50 products were found matching your search for Gomes de Albuquerque Walker in 5 shops:
Albuquerque- Caesar of the East : Selected Texts by Alfonso de Albuquerque and His Son
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.39 $Of all the remarkable people who first opened up the rest of the world to the Europeans Columbus, Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Pizarro and Cortes Afonso de Albuquerque, governor of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515, was one of the most astonishing.
Indies Adventure; the Amazing Career of Afonso De Albuquerque, Captain-general and Governor of India (1509-1515)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.29 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Wonders of the Weavers / Maravillas De Los Tejedores : Nineteenth-century Río Grande Weavings from the Collection of the Albuquerque Museum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.25 $An exhibition presented as part of the City of Albuquerque's Tricentennial celebration. For the Hispanic settlers of 19th century New Mexico, weaving was an important part of everyday life. Featured are thirty-seven of the Museum's most notable examples of Hispanic weavings including jergas, colchas and frazadas. Although originally made to serve a utilitarian function, these works reveal the artistic vision and attention to detail that characterizes fine craftsmanship. Includes a review of the historic collection by noted contemporary New Mexico weavers Irvin and Lisa Trujillo. Technical data for each weaving includes fiber and dye analysis. Additional discussion of looms, dyes, sheep industry, and tourism.
Wonders of the Weavers / Maravillas De Los Tejedores : Nineteenth-century Río Grande Weavings from the Collection of the Albuquerque Museum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.76 $An exhibition presented as part of the City of Albuquerque's Tricentennial celebration. For the Hispanic settlers of 19th century New Mexico, weaving was an important part of everyday life. Featured are thirty-seven of the Museum's most notable examples of Hispanic weavings including jergas, colchas and frazadas. Although originally made to serve a utilitarian function, these works reveal the artistic vision and attention to detail that characterizes fine craftsmanship. Includes a review of the historic collection by noted contemporary New Mexico weavers Irvin and Lisa Trujillo. Technical data for each weaving includes fiber and dye analysis. Additional discussion of looms, dyes, sheep industry, and tourism.
Alair Gomes [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 250.00 $This book is the first to feature the work of the Brazilian photographer Alair de Oliveira Gomes (1921-1992). A philosopher, art critic, and university professor, he was in his fifties when he began to develop a body of photographic work that focused almost exclusively on athletic young men on the beach at Rio de Janeiro. This tireless collector of books, pictures, and films transformed the thousands of pages of his diaries into an immense erotic tableau of black-and-white photographs devoted to the beauty of the male physique. Photographs covertly taken on the beach, or with a telephoto zoom lens from the window of his apartment, were extensively reworked and ordered in carefully constructed sequences. This group of photographs, now preserved at the National Library of Rio, constitutes one of the most original photographic works of the last thirty years. 150 illustrations.
Alair Gomes : Photographie [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 162.00 $Catalogue de l'exposition de la Fondation Cartier à Paris. Couverture rigide, un accroc sur la jaquette. Hard cover. Heavy book will require extra shipping to all territories, please ask for a quotation.
Forgotten Albuquerque
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.34 $In 1706, Spanish colonists founded the Villa de Alburquerque on the wooded banks of the Rio Grande. Three hundred years later, that once quiet farming community has grown to become Albuquerque, the largest city in the state of New Mexico. Over the centuries, this fascinating city’s identity has metamorphosed many times. In 1862, it briefly became the western capital of the Confederate States of America, before Confederate hopes for the territory were destroyed at the Battle of Glorieta Pass. In 1880, the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad brought industry and wealth from the east, as well as tuberculosis-infected “lungers” who came by the thousands to seek a cure in “the Heart of Health Country.” Then, in 1926, Route 66 transformed the city into a neon-decked oasis for automobile travelers journeying through the newly accessible West. Though many of these identities have faded, their legacy lives on in the beating heart of an ever-changing city.
D'Albuquerque's Children : Performing Tradition in Malaysia's Portuguese Settlement
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.03 $When the Portuguese seafarer Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the bustling port of Malacca in 1511, he effectively gained control of the entire South China Sea spice trade. Although their dominance lasted only 130 years, the Portuguese legacy lies at the heart of a burgeoning tourist attraction on the outskirts of the city, in which performers who believe they are the descendants of swashbuckling Portuguese conquerors encapsulate their "history" in a cultural stage show. Using historical and ethnographic data, Margaret Sarkissian reveals that this music and dance draws on an eclectic array of influences that span the Portuguese diaspora (one song conjures up images of Lucille Ball impersonating Carmen Miranda on "I Love Lucy"). Ironically, she shows, what began as a literate tradition in the 1950s has now become an oral one so deeply rooted in Settlement life that the younger generation, like the tourists, now see it as an unbroken heritage stretching back almost 500 years. A fascinating case of "orientalism in reverse," D'Albuquerque's Children illuminates the creative ways in which one community has adapted to life in a postcolonial world.
La Vida Centrada En El Evangelio Robert Thune Y Will Walker
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.00 $Enviamos a todo el mundo con UPS y DHL. 100% de garantía en nuestros libros. Todos son sellados, nuevos, originales y físicos. Somos mayoristas. We ship worldwide. 100% guarentee. All our books are news, sealed, unopened. We are wholesaler.
The Way of st James: Le Puy to Santiago : A Walker's Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.86 $A walker's guide to the Pilgrim Road from Le Puy-en-Velay in southwestern France to Santiago de Compostela. As well as giving walking directions, the book also provides information on places to visit along the way, the history of the pilgrimage and details on facilities such as shops and bars.
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 4,599.00 $The ReSynthesizer can trace its origins to Spring 2023, with Walker and Rodent putting together a collection of modules to announce and demonstrate...
Pagador de Promessas, O - (bertrand)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.02 $Dando inicio a renovacao da identidade visual das obras de Dias Gomes, a Bertrand Brasil relanca O pagador de promessas, um dos principais livros de sua carreira. Titulo de enorme sucesso no Brasil e no mundo, serviu de tema ao filme do mesmo titulo, ganhador da Palma de Ouro do Festival de Cannes de 1962.Nesta peca de renome internacional, o autor narra o emocionante calvario do simplorio Ze-do-Burro: para cumprir promessa feita a Iansa, pela cura de seu burro, ele divide seu sitio com os lavradores pobres e carrega pesada cruz de madeira no percurso de sessenta leguas, com o objetivo de deposita-la no interior da igreja de Santa Barbara, em Salvador.O poeta Ferreira Gullar assina as orelhas: Pois bem. Acabo de reler O pagador de promessas. Nao vou anunciar aqui o poder de permanencia dessa peca teatral, consagrada pela critica e pelo publico, dentro e fora do Brasil. Mas a verdade e que toda consagracao esta sujeita a revisao, e poderia acontecer que... Nao aconteceu. Pelo contrario, essa nova leitura de O pagador de promessas nao apenas veio reafirmar o meu juizo sobre ela, como convenceu-me de que se trata de uma das mais significativas criacoes da dramaturgia brasileira.Ao contrario do que acontece com muitas obras teatrais de qualidade, que se iniciam com impeto e as vezes o mantem ate certa altura para nos frustrar no final, esta peca de Dias Gomes e um todo completo e acabado: o seu final nao resulta em frustracao, mas em plenitude. E para isso e preciso que se reunam, na realizacao da obra, aqueles fatores imponderaveis que dao nascimento a verdadeira obra de arte.
Une Histoire populaire des Etats-Unis de 1492 a nos jours
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.42 $Cette histoire des États-Unis présente le point de vue de ceux dont les manuels d’histoire parlent habituellement peu. L’auteur confronte avec minutie la version officielle et héroïque (de Christophe Colomb à George Walker Bush) aux témoignages des acteurs les plus modestes. Les Indiens, les esclaves en fuite, les soldats déserteurs, les jeunes ouvrières du textile, les syndicalistes, les GI du Vietnam, les activistes des années 1980-1990, tous, jusqu’aux victimes contemporaines de la politique intérieure et étrangère américaine, viennent ainsi battre en brèche la conception unanimiste de l’histoire officielle. Une histoire populaire des États-Unis a reçu le prix des "Amis du Monde diplomatique" en 2003.
de Stijl, 1917-1931: Visions of Utopia
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.17 $First printing of this large Trade PB published for the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis for the 1982 exhibition. Illustrated with 205 b&w and color plates. 4to size, 255 pp. A Fine copy.
La France de Raymond Depardon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.66 $Ce livre est né du désir très ancien de Raymond Depardon de photographier la France, avec vérité, en guettant les traces de l’homme sur le territoire, un peu à la manière dont le photographe Walker Evans, admiré de Raymond Depardon, a photographié les États-Unis au début du XXe siècle.Les photographies sont prises, comme au tout début de l’histoire de cet art, à l’aide d’une chambre posée sur un pied, contrainte qui a aidé l’artiste à ne faire qu’« une » photographie de chaque lieu, à assumer l’angle de vue, à voir frontalement. Raymond Depardon a visité presque toutes les régions de France, dans un fourgon aménagé. Il s’est totalement imprégné des lieux. Il s’est concentré sur les sous-préfectures ― un espace jusque-là fui par l’artiste, désormais saisi du désir de le comprendre, afin de voir quelle était la relation de l’homme à son espace de vie.L’album regroupe trois cent photographies en couleurs, grand format. Il est assorti d’une préface de Raymond Depardon. C’est la France réelle. Le livre est coédité avec la BNF. Les photographies y feront l’objet d’une grande exposition.
Walking La Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.93 $Paperback. A guidebook to walking the Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres between Seville and Santiago de Compostela. Covering 995km (619 miles), this pilgrimage route through Spain takes around 6 weeks to hike and is suitable for any reasonably fit walker.The route is described from south to north in 43 stages, each between 11 and 35km (722 miles) in length. An extension to Astorga for those wishing to join the Camino Frances is detailed as well as alternative Ourense route options via Laza or Verin. 1:100,000 mapping plus larger-scale urban maps for key locationsGPX files available to downloadHandy stage planning tables and pilgrim lodging listings help you plan your itineraryDetailed information about refreshments and facilities along the routeAdvice on planning and preparation Guidebook to walking La VAa de la Plata and Camino SanabrA(c)s, a pilgrim route through Spain. A 995km route between Seville and Santiago de Compostela or Astorga (where it links with the Camino FrancA(c)s). Ourense variants are also provided. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
La Búsqueda: Un thriller de suspense, aventuras y ciencia ficción (Los Misterios de Sacret Fire)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.09 $La tranquilidad es arrebatada de la ciudad de Sacret Fire cuando un conocido científico desaparece sin dejar rastro alguno.Su sobrina, Sage Walker, una blogger de lo paranormal, está convencida de que su desaparición tiene que ver con un secreto que guardaba. Ella y sus amigos Preston, Tilly, Regan y Daniel emprenden la búsqueda de Benjamin Walker, una aventura que está a punto de cambiar sus vidas.La búsqueda de pistas se vuelve turbia cuando una Agente del FBI aparece solicitando información sobre el tío de Sage, acusando su trabajo como una amenaza para la humanidad.Sage sospecha que su tío puede ser un Visionario ya que un poderoso enemigo llamado "Los Buscadores" está secuestrando a todos los Visionarios y convirtiéndolos en Remanentes. Con el único objetivo de cambiar la historia mundial.Sin embargo, Sage y sus amigos tienen un encuentro inesperado con un visitante de otro mundo, que esconde un pasado misterioso y que podría ayudarlos a encontrar al científico desaparecido.
Une histoire populaire des États-Unis: De 1492 à nos jours
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.24 $Cette histoire des États-Unis présente le point de vue de ceux dont les manuels d’histoire parlent habituellement peu. L’auteur confronte avec minutie la version officielle et héroïque (de Christophe Colomb à George Walker Bush) aux témoignages des acteurs les plus modestes. Les Indiens, les esclaves en fuite, les soldats déserteurs, les jeunes ouvrières du textile, les syndicalistes, les GI du Vietnam, les activistes des années 1980-1990, tous, jusqu’aux victimes contemporaines de la politique intérieure et étrangère américaine, viennent ainsi battre en brèche la conception unanimiste de l’histoire officielle. Une histoire populaire des États-Unis a reçu le prix des "Amis du Monde diplomatique" en 2003.
La France De Raymond Depardon Fl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.88 $Ce livre est né du désir très ancien de Raymond Depardon de photographier la France, avec vérité, en guettant les traces de l’homme sur le territoire, un peu à la manière dont le photographe Walker Evans, admiré de Raymond Depardon, a photographié les États-Unis au début du XXe siècle.Les photographies sont prises, comme au tout début de l’histoire de cet art, à l’aide d’une chambre posée sur un pied, contrainte qui a aidé l’artiste à ne faire qu’« une » photographie de chaque lieu, à assumer l’angle de vue, à voir frontalement. Raymond Depardon a visité presque toutes les régions de France, dans un fourgon aménagé. Il s’est totalement imprégné des lieux. Il s’est concentré sur les sous-préfectures ― un espace jusque-là fui par l’artiste, désormais saisi du désir de le comprendre, afin de voir quelle était la relation de l’homme à son espace de vie.L’album regroupe trois cent photographies en couleurs, grand format. Il est assorti d’une préface de Raymond Depardon. C’est la France réelle. Le livre est coédité avec la BNF. Les photographies y feront l’objet d’une grande exposition.
Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana (Spanish: A History of the Christian Church)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.47 $Una obra clasica entre el pueblo evangelico, presentada por un erudito en esta materia, el Dr. Williston Walker, nos entrega la historia comprensiva de la iglesia desde sus mismos comienzos. Representa uno de los textos mas importantes, en esta area, en entidades teologicas. No puede faltar en ninguna biblioteca. 624 paginas.
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