10 products were found matching your search for Gennadiy V Arkadov Vladimir in 2 shops:
The Nabokov Russian Translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland: Anya v Stranye Chudes (Dover Dual Language Russian)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.19 $One of the best versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in any language, this translation by the world-renowned author Vladimir Nabokov is beyond doubt the finest Russian translation. It is clear, witty, and wonderfully readable — a perfect book for students learning Russian and for anyone who wants to refresh his knowledge of the language.The translation of Alice has always presented a special problem. The narrative excitement of the child's book and the logical sense and nonsense of the adult's plus the flavor of the English puns and parodies must all be preserved. Famous for his own lucid prose style and his exceptionally clever use of puns, Nabokov handles all aspects of this translation with great skill. His version is not only accurate and faithful in the passages that are susceptible of straight translation, but also delightfully imaginative wherever the English text features a pun, parody, or other linguistic tour de force.First published in Berlin in 1923, this translation was Nabokov's first full-length translation and his first substantial publication of any kind. Since then he has earned an international reputation as a master novelist for his works in Russian and in English.
Vozvraschenie v Egipet: vybrannye mesta iz perepiski Nikolaja Vasilevicha Gogolja (Vtorogo)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $Pages: 688 Language: Russian. Vladimir Sharov - istorik i pisatel, literaturnye proizvedenija kotorogo slovno perevorachivajut istoriju. I sozdajut svoju realnost. Vladimir Sharov vsegda veren istoricheskim faktam, vot tolko put k nim v ego knigakh polon neozhidannostej. Roman v pismakh predstavljaet istoriju semi, otschityvajuschej svoju rodoslovnuju s sestry Nikolaja Gogolja. Glavnyj geroj romana - dvojurodnyj prapravnuk russkogo pisatelja i dazhe ego polnyj tjozka, chto vseljalo v ego rodstvennikov nadezhdu na to, chto bessmertnye "Mertvye dushi", ne dopisannye samim klassikom russkoj literatury, budut dopisany imenno im i izmenjat dalnejshij khod istorii. Roman "Vozvraschenie v Egipet" prines avtoru v 2014 godu premii "Russkij Buker", "Studencheskij Buker" i "Bolshaja kniga", a v 2015 godu - premiju "Pisatel goda". Etot roman ne tolko o Gogole, no o neskolkikh zaputavshikhsja pokolenijakh, kotorye ne znajut, kuda oni idut. Zhizn geroev tak ili inache sootnesena s biblejskoj knigoj Iskhoda, otsjuda i nazvanie romana. .Revoljutsija, Grazhdanskaja vojna - nash perekhod cherez Krasnoe more, i vot uzhe poseredine dorogi, ne vidja ni egipetskogo berega, ni sinajskogo, ne ponimaja, kto Moisej, a kto lzheprorok, my sbivaemsja s puti i, vmesto Zemli obetovannoj, vozvraschaemsja v egipetskuju pustynju, v esche gorshee rabstvo. Vladimir Sharov 9785751615802
V.I. Lenin Collected Works , Volume 2 : 1895-1897
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.13 $Re-launch of the Collected Works of the legendary revolutionary in paperbackAmong the most influential political and social forces of the twentieth century, modern communism rests firmly on philosophical, political, and economic underpinnings developed by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, later known as Lenin. For anyone who seeks to understand the twentieth century, capitalism, the Russian Revolution, and the role of Communism in the tumultuous political and social movements that have shaped the modern world, the works of Lenin offer unparalleled insight and understanding. Taken together, they represent a balanced cross-section of his revolutionary theories of history, politics, and economics; his tactics for securing and retaining power; and his vision of a new social and economic orderThis second volume contains Lenin’s works from 1895 to 1897. Included are Lenin’s early economic and political writings, as well as his prescriptions for the program and strategy of Russian Marxism.
Lectures in Geometry: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Semester V) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 504.95 $"Lectures in Geometry: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Semester V)" by M. M. Postnikov, translated by Vladimir Shokurov, is a very rare hardcover edition published in Moscow by URSS Publishers. This comprehensive edition includes Lectures 1 through 21, totaling 437 numbered pages. The book is in Very Good condition, accompanied by a Good+ dust jacket. The brownish-grey covers are in excellent shape, boasting sharp corners, although the spine ends show slight indentations. The binding remains square and tight, ensuring durability and longevity. Inside, the interior pages are pristine, displaying no markings or annotations.The dust jacket exhibits light surface scuffing, along with small chips at the spine ends. Nevertheless, it adds to the overall presentation of the book. To ensure its safe journey, the book will be meticulously packaged with a custom box and bubble wrap for added protection from the elements. Additionally, a USPS electronic tracking number will be provided free of charge.For further information or additional pictures of the book, please feel free to contact us.
The Enchantress
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.95 $L. D. Zyryanova, V. Stepanov, L. Korzhakova, Vladimir Valyuta, and A. Pravilov star in this 1984 production of the Tchaikovsky opera conducted live by P. Reznikov at the Nizhegorodsky State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet.
The Putin Mystique: Inside Russia's Power Cult
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.51 $GETTING TO GRIPS WITH RUSSIA'S 21ST CENTURY TSARVladimir V. Putin has confounded world leaders and defied their assumptions as they tried to figure him out, only to misjudge him time and again. The Putin Mystique takes the reader on a journey through the Russia of Vladimir Putin, named by Forbes magazine in 2013 as the most powerful man in the world. It is a neo-feudal world where iPads, WTO membership, and Brioni business suits conceal a power structure straight out of the Middle Ages, where the Sovereign is perceived as both divine and demonic, where a man's riches are determined by his proximity to the Kremlin, and where large swathes of the populace live in precarious complacency interrupted by bouts of revolt. Where does that kind of power come from? The answer lies not in the leader, but in the people: from the impoverished worker who appeals directly to Putin for aid, to the businessmen, security officers and officials in Putin's often dysfunctional government who look to their leader for instruction and protection.In her writing career, Anna Arutunyan has traveled throughout Russia to report on modern Russian politics. She has interviewed oligarchs and policemen, bishops and politicians, and many ordinary Russians. Her book is a vivid and revealing exploration of the way in which myth, power, and even religion interact to produce the love-hate relationship between the Russian people and Vladimir Putin.
Mentalnyj alkhimik. Kak poluchit dostup k podsoznaniju i obresti uverennost
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.68 $Pages: 256 Language: Russian. Ego nazyvajut Mentalnym Alkhimikom. On pomogaet ljudjam transformirovat sobstvennoe soznanie, ispolzuja drevnie i sovremennye psikhologicheskie tekhniki. Ego pervaja kniga - "Millioner s khoroshej karmoj" - uzhe stala v Rossii bestsellerom. Svoju novuju knigu mentor i kouch Vladimir Drevs napisal v soavtorstve s filosofom Anastasiej Vrindavati. "Esli ty chital trudy po psikhologii, to znaesh, naskolko eto nudnaja vesch. Poetomu my napisali svoju knigu v vide romana, chtoby ona legko chitalas, ostavljala v soznanii jarkie obrazy i privodila k pozitivnym rezultatam. Eta kniga mozhet v korne izmenit tvoju zhizn, napolnit ee smyslom i dat tebe tu silu, kotoroj nam tak inogda ne khvataet dlja dostizhenija tselej". - Vladimir Drevs Kniga prednaznachena dlja tekh, kto ischet v zhizni svoj put, khochet dostignut na etom puti maksimalnykh rezultatov. I predstavljaet soboj nastojaschuju alkhimicheskuju kompozitsiju po pozitivnoj transformatsii soznanija. Khudozhnik: Seledtsova A. 9785041188115
Vechnyj nabljudatel. Umeret, chtoby roditsja vnov
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.16 $Pages: 160 Language: Russian. V svoej novoj knige "Vechnyj nabljudatel" Vladimir Drevs, kouch i spetsialist po vedicheskim znanijam, i ego soavtor, pisatelnitsa Anastasija Vrindavati, rasskazyvajut o neverojatnoj istorii vstrechi molodogo talantlivogo rezhissera, popavshego vmeste so semochnoj gruppoj pod skhod lednika v gorakh, i mudrogo startsa po imeni Vjasa. Eti dva takikh raznykh, na pervyj vzgljad, cheloveka puteshestvujut vo vremeni i prostranstve, otpravljajas to v biblioteku vselenskoj mudrosti, to okazyvajas v volshebnom zerkalnom labirinte, otrazhajuschem vse nashi khoroshie i plokhie postupki i mysli, to v Moskve nachala 2000-kh. Iz besed s mudretsom geroj, a vmeste s nim i chitatel, uznaet: - Kak chuvstvovat sebja uverenno i spokojno v nashem nespokojnom mire. - Kak izbavitsja ot chuzhikh "masok", ponjat, kto my takie na samom dele i v chem zakljuchaetsja nash istinnyj talant. - Kak prinjat sebja, svoe telo, blizkikh ljudej - i pochemu ne sdelav etogo, my ne smozhem poluchit to, chego zhelaem. A esche eta kniga o tom, chto nastojaschaja ljubov ne zakanchivaetsja dazhe vmeste s zhiznju. 9785042009815
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.08 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Poet i perevodchik Vladimir Gandelsman rodilsia v 1948 g. v Leningrade, rabotal kochegarom, storozhem, gidom, gruzchikom i t. d. S 1991 goda zhivet v N'iu-Iorke i Sankt-Peterburge. Avtor bolee 20 knig stikhov, sbornikov prozy i esse. Laureat neskol'kikh premii.V sbornik Vladimira Gandelsmana voshli stikhi iz raznykh knig, napisannye za polveka. 408 pp. Russisch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $Pages: 320 Language: Russian. Vladimir Lenin - chelovek osobogo roda. Pomimo bolshoj roli, sygrannoj im v istorii, on nalozhil glubokij otpechatok na razvitie ne tolko Rossii i Vostochnoj Evropy, no takzhe i drugikh chastej zemnogo shara. Leninym bylo napisano ochen mnogo i ochen mnogo bylo napisano o nem. Odnako vne zavisimosti ot ubezhdenij i vzgljadov, nelzja ne priznat ogromnuju vazhnost takoj figury, kak Lenin v istorii nashej strany. Boris Sokolov priotkryvaet zavesu tajn i zagadok, zastavljaja chitatelja po-novomu vzgljanut na velichajshuju lichnost KHKh stoletija. Iz knigi "Lenin" vy uznaete: - Kto byl sopernitsej Nadezhdy Krupskoj? - Kak Lenin otmyval nemetskie dengi? - V chem svjaz mezhdu romanom "Master i Margarita" i revoljutsiej 1917 goda? - Pochemu Vladimir Uljanov byl protiv khristianstva i religii? Fishki knigi: - Unikalnyj material i novye fakty o biografii velikogo politika; - Ostroumnye aforizmy i tsitaty Vladimira Lenina. Dlja kogo kniga: - Dlja tekh, kto ljubit istoriju, biografii i memuary; - Dlja tekh, kto v odnom izdanii ischet vse otvety na svoi voprosy; - Dlja tekh, kogo uvlekajut zagadki istorii. 9785171514730
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