11 products were found matching your search for Harm Uwe Die gesetzliche in 2 shops:
Storch, Uwe: Lehrbuch der Mathematik; Teil: Bd. 1., Analysis einer Veränderlichen. Spektrum-Lehrbuch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.62 $Das Werk ist der erste Band eines vierbändigen Lehrbuchs der Mathematik, das den Stoff für das mathematische Vorexamen enthält. Es wendet sich an Studierende der Mathematik, Informatik und Physik. Die wesentlichen Konzepte der Analysis einer Veränderlichen (Stetigkeit, Differentiation, Integration) werden - auch unter Berücksichtigung numerischer Verfahren - behandelt. Zudem finden die Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Berücksichtigung. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Aufgaben ergänzen die Darstellung und erleichtern das Verstehen.
Do No Harm
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.04 $When a British emergency room doctor saves the life a woman who apparently attempted suicide, he is accused of committing a crime and stands trial. Not only is Dr. Matthew Kemble's medical practice at risk, but also his liberty. If he is found guilty of trespassing on a woman's right to die, he could go to jail.The novel Do No Harm exposes the dangers faced by conscientious doctors in Britain. Dr. Kemble's decision to treat a patient in defiance of her Living Will pits him against English Law, public opinion and his own profession. The legal and personal battles he faces raise many questions about the role of the physician in the modern world, contemporary beliefs about autonomy and human rights, and the increasingly bitter clash of values in twenty-first century Britain.Set in and around London, the story explores the interrelated stories of a physician facing ruin and imprisonment at the height of his career, his old friend and doggedly determined lawyer, Jonathan Kirkpatrick, and Maria, a passionate, dedicated but intensely lonely young campaigner who while working for the defense proves incapable of staying out of trouble herself.
Treating Suicidal Clients & Self-Harm Behaviors: Assessments, Worksheets & Guides for Interventions and Long-Term Care (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.02 $The most comprehensive, practical and user-friendly workbook to help save lives.Developed from years of working with the most challenging suicidal cases, Dr. Meagan N. Houston has created a workbook to prepare you for all the intricacies that affect clients' choices to live or die.Treating Suicidal Clients & Self-Harm Behaviors is filled with proven assessments, unique worksheets and action-based methods to help your clients navigate and survive the turbulent periods of their lives where suicidal and/or self-harm behaviors appear to be their primary options to cope. This complete resource also includes underlying etiology, varying life factors, and mental health concerns that influence suicidal and self-destructive behavior. Inside you will find: - Downloadable assessments, worksheets and guides - Therapy approaches for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) and suicidal behavior - Applying crisis management skills, DBT and CBT to treatment - Ethical and legal issues related to working with suicidal behavior - Incorporating technology into treatment - Case examples- Specific strategies for working with children and adolescents, veterans, military personnel, LGBTQI, and the elderly
Doing Harm: A Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.51 $There are many ways to die in a hospital...being sick is only one of them. Chief resident Steve Mitchell is the quintessential surgeon: ambitious, intelligent, confident. Charged with molding a group of medical trainees into doctors, and in line for a coveted job, Steve's future is bright. But then a patient mysteriously dies, and it quickly becomes clear that a killer is on the loose in his hospital. A killer set on playing a deadly game with Steve. A killer holding information that could ruin his career and marriage. Now, alone and under a cloud of suspicion, Steve must discover a way to outsmart his opponent and save the killer's next victim before the cycle repeats itself again and again...A chilling and compelling thriller that also takes you into the hospital and details the politics and hierarchy among doctors, as well as the life and death decisions that are made by flawed human beings, Kelly Parsons' Doing Harm marks the gripping debut of a major fiction career.
Teenage Suicide Notes : An Ethnography of Self-Harm
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.01 $"Picturing myself dying in a way I choose myself seems so comforting, healing and heroic. I'd look at my wrists, watch the blood seeping, and be a spectator in my last act of self-determination. By having lost all my self-respect it seems like the last pride I own, determining the time I die."-Kyra V., seventeenReading the confessions of a teenager contemplating suicide is uncomfortable, but we must do so to understand why self-harm has become epidemic, especially in the United States. What drives teenagers to self-harm? What makes death so attractive, so liberating, and so inevitable for so many? In Teenage Suicide Notes, sociologist Terry Williams pores over the writings of a diverse group of troubled youths to better grasp the motivations behind teenage suicide and to humanize those at risk of taking their own lives.Williams evaluates young people in rural and urban contexts and across lines of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. His approach, which combines sensitive portrayals with sociological analysis, adds a clarifying dimension to the fickle and often frustrating behavior of adolescents. Williams reads between the lines of his subjects' seemingly straightforward reflections on alienation, agency, euphoria, and loss, and investigates how this cocktail of emotions can lead to suicide―or not. Rather than treating these notes as exceptional examples of self-expression, Williams situates them at the center of teenage life, linking them to abuse, violence, depression, anxiety, religion, peer pressure, sexual identity, and family dynamics. He captures the currents that turn self-destruction into an act of self-determination and proposes more effective solutions to resolving the suicide crisis.
Der Tag, an dem die Oma das Internet kaputt gemacht hat -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.75 $*** Das erste Kinderbuch von Marc-Uwe Kling! *** Das gibt's doch gar nicht, oder? Oma hat das Internet kaputt gemacht. Und zwar das ganze. Auf der ganzen Welt! Tiffany, Max und Luisa kommen aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr raus, denn tatsächlich geht ... nichts mehr! Zuerst ist das ganz schön komisch. Denn plötzlich haben alle Zeit. Doch dann wird es richtig gemütlich, obwohl das Internet nicht funktioniert - oder vielleicht auch gerade deshalb. Lachmuskeltraining für die ganze Familie!Spiegel-Bestseller September 2018 und Oktober 2018!Platz 1 aller Vorlesebücher!Ausgezeichnet mit dem "Leselotsen" Oktober 2018 vom Börsenblatt des deutschen Buchhandels !
Barbershop Harmony Society 00137949
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 38.99 $ (+9.95 $)This Title Comes In Quantities Of Five (5) Copies(1 Order=5 Copies) I'm Gonna Live 'Til I Die TTBB a cappella Four-part a cappella harm...
Grammatik der deutschen Sprache: 3 Bde. (Supplementa Nietzscheana)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.96 $Die dreibändige Grammatik der deutschen Sprache ist eine Dokumentation der grammatischen Strukturen der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Die Autoren präsentieren das deutsche Sprachsystem auf der Grundlage authentischer Belege. Es werden z.B. Textstücke aus Werken von Günther Grass, HeinrichBöll und Uwe Johnson präsentiert und in erster Linie unter grammatischenAspekten betrachtet. Zusätzlich werden Beispieltexte aus Wissenschafts- und Sachtexten sowie den Printmedien herangezogen. Berücksichtigt werden auch erstmals in einer Grammatik Belege aus der gesprochenen Sprache (zum Teil in Transkriptionen). Die Grammatik der deutschen Sprache ist ein anspruchsvolles grammatisches Lese- und Studierbuch. Sie erläutert die zentralen Termini und Regeln und bietet anhand vieler lebendiger Beispiele die Gelegenheit, die deutsche Grammatik in ihrer Komplexität kennenzulernen.
Grammatik der deutschen Sprache
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.95 $Die dreibändige Grammatik der deutschen Sprache ist eine Dokumentation der grammatischen Strukturen der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Die Autoren präsentieren das deutsche Sprachsystem auf der Grundlage authentischer Belege. Es werden z.B. Textstücke aus Werken von Günther Grass, HeinrichBöll und Uwe Johnson präsentiert und in erster Linie unter grammatischenAspekten betrachtet. Zusätzlich werden Beispieltexte aus Wissenschafts- und Sachtexten sowie den Printmedien herangezogen. Berücksichtigt werden auch erstmals in einer Grammatik Belege aus der gesprochenen Sprache (zum Teil in Transkriptionen). Die Grammatik der deutschen Sprache ist ein anspruchsvolles grammatisches Lese- und Studierbuch. Sie erläutert die zentralen Termini und Regeln und bietet anhand vieler lebendiger Beispiele die Gelegenheit, die deutsche Grammatik in ihrer Komplexität kennenzulernen.
Other Women's Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.63 $Dr. Amelia Stern became a pediatrician to cure children, not see them die. In a kind of bargain she strikes with herself and fate, she does everything she can to save other women's children, hoping to keep her own child safe from harm.It's never easy. Amelia's hospital life contrasts so starkly with her cozy domestic world that she can't help but bring it home sometimes. Always available for medical emergencies and the needs of her helpless patients, Amelia begins to ignore her own needs. And her family life and marriage fade in importance as she heroically fights to save all of her children.A tender and timely examination of a doctor's world, a mother's world, and a wife's world, OTHER WOMEN'S CHILDREN is a revealing X ray of the complications of women's lives today."Superb . . . A poignant literary page-turner." --The New York Times Book Review
Lethal Intersections (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.79 $Hardcover. School shootings, police misconduct, and sexual assault where people are injured and die dominate the news. What are the connections between such incidents of violence and extreme harm? In this new book, world-renowned sociologist Patricia Hill Collins explores how violence differentially affects people according to their class, sexuality, nationality, and ethnicity. These invisible workings of overlapping power relations give rise to what she terms lethal intersections, where multiple forms of oppression converge to catalyze a set of violent practices that fall more heavily on particular groups. Drawing on a rich tapestry of cases, Collins challenges readers to reflect on what counts as violence today and what can be done about it. Resisting violence offers a common thread that weaves together disparate antiviolence projects across the world. When parents of murdered children organize against gun violence, when Black citizens march against the excessive use of police force in their neighborhoods, and when women and girls report sexual abuse by employers, coaches, and community leaders, the ideas and actions of ordinary people lay a foundation for new ways of thinking about and combating violence. Through its ground-breaking analysis, Lethal Intersections aims to stimulate debate about violence as one of the most pressing social problems of our times.Also available as an audiobook. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
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