171 products were found matching your search for Fotografie in 2 shops:
Fotografie Nadav Kander + Stern Junge Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 309.44 $Nadav Kander's work is a varied interplay of influences.His restrained and articulate compositionshave a clarity and calm that draw the viewer intozen-like states. The London-based photographer'sexceptional talent has been rewarded with majorsuccess, and his work is featured in the SundayTimes Magazine, Rolling Stone, and Esquire amongother publications. His unique skill is especiallymanifest in his spare and muted landscapes andhis straight portraits. The Yangtze, The LongRiver work was awarded the second Prix Pictet.His Obama's People feature--which he createdfor The New York Times Magazine in 2009--have a haunting complexity few contemporaryphotographers could equal.
Vitalsource Technologies, Inc. Fotografie Und Museales Wissen
Vendor: Textbooks.com Price: 98.00 $A digital copy of "Fotografie Und Museales Wissen" by Brusius. Download is immediately available upon purchase!
Fotografie in der Weimarer Republik
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.27 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Malerei in Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.14 $In der Publikation soll anhand ausgewaehlter fotografischer Arbeiten veranschaulicht werden, welchen Einfluss die Malerei auf die Bildproduktion der zeitgenoessischen Fotokunst nimmt. Waehrend die Malerei in den 1960er-Jahren unter dem Druck der Dokumentarfoto.
Generative Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.93 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Signum. Fotografie Di Giò Martorana. Ediz. Italiana E Inglese
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.73 $La magia dell'isola di Salina, regina delle Eolie, descritta attraverso un viaggio multisensoriale a trecentosessanta gradi. Un'esperienza unica in un luogo indimenticabile. Un diario di viaggio alla scoperta di Signum, raffinato hotel ricavato dalla sapiente ristrutturazione di un antico borgo contadino, e della meravigliosa isola vulcanica al centro dell'Arcipelago delle Eolie. Le splendide fotografie di Giò Martorana restituiscono forme, colori, riflessi, profumi, gusti, suoni e atmosfere dell'incantevole isola siciliana. Grazie alle immagini di questo volume, che alternano in elegante equilibrio forti colori e raffinatissimo bianco e nero, possiamo vivere in prima persona un emozionante viaggio-soggiorno alla scoperta dell'isola del Mediterraneo; con gli occhi riusciamo ad assorbire luci e riflessi provenienti da mare e terra; con le dita sfioriamo la sabbia di nera lava e immergiamo i nostri corpi nelle limpide acque del Tirreno; ci raggiungono i delicati profumi dei fiori trasportati dal vento e assaporiamo i gusti unici e genuini della cucina siciliana; con il respiro del mare che ci accompagna come rilassante sottofondo e ci invita a sognare...
Urbane Fotografie: In der Stadt fotografieren: Sehenswürdigkeiten, Architektur, Menschen [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.81 $240 S. Geschenkqualität. Wie neu. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Das Wesen einer Stadt fotografisch einfangen Langzeitbelichtungen, Streetfotografie, Blaue Stunde u. v. m. Tipps zur Vorbereitung einer Foto-Städtereise, zum Equipment und zu rechtlichen Problemen Wenn Sie gerne eine Fülle an Motiven fotografieren, dann sind Sie in der Stadt gut aufgehoben: Das Fotografieren in der Stadt bietet Ihnen jeden Tag aufs Neue beinahe unendliche Möglichkeiten. Ob es nun die Architektur ist, die Sie reizt, oder das Stadtleben, die bekannten Denkmäler oder bestimmte Events - Stefano Paterna zeigt in diesem Buch sowohl, wie Sie die besten fotografischen Spots einer Stadt finden als auch, wie Sie die gewählten Motive bestmöglich ablichten. Dazu geht er auf Themen wie HDR- und Langzeitbelichtung ein, erklärt, wie ein Panorama entsteht oder wann welcher Filtereinsatz sinnvoll ist. Sie erfahren, wie Sie sich optimal auf eine Städtereise oder einen Fotoausflug in eine Stadt vorbereiten und wie sich das Besondere auch in der unmittelbaren, bekannten Umgebung neu entdecken und fotografieren lässt. Machen Sie nicht länger das xte Bild eines bekannten Denkmals, sondern lernen Sie, den speziellen Charakter eines Ortes mit Ihren Fotos einzufangen. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 740 Softcover, Maße: 22 cm x 1.3 cm x 22 cm
Spezial Fotografie Martin Parr [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.00 $Collected in this portfolio are provocative color images from a British photographer who has become the most successful of his generation. Martin Parr has best expressed himself through books (Home and Abroad, Think of England, The Last Resort) in which he uses a subjective documentary approach that is often at odds with the more journalistic style of reportage. His focus on the themes of mass tourism, mass consumption, mass marketing, and global homogenization shows us an environmentally destroyed world in which the major saving grace is a gritty, very British sense of humor.
Stern Fotografie 72 GoodReads
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 191.95 $This collection pays tribute to top fashion and celebrity photographer, Mario Sorrenti. Born in Italy, he moved to New York when he was ten. His unique style blends Euro glamour and NYC chic. Sorrenti shot to stellar fame in the early 90s due to a daring Calvin Klein "Obsession" campaign with Kate Moss. Shows of his alluring work have been mounted in London's Victoria and Albert Museum and New York's Museum of Modern Art. His distinguished advertising clients include Lancome, Paco Rabanne, and Benetton, and his images have been featured in many international magazines like VOGUE and HARPER'S BAZAAR presenting fashion shoots as well as celebrity portraits from Scarlett Johansson to Keith Richards.English/German edition.
Malerei in Fotografie: Strategien der Aneignung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.18 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Anton Stankowski: Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.96 $Book by Frank-Thorsten Moll, Anton Stankowski, Ursula Zeller
Karl Lagerfeld Fotografie /allemand [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.87 $224 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Karl Lagerfeld sagte stets über sich, er habe drei Berufe: Modedesigner, Fotograf und Verleger. Doch die Fotografie schien ihm besonders wichtig zu sein und auch seine anderen beiden Leidenschaften zu beflügeln. Lagerfeld konnte nahezu jedes Projekt umsetzen: Er verfügte über die Mittel, ein breites Netzwerk der besten Models, Freund*innen, Bekannten und Kolleg*innen, mit denen zusammen nichts unmöglich war, konnte sich der edelsten Druckverfahren bedienen, in allen Formaten und Techniken, die ihm vorschwebten. Dieses schier unbegrenzte Reservoir ermöglichte Lagerfeld eine opulente Inszenierung, nicht nur seiner legendären Modenschauen im Grand Palais in Paris, sondern auch seiner groß angelegten Fotoprojekte. In seiner Fotografie spielt Lagerfeld souverän mit Themen und Positionen aus Kunst und Literatur verschiedenster Epochen, mit ihren formalen Gestaltungskategorien, mit vermeintlich altmodischen Idealen. Doch beinhaltet seine Kunst unter ihrer hoch artifiziellen Oberfläche einen tiefergehenden Inhalt voller Anspielungen und Reflektionen. Karl Lagerfeld hat annähernd fünfzig Fotobücher veröffentlicht, die meisten im Steidl Verlag. Der Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale) gibt erstmals einen umfassenden Einblick in sein fotografisches Werk. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1593 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 24.8 cm x 3 cm x 32.9 cm
Anton Corbijn Spezial Fotografie Nr. 37 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.14 $Few photographers live up to the term "image-maker" as completely as Anton Corbijn. His photographs, as well known as the celebrities he has been shooting for the past twenty-five years, often reveal truths that surprise even his subjects-uncovering hidden aspects of their personalities, and imprinting them into our collective memory. Corbijn’s images of rock stars, divas, actors, and supermodels are portraits that manage to combine decidedly unglamorous attitudes and poses with the undeniable star power of his subjects. His pictures are a paean to the artistic skills and vision that have made his subjects as famous as they are beloved. One of the world’s most sought-after photographers of pop culture, Corbijn’s work has appeared in lead-ing magazine publications and been exhibited throughout the world. His books include Werk and 33 Still Lives.
David LaChapelle - Stern Fotografie Portfolie Nr. 51.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.22 $The king of exuberant eclecticism, photographer and director David LaChappelle is an accomplished talent in the worlds of fashion, advertising and fine art. Known for his strong use of color and playful pop sensibility, LaChapelle has an unparalleled ability to create images that linger in the memory. Yet, despite his undoubted artistry he never loses his exuberant sense of humor. As a follow-up to his long out of print first Stern Portfolio, this prestigious volume debuts the new hardcover format in this series, making it even more ideal for collecting the series in one's library.
Guy Bourdin - Stern Fotografie, Nr. 61
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.28 $Guy Bourdin was one of the most acclaimed fashion and advertising photographers of all time. No stranger to controversy, his bold, stylized images constantly broke new ground. Bourdin's sophisticated aesthetic made dramatic use of shapes and color and his subtexts were tantalizing and often bizarre. He made complex, surreal narratives his hallmark--linking simple objects with complicated stories. Many of his tableaux were enigmatic, guiding the viewer into a dream world laden with sex, bizarre juxtapositions, and sometimes a hint of violence. There is nothing coy or cozy about his art! Highly successful, his images graced the pages of Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and many others. His work helped define the brands of Chanel, Ungaro and Bloomingdale's
Vitalsource Technologies, Inc. Fotografie Und Museales Wissen
Vendor: Textbooks.com Price: 98.00 $A digital copy of "Fotografie Und Museales Wissen" by Brusius. Download is immediately available upon purchase!
Paolo Monti fotografie 1950-1980 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.73 $191 pag. Indice : Paolo Monti, frammenti da una visione : Città eterna- L'occhio e Venezia- Pietre sull' aqua- Milano e la fotografia- Rovine moderne- forme della creazione- epilogo sul il tempoe la bellezza- biografia- bibliografia- mostre. Size: 31 x 25,5 cm
Giuseppe Cavalli. Fotografie 1936-1961
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.59 $Over 100 illustrations, almost all in b&w. 4to, boards. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi, Rome. Text in Italian.
Marcello Mastroianni nelle fotografie di Tazio Secchiaroli. Con uno scritto di Tullio Kezich [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.62 $Italian Edition - Alla riscoperta dell'uomo e dell'attore visto e raccontato con affetto da Tazio Secchiaroli che ridisegna attraverso un percorso narrativo fotografico una giornata ideale con l'amico Mastroianni, ripercorrendo la loro importante amicizia. Questo è l'intento del volume a dieci anni dalla morte dell'attore (1996-2006): un omaggio all'amicizia tra due dei più privilegiati testimoni della vita romana, della grandezza artistica e dell'interpretazione dell'italianità del mondo. Attraverso le immagini, alcune delle quali inedite, ci appare, infatti, un Mastroianni icona dello stile italiano all'insegna di quei tratti distinti, di quell'"appeal" da latin lover e di una certa ironia che l'hanno reso celebre ed indimenticabile in tutto il mondo.
Jeanloup Sieff, 40 Jahre Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.73 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
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