5 products were found matching your search for Görlitz in 1 shops:
In the Service of the Reich
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.67 $The Memoirs of Field-Marshall Keitel, Chief of the German High Command, 1938-1945, written in the six weeks before he was hanged at Nuremberg. Edited by Walter Görlitz and translated by David Irving.
Alte Görlitzer Geschlechter und ihre Wappen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.23 $Alte Görlitzer Geschlechter und die Wappen derselben nebst einem Verzeichnis aller bisherigen Bürgermeister von Görlitz (bis 1890). Illustriert mit 140 S/W-Abbildungen auf 7 S/W-Tafeln. Für die Zeit kurz vor 1300 ist in Görlitz ein Stadtrat mit Bürgermeister, zwölf Ratsherren und vier Schöffen belegt. Görlitz bekam 1303 als erste Stadt in der Region die Unabhängigkeit vom landesherrlichen Vogteigericht verliehen und erhielt die Obergerichtsbarkeit, was als Datum der städtischen Unabhängigkeit gilt. Im Jahr 1339 erhielt die Stadt zusätzlich das Stapelrecht für eine in ganz Europa nachgefragte Färberpflanze, das Waid, für die Farbe Blau in der Tuchfärbung. Die Stadt wurde durch ihren aufstrebenden Handel sowie wegen der Monopolstellung für den Waidhandel in den böhmischen Ländern und aufgrund einer florierenden Tuchproduktion zur bedeutendsten Handelsstadt zwischen Erfurt und Breslau. Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts hatte der Rat das Stadtgericht in Händen. Seit dieser Zeit ist ein doppelter Mauerring bezeugt, der ein Gebiet von 24 ha umschloss. (Wiki) Nachdruck der Originalauflage von 1891.
Peenemünde: The extraordinary story of Hitler's secret weapons V-1 and V-2 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.95 $PROFUSELY illustrated with photos from numerous sources. The author spent decades in research. From the foreword: It was December 1935, and almost Christmas. Wernher von Braun drove to his family estate at Rittergut Oberwiesenthal in Kreis Löwenberg, between Görlitz and Liegnitz in his native Pomerania, to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. He told his parents that he was looking for a much bigger Kummersdorf. His mother Emmy retrieved a map of the coastal area and pointed to the northern part of the island of Usedom, telling her son that would be the ideal spot. She knew it well, as her father went quite often to the remote island to hunt ducks. As soon as the holidays were over, Wernher left for Usedom. It was love at first sight. The island was far from any large town or traffic. The nearest city, Stettin, was 110 km (70 miles) away. Once one passed Zinnowitz on the island, it was like entering a forgotten paradise-a secluded place, utterly remote and totally unspoiled. Within the large forest was a small fishing village with a population of not more than 300 people, called Peenemünde. Highly recommended and diligently researched, Guido De Maeseneer's book is a "must" for all those interested in the history of German wartime secret weapons programs and their postwar aftermath. The long-range V-2 ballistic missile is one of history's greatest technological triumphs, which not only altered forever the nature of warfare but made possible humanity's reach into space. --Frederick I. Ordway III, coauthor of The Rocket Team and Wernher von Braun: Crusader for Space.
Stalingrado Y Yo.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $24x16. 324p. Rústica ed., solapas. Biografía, notas y recopilación de documentos Walter Görlitz. Fotografías. Marca doblez en esquina superior izquierda de contracubierta. Estado normal-bueno. LIBRO EN ESPAÑOL
From Commandant to Captive: The Memoirs of Stalag Luft III Commandant Col. Friedrich Wilhelm von Lindeiner genannt von Wildau With Postwar Interviews,
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.35 $At 6:30 a.m. on 27 January 1945, Col. Friedrich von Lindeiner, the court martialed and exiled "gentleman" ex-Commandant of Stalag Luft Iii, sat in the waiting room of the Görlitz train station hoping to return to Sagan, Germany, to fight the approaching Russians. The distance from Görlitz to Sagan was 28.5 miles. He arrived fifteen hours later as 10,000 Allied prisoners of war were evacuating his former camp. Like them, he would soon view the war from both inside and outside the barbed wire. Later, as a prisoner of war, he was held by the British for two years before returning to a devastated and divided Germany.
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