496 products were found matching your search for Format change in 3 shops:
The Neuroscience of Change Format: CD-Audio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.41 $If anything were possible, what would you like to see in your life?How would you like to grow? And what's stopping you? In TheNeuroscience of Change, Dr. Kelly McGonigal weaves the newest findingsof science with Eastern contemplative wisdom to give listeners arevolutionary process for personal transformation. Six sessions providebreakthrough ideas supported by clinical research, guided practices, andreal-world exercises for making self-awareness and compassion the basisfor meaningful change, choosing deep "wantpower" instead of brute willpower,dealing with setbacks and the inner critic, and more.
Platform for Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.03 $Platform for Change is a comparative study of the evolution of the free African American community in three cities―New York, Philadelphia, and Boston―from 1776 to 1865. It articulates the beginnings of community consciousness among northern free African Americans and examines their lives in the period from the Revolutionary to the Civil War. The author challenges existing scholarship about nineteenth-century blacks, which assesses their activity as just another exercise in powerlessness. Reed's work demonstrates that these people discovered and organized their power, and utilized it to construct a platform for change that continues to serve the African American community's needs today. This work begins by defining the context and elements of the African American community awakening during the years 1770-1865. It also describes their churches, how the community established organizations, the role of black newspapers, the convention movement as a public forum for black leaders and their ideas, and their creation of a nationalist ideology.
A Force for Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.71 $The Julius Rosenwald Fund has been largely ignored in the literature of both art history and African American studies, despite its unique focus, intensity, and commitment. Spertus Museum in Chicago has organized an exhibition, guest curated by Daniel Schulman, that presents and explores the work of funded artists as well as the history of the Fund. Through it, and this accompanying collection of essays, illustrations, and color plates, we see the Fund’s groundbreaking initiative to address issues relating to the unequal treatment of blacks in American life. The book constitutes a veritable Who’s Who of African American artists and intellectuals of the first half of the twentieth century, as well as a roll call of modern contributors who represent the leading scholars in their fields, including Peter M. Ascoli, grandson and biographer of Julius Rosenwald, and Kinshasha Holman Conwill, deputy director of the National Museum of African American Art and Culture. With far-reaching influence even today, the Julius Rosenwald Fund stands alongside the Rockefeller and Carnegie funds as a major force in American cultural history.
Living for Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.94 $No one can tell in advance what form a movement will take. Grace Lee Boggs’s fascinating autobiography traces the story of a woman who transcended class and racial boundaries to pursue her passionate belief in a better society. Now with a new foreword by Robin D. G. Kelley, Living for Change is a sweeping account of a legendary human rights activist whose network included Malcolm X and C. L. R. James. From the end of the 1930s, through the Cold War, the Civil Rights era, and the rise of the Black Panthers to later efforts to rebuild crumbling urban communities, Living for Change is an exhilarating look at a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to social justice.
Quick Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.79 $Contains previously uncollected writings, including articles about Witkacy's doubles, historical and medical simulations, the Battleship Potemkin, comédie rosse at the Grand Guignol, Polish theater, Grotowski and Kantor, Mrozek and Rózewicz, Polish and Russian symbolists, and erotic French puppets.
A Legacy of Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.72 $The arrival of Anglo settlers in the 1870s marked the beginning of major vegetation changes in southeastern Arizona, including an increase in woody plants in rangelands, the degradation of riparian wetlands, and the spread of non-native plants. While many of these changes have already been linked to human land-use through comparative photographs and historic descriptions, it has long been presumed that changes in the region's climate have also contributed to vegetation change. Geographer Conrad Bahre now challenges the view that these vegetation changes are due to climatic change. Correlating his own field research with archival records and photographs, Bahre demonstrates that most of the changes follow some type of human disturbance, such as cattle grazing, fuelwood cutting, wildfire suppression, agriculture, and road construction. Indeed, all available evidence suggests that Anglo settlement brought unprecedented changes to the land. Vegetation change in the American West has long been an issue of concern. This careful scrutiny of one corner of that region—one of the most ecologically diverse areas of the United States—shows how poorly understood is the relationship between human activities and vegetation. More important, it introduces new techniques for differentiating between natural and anthropogenic factors effecting vegetation change that can be used to help ecologists understand vegetation dynamics worldwide.
Africa: Geographies of Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 126.49 $Population growth, business interests, and global connections are transforming Africa from a "lost" continent to one of "strategic opportunity" in the worldwide geopolitical sphere. A timely synthesis of current thinking on this diverse, complex, and changing region, Africa: Geographies of Change offers students the most realistic portrait of modern Africa available. Integrating material on China in Africa, the mobile-phone revolution, the Millennium Development Goals, sustainable development, "land and water grabs," food security, informal livelihoods, the "Green Revolution," and new satellite cities, this text adopts a realistically optimistic narrative that focuses on Africa's burgeoning cities. By using case studies to highlight important topics, Africa: Geographies of Change incorporates new perspectives from urban studies, public health, political geography, and sustainable development in order to provide a more nuanced understanding of African issues.Features*Integrated cutting-edge topics--such as China in Africa, the mobile-phone revolution, sustainable development, informal livelihoods, and food security--keep the text relevant and thought-provoking*Emphasis on contemporary Africa motivates students to consider alternative and more positive possibilities for African development *Historical knowledge underpins the assessment of contemporary issues and helps students to envision future development and policy outcomes*Uniquely African perspectives enhance each chapter*Carefully selected sidebars and case studies vividly illustrate the topics being discussed
Revivalism and Cultural Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.52 $The history of Christianity in America has been marked by recurring periods of religious revivals or awakenings. In this book, George M. Thomas addresses the economic and political context of evangelical revivalism and its historical linkages with economic expansion and Republicanism in the nineteenth century. Thomas argues that large-scale change results in social movements that articulate new organizations and definitions of individual, society, authority, and cosmos. Drawing on religious newspapers, party policies and agendas, and quantitative analyses of voting patterns and census data, he claims that revivalism in this period framed the rules and identities of the expanding market economy and the national policy. "Subtle and complex. . . . Fascinating."—Randolph Roth, Pennsylvania History"[Revivalism and Cultural Change] should be read with interest by those interested in religious movements as well as the connections among religion, economics, and politics."—Charles L. Harper, Contemporary Sociology"Readers old and new stand to gain much from Thomas's sophisticated study of the macrosociology of religion in the United States during the nineteenth century. . . . He has given the sociology of religion its best quantitative study of revivalism since the close of the 1970s."—Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Leading Continuous Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.71 $Most change efforts fail because most change methods are built to deal with single challenges in a nice, neat, linear way. But leaders know that today, pressures for change don’t come at you one at a time; they come all at once. It’s like riding a roller coaster: sudden drops, jarring turns, anxious climbs into the unknown. Drawing on his years of experience at the Center for Creative Leadership and Columbia University, Bill Pasmore offers a four-part model and four mindsets that allow leaders to deal with multiple changes simultaneously without drowning in the churn. The first step, Pasmore says, is to Discover which external pressures for change are the most necessary to address. The key here is to think fewer—step away from the buffet of possibilities and pinpoint the highest-impact options. Then you need to Decide how many change efforts your organization can handle. Here the mindset is to think scarcer—you have only so many people and so many resources, so how do you best use them? Once you’ve figured that out, it’s time to Do—and here you want to think faster. Streamline processes and engage in rapid prototyping so you can learn quickly and cost-effectively. The last step is to Discern what worked and what didn’t, so think smarter—develop metrics, identify trends, and make sure learnings are disseminated throughout the organization. For each stage of the process, Pasmore offers detailed advice, practical tools, and real-world examples. This book is a comprehensive guide to navigating change the way it happens now.
Thriving Through Change Format: AudioCD
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.51 $This title is designed to help today's change leaders and change agents efficiently move their organizations through change initiatives. This is not a book of theories, but practical strategies filled with templates, checklists, and on the ground guidance.
Money, Myths, and Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.52 $How does the standard of living of gay men and lesbians compare with that of heterosexuals? Do homosexuals make financial and family decisions differently? Why are the professional lives of gay men and lesbians dissimilar from those of heterosexuals? Or do they even differ? Have gay people benefited from the recent economic boom? Or have public policies denied them their fair share? Money, Myths, and Change provides new answers to these complex questions. This is the first comprehensive work to explore the economic lives of gays and lesbians in the United States. M. V. Lee Badgett weaves through and debunks common stereotypes about gay privilege, income, and consumer behavior. Studying the ends and means of gay life from an economic perspective, she disproves the assumption that gay men and lesbians are more affluent than heterosexuals, that they inspire discrimination when they come out of the closet, that they consume more conspicuously, that they enjoy a more self-indulgent, even hedonistic lifestyle. Badgett gets to the heart of these misconceptions through an analysis of the crucial issues that affect the livelihood of gay men and lesbians: discrimination in the workplace, denial of health care benefits to domestic partners and children, lack of access to legal institutions such as marriage, the corporate wooing of gay consumer dollars, and the use of gay economic clout to inspire social and political change. Both timely and readable, Money, Myths, and Change stands as a much-needed corrective to the assumptions that inhibit gay economic equality. It is a definitive work that sheds new light on just what it means to be gay or lesbian in the United States.
Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.68 $“Cities are green” is becoming a common refrain. But Calthorpe argues that a more comprehensive understanding of urbanism at the regional scale provides a better platform to address climate change. In this groundbreaking new work, he shows how such regionally scaled urbanism can be combined with green technology to achieve not only needed reductions in carbon emissions but other critical economies and lifestyle benefits. Rather than just providing another checklist of new energy sources or one dimensional land use alternatives, he combines them into comprehensive national growth scenarios for 2050 and documents their potential impacts. In so doing he powerfully demonstrates that it will take an integrated approach of land use transformation, policy changes, and innovative technology to transition to a low carbon economy. To accomplish this Calthorpe synthesizes thirty years of experience, starting with his ground breaking work in sustainable community design in the 1980s following through to his current leadership in transit-oriented design, regional planning, and land use policy. Peter Calthorpe shows us what is possible using real world examples of innovative design strategies and forward-thinking policies that are already changing the way we live. This provocative and engaging work emerges from Calthorpe’s belief that, just as the last fifty years produced massive changes in our culture, economy and environment, the next fifty will generate changes of an even more profound nature. The book, enhanced by its superb four-color graphics, is a call to action and a road map for moving forward.
Grand Canyon, A Century of Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.41 $Photographs made in Grand Canyon a century ago may provide us today with a sense of history; photographs made a century later from the same vantage points give us a more precise picture of change in this seemingly timeless place. Between 1889 and 1890, Robert Brewster Stanton made photographs every 1-2 miles through the river corridor for the purpose of planning a water-level railroad route and produced the largest collection of photographs of the Colorado River at one point in time. Robert Webb, a USGS hydrologist conducting research on debris flows in the Canyon, obtained the photographs and from 1989 to 1995 replicated all 445 of the views captured by Stanton, matching as closely as possible the original camera positions and lighting conditions. Grand Canyon, a Century of Change assembles the most dramatic of these paired photographs to demonstrate both the persistence of nature and the presence of humanity. Unexpected longevity of some plant species, effects of animal grazing, and expansion of cacti are all captured by the replicate photographs. More telling is evidence of the impact of Glen Canyon Dam: increased riparian vegetation, new marshes, aggraded debris fans, and eroded sand bars. In the accompanying text, Webb provides a thorough analysis of what each pair of photographs shows and places the project in its historical context. Complementing his narrative are six sidebar articles by authorities on Canyon natural history that further attest to a century of change. The level of detail obtained from the photographs represents one of the most extensive long-term monitoring efforts ever conducted in a national park; it is the most detailed documentation effort ever performed using repeat photography. Much more than simply a picture book, Grand Canyon, a Century of Change is an environmental history of the river corridor, a fascinating book that clearly shows the impact of human influence on Grand Canyon and warns us that its future is very much in our hands.
Beyond the Reach of Time and Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.77 $Around the turn of the twentieth century, most photographs of Indians pandered to shameless, insensitive stereotypes. In contrast, photographic portraits made by Frank A. Rinehart conveyed the dignity and pride of Native peoples. More than 545 Native Americans representing tribes from all over the country attended the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition in Omaha in 1898 to be part of an event known as the Indian Congress. Rinehart, the exposition’s official photographer, and his assistant Adolph Muhr made more than 500 glass-plate negatives depicting Native Americans in their traditional dress, now housed at Haskell Indian Nations University and regarded as one of the best photographic documentations of Indian leaders from this era. This book provides an unusual perspective on the Rinehart collection. It features one hundred outstanding images printed from the original negatives made by Rinehart and Muhr at the Congress and over the course of the next two years. It also includes 14 essays by modern Native American writers, artists, and educators—some of them descendants of the individuals photographed—reflecting on the place of these images in their heritage.Beyond the Reach of Time and Change is not another coffee-table book of historical Indian photographs but rather a conversation between Indian people of a century ago and today. Just as the Rinehart collection offers today's Native Americans a unique connection to the past, this book offers all readers a positive understanding of continuity and endurance within the American Indian community.
Community Action and Organizational Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.74 $Brenton D. Faber’s spirited account of an academic consultant’s journey through banks, ghost towns, cemeteries, schools, and political campaigns explores the tenuous relationships between cultural narratives and organizational change. Blending Faber’s firsthand experiences in the study and implementation of change with theoretical discussions of identity, agency, structure, and resistance within contexts of change, this innovative bookis among the first such communications studies to profile a scholar who is also a full participant in the projects. Drawing on theories of Michel Foucault, Anthony Giddens, and Pierre Bourdieu, Faber notes that change takes place in the realm of narrative, in the stories people tell. Faber argues that an organization’s identity is created through internal stories. When the organization’s internal stories are consistent with its external stories, the organization’s identity is consistent and productive. When internal stories contradict the external stories, however, the organization’s identity becomes discordant. Change is the process of realigning an organization’s discordant narratives. Faber discusses the case studies of a change management plan he wrote for a city-owned cemetery, a cultural change project he created for a downtown trade school, and a political campaign he assisted that focused on creating social change. He also includes detailed reflections on practical ways academics can become more involved in their communities as agents of progressive social change. Featuring six illustrations, Faber’s unique study demonstrates in both style and substance how stories work as agents of change.
The Servant Leader and High School Change Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.26 $Across the country, there is an urgent call for transformational high school reform. The Servant Leader and High School Change addresses the plea for secondary school reinvention, inspiring the reader to get more involved in local school improvement efforts. Wallace captures_in story form_what students, teachers, administrators, and parents have been saying for a long time: there is a simpler, more effective way to run a peoplecentered school.
Leadership Agility: Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.15 $Leadership Agility is the master competency needed for sustained success in today’s complex, fast-paced business environment. Richly illustrated with stories based on original research and decades of work with clients, this groundbreaking book identifies five levels that leaders move through in developing their agility. Significantly, only 10% have mastered the level of agility needed for consistent effectiveness in our turbulent era of global competition. Written in an engaging, down-to-earth style, this book not only provides a map that guides readers in identifying their current level of agility. It also provides practical advice and concrete examples that show managers and leadership development professionals how they can bring greater agility to the initiatives they take every day.
Change Mummified Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.06 $Exploring the modern category of history in relation to film theory, film textuality, and film history, Change Mummified makes a persuasive argument for the centrality of historicity to film as well as the special importance of film in historical culture. What do we make of the concern for recovering the past that is consistently manifested in so many influential modes of cinema, from Hollywood to documentary and postcolonial film? How is film related to the many modern practices that define themselves as configuring pastness in the present, such as architectural preservation, theme parks, and, above all, professional historical research? What is the relation of history in film to other media such as television and digital imaging? How does emphasizing the connection between film and modern historicity affect the theorization and historicization of film and modern media culture?Pursuing the full implications of film as cultural production, Philip Rosen reconceptualizes modern historicity as a combination of characteristic epistemological structures on the one hand, and the social imperative to regulate or manage time on the other. Emphasizing a fundamental constellation of pursuit of the real, indexical signification and the need to control time, he interrogates a spectrum of film theory and film texts. His argument refocuses the category of temporality for film and cultural theory while rethinking the importance of historicity.An original and sustained meditation on the historiographic status of cinematic signs, Change Mummified is both an intervention in film and media studies and an argument for the continuing necessity of modern historical thinking in its contradictions.
A Change of Appetite Format: Hardback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.88 $James Beard Award Finalist'Cookery Book of The Year' Guild of Food Writers AwardsShortlisted for the André Simon AwardsWhat happened when one of today's best-loved food writers had a change of appetite? Here are the dishes that Diana Henry created when she started to crave a different kind of diet - less meat and heavy food, more vegetable-, fish- and grain-based dishes - often inspired by the food of the Middle East and Far East, but also drawing on cuisines from Georgia to Scandinavia.Curious about what 'healthy eating' really means, and increasingly bombarded by both readers and friends for recipes that are 'good for you', Diana discovered a lighter, fresher way of eating. From a Cambodian salad of prawns, grapefruit, toasted coconut and mint or North African mackerel with cumin to blood orange and cardamom sorbet, the magical dishes in this book are bursting with flavor, goodness and color.Peppering the recipes is Diana's inimitable writing on everything from the miracle of broth to the great carbohydrate debate. Above all, this is about opening up our palates to new possibilities. There is no austerity here, simply fabulous food which nourishes body and soul.
Climate Change and Extreme Storms Format: Library Bound
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.08 $Extreme storms like hurricanes and blizzards are happening more often. Is this because of climate change? Read this book to discover the relationship between storms and climate change. You can find out more about what scientists and engineers are doing to address climate issues and what you can do to help.
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