124 products were found matching your search for Gregorian Chants Sound in 3 shops:
Gregorian Chants
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)Gregorian Chants Benedictine Monks of the Abbey M nsterschwarzach - CD 4010072771988
Gregorian Chant Practicum Textbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.12 $To order Ward Method Books and Materials, please call toll-free Hopkins Fulfillment Service at 1-800-537-5487.
The Essential Gregorian Chant Collection
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.99 $This new release is a collection of ethereal and passionate Gregorian chants performed by Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola. The ensemble is made up of women and men who live in the Benedictine tradition and dedicate themselves to the study and performance of Gregorian chant. The three disc set includes The Chants of Mary, The Chants of Angels, and The Chants of the Holy Spirit. Each album is accompanied by full-color art booklets which give full texts and informative historical context to each chant.
Gregorian Chant (Midland Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.95 $Willi Apel's classic study of Gregorian chant is now in paperback. This extensive survey describes the evolutionary processes of its long history as well as its definition and terminology, the structure of the liturgy, the texts, the notation, the rhythm, the tonality, and the methods and forms of psalmody.
Chants of the Church: Selected Gregorian Chants
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.75 $Chants Of The Church: Selected Gregorian Chants (Paperback or Softback) 0.55
Beginner's Guide to Singing Gregorian Chant Notation, Rhythm and Solfeggio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.35 $A basic guide for beginners interested in understanding the way Gregorian Chant music is written, how the rhythms are sung and using Solfeggio to learn and master chant melodies. An excellent guide for new schola and choir members.
Masterpieces of Music Before 1750: An Anthology of Musical Examples from Gregorian Chant to J.S. Bach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.16 $Presents complete musical selections from fifty compositions significant both historically and artistically
An Introduction to Gregorian Chant: Richard L. Crocker
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 160.33 $Just three years ago a commercially released CD of Gregorian chant by the monks of Silos became an international bestseller. Such has been the popularity and interest in this serene, meditative and mind-stilling song that most music stores now have racks dedicated to Gregorian, medieval and plainchant. Publications in the field have grown proportionately, but as yet there is no single-volume, general guide to Gregorian chant. Professor Crocker's comprehensive introduction intelligently fills this gap. Accessible to a wide readership, this work is targeted at interested listeners and those who purchase CDs, as well as the practising musician or student. There is no assumption of a technical understanding of music. Blending the conclusions of modern research with a contemporary, popular appreciation of the song, Crocker's aim is merely to promote greater knowledge and enjoyment of Gregorian chant.
Kyriale: Gregorian Chant for the Ordinary Parts of the Mass
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.98 $The Kyriale is an ideal resource to participate in Mass, not only for the choir, but also the clergy and congregation. This slim volume includes all of the chants for the ordinary parts of the Mass, as organized in the 1961 Graduale Romanum.Complete Order of Mass of the 1962 Roman Missal (Traditional Latin Mass), in Latin and EnglishChanted responses are printed in-lineAll 18 Gregorian Mass settings from the Vatican Edition Kyriale Romanum “Ad libitum” chants of the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus DeiSeasonal antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Antiphonale Romanum
The Restoration of Gregorian Chant: Solesmes and the Vatican Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.51 $This book presents for the first time in English the fully documented history of the Gregorian chant restoration which culminated in the publication of the Vatican Edition ordered by Pope Pius X at the dawn of the twentieth century. It is based upon archival documents in the Abbey of St. Pierre de Solesmes.The ecclesia orans, the Praying Church, has always regarded genuine church music as an integral part of prayer and of solemn public worship as a whole. Sacred music is not intended to beautify and decorate worship. Rather, taking shape from the depths of the Church's interior life, sacred music bears the imprint of that divine beauty which never grows old―and which is far more sublime than all mere artistic or historical intentions. Gregorian chant, the Catholic Church's very own music, is proper to the Roman liturgy, but during the course of its long history it has experienced periods of ascendancy and of decline. A century ago, Pope Pius X called for a restoration of the sacred melodies, and the result was the Vatican Edition. This book describes in careful, vivid detail the strenuous efforts of personalities like Dom Joseph Pothier, Dom Andre Mocquereau, Fr. Angelo de Santi, and Peter Wagner to carry out the wishes of the Pope. The attentive reader will not fail to note that many of the questions so fervidly debated long ago are still current and topical today.The original French edition, Histoire de la restauration du chant grégorien, was published by the Abbey of Solesmes in 1969. Robert A. Skeris's new introduction to this edition illuminates the current discussion with documentation including the Preface to the Vatican Gradual and the "Last Will and Testament" written by Dom Eugene Cardine.
Gregorian Chant (Cambridge Introductions to Music)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.75 $What is Gregorian chant, and where does it come from? What purpose does it serve, and how did it take on the form and features which make it instantly recognizable? Designed to guide students through this key topic, this book answers these questions and many more. David Hiley describes the church services in which chant is performed, takes the reader through the church year, explains what Latin texts were used, and, taking Worcester Cathedral as an example, describes the buildings in which it was sung. The history of chant is traced from its beginnings in the early centuries of Christianity, through the Middle Ages, the revisions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the restoration in the nineteenth and twentieth. Using numerous music examples, the book shows how chants are made and how they were notated. An indispensable guide for all those interested in the fascinating world of Gregorian chant.
A Gregorian Chant Handbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.58 $The fundamentals of reading and interpreting Gregorian chant for the person with no prior experience; a handbook for anyone who desires to acquire a practical, working understanding of chant notation, rhythm, modes, liturgical use (past and present), interpretation, and conducting, as well as Latin pronunciation.
A Gregorian Chant Master Class (Ward Method)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.63 $Connecting readers with great books since 1972! Used books may not include companion materials, and may have some shelf wear or limited writing. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!
Beginning Studies in Gregorian Chant
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.72 $The invaluable textbook,handbook published by Solesmes, translated into English for the first time.
Gregorian Chant (Cambridge Introductions to Music)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.95 $What is Gregorian chant, and where does it come from? What purpose does it serve, and how did it take on the form and features which make it instantly recognizable? Designed to guide students through this key topic, this book answers these questions and many more. David Hiley describes the church services in which chant is performed, takes the reader through the church year, explains what Latin texts were used, and, taking Worcester Cathedral as an example, describes the buildings in which it was sung. The history of chant is traced from its beginnings in the early centuries of Christianity, through the Middle Ages, the revisions in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the restoration in the nineteenth and twentieth. Using numerous music examples, the book shows how chants are made and how they were notated. An indispensable guide for all those interested in the fascinating world of Gregorian chant.
Vespers with Gregorian Chant for Sundays and Holy Days
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.77 $All the chant you need for Vespers of Sundays and Holy Days. It has been specifically designed for use at Old St Mary's in Cincinnati. It is convenient and easy to use.If you notice any mistakes, please notify me and I will eventually fix them.
If You Can Sing "Joy to the World" You Can Learn To Read And Sing Gregorian Chant
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.13 $Created for people who want to learn how to read and sing Gregorian Chant, using the 8 notes of Joy to the World to give you a firm foundation and before long, you know all the notes of chant and also the intervals, that is, how to jump from one note to another.On our website, a complete set of slides of pages from the book are posted with music to hear and practice within our Free Chant School. The book has links to these free files.Once we work through the intervals, which does not take long, you then begin singing actual Gregorian Chants in English. Trying to learn to sing in Latin and sing Gregorian Chant is like trying to relearn to ride a bike and juggle at the same time - two different activities. Here you get to hear chant sung by one of the finest chant singers our time and learn to sing along.How successful is this book? One woman and her 7 year old daughter were at a fast food restaurant and the daughter saw her mother looking at the practice files from the internet. Her daughter asked to try it and was reading and singing chant before they left the restaurant.The book has been featured as part of the curriculum of a large homeschool group.
Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 156.82 $A world-renowned scholar of plainchant, Kenneth Levy has spent a portion of his career investigating the nature and ramifications of this repertory's shift from an oral tradition to the written versions dating to the tenth century. In Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians, which represents the culmination of his research, Levy seeks to change long-held perceptions about certain crucial stages of the evolution and dissemination of the old corpus of plainchant--most notably the assumption that such a large and complex repertory could have become and remained fixed for over a century while still an oral tradition. Levy portrays the promulgation of an authoritative body of plainchant during the reign of Charlemagne by clearly differentiating between actual evidence, hypotheses, and received ideas. How many traditions of oral chant existed before the tenth century? Among the variations noted in written chant, can one point to a single version as being older or more authentic than the others? What precursors might there have been to the notational system used in all the surviving manuscripts, where the notational system seems fully formed and mature? In answering questions that have long vexed many scholars of Gregorian chant's early history, Levy offers fresh explanations of such topics as the origin of Latin neumes, the shifting relationships between memory and early notations, and the puzzling differences among the first surviving neume-species from the tenth century, which have until now impeded a critical restoration of the Carolingian musical forms.
The Restoration of Gregorian Chant: Solesmes and the Vatican Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.98 $This book presents for the first time in English the fully documented history of the Gregorian chant restoration which culminated in the publication of the Vatican Edition ordered by Pope Pius X at the dawn of the twentieth century. It is based upon archival documents in the Abbey of St. Pierre de Solesmes.The ecclesia orans, the Praying Church, has always regarded genuine church music as an integral part of prayer and of solemn public worship as a whole. Sacred music is not intended to beautify and decorate worship. Rather, taking shape from the depths of the Church's interior life, sacred music bears the imprint of that divine beauty which never grows old―and which is far more sublime than all mere artistic or historical intentions. Gregorian chant, the Catholic Church's very own music, is proper to the Roman liturgy, but during the course of its long history it has experienced periods of ascendancy and of decline. A century ago, Pope Pius X called for a restoration of the sacred melodies, and the result was the Vatican Edition. This book describes in careful, vivid detail the strenuous efforts of personalities like Dom Joseph Pothier, Dom Andre Mocquereau, Fr. Angelo de Santi, and Peter Wagner to carry out the wishes of the Pope. The attentive reader will not fail to note that many of the questions so fervidly debated long ago are still current and topical today.The original French edition, Histoire de la restauration du chant grégorien, was published by the Abbey of Solesmes in 1969. Robert A. Skeris's new introduction to this edition illuminates the current discussion with documentation including the Preface to the Vatican Gradual and the "Last Will and Testament" written by Dom Eugene Cardine.
Gregorian. Chants and mysteries. Con 4 CD Audio. Con DVD (Ear books)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.08 $4°. unpag. ca. 100 S. Hardcover, Orig.Umschlag, unbenutzt, leichte Lagerspuren. Sprache: Englisch, many pictures.
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