939 products were found matching your search for Handbook of English Renaissance in 3 shops:
The Collector's Handbook to Keramics of the Renaissance and Modern Periods Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 11.95 $"The Collector's Handbook to Keramics of the Renaissance and Modern Periods" by William Chaffers is an essential reference work for enthusiasts and collectors of ceramics. Published in the 19th century, this comprehensive guide meticulously catalogues various ceramic styles, techniques, and histories from the Renaissance through modern times. Chaffers combines rich illustrations with detailed descriptions, providing insight into the craftsmanship of different pottery and porcelain manufacturers. The handbook serves not only as a visual guide but also as an educational resource, allowing readers to identify and appreciate the nuances of each ceramic piece. Chaffers’ passion for his subject is palpable, as he delves into the aesthetic and cultural significance of ceramics across different periods. A revered text in the field of art history and decorative arts, this handbook remains invaluable, particularly for collectors seeking to understand and authenticate their ceramic treasures. Its enduring relevance highlights Chaffers' expertise and dedication to the art of ceramics.
Music of Handel Bach & the English Renaissance 4
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $Music of Handel Bach & the English Renaissance 4 Alfred Deller - CD 851950001957
Renaissance Artists and Classical Sculpture: A Handbook of Sources
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $The purpose of this book is to revitalize the fundamental meaning of the Renaissance by providing students with a fully documented handbook to those monuments of classical antiquity to which the Renaissance artists had access.
The Straight Razor Renaissance: Straight Razor Afficionado Handbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.81 $The author, Robert Williams, was the first full time custom razor smith in the USA and produced thousands of custom razors during his 15 years in operation. This book tells the story of the straight razor renaissance we have seen in the new millennium and gives a reader everything they need to know about straight razors from the most inexperienced beginner to the most experienced razor smith.Straight razors are still arguably the finest shaving devices ever created and the author explains them in a way that is informative and interesting. Readers will get an in-depth view of:Straight razor historyDesignUseHoningMaintenanceBuying tipsSetting up a shopMaking the blades and scalesMetallurgyRepairing damaged razorsAdvanced razor making techniquesThis is a must-have book for any man that likes grooming or good sharp steel blades of any kind.
Handbook of European History 1400-1600: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Vol. 2 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.32 $Volume 2 of this superb two-volume set looks largely at religious and ecclesiastical topics, leading up to and following the Reformation. Other topics include new patterns of Christian life, the Reformation as it applied to the family and the sexes, the witch panic, and confessional Europe.
A Brief Handbook of English Authors Paperback
Vendor: Heritagereads.com Price: 8.95 $A Brief Handbook of English Authors by Oscar Fay Adams is a concise yet comprehensive guide that delves into the lives and works of notable English writers. Targeting both literary enthusiasts and casual readers, Adams presents biographical sketches that highlight the contributions of various authors to English literature. The book spans a range of figures from different periods, including well-known classics and those who may be less familiar to modern readers. With a focus on significant themes, stylistic elements, and historical context, Adams offers insights that enhance the reader's appreciation of each author's unique voice and impact. The prose is accessible, making it suitable for readers of all backgrounds. Ultimately, this handbook serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the rich tapestry of English literary history, while also providing a sense of the personal lives that shaped the legacies of these authors.
Renaissance of Mark Twain's House: Handbook for Restoration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.15 $"Buildings and sites frequented by great men of the past often are more inspiring and evocative than their deeds or written annals." (Cicero.) This fine book of the restoration of Mark Twain Memorial takes the reader directly into Mark Twain's home in Hartford. As inspired, enlightened or amused as one might be by Mark Twain's writing, he cannot help discovering more of the man in this charming and informative book. Delightfully, the book manages to be at once an historical account, a handbook for the restoration process, and a new intimate look at the man Mark Twain through his surroundings and the events that occurred during the family's residency in Hartford. The ambience is as real for the reader as it was for Mark Twain himself who said. "To us our house was not unsentient matter. . .it had a heart, and a soul, and eyes to see us with. . . we could not enter it unmoved." Nor shall the reader. This book provides not merely a visit to the Mark Twain home. It is rather like being a house guest of the Mark Twain family.
A Handbook of the Troubadours (Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA) (Volume 26)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.14 $This book is a reference volume and a digest of more than a century of scholarly work on troubadour poetry. Written by leading scholars, it summarizes the current consensus on the various facets of troubadour studies.Standing at the beginning of the history of modern European verse, the troubadours were the prime poets and composers of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in the South of France. No study of medieval literature is complete without an examination of the courtly love which is celebrated in the elaborately rhymed stanzas of troubadour verse, creations whose words and melodies were imitated by poets and musicians all over medieval Europe.The words of about 2,500 troubadour songs have survived, along with 250 melodies, and all have come under intense scholarly scrutiny. This Handbook brings together the fruits of this scrutiny, giving teachers and students an overview of the fundamental issues in troubadour scholarship. All quotations are given in the original Old Occitan and in English. The editors provide a list of troubadour editions and an index, and each chapter includes a list of additional readings.
Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture. A Handbook of Sources.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.92 $The purpose of this book is to revitalize the fundamental meaning of the Renaissance by providing students with a fully documented handbook to those monuments of classical antiquity to which the Renaissance artists had access.
The Straight Razor Renaissance: Straight Razor Afficionado Handbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.68 $The author, Robert Williams, was the first full time custom razor smith in the USA and produced thousands of custom razors during his 15 years in operation. This book tells the story of the straight razor renaissance we have seen in the new millennium and gives a reader everything they need to know about straight razors from the most inexperienced beginner to the most experienced razor smith.Straight razors are still arguably the finest shaving devices ever created and the author explains them in a way that is informative and interesting. Readers will get an in-depth view of:Straight razor historyDesignUseHoningMaintenanceBuying tipsSetting up a shopMaking the blades and scalesMetallurgyRepairing damaged razorsAdvanced razor making techniquesThis is a must-have book for any man that likes grooming or good sharp steel blades of any kind.
Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre, and the Canon (Studies In English Renaissance)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.86 $Aemilia Lanyer was a Londoner of Jewish-Italian descent and the mistress of Queen Elizabeth's Lord Chamberlain. But in 1611 she did something extraordinary for a middle-class woman of the seventeenth century: she published a volume of original poems.Using standard genres to address distinctly feminine concerns, Lanyer's work is varied, subtle, provocative, and witty. Her religious poem "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" repeatedly projects a female subject for a female reader and casts the Passion in terms of gender conflict. Lanyer also carried this concern with gender into the very structure of the poem; whereas a work of praise usually held up the superiority of its patrons, the good women in Lanyer's poem exemplify worth women in general.The essays in this volume establish the facts of Lanyer's life and use her poetry to interrogate that of her male contemporaries, Donne, Jonson, and Shakespeare. Lanyer's work sheds light on views of gender and class identities in early modern society. By using Lanyer to look at the larger issues of women writers working within a patriarchal system, the authors go beyond the explication of Lanyer's writing to address the dynamics of canonization and the construction of literary history.
Some Other Note : The Lost Songs of English Renaissance Comedy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.12 $English comedy from the fifteenth to the early seventeenth century abounds in song lyrics, but most of the original tunes were thought to have been lost--until now. By deducing that playwrights borrowed melodies from songs they already knew, Ross W. Duffin has used the existing English repertory of songs, both popular and composed, to reconstruct hundreds of songs from more than a hundred plays and other stage entertainments. Thanks to Duffin's incredible breakthrough, these plays have been rendered performable with period music for the first time in five hundred years. Some Other Note not only brings these songs back from the dead, but tells a thrilling tale of the investigations that unraveled these centuries-old mysteries.
Vagrancy, Homelessness, and English Renaissance Literature
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.79 $Springing boards. Some light grubby dust marking on top edge. In a very lightly foxed jacket, with a little unobtrusive creasing and slight wear at edges. 230 x 155 mm. xii, 340 pp. The vagrant poor of Renaissance England have acquired a patina of comic good humour and a reputation as sturdy rogues adept at living on the fringes of society. Through a survey of the vast historical literature on early modern vagrancy, poverty, disease, famine, criminality, justice, legislation and charity, together with Renaissance jest-book literature, Woodbridge shows that the prevailing image of the vagrant poor was essentially a literary fabrication pressed into the service of specific social and political agendas
Masculinity, Gender and Identity in the English Renaissance Lyric
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.25 $In early modern lyric poetry, the male poet or lover often appears not as powerful and masterly but rather as broken, abject, and feminine. Catherine Bates examines the cultural and literary strategies behind this representation and uncovers radically alternative models of masculinity in the lyric tradition of the Renaissance. Focusing on Sidney, Ralegh, Shakespeare, and Donne, she offers astute readings of a wide range of texts - a sonnet sequence, a blazon, an elegy, a complaint, and an epistle. She shows how existing critical approaches have too much invested in the figure of the authoritative male writer to be able to do justice to the truly radical nature of these alternative masculinities. Taking direction from psychoanalytic theories of gender formation, Bates develops critical strategies that make it possible to understand and appreciate what is genuinely revolutionary about these texts and about the English Renaissance lyric tradition at large.
Indian Philosophy in English: From Renaissance to Independence
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.94 $This book publishes, for the first time in decades, and in many cases, for the first time in a readily accessible edition, English language philosophical literature written in India during the period of British rule. Bhushan's and Garfield's own essays on the work of this period contextualize the philosophical essays collected and connect them to broader intellectual, artistic and political movements in India. This volume yields a new understanding of cosmopolitan consciousness in a colonial context, of the intellectual agency of colonial academic communities, and of the roots of cross-cultural philosophy as it is practiced today. It transforms the canon of global philosophy, presenting for the first time a usable collection and a systematic study of Anglophone Indian philosophy.Many historians of Indian philosophy see a radical disjuncture between traditional Indian philosophy and contemporary Indian academic philosophy that has abandoned its roots amid globalization. This volume provides a corrective to this common view. The literature collected and studied in this volume is at the same time Indian and global, demonstrating that the colonial Indian philosophical communities were important participants in global dialogues, and revealing the roots of contemporary Indian philosophical thought.The scholars whose work is published here will be unfamiliar to many contemporary philosophers. But the reader will discover that their work is creative, exciting, and original, and introduces distinctive voices into global conversations. These were the teachers who trained the best Indian scholars of the post-Independence period. They engaged creatively both with the classical Indian tradition and with the philosophy of the West, forging a new Indian philosophical idiom to which contemporary Indian and global philosophy are indebted.
Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland: English Renaissance Literature and Elizabethan Imperial Expansion
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.35 $The Elizabethan conquest of Ireland sparked off two linguistic events of enduring importance. It initiated the language shift from Irish to English, which constitutes the great drama of Irish cultural history, and it marked the beginnings of English linguistic expansion. In Language and Conquest in Early Modern Ireland, Patricia Palmer explores the part which language played in shaping colonial ideology and English national identity. The book is an ambitious, comparative study which will interest literary and political historians.
Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.62 $The last of the literary genres to be incorporated into print culture, verse in the English Renaissance not only was published in anthologies, pamphlets, and folio editions, it was also circulated in manuscript. In this ground-breaking historical and cultural study of sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century lyric poetry, Marotti examines the interrelationship between the two systems of literary transmission and shows how in England manuscript and print publication together shaped the emerging institution of literature.Surveying a wide range of manuscript and print poetry of the period, Marotti outlines the different social and institutional contexts in which poems were collected and transmitted. He focuses on the two kinds of verse that were circulated more commonly in manuscript than in print―the obscene and the political―and he considers the contributions of scribes and compilers, particularly in composing "answer poetry" and other verse. Analyzing the process through which print gradually replaced manuscript as the standard medium for lyric verse, he identifies four crucial events in the history of publication in England: the appearances of Tottel's Miscellany ( (1557), Sir Philip Sidney's works in the 1590s, Ben Jonson's folio Workes (1616), and the posthumous editions of the poems of Donne and of Herbert (both 1633). Marotti also considers how certain material features of the book determined the reception of poetry, and he explores how poets attempted to establish their authority in print in relation to publishers, patrons, and readers.
Symantec English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.15 $The most extensive new collection in this field published in more than three decades, English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology surveys the astonishing, and astonishingly varied, dramatic works written and performed in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. Popular in their own time, the 27 plays included here―by Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, John Webster, Thomas Middleton, among many others―reveal why these playwrights’ achievements, like Shakespeare’s, deserve reading, teaching, and performing afresh in our time. Edited by a team of exceptional scholars and teachers, this anthology opens an extraordinary tradition in drama to new readers and audiences.
The Cultural Uses of the Caesars on the English Renaissance Stage (Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 155.12 $Caesarian power was a crucial context in the Renaissance, as rulers in Europe, Russia and Turkey all sought to appropriate Caesarian imagery and authority, but it has been surprisingly little explored in scholarship. In this study Lisa Hopkins explores the way in which the stories of the Caesars, and of the Julio-Claudians in particular, can be used to figure the stories of English rulers on the Renaissance stage. Analyzing plays by Shakespeare and a number of other playwrights of the period, she demonstrates how early modern English dramatists, using Roman modes of literary representation as cover, commented on the issues of the day and critiqued contemporary monarchs.
Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting: Original Texts with English Translations (History of Art)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.08 $Since its original publication in 1849, Mrs. Merrifield's two-volume work on the technology of medieval and Renaissance oil painting has been one of the foremost among a scarce handful of valued reference books dealing with the subject. The work reprints (with the original language version and its English translation on facing pages) manuscript collections on painting and related arts dating roughly from the twelfth through seventeenth centuries.The manuscripts describe oil painting practices in several Italian cities, and in France and Brussels. Most of them are recipe books, revealing the artists' methods of making, purifying, grinding, and dissolving many different kinds of pigments; of preparing wood and cloth for painting; of making inks, dyes, and glues; and much more. Although oil painting receives the primary emphasis, the treatises also cover the processes involved in making miniature paintings, mosaics, and paintings on glass, as well as those entailed in the crafts of gilding, glazing, cutting precious stones, and many others.In addition to a preliminary commentary on each treatise, the author supplies an excellent introduction of almost 300 pages, in which she discusses the significant material referred to in the "recipes" and offers illuminating insights into the social history and artistic practices of the periods covered by the treatises. Also here for their comparative interest are several conversations Mrs. Merrifield held with eminent Italian art restorers, along with an introduction and a very helpful glossary defining technical terms used in the text. This latter material was prepared by S. M. Alexander of the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.
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