirtschafswunders aus. Ein aufwühlender Blick in die Psyche von Menschen, die töten. 208 pp. Deutsch
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