15 products were found matching your search for Horror Roman in 2 shops:
Between Horror and Hope: Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6:1-11 (Paternoster Biblical Monographs)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.15 $'Between Horror and Hope' is a study of Paul's metaphorical language of death in Romans 6:1-11. The scholarly debate focuses on two main issues; the origin of the 'commentatio mortis' tradition and its development. Dr. Sabou argues that the origin of this terminology is original to Paul; that it was the apostle's own insight into the meaning of Christ's death (a death to sin) and his understanding of the identity of Christ in his death (as the anointed davidic king) which guided him to create this metaphor of dying to sin as a way of describing the relationship of the believer with sin. On the development of this language of death, the author argues that this language conveys two aspects -- horror and hope. The first is discussed in the context of crucifixion in which Paul explains the believer's death to sin by presenting Christ's death as the death of the anointed davidic king who won the victory over sin and death by rising from the dead. Paul affirms that believers are coalesced with what was proclaimed about Christ's death and resurrection, thereby allowing him to assert that the releasing of the body from the power of sin is a result of crucifixion. This crucifixion is the condemnation inflicted on our past lives in the age inaugurated by Adam's sin and this is such a horrible event that believers have to stay away from sin since sin leads to such punishment. In contrast, hope is presented in the context of burial. The believers' burial with Christ points to the fact that they are part of Christ's family and this is accomplished by the overwhelming action of God by which he pushes us toward the event of Christ's death, an act pictured in baptism. It is this burial with Christ that allows believers to share with Christ in newness of life
Between Horror and Hope (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.78 $'Between Horror and Hope' is a study of Paul's metaphorical language of death in Romans 6:1-11. The scholarly debate focuses on two main issues; the origin of the 'commentatio mortis' tradition and its development. Dr. Sabou argues that the origin of this terminology is original to Paul; that it was the apostle's own insight into the meaning of Christ's death (a death to sin) and his understanding of the identity of Christ in his death (as the anointed davidic king) which guided him to create this metaphor of dying to sin as a way of describing the relationship of the believer with sin. On the development of this language of death, the author argues that this language conveys two aspects -- horror and hope. The first is discussed in the context of crucifixion in which Paul explains the believer's death to sin by presenting Christ's death as the death of the anointed davidic king who won the victory over sin and death by rising from the dead. Paul affirms that believers are coalesced with what was proclaimed about Christ's death and resurrection, thereby allowing him to assert that the releasing of the body from the power of sin is a result of crucifixion. This crucifixion is the condemnation inflicted on our past lives in the age inaugurated by Adam's sin and this is such a horrible event that believers have to stay away from sin since sin leads to such punishment. In contrast, hope is presented in the context of burial. The believers' burial with Christ points to the fact that they are part of Christ's family and this is accomplished by the overwhelming action of God by which he pushes us toward the event of Christ's death, an act pictured in baptism. It is this burial with Christ that allows believers to share with Christ in newness of life
Repulsion (Criterion Collection)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.95 $A psychological horror film shot almost entirely in a London flat, REPULSION delves into the case history of a mentally disturbed, hallucinogenic, homicidal girl repelled by sex. Good suspense and clever shocks mark this recommended film, Polanski's first English-language effort. Director Roman Polanski Starring Catherine Deneuve, Yvonne Furneaux, John Fraser, Special Features: Widescreen - 1.85 Audio: Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono - English Additional Release Material: Documentary: A British Horror Fi
I Vampiri (Lust of the Vampire, The Devil's Commandment) (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 56.98 $Directed by Riccardo Freda and completed by the film's cinematographer, Mario Bava, "I Vampiri" is Italy's first horror film of the sound era. We are very proud to release this gem composed by Maestro Roman Vlad for the first time ever on vinyl, Re-Mastered from the original tapes at Toxic Basement Studio and pressed on 2xLP set at 45 rpm on 180g vinyl for best sound quality.
FrightFest Guide to Werewolf Movies (The Dark Heart of Cinema, 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.07 $The crimson eyes of the werewolf still glare at us from the midnight depths of our ancient roots deep in primordial forest. From the halls of Ancient Greek kings and from Roman horror stories, to medieval law courts and modern crime scenes, the lycanthrope has stalked us across the centuries. In the contemporary world of the concrete jungle we may feel masters of our bestial ancestry, but the werewolf reminds us that our teeth were evolved to tear living – perhaps even human – flesh, that our place atop the food chain remains precarious. We are now most familiar with the wolfman courtesy of Hollywood. Over the past century, a diverse pack of lycanthropes has manifest on the silver screen – in big-bucks blockbusters and zero-budget B-movies – each revealing a little more of the nature of the beast.Within these colorful pages we will encounter reluctant wolfmen and shapeshifting sadists, Nazi werewolves and werewolf nuns, big bad fairytale wolves and lycanthropic nymphomaniacs.Your guide is acclaimed author, broadcaster, occult historian – and lifelong werewolf obsessive – Gavin Baddeley. By finding fresh perspectives on established classics, uncovering neglected gems, and even examining a few howlers among the definitive selection of werewolf movies reviewed, Baddeley shows how the myth has adapted and transformed: whereby werewolves become analogies for alcoholism or adolescence, or ciphers for sexual awakening or serial murder. Providing our foreword is the award-winning director, writer and producer Neil Marshall, whose brilliant debut feature DOG SOLDIERS reinvigorated the werewolf movie for the 21st Century.So, the moon is full, the wolfsbane is in bloom... Time to brave the fogbound moors to find out who – or what – is responsible for that baleful howling... all is revealed in the FrightFest Guide to Werewolf Movies.
Fighting for Rome : Poets and Caesars, History and Civil War
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.74 $For the Roman writers "Fighting for Rome" became not the expansive imperialism of the all-conquering Republic, but a collapse into horror and un-Roman autocracy brought about by the Caesars' fighting for control of Rome. The essays in this volume range across the literary forms--history and satire, lyric and epic--working closely with particular texts. Conceived over the decade after the Cold War, they have been updated and rewritten to make a book that brings the ancient texts before the reader in a strikingly immediate way.
Fighting for Rome: Poets and Caesars, History and Civil War
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 109.95 $For the Roman writers "Fighting for Rome" became not the expansive imperialism of the all-conquering Republic, but a collapse into horror and un-Roman autocracy brought about by the Caesars' fighting for control of Rome. The essays in this volume range across the literary forms--history and satire, lyric and epic--working closely with particular texts. Conceived over the decade after the Cold War, they have been updated and rewritten to make a book that brings the ancient texts before the reader in a strikingly immediate way.
Lucan : De Bello Ciuili
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.08 $Book VII of Lucan's De Bello Ciuili recounts the decisive victory of Julius Caesar over Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus on 9 August 48 BCE. Uniquely within Lucan's epic, the entire book is devoted to one event, as the narrator struggles to convey the full horror and significance of Romans fighting against Romans and of the republican defeat. Book VII shows both De Bello Ciuili and its impassioned, partisan narrator at their idiosyncratic best. Lucan's account of Pharsalus well illustrates his poem's macabre aesthetic, his commitment to paradox and hyperbole, and his highly rhetorical presentation of events. This is the first English commentary on this important book for more than half a century. It provides extensive help with Lucan's Latin, and seeks to orientate students and scholars to the most important issues, themes and aspects of this brilliant poem.
War, Women, and Druids : Eyewitness Reports and Early Accounts of the Ancient Celts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.92 $"The ancient Celts capture the modern imagination as do few other people of classical times. Naked barbarians charging the Roman legions, Druids performing sacrifices of unspeakable horror, women fighting beside their men and even leading armies—these, along with stunning works of art, are the images most of us call to mind when we think of the Celts," observes Philip Freeman. "And for the most part, these images are firmly based in the descriptions handed down to us by the Greek and Roman writers."This book draws on the firsthand observations and early accounts of classical writers to piece together a detailed portrait of the ancient Celtic peoples of Europe and the British Isles. Philip Freeman groups the selections (ranging from short statements to longer treatises) by themes—war, feasting, poetry, religion, women, and the Western Isles. He also presents inscriptions written by the ancient Celts themselves. This wealth of material, introduced and translated by Freeman to be especially accessible to students and general readers, makes this book essential reading for everyone fascinated by the ancient Celts.
Church and Israel after Christendom: The Politics of Election
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.15 $Two seismic events mark the twentieth century as one of crisis for the Church. The first is the demise of the Christendom paradigm that positioned the Church as spiritual sponsor of Western Civilization. The second is the Holocaust, the horrors of which have prompted both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches to repudiate the teachings and attitudes undergirding their dark history of Jewish persecution. The cumulative effect of these two events is that Christians have been called to rethink their own doctrines and practices, especially with regard to the Church's prior conviction that it had replaced Israel in God's plan. In his pathbreaking new work, 'Church and Israel After Christendom' Scott Bader-Saye contends that a renewed understanding of Israel might provide resources to envision a faithful post-Christendom Church. Unlike theologians such as John Milbank and Stanley Hauerwas, who have pointed to the Greek polis as a model for renewing ecclesiology, the author suggests that it is not to Aristotle but to Abraham that the church should look in order to articulate and incarnate a faithful alternative to the voluntarism and violence of modernity. The doctrine of election is the linchpin linking a renewed understanding of Israel with a renewed vision of the post-Christendom Church. By recovering a doctrine of election that is both non-supersessionist and fully Trinitarian, Christians may recover their political calling to embody a way of life shaped by covenant freedom and messianic peace.
The Exorcist Files (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.67 $Paperback. As one of the most sought-after exorcists in the Roman Catholic Church, Father Carlos has been called to the most disturbing and vicious cases of possession worldwide. He has witnessed levitation, paranormal violence, foaming at the mouth - everything you've seen from the most terrifying horror movies, but in real life. His book, The Exorcist Files, tells ten of his most compelling tales of possession, from the fire-fighter whose pact with the devil aged eight gave him supernatural strength in exchange for possession, who sprouted fangs during his encounter with the priest, to the waitress whose encounter with a witch, led her to lure unsuspecting lonely men to become her exhausted sex-slaves.And uniquely, it reveals the prayers, rituals and secret techniques Martins uses to achieve exorcism, the theology behind them, and how ultimately, it's the victory of Jesus Christ that sets people free.The Exorcist Files is about how the devil gets in and how to get him out again. Based on the wildly successful podcast of the same name, which has been downloaded over 4 million times since its launch in 2023, The Exorcist Files details Martins' first-hand experiences with real-life exorcisms and discusses them in the context of the history and theology of demonic activity.The book begins with a foreword written by Cardinal Raymond Burke, the most respected and recognised cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. Father Carlos Martins fights the devil on the daily. Demon possession is his speciality. Freedom is his goal. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
The Poems of Exile (Penguin Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.38 $One of the wittiest Roman poets, Ovid (43BC - 17 or 18 AD) was banished in 8AD to Constanza, a remote barbarous outpost on the Black Sea, for an unknown crime against the Emperor Augustus. Pouring out polished verse, appealing for a pardon that never came, and describing the horrors of the land to which he had been exiled, he continued to write there until his death in 17AD. His poems in exile consist of "Tristia" (poems of lamentation) and the "Episulae Ex Ponto" (Black Sea letters) mostly short elegies or poems in defence of his career ("Tristia II"); and the "Ibis", a venemous sustained elegaic curse of an unknown enemy.
Awaiting Strange Gods: Weird and Lovecraftian Fictions [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $From Historical Dark Fantasy set in Roman times, to Cthulhu Mythos post-apocalyptic, Schweitzer's unique voice shines through. Lovecraft's characters were submerged into non-entities by cosmic-scale horrors, but Schweitzer is interested in more personal and psychologic responses, lending his stories a filled-in texture often lacking. These 22 stories span from rural Pennsylvania to Asia Minor, and over 2,000 years of time, overlapping into dark fantasy, irony, and pure horror stories.
Lucan : De Bello Ciuili
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.44 $Book VII of Lucan's De Bello Ciuili recounts the decisive victory of Julius Caesar over Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus on 9 August 48 BCE. Uniquely within Lucan's epic, the entire book is devoted to one event, as the narrator struggles to convey the full horror and significance of Romans fighting against Romans and of the republican defeat. Book VII shows both De Bello Ciuili and its impassioned, partisan narrator at their idiosyncratic best. Lucan's account of Pharsalus well illustrates his poem's macabre aesthetic, his commitment to paradox and hyperbole, and his highly rhetorical presentation of events. This is the first English commentary on this important book for more than half a century. It provides extensive help with Lucan's Latin, and seeks to orientate students and scholars to the most important issues, themes and aspects of this brilliant poem.
Church and Israel after Christendom (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.45 $Two seismic events mark the twentieth century as one of crisis for the Church. The first is the demise of the Christendom paradigm that positioned the Church as spiritual sponsor of Western Civilization. The second is the Holocaust, the horrors of which have prompted both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches to repudiate the teachings and attitudes undergirding their dark history of Jewish persecution. The cumulative effect of these two events is that Christians have been called to rethink their own doctrines and practices, especially with regard to the Church's prior conviction that it had replaced Israel in God's plan. In his pathbreaking new work, 'Church and Israel After Christendom' Scott Bader-Saye contends that a renewed understanding of Israel might provide resources to envision a faithful post-Christendom Church. Unlike theologians such as John Milbank and Stanley Hauerwas, who have pointed to the Greek polis as a model for renewing ecclesiology, the author suggests that it is not to Aristotle but to Abraham that the church should look in order to articulate and incarnate a faithful alternative to the voluntarism and violence of modernity. The doctrine of election is the linchpin linking a renewed understanding of Israel with a renewed vision of the post-Christendom Church. By recovering a doctrine of election that is both non-supersessionist and fully Trinitarian, Christians may recover their political calling to embody a way of life shaped by covenant freedom and messianic peace.
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