60 products were found matching your search for Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins in 1 shops:
The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.27 $Book by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Border Lines)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.29 $Norman White explores the St Beuno''s experie nce for Gerard Hopkins, his introduction to the Welsh langua ge, how the Vale of Clywd and its surrounding landscapes aff ected him and sets the period at St Beuno''s in the context o f the rest Hopkins'' life. '
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.07 $Biographical and critical essays supplement all of Hopkins' finished and fragmentary works
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 139.74 $Biographical and critical essays supplement all of Hopkins' finished and fragmentary works
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Routledge Guides to Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.86 $Gerard Manley Hopkins was among the most innovative writers of the Victorian period. Experimental and idiosyncratic, his work remains important for any student of nineteenth-century literature and culture. This guide to Hopkins’ life and work offers: a detailed account of Hopkins life and creative development an extensive introduction to Hopkins’ poems, their critical history and the many interpretations of his work cross-references between documents and sections of the guide, in order to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticism suggestions for further reading. Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, this volume is essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of Hopkins’ work and seeking not only a guide to the poems, but a way through the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds them.
Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.55 $This authoritative edition brings together all of Hopkins's poetry and a generous selection of his prose writings to explore the essence of his work and thinking. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was one of the most innovative of nineteenth-century poets. During his tragically short life he strove to reconcile his religious and artistic vocations, and this edition demonstrates the range of his interests. It includes all his poetry, from best-known works such as "The Wreck of the Deutschland" and "The Windhover" to translations, foreign language poems, plays, and verse fragments, and the recently discovered poem "Consule Jones". In addition there are excerpts from Hopkins's journals, letters, and spiritual writings. The poems are printed in chronological order to show Hopkins's changing preoccupations, and all the texts have been established from original manuscripts.
Gerard Manley Hopkins, Poems A Casebook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.92 $Part of the Macmillan Casebook Series.
Gerard Manley Hopkins in Wales (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.49 $Gerard Manley Hopkins spent three years at a Jesuit college in Wales and White argues that they were the most important of his authorial life -- perhaps his whole life. It was during this contemplative period that he wrote for the first time in seven years, was affected by the Welsh landscape, and encountered the Welsh language and its poetry which were to have such a distinctive influence on his work.During this period he wrote some of his classic sonnets, as well as what Hopkins called his rare happy poems. He wrote as well the magisterial The Wreck of the Deutschland, Hopkins' classic statement of his belief. This is the first full-length study of this crucial period in Hopkins' life; it includes new research and contributes substantially to a fuller understanding of this unique and popular poet. Norman White teaches at University College, Dublin (where Hopkins died), and is the author of the standard life, the Whitbread Prize-nominated Hopkins: A Literary Biography.
Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.98 $An insightful and inspirational biography of the heroic and spiritual poet. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844?1889) may well have been the most original and innovative poet writing in the English language during the nineteenth century. Yet his story of personal struggle, doubt, intense introspection, and inward heroism has never been told fully. As a Jesuit priest, Hopkins?s descent into loneliness and despair and his subsequent recovery are a remarkable and inspiring spiritual journey that will speak to many readers, regardless of their faith or philosophies. Paul Mariani, an award-winning poet himself and author of a number of biographies of literary figures, brilliantly integrates Hopkins?s spiritual life and his literary life to create a rich and compelling portrait of a man whose work and life continue to speak to readers a century after his death.
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook (Routledge Guides to Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.94 $Taking the form of a sourcebook, this guide to Hopkins’ poetry presents: extensive introductory comments on the contexts, critical history and interpretations of his work, from composition to the present annotated extracts from key contextual documents, reviews and critical works unabridged texts of twenty-nine of Hopkins’ most important poems, with detailed annotations cross-references between documents and sections of the guide, in order to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticism suggestions for futher reading. Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, this volume is essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of Hopkins’s work and seeking not only a guide to the poems, but a way through the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds them.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Oxford Authors)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.00 $The work of Gerard Manley Hopkins, one of the most original and influential poets of the 19th century, is gathered here in its entirety. Arranged in chronological order to show the full range of his poetic interests at each stage of his eventful life, the poems are complemented by selections from Hopkin's journals, sermons, and letters, which offer prose perspectives on the concerns which surface in the verse. Editor Catherine Phillips has gone back to the original manuscripts in order to present a more accurate version of the poems than has previously been available, thus revealing the poet's own taste more fully than has ever been possible.
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Sourcebook (Routledge Guides to Literature) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.18 $Taking the form of a sourcebook, this guide to Hopkins’ poetry presents: extensive introductory comments on the contexts, critical history and interpretations of his work, from composition to the present annotated extracts from key contextual documents, reviews and critical works unabridged texts of twenty-nine of Hopkins’ most important poems, with detailed annotations cross-references between documents and sections of the guide, in order to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticism suggestions for futher reading. Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, this volume is essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of Hopkins’s work and seeking not only a guide to the poems, but a way through the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds them.
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Spell of John Duns Scotus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.37 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Illustrated Poets)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.92 $This volume shows the work and life of the poet and provides a selection of paintings of the period.
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.00 $Gerard Manley Hopkins initially planned to become a poet-artist. For five years he trained his eye, learned about contemporary art and architecture, and made friends in the Pre-Raphaelite circle. In her fascinating and beautifully illustrated book, Catherine Phillips, whose knowledge of Hopkins's poems is second to none, uses letters, new archival material, and contemporary publications to reconstruct the visual world Hopkins knew between 1862 and 1889, and especially in the 1860s, with its illustrated journals, art exhibitions, Gothic architecture, photographic shows, and changing art criticism. Phillips identifies three artistic contexts for the Hopkins's life: his childhood circle of artistic relatives who were important in shaping his early vision; his friends at university and the criticism he absorbed while there that inflected his view as a young man; and the mature religious beliefs which came to govern his understanding of a visual world interconnected with an eternal one. With chapters devoted to Hopkins own drawings, and to visual theories of the time, Phillips is able to suggests fresh links between this visual world and the startling originality of Hopkins's mature writing that will impact radically on our understanding of Hopkins's practice as a poet.
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.88 $Gerard Manley Hopkins initially planned to become a poet-artist. For five years he trained his eye, learned about contemporary art and architecture, and made friends in the Pre-Raphaelite circle. In her fascinating and beautifully illustrated book, Catherine Phillips, whose knowledge of Hopkins's poems is second to none, uses letters, new archival material, and contemporary publications to reconstruct the visual world Hopkins knew between 1862 and 1889, and especially in the 1860s, with its illustrated journals, art exhibitions, Gothic architecture, photographic shows, and changing art criticism. Phillips identifies three artistic contexts for the Hopkins's life: his childhood circle of artistic relatives who were important in shaping his early vision; his friends at university and the criticism he absorbed while there that inflected his view as a young man; and the mature religious beliefs which came to govern his understanding of a visual world interconnected with an eternal one. With chapters devoted to Hopkins own drawings, and to visual theories of the time, Phillips is able to suggests fresh links between this visual world and the startling originality of Hopkins's mature writing that will impact radically on our understanding of Hopkins's practice as a poet.
Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.91 $A memoir of the noted poet and priest by a Jesuit scholar.THIS TITLE IS CITED AND RECOMMENDED BY: Cambridge Bibliography of English, Books for College Libraries,
Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins : Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 334.04 $This volume, the latest in Oxford's edition of The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, presents Hopkins at his most private and self-considering: there are mundane memoranda about neckties to purchase or letters to write, but also exacting revisions of poems. There are entries of quiet rapture, his attention caught by the unexpected sight of a bluebell or "some delicate flying shafted ashes...between which the sun sent straight bright slenderish panes of silver sunbeams down the slant towards the eye." Paintings, sculptures, and works of literature are stringently assessed, his aesthetic principles freely exercised. There are also nightmares relived; undergraduate "sins" unsparingly recorded; "signs" of heavenly mercy carefully noted; small acts of "kindness" from others, both unexpected and restorative, gratefully acknowledged. Like most diarists, Hopkins was committed to life-writing practices not simply to itemize his daily activities, but to explore the possibilities of textual "selving." The space of the page was the opportunity, incitement, and necessity of reporting what had been seen, what had been felt, what had been feared, in order both to memorialize the experiences and to make possible subsequent re-readings. Thus, the diaries and notebooks are a summary of the present and an investment in-even a prediction of-future responses. The entries extend from September 1863, during his second term at Oxford, until February 1875, while studying theology as a Jesuit in his beloved Wales, and from February 1884 until July 1885, while Hopkins was living at a "third remove" in Dublin, Ireland as a Classics Professor at University College and Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland.
The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins: Volume IV: Oxford Essays and Notes 1863-1868
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 423.74 $The first of eight volumes of Hopkins's Collected Works to be published, Oxford Essays and Notes presents a remarkable cache of previously unpublished papers, including forty-five essays which Hopkins produced during his undergraduate career at Oxford (1863-1867), only seven of which were reproduced in the 1959 edition of Journals and Papers. Topics range from Platonic philosophy to theories of the imagination, from ancient history to then-contemporary politics and voting rights. Also included are notes from a commonplace book, a remarkable "dialogue" about aesthetics (featuring a fictionalized John Ruskin figure), and the lecture notes Hopkins prepared in the winter of 1868 while teaching at John Henry Newman's Oratory School in Birmingham--writings in which he explores, for the first time, the theories of inscape and instress so central to his poetic practice. The edition is fully annotated and provides a detailed introduction that situates historically Hopkins's academic and creative efforts.The twelve notebooks represent Hopkins's intellectual and aesthetic development while studying with some of the greatest scholars of the era (Benjamin Jowett, Walter Pater, and T. H. Green), as well as the ethical and spiritual anxieties he wrestled with while deciding to convert to Catholicism (John Henry Newman received him into the Church in 1866). Hopkins never wrote to please his tutors or the university professors--he wrote vividly and searchingly in response to the challenges they presented. Whether evaluating Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, the role of "neutral" England in the American civil war, or the comparative merits of classical sculpture, his first instinct was always to frame the difficult questions involved and work towards a "counter" argument.
Gerard Manley Hopkins: Priest and Poet
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.42 $?The book is refreshingly free from special pleading. It is an integral study and a guide, concise and revealing, through all that Hopkins wrote.?-Manchester Guardian
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