39 products were found matching your search for Heeb Christian Canada Christian in 2 shops:
Canada: Sharing Our Christian Heritage
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.95 $In Very Good Used Condition. Crease On Front Cover Top Right Corner.For More Information On Condition. Please See All Photos. Vintage 1982 Canada's story is a story of challenge. Our predecessors battled the wilderness and braved raging rivers to discover, settle, and master this land, "from sea to sea". They subdued its forests, climbed its mountains and mined its depths. Some were driven by greed or personal dreams, but as many Canadian explorers and pioneers endured the hardships and dangers because they shared a vision for a land peopled by Christians whose society would truly be under the dominion of their Creator.
A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada (Oxford History of the Christian Church)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.16 $A religious history of North America since the earliest European settlements moves from the establishment of Christian outposts in the wilderness to the present-day decline in church membership
Religion, Sex and Politics: Christian Churches and Same-Sex Marriage in Canada (Fernwood Basics series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.89 $A riveting discussion on the implications of same-sex marriage, this book analyzes the same-sex marriage debate in Canada by examining the intersections between religion, sexuality, and public policy. The various arguments made by religious groups, both for and against same-sex marriage, are discussed, illustrating the range of perspectives on sexuality espoused by Christian groups and the numerous ways in which they influence the outcomes of legislation and court decisions.
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.16 $Broad in scope yet written from a well-defined perspective, this book provides a superb narrative survey of Christian churches, institutions, and interactions with culture in the United States and Canada from the colonial period to the present.One of the foremost authorities on the history of Christianity in North America, Mark Noll has intentionally made this history a comprehensive, balanced one-volume work: the book covers the great variety of Christian experience throughout all of North American history, sensitively encompassing the story of many contrasting groups and regions--elite and common people, whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women, North and South. Adding a personal dimension to the narrative, numerous biographical profiles further enrich Noll's multifaceted exploration of major movements and events.
People of Sunlight: People of Starlight : Barrenland Archaeology in the Northwest Territories of Canada (Mercury Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 89.96 $Separated from its origins in the Old World, Eastern Christian iconography in Canada has come to enjoy a popular following from coast to coast. The present volume documents this living tradition from a variety of perspectives to offer the first national survey of its kind. Here folklorists join with art historians, anthropologists, a scientist, a theologian, enthusiasts and iconographers to underscore the richness of a phenomenon that continues to captivate large segments of the countryÕs population.
Voices United: The Hymn and Worship Book of the United Church of Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.00 $Voices United (VU), the Hymn and Worship book of the United Church of Canada, is a Christian music resource. Voices United was produced in conjunction with the Hymn and Worship Resource Committee, and was edited by John Ambrose. It was published in 1996. The main pew edition of Voices United includes full words and music to more than 700 hymns by Canadian and international writers, as well as responses, psalms, scripture songs, canticles, prayers, communion settings, service music, creeds, and John Wesley's "Directions for Singing." There is also a words-only edition, a music director's edition with annotations, and electronic versions. VU is the third hymnbook produced by the United Church, following the 1930 Hymnary and the 1972 Hymn Book (the latter created jointly with the Anglican Church in Canada). It includes hymns from the 1972 book, as well as some that were included in 1930 and dropped in 1972 but never abandoned by congregations. Many of the older hymns have been edited line by line and sometimes word by word, to make their language more comprehensible to modern worshippers and more applicable to the Canadian context, and to remove language that would suggest that God is male or that all of humanity is male. The expression "Lord", for example, is rare in VU hymns, although it can be found, and there are also hymns that envision God in female terms. Only a few long-established hymns, those that have been in use since the 19th century, retain the archaic "thou" and "thee" and "hast" of traditional hymnody. The hymnal does not acknowledge or otherwise annotate edits to the original versions.
A History of Antisemitism in Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.32 $This state-of-the-art account gives readers the tools to understand why antisemitism is such a controversial subject. It acquaints readers with the ambiguities inherent in the historical relationship between Jews and Christians and shows these ambiguities in play in the unfolding relationship between Jews and Canadians of other religions and ethnicities. It examines present relationships in light of history and considers particularly the influence of antisemitism on the social, religious, and political history of the Canadian Jewish community. A History of Antisemitism in Canada builds on the foundation of numerous studies on antisemitism in general and on antisemitism in Canada in particular, as well as on the growing body of scholarship in Canadian Jewish studies. It attempts to understand the impact of antisemitism on Canada as a whole and is the first comprehensive account of antisemitism and its effect on the Jewish community of Canada. The book will be valuable to students and scholars not only of Canadian Jewish studies and Canadian ethnic studies but of Canadian history.
A History of Antisemitism in Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.59 $This state-of-the-art account gives readers the tools to understand why antisemitism is such a controversial subject. It acquaints readers with the ambiguities inherent in the historical relationship between Jews and Christians and shows these ambiguities in play in the unfolding relationship between Jews and Canadians of other religions and ethnicities. It examines present relationships in light of history and considers particularly the influence of antisemitism on the social, religious, and political history of the Canadian Jewish community. A History of Antisemitism in Canada builds on the foundation of numerous studies on antisemitism in general and on antisemitism in Canada in particular, as well as on the growing body of scholarship in Canadian Jewish studies. It attempts to understand the impact of antisemitism on Canada as a whole and is the first comprehensive account of antisemitism and its effect on the Jewish community of Canada. The book will be valuable to students and scholars not only of Canadian Jewish studies and Canadian ethnic studies but of Canadian history.
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.54 $Broad in scope yet written from a well-defined perspective, this book provides a superb narrative survey of Christian churches, institutions, and interactions with culture in the United States and Canada from the colonial period to the present.One of the foremost authorities on the history of Christianity in North America, Mark Noll has intentionally made this history a comprehensive, balanced one-volume work: the book covers the great variety of Christian experience throughout all of North American history, sensitively encompassing the story of many contrasting groups and regions--elite and common people, whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women, North and South. Adding a personal dimension to the narrative, numerous biographical profiles further enrich Noll's multifaceted exploration of major movements and events.
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.88 $Broad in scope yet written from a well-defined perspective, this book provides a superb narrative survey of Christian churches, institutions, and interactions with culture in the United States and Canada from the colonial period to the present.One of the foremost authorities on the history of Christianity in North America, Mark Noll has intentionally made this history a comprehensive, balanced one-volume work: the book covers the great variety of Christian experience throughout all of North American history, sensitively encompassing the story of many contrasting groups and regions--elite and common people, whites and blacks, Catholics and Protestants, men and women, North and South. Adding a personal dimension to the narrative, numerous biographical profiles further enrich Noll's multifaceted exploration of major movements and events.
A Concise History of Christianity in Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 158.65 $This single-volume history draws on recent advances in scholarship in both English and French Canada to present a comprehensive account of the development of the country's Christian Church. While tracing the institutional development of various churches, each section focuses on five themes in particular: relations between church and state; missionaries and prospective converts; interdenominational relations; lay religious practices and outlook (with special attention, where appropriate, to ethnicity, gender, and class); and finally, the impact of Christianity on Canadian society and culture.
A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.19 $From the lively severities of the 17th-century Pilgrims and Puritans to the ebullience of the televanglism age, the Christian experience in North America is rich and varied. Noll covers it all in this superb narrative survey. Tracing the growth of Christian belief and institutions and their interactions with culture in the U.S. and Canada from the colonial period to the present, his approach is broad and comprehensive. Many biographical profiles add a personal dimension to the narrative.
George Grant and the Theology of the Cross: The Christian Foundations of His Thought [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $George Grant is considered by many to be Canada's foremost political philosopher. But while his sweeping criticisms of technological globalization may be well known, the religious passion that informed his thought has been largely obscured from public view. In this book, Harris Athanasiadis shows Grant to be not just a philosopher but a mystic, not just an intellectual but a man of faith.Although Grant did not write about his faith to any great extent, he claimed that it was the inspirational centre of everything he thought and wrote. As this book reveals, beneath the philosophical, social, political, ethical, national, and moral issues that Grant tackled throughout his career was a fundamental concern with theodicy - the problem of faith in God in a world of conflict, suffering, and tragedy. Athanasiadis argues that Grant's thinking was driven by a passion to see God in spite of all that might contradict such a vision. He illustrates Grant's profound engagement with what Luther described as 'the theology of the cross,' and goes on to show how this theological orientation developed significance for Grant as he struggled with various thinkers and intellectual movements. One of his most important influences was the philosopher/activist/mystic Simone Weil, who helped Grant find language through which to articulate a theology of the cross within a twentieth-century secular North American context.This book explicates the theology that drove Grant's intellectual quest, thus providing a key to his essentially mystical nature. The author makes a compelling case that the philosopher was at heart a theologian.
Christians in the Public Square: Law, Gospel and Public Policy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 148.85 $A collection of articles examining the inter-relationship between "law" and "gospel"; what a Christian should and should not attempt to do in the public realm of politics; and bioethical issues. Included are essays by David Kilgour, one of Canada's longest serving Members of Parliament, providing the perspective of a practicing politician; and theologian C. E. B. Cranfield on the New Testament's teaching.
Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.02 $For more than twenty years, Charles Templeton was a major figure in the church in Canada and the United States. During the 1950s, he and Billy Graham were the two most successful exponents of mass evangelism in North America. Templeton spoke nightly to stadium crowds of up to thirty thousand people. However, increasing doubts about the validity of the Old Testament and the teachings of the Christian church finally brought about a crisis in his faith and in 1957 he resigned from the ministry. In Farewell to God, Templeton speaks out about his reasons for the abandonment of his faith. In straightforward language, Templeton deals with such subjects as the Creation fable, racial prejudice in the Bible, the identity of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus’ alienation from his family, the second-class status of women in the church, the mystery of evil, the illusion that prayer works, why there is suffering and death, and the loss of faith in God. He concludes with a positive personal statement: “I Believe.”From the eBook edition.
Native and Christian (Paperback) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.49 $Native and Christian is an anthology of essays by indigenous writers in the United States and Canada on the problem of native Christian identity. This anthology documents the emergence of a significant new collective voice on the North American religious landscape. It brings together in one volume articles originally published in a variety of sources (many of them obscure or out-of-print) including religious magazines, scholarly journals, and native periodicals, along with one previously unpublished manuscript.
Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.07 $For more than twenty years, Charles Templeton was a major figure in the church in Canada and the United States. During the 1950s, he and Billy Graham were the two most successful exponents of mass evangelism in North America. Templeton spoke nightly to stadium crowds of up to thirty thousand people. However, increasing doubts about the validity of the Old Testament and the teachings of the Christian church finally brought about a crisis in his faith and in 1957 he resigned from the ministry. In Farewell to God, Templeton speaks out about his reasons for the abandonment of his faith. In straightforward language, Templeton deals with such subjects as the Creation fable, racial prejudice in the Bible, the identity of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus’ alienation from his family, the second-class status of women in the church, the mystery of evil, the illusion that prayer works, why there is suffering and death, and the loss of faith in God. He concludes with a positive personal statement: “I Believe.”From the eBook edition.
A Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 89.78 $Robert Handy is one of the foremost historians of mainstream religion in America and author of A History of the Churches in the U.S. and Canada (1979).
I Will Fear No Evil : Ojibwa-Missionary Encounters along the Berens River, 1875-1940
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.34 $The history of Christian missions in Canada has traditionally been told only from the point of view of the missionaries, and not those they were attempting to convert. In "I Will Fear No Evil", Susan Gray offers a new perspective on missionary-aboriginal encounters between the Berens River Ojibwa and Methodist and Catholic missionaries between 1875 and 1940. Supplementing her historical research with conversations and interviews with Berens River elders, Gray explores the ways in which Christian beliefs have become incorporated into the traditional Ojibwa worldview. The Ojibwa were active participants in these missionary encounters. They accepted those missionaries who treated them with sensitivity and respect and integrated Christian beliefs and practices into their established belief system. Today, a blend of Christian and Ojibwa ideas is still interwoven in the lives of Berens River residents, with both traditions holding meaning and sincerity. Their uniquely adaptive religion sheds new light on our understanding of cultural contact and conversion, placing the indigenous experience of these events at centre stage.
Early Works on Theological Method 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.22 $The renowned Christian theologian Bernard Lonergan was also a professor, teaching courses on theological method at universities in Canada, the United States, and Italy. This volume records his lectures and teaching materials, thus preserving and elucidating his intellectual development between the publication of Insight in 1957 and Method in Theology in 1972.The present volume contains a record of the lectures delivered in 1962 (Regis College, Toronto), 1964 (Georgetown University), and 1968 (Boston College). This is the most 'interactive' volume yet published in the Collected Works series. The audio recordings of the 1962 and 1968 lectures are now available on the website www.bernardlonergan.com, as are PDF files of original papers from his 1964 institute at Georgetown. These lectures help to elucidate the development of Lonergan's ideas on such key notions as horizon, conversion, and meaning, as well as his evolving opinion on how best to divide theology into fields of specialization.
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