8 products were found matching your search for Gerti in 2 shops:
Gerti Machacek
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.68 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Pedro García, Laced Shoes, female, Black, Size: 6 US Black Suede Lace-Up Loafers
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 222.00 $Step out in style with these Gerti Loafers by Pedro Garcia. Crafted from 100% calf leather, these black laced shoes feature a chic insert design, lace-up front fastening, low stacked heel, almond toe, logo leather insole, and leather sole. Perfect for the fashion-forward woman.
Pedro García, Laced Shoes, female, Black, Size: 8 US Black Suede Lace-Up Loafers
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 222.00 $Step out in style with these Gerti Loafers by Pedro Garcia. Crafted from 100% calf leather, these black laced shoes feature a chic insert design, lace-up front fastening, low stacked heel, almond toe, logo leather insole, and leather sole. Perfect for the fashion-forward woman.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $In diesem "Unterhaltungsroman", der niemanden unterhalten kann oder soll, geht es um den obersteirischen Gendarm Kurt Janisch, der "besessen" von Gier ist -- der Gier nach Frauen, der Gier nach Besitz, der Gier nach Häusern. Seine Realität besteht aus drei Ebenen: seiner Ehefrau, seinem Opfer Gerti, der Städterin, die aufs Land gezogen ist, und deren Haus er unbedingt besitzen möchte und der 16-jährigen Gabi, die zwar kein Haus, aber ungenutzte Räume in sich birgt. Da diese "Dreigleisigkeit" auf Dauer nicht gut gehen kann, greift er zur brutalsten aller Möglichkeiten: Er bringt die junge Gabi um und versenkt sie im Baggerteich. Ineinander und miteinander verwoben sind die Erzählstränge -- die erzählenden Personen wechseln ständig oder die Erzählerin greift ein -- ohne Rücksicht auf den Leser. Erzählt wird eine Geschichte der Brutalität, der "Gier", der Vereinnahmung bis zum Tod. Wobei sich diese beiden Begriffe -- Frauen und Häuser -- derart ineinander verweben und zu a
Trust and Deceit A Tale of Survival in Slovakia and Hungary, 19391945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.42 $This autobiography describes the dramatic events in Slovakia and Hungary between 1939 and 1945 seen through the eyes of a Jewish child/teenager, Gerti. The rise of fascism in Slovakia destroyed the peaceful co-existence of the Jews with their Slovak neighbours and demoralized both groups. The threat of deportation of Jews from Slovakia to Auschwitz forced Gerti and her parents to flee to Hungary, where deportations of Jews to Auschwitz had not yet begun. There the family lived under an assumed identity. The dangers and isolation associated with this existence plunged Gerti into depression and forced her to learn skills of deception to survive. As Hitler's grip on Hungary tightened and the dangers for Jews in Hungary increased, Gerti's father was arrested. Gerti and her mother had to flee to Slovakia in the spring of 1944, where they assumed yet further false identities. During the summer of 1944 Gerti met her childhood friend Walter (Rudi Vrba), who escaped from Auschwitz and told Gerti about his first-hand experience of witnessing the mass murders there. With time the remaining few Jews in Slovakia were rounded up. Gerti and her mother were denounced and taken to the Gestapo. The knowledge of the death factories waiting for them encouraged Gerti to take a serious risk and escape. Her mother, however, gave up hope and stayed to perish in a concentration camp. Gerti, then on her own, returned to Budapest and lived through the round up of Jews and the siege, assuming the identity of a Hungarian refugee from Russian-occupied Hungary. To survive, she had to use her hard-learned skills in assessing who she could trust and whom she had to deceive.
Deseo / Desire (Anea y Delfin) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.49 $In post-World War II Austria, Gerti, a woman on the verge of a breakdown due to her husband's relentless sexual attentions, wanders away from home one day and is rescued by an ambitious young man who turns out to be much like her husband.
After Midnight [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.16 $Sanna and her ravishing friend Gerti would rather speak of love than politics, but in 1930s Frankfurt, politics cannot be escaped--even in the lady's bathroom. Crossing town one evening to meet up with Gerti's Jewish lover, a blockade cuts off the girls' path--it is the Fürher in a motorcade procession, and the crowd goes mad striving to catch a glimpse of Hitler's raised "empty hand." Then the parade is over, and in the long hours after midnight Sanna and Gerti will face betrayal, death, and the heartbreaking reality of being young in an era devoid of innocence or romance. In 1937, German author Irmgard Keun had only recently fled Nazi Germany with her lover Joseph Roth when she wrote this slim, exquisite, and devastating book. It captures the unbearable tension, contradictions, and hysteria of pre-war Germany like no other novel. Yet even as it exposes human folly, the book exudes a hopeful humanism. It is full of humor and light, even as it describes the first moments of a nightmare. After Midnight is a masterpiece that deserves to be read and remembered anew.
Yoga with the little Yogi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.69 $Neuware - 'This set contains 24 pairs of cards, illustrated by Barbara Liera Schauer, the creator of the Little Yogi, as well as an instruction book written by yoga teacher Gerti Nausch in which 24 basic yoga exercises are described in two different ways: one for children and one for adults. The cards are perfect for imaginative games, exercises and yoga units for singles as well as families, school classes or children's birthday parties.The book provides detailed descriptions of games and exercises for children and adults.'
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