32 products were found matching your search for Hentschel Karl Martin Handbuch Klimaschutz in 2 shops:
Heidegger's children Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.07 $Martin Heidegger is perhaps the twentieth century's greatest philosopher, and his work stimulated much that is original and compelling in modern thought. A seductive classroom presence, he attracted Germany's brightest young intellects during the 1920s. Many were Jews, who ultimately would have to reconcile their philosophical and, often, personal commitments to Heidegger with his nefarious political views. In 1933, Heidegger cast his lot with National Socialism. He squelched the careers of Jewish students and denounced fellow professors whom he considered insufficiently radical. For years, he signed letters and opened lectures with "Heil Hitler" He paid dues to the Nazi party until the bitter end. Equally problematic for his former students were his sordid efforts to make existential thought serviceable to Nazi ends and his failure to ever renounce these actions. This book explores how four of Heidegger's most influential Jewish students came to grips with his Nazi association and how it affected their thinking. Hannah Arendt, who was Heidegger's lover as well as his student, went on to become one of the century's greatest political thinkers. Karl Löwith returned to Germany in 1953 and quickly became one of its leading philosophers. Hans Jonas grew famous as Germany's premier philosopher of environmentalism. Herbert Marcuse gained celebrity as a Frankfurt School intellectual and mentor to the New Left. Why did these brilliant minds fail to see what was in Heidegger's heart and Germany's future? How would they, after the war, reappraise Germany's intellectual traditions? Could they salvage aspects of Heidegger's thought? Would their philosophy reflect or completely reject their early studies? Could these Heideggerians forgive, or even try to understand, the betrayal
Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.84 $This innovative book discloses Karl Rahner's foremost achievement: discovering and delineating an ethos of Catholicism, a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach to life in Christ. Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics does so by placing the German Jesuit and his teacher, philosopher Martin Heidegger, into a richly detailed dialogue on aesthetics. The book treats classic Rahner topics such as anthropology and Christology. But it breaks new ground by exploring themes such as angels, Mary, and the apocalypse, juxtaposed with analogous philosophical topics in Heidegger. Peter Joseph Fritz reveals that Rahner, contrary to a widespread opinion, did not "turn to the subject." Rather, Rahner meticulously avoided the spirit of modern subjectivity. In doing so, Rahner follows paths cleared by Heidegger. The counter-subjective thrust of Rahner's thought has aesthetic implications. In fact, Rahner's turn away from modern subjectivity begins with his philosophical dissertation, Spirit in the World, which this work shows to be an aesthetic text through and through. Rahner's aesthetics in Spirit in the World and other works prove distinctive because of its resonance with a Heideggerian variety of the sublime, which Rahner first encounters during Heidegger's lectures on the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin. Rahner's improvement upon the Heideggerian sublime gradually matures over the course of Rahner's career into a complex strategy of resistance toward Heideggerian thinking. This becomes most clear in Rahner's eschatology, which is an apocalyptic discourse that rejects Heidegger's own apocalypse of being's history. Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics offers a fresh and innovative re- consideration of the classic pairing of Rahner and Heidegger. By doing so, it contributes to ongoing conversations on theological aesthetics, the interfacing of postmodernity and theology, and, most of all, on the enduring legacy of Rahner himself.
Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.46 $This innovative book discloses Karl Rahner's foremost achievement: discovering and delineating an ethos of Catholicism, a multi-faceted and comprehensive approach to life in Christ. Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics does so by placing the German Jesuit and his teacher, philosopher Martin Heidegger, into a richly detailed dialogue on aesthetics. The book treats classic Rahner topics such as anthropology and Christology. But it breaks new ground by exploring themes such as angels, Mary, and the apocalypse, juxtaposed with analogous philosophical topics in Heidegger. Peter Joseph Fritz reveals that Rahner, contrary to a widespread opinion, did not "turn to the subject." Rather, Rahner meticulously avoided the spirit of modern subjectivity. In doing so, Rahner follows paths cleared by Heidegger. The counter-subjective thrust of Rahner's thought has aesthetic implications. In fact, Rahner's turn away from modern subjectivity begins with his philosophical dissertation, Spirit in the World, which this work shows to be an aesthetic text through and through. Rahner's aesthetics in Spirit in the World and other works prove distinctive because of its resonance with a Heideggerian variety of the sublime, which Rahner first encounters during Heidegger's lectures on the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin. Rahner's improvement upon the Heideggerian sublime gradually matures over the course of Rahner's career into a complex strategy of resistance toward Heideggerian thinking. This becomes most clear in Rahner's eschatology, which is an apocalyptic discourse that rejects Heidegger's own apocalypse of being's history. Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics offers a fresh and innovative re- consideration of the classic pairing of Rahner and Heidegger. By doing so, it contributes to ongoing conversations on theological aesthetics, the interfacing of postmodernity and theology, and, most of all, on the enduring legacy of Rahner himself.
Gerhard Richter 1998 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.55 $Artwork by Gerhard Richter. Edited by Helmut Friedel, Martin Hentschel.
Sigmar Polke: The Editioned Works 1963-2000 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.88 $Artwork by Sigmar Polke. Edited by Claus von der Osten, Martin Hentschel. Text by Jurgen Becker.
Spotlight On Jazz
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.52 $ (+1.99 $)Spotlight On Jazz is Simone Kopmajers stunning new solo album that finds her returning to her roots. The album features the leader of the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra jazz saxophonist Terry Myers, pianist Paul Urbanek, guitarist Martin Spitzer, bassist Karl Sayer and drummer Reinhardt Winkler on a 13-song set that presents 7 new originals alongside covers of songs like "Mood Indigo", "Pennies From Heaven" & "Exactly Like You".
Silent Vigil
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 2.71 $Red/black splatter Vinyl. 2018 release. Memoriam was primarily developed to fill the void that was left following the tragic death of Martin 'Kiddie' Kearns, the drummer from Bolt Thrower back in September 2015. Bolt Thrower subsequently placed all activity on hold for the foreseeable future which gave Karl Willetts an opportunity to develop a new project with friends that had expressed interest in forming a band for some time. Memoriam are an Old School Death Metal band and maintain the standa
Romans An Introduction And Survey
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 1,760.16 $Paul's epistle to the Romans changed the lives of many great Christian thinkers, including Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Karl Barth. However, while Romans has been among the most influential books of the New Testament, it has also been the subject of some of the church's most heated debates. What is justification by faith? What is the relationship between law and grace? What is God's ultimate purpose for Israel? Without losing sight of the simplicity of the gospel, F. F. Bruce guides us along the difficult but rewarding paths of this great letter.This classic commentary has been completely retypeset and presented in a fresh, vibrant new large paperback format, with new global branding.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.21 $World-class biblical scholar/author Fitzmeyer has written a masterful study onPaul's Epistle to the Romans that will rival the great commentaries on Romans by Martin Luther and Karl Barth. Fitzmeyer is the author of the popular Anchor Bible commentaries on the Gospel according to Luke.
Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism : Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Marx
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.97 $In The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism, Arthur Kroker explores the future of the 21st century in the language of technological destiny. Presenting Martin Heidegger, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche as prophets of technological nihilism, Kroker argues that every aspect of contemporary culture, society, and politics is coded by the dynamic unfolding of the 'will to technology.'Moving between cultural history, our digital present, and the biotic future, Kroker theorizes on the relationship between human bodies and posthuman technology, and more specifically, wonders if the body of work offered by thinkers like Heidegger, Marx, and Nietzsche is a part of our past or a harbinger of our technological future. Heidegger, Marx, and Nietzsche intensify our understanding of the contemporary cultural climate. Heidegger's vision posits an increasingly technical society before which we have become 'objectless objects'- driftworks in a 'culture of boredom.' In Marx, the disciplining of capital itself by the will to technology is a code of globalization, first announced as streamed capitalism. Nietzsche mediates between them, envisioning in the gathering shadows of technological society the emergent signs of a culture of nihilism. Like Marx, he insists on thinking of the question of technology in terms of its material signs.In The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism, Kroker consistently enacts an invigorating and innovative vision, bringing together critical theory, art, and politics to reveal the philosophic apparatus of technoculture.
Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration & Interpretation (Christian Foundations)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.68 $In dialogue with Martin Luther, John Calvin, P. T. Forsyth, Karl Barth and Emil Brunner, Donald Bloesch's Holy Scripture examines the implications of biblical authority for the twenty-first century. It surveys the role of the Bible as seen within the Bible itself and as that role has unfolded through centuries of Christian tradition. It also explains and critiques many highly contested late-modern issues, such as the value of biblical criticism, the meaning of myth, the plethora of hermeneutical options and the nature of truth.
Heidegger and Marx : A Productive Dialogue over the Language of Humanism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.61 $Martin Heidegger and Karl Marx remain two of the most influential thinkers in philosophy, in political science and other social sciences, and in the humanities. Yet there has never been a full-length study in English of the relationship between their ideas, and there has only been one study in German (from 1966). A Productive Dialogue fills this gap and contradicts the widely held assumption that Heidegger had no significant engagement with Marx. Hemming focuses on four related areas of inquiry—Heidegger’s reading of Marx; Marx’s relation to G. W. F. Hegel; Heidegger’s disastrous political involvement with National Socialism; and the significance of Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, and Friedrich Nietzsche for the politics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. A Productive Dialogue explores the understanding of political processes, systems, and behavior that animates both thinkers.
Marburger Hermeneutik Bd.3
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Neu Neuware, verlagsfrisch; new item Besorgungsartikel, mit längerer Auslieferungszeit. -Bislang unbekannte Quellen geben Aufschluss über die Konstellation der Marburger Schüler von Martin Heidegger.Die Philosophen und Geisteswissenschaftler Hans-Georg Gadamer, Karl Löwith, Gerhard Krüger, Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss, Hans Jonas, Erich Auerbach, Werner Krauss und Max Kommerell lernten sich in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts kennen. In der kleinen Universitätsstadt Marburg unterzogen sie gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrern Martin Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann die tradierten Wahrheiten der Philosophie und Theologie einer kritischen Revision. 254 pp. Deutsch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.82 $The later chapters of the gospel of John form some of the deepest and most moving accounts of all Scripture. They also describe in detail Jesus's final days on earth and His final instructions to His team as He prepared to hand on His ministry.Karl Martin mines this incredibly rich vein of Scripture to draw lessons for leadership done Jesus's way. Leadership is about humility, about investing your life in your team, about facing betrayal, about dying to self, and about succession. Ultimately, true leadership is not about seeing others serve your dream--it's about seeing others released into the dreams, gifting, and calling that the Lord has placed on their lives. It is about something beyond you.This deceptively profound, honest, and practical book gives great insight for leaders--challenge for younger leaders, encouragement for midlife leaders, and refreshment for mature leaders.
Romans: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Volume 6)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.93 $Paul's epistle to the Romans changed the lives of many great Christian thinkers, including Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Karl Barth. However, while Romans has been among the most influential books of the New Testament, it has also been the subject of some of the church's most heated debates. What is justification by faith? What is the relationship between law and grace? What is God's ultimate purpose for Israel? Without losing sight of the simplicity of the gospel, F. F. Bruce guides us along the difficult but rewarding paths of this great letter. The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament. These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.
Poems and Prose Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.35 $A comprehensive English-language edition of verse by the Austrian poetAn undeniable aura surrounds the name of Georg Trakl, a poet of intense inner vision and originality whose work stands alongside that of Yeats, Valéry, and T. S. Eliot. Besides Rilke, his more famous admirers include Karl Kraus and Martin Heidegger. The distinctive tone of Trakl's work-especially admired by his patron Ludwig Wittgenstein-is autumnal and melancholy. Trakl was writing at a time of spiritual and social disintegration on the eve of the First World War, when personal values and perceptions tended to be subsumed in a more generalized anguish and exaltation. Neo-romantic, early modernist, his rich, vitally sensuous poetry can be seen to mark the transition from impressionism to expressionism, but at the same time transcends such categories. Trakl's poetry has previously only been available in English in short selections or in anthologies. This bilingual edition, the most comprehensive to date, gives readers the chance to get to know Trakl's work more fully than ever before.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.25 $World-class biblical scholar/author Fitzmeyer has written a masterful study onPaul's Epistle to the Romans that will rival the great commentaries on Romans by Martin Luther and Karl Barth. Fitzmeyer is the author of the popular Anchor Bible commentaries on the Gospel according to Luke.
Love and Saint Augustine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.23 $Hannah Arendt began her scholarly career with an exploration of Saint Augustine's concept of caritas, or neighborly love, written under the direction of Karl Jaspers and the influence of Martin Heidegger. After her German academic life came to a halt in 1933, Arendt carried her dissertation into exile in France, and years later took the same battered and stained copy to New York. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, as she was completing or reworking her most influential studies of political life, Arendt was simultaneously annotating and revising her dissertation on Augustine, amplifying its argument with terms and concepts she was using in her political works of the same period. The disseration became a bridge over which Arendt traveled back and forth between 1929 Heidelberg and 1960s New York, carrying with her Augustine's question about the possibility of social life in an age of rapid political and moral change.In Love and Saint Augustine, Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott and Judith Chelius Stark make this important early work accessible for the first time. Here is a completely corrected and revised English translation that incorporates Arendt's own substantial revisions and provides additional notes based on letters, contracts, and other documents as well as the recollections of Arendt's friends and colleagues during her later years.
Heidegger and Marx: A Productive Dialogue over the Language of Humanism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.29 $Martin Heidegger and Karl Marx remain two of the most influential thinkers in philosophy, in political science and other social sciences, and in the humanities. Yet there has never been a full-length study in English of the relationship between their ideas, and there has only been one study in German (from 1966). A Productive Dialogue fills this gap and contradicts the widely held assumption that Heidegger had no significant engagement with Marx. Hemming focuses on four related areas of inquiry—Heidegger’s reading of Marx; Marx’s relation to G. W. F. Hegel; Heidegger’s disastrous political involvement with National Socialism; and the significance of Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, and Friedrich Nietzsche for the politics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. A Productive Dialogue explores the understanding of political processes, systems, and behavior that animates both thinkers.
Marburger Hermeneutik zwischen Tradition und Krise
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Neuware - Bislang unbekannte Quellen geben Aufschluss über die Konstellation der Marburger Schüler von Martin Heidegger.Die Philosophen und Geisteswissenschaftler Hans-Georg Gadamer, Karl Löwith, Gerhard Krüger, Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss, Hans Jonas, Erich Auerbach, Werner Krauss und Max Kommerell lernten sich in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts kennen. In der kleinen Universitätsstadt Marburg unterzogen sie gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrern Martin Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann die tradierten Wahrheiten der Philosophie und Theologie einer kritischen Revision.
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