18 products were found matching your search for Gastropods in 1 shops:
Cowries A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae - Volume 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 329.67 $ISBN: 978-3-939767-88-6, published in 2018 by ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany, hardcover in printed laminated boards, A4 size 21 by 29.5 cm., 8.25 by 11.75 inches, 715 pages including 345 page size, high quality photographic plates If you've already seen or own a copy of Volume 1 of this set you need go no further and simply go ahead and place your order now for this new volume that completes this study. To say that this set is magnificent does not give it the justice that it deserves. Volume 2 follows the treatment of the cowrie shells into 260 species, 193 subspecies divided into 9 subfamilies and 49 genera.The biology and ecology of these shells is treated in the first book and the 2nd volume concentrate on the diversity found in these shells in the Recent and fossil faunas which make these shells fascinating from a standpoint of collectors and scientists.
Pelagic Snails: The Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.39 $Lucid line drawings and photos, 16 in fine color. Based on some 15 years of study and collection in both polar regions and most areas of the tropics and temperate zones. Detailed treatment is given on all known pelagic snails (aoubt 140 species) including: external anatomy, swimming and buoyancy mec
Pelagic Snails: The Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.75 $Lucid line drawings and photos, 16 in fine color. Based on some 15 years of study and collection in both polar regions and most areas of the tropics and temperate zones. Detailed treatment is given on all known pelagic snails (aoubt 140 species) including: external anatomy, swimming and buoyancy mec
A Field Guide to Australian Shells Prosobranch Gastropods
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Connecting readers with great books since 1972! Used books may not include companion materials, and may have some shelf wear or limited writing. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!
Essays On the Pulmonates (2) (The Freshwater Gastropods of North America)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.89 $Volume 1 in this series reported the scientific results from our survey of the freshwater gastropods of United States Atlantic drainages, Georgia to the New York line. In the preface to that volume, I mentioned that during the 30 years over which the FWGNA Project has developed, I developed the habit of sending regular emails to an expanding list of collaborators, a practice which ultimately evolved into an internet blog. Those emails and blog posts have sometimes contained important supplementary information on the biology of the fascinating organisms toward which the FWGNA Project has been directed, as well as historical background, context, and rationale for various methodological and taxonomic decisions made in Volume 1. Here in Volume 2 we collect 29 essays on the evolutionary biology and systematics of the freshwater pulmonate gastropods, published online between 2004 and 2015. These essays have been edited rather heavily from the form in which they were originally posted, in many cases, and re-ordered into subthemes. Essays 1 – 14 review topics in the Lymnaeidae, essays 16 – 21 the Ancylidae/Planorbidae, and essays 22 – 29 the Physidae, with topics of a more general nature sprinkled throughout. Each essay opens with its date of publication, which is important to notice, because single themes can span multiple years, and my own thoughts have often evolved over time.
Abalone From Sea to Saucepan: A Handy Guide and How to Spot, Catch & Cook 'Em
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 137.93 $Abalone is a unique delicacy tasting like nothing else that comes from the sea. And the best abalone are found just off the coast of California. Gourmets know it as California's Golden Gastropod, or as the Sirloin of the Sea. To us, abalone was our staple food during our lean years of student life; it was our manna from the ocean. The recipes listed are varied to suit your enthusiasn, skill, and time. They're not really hard once you get the hang of it. As Mitzi says, "If you can read, you can cook - probably."
Shells of the Philippines.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.92 $100 color photo plates illustrate 1600+ species, including species not illustrated in other identification books, & show variation within many species. Covers Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda, and includes 4 plates devoted to land snails and fresh water gastropods. All species are annotated with a concise description and a distribution profile within the Philippines. This is an essential book for any shell library.
New Naturalist No. 133 Slugs and Snails [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.26 $Slugs and snails are part of the great Phylum Mollusca, a group that contains creatures as varied as the fast-moving squid or the sedentary clams, cockles and mussels. The largest group, however, are the gastropods, animals originally with a single foot and a single coiled shell.
Shakespeare's Spiral Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.32 $Shakespeare's Spiral aims to explore a figure forgotten in the dramatic texts of Shakespeare and in Renaissance painting: the snail. Taking as its point of departure the emergence of the gastropod object/subject in the text of King Lear as well as its iconic interface in Giovanni Bellini's painting Allegory of Falsehood (circa 1490), this study sets out to follow the particular path traced by the snail throughout the œuvre. From the central scene in which the metaphor of the snail and of its shell is specifically made manifest when Lear discovers, in a raging storm, the spectacle of Edgar disguised as Poor Tom coming out of his shelter (III.3.6-9) to the monster, this fiend, displaying on the cliffs of Dover, "horms whelked and waved like the enridgèd sea" (IV.6.71), this work is the trace of a narrative - of a journey of the gaze - during the course of which the cryptic question of the gastropod - "Why a Snail [...]?" (I.5.26) - does not cease to be developed and transformed. Incorporating a wide-ranging post-structuralist critique, the study aims to bring to light the particular functions of this "revealing detail" in both its textual and visual dimension so as to put forward a new and innovatory understanding of the tragedy of King Lear.
Slugs and Snails [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.29 $Slugs and snails are part of the great Phylum Mollusca, a group that contains creatures as varied as the fast-moving squid or the sedentary clams, cockles and mussels. The largest group, however, are the gastropods, animals originally with a single foot and a single coiled shell.
Shells of the Philippines
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 281.22 $100 color photo plates illustrate 1600+ species, including species not illustrated in other identification books, & show variation within many species. Covers Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda, and includes 4 plates devoted to land snails and fresh water gastropods. All species are annotated with a concise description and a distribution profile within the Philippines. This is an essential book for any shell library.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.37 $A general introduction to gastropods, or snails, of which there are approximately 80,000 kinds living in the sea, in freshwater, and on land.
Deep water Pyramidelloidea of the Tropical South Pacific: Turbonilla and related genera [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.83 $Paris 2010. 1 Volume/1. -- Hardback ( 27,6 x 22,5 cm )( 1740 gr) . ------- 436 pages. ************************* '' The Pyramidellidae are a species-rich family of small gastropods which live as ectoparasites on other marine invertebrates. Their subtle variations around a quite homogenous basic morphology make species-level taxonomy extremely difficult. This volume contains the descriptions of 272 species collected in the last 30 years of deep-sea benthic exploration promoted by MNHN and IRD scientists. More than three-quarters of the species are new to science, and more is to come with the other genera to be studied following Turbonilla. This paper takes a step forward towards answering some questions regarding the mega-diverse Indo-Pacific. What is really the order of magnitude of species richness? How are numbers of individuals distributed among species? How heterogeneous is the fauna on a geographic scale? Anselmo Peñas and Emilio Rolán have a considerable background in malacology, mostly European and Eastern Atlantic. Their venture with the Pyramidellidae started with the European and West African species, in a series of papers which appeared in the Spanish malacological journal Iberus, in which new species appeared by the dozens. The move to the Indo-Pacific goes up one order of magnitude, and only the great XIX century expeditions match similar numbers of new species introduced in a single paper. . "" ****************************
Paranormal Mysteries of Eurasia Part 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.48 $From the lost treasures of past empires to the underground labyrinths of the Nazis, from natural phenomena such as ginseng and gastropods to the secrets of Soviet space flight, veteran expert Paul Stonehill explores the paranormal mysteries of his Motherland. This book sets forth the results of many of his investigations, not only into history and legend, both ancient and modern, but also into other strange lore such as vampires, ball lightning, mind control, and genetic engineering.
The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.95 $Here is a comprehensive review of the ecology of freshwater bivalves and gastropods worldwide. Robert Dillon discusses the ecology of these species in its broadest sense, including diet, habitat, and reproductive biology to emphasize the tremendous diversity of these freshwater invertebrates. He develops a new life history model that unifies them and reviews their population and community ecology, treating competition, predation, parasitism, and biogeography. Extensively referenced and synthesizing work from the nineteenth century through to the present day, this book includes original analyses that unify previous work into a coherent whole.
The Shell Collector's Handbook: The Essential Field Guide for Exploring the World of Shells
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.19 $All you need to know to log and classify the shells in your collection. Hints, tips and expert advice to help you get started.Over 150 photographs and illustrations make it easy to identify your finds in the field: Gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods and scaphopods. This practical identification guide covers a wide range of shells from all parts of the world. The book combines comprehensive and informative text with color illustrations, focusing on the shells themselves rather than on the marine creatures that once inhabited them.An introductory section covers mollusks and their classification, terminology and collection, along with conservation issues and an invaluable identification key.The main section is the identification guide to species in precise detail and clarity. The description of each species is accompanied on the same page with an easy-to-use identification key and color illustration.
Abalone King of Monterey : "Pop" Ernest Doelter, Pioneering Japanese Fishermen & the Culinary Classic That Saved an Industry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.84 $In 1908, "Pop" Ernest Doelter was crowned the Abalone King. In the kitchen of his Alvarado Street restaurant in Monterey, California, Pop transformed rubbery gastropods into an epicurean delight. Working with red abalone collected by Monterey's community of Japanese divers, Pop dipped the foot in egg wash, added a secret ingredient, rolled it in cracker crumbs and cooked it quickly in olive oil. Tourists and celebrities alike sat down at Pop's table to enjoy his famous recipe, and eventually, he shipped steaks on ice to hotels and restaurants throughout the state. Pull up a chair as historian Tim Thomas recounts the story of an innovative restaurateur and a group of pioneering fishermen who turned underappreciated mollusks into the talk of the 1915 San Francisco World's Fair.
The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.81 $Here is a comprehensive review of the ecology of freshwater bivalves and gastropods worldwide. Robert Dillon discusses the ecology of these species in its broadest sense, including diet, habitat, and reproductive biology to emphasize the tremendous diversity of these freshwater invertebrates. He develops a new life history model that unifies them and reviews their population and community ecology, treating competition, predation, parasitism, and biogeography. Extensively referenced and synthesizing work from the nineteenth century through to the present day, this book includes original analyses that unify previous work into a coherent whole.
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