6 products were found matching your search for Hotte in 2 shops:
Carnet de La Hotte -le- Oi No Ko-bumi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.47 $Livre a L?etat de Neuf. Expedie Sous 3 Jours Ouvres. Numero de Suivi Communique Avant Envoi, Emballage Renforce. Ean:9782841032273
Histoire véridique du père Noël: Du traîneau à la hotte
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $Le Père Noël n’est pas tombé du ciel. Sa mythologie provient d’histoires très anciennes et n’est nullement, comme on l’entend trop souvent, une invention récente. Mais qui se cache vraiment sous la célèbre barbe blanche?Qu’il se présente en saint Nicolas ou en Santa Claus, en Sire Noueus médiéval ou en roi Hérode biblique, en Fouettard ou en diablotin, les circonstances qui accompagnent son apparition sont toujours les mêmes : c’est toujours lors des Douze Jours, entre Noël et le Nouvel an qu’il vient visiter ce monde depuis son ailleurs, avec dans son sillage, des clochettes et des hottes, des chaussures de toutes sortes, des animaux – âne, cheval, renne – et des bâtons. C’est une légende inquiétante de revenants, de cape et de capuche, de lutins et de cheminée, mais aussi de nuit et de jour, de mort et de naissance, de bûche sèche et d’arbre toujours vert, d’ombres et de chandelles, de disette et de somptueuses ripailles.Dans cet ouvrage, Karin Ueltschi s’attache aux croyances et récits propres à chaque « accessoire » du Père Noël, et derrière cette imagerie familière à chacun d’entre nous, met au jour les origines de traditions encore très vivaces.
Academic Equitation: A Training System Based on the Methods of D'Aure, Baucher and L'Hotte (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.75 $Originally written and published in 1949, Academic Equitation was considered by dressage experts to be the most important contribution to classical training in the twentieth century. This book was intended as a preparation for international dressage competitions but is far more than this. It discusses the subjects of academic equitation, the riding master and the choice of horse before introducing the reader to the author's systematic program, covering the very early training right up to the most advanced movements. The appendix deals with lungeing, work in hand, long reins and pillar work. General Decarpentry was not only a distinguished scholar of artistic equitation but also equally versed in putting the theories into practice. He deals with the education of the young horse and the complications and details of advanced schooling with the hand of a master. Although he claims that nothing in the book is his—his training system is based on the methods of D'Aure, Baucher and L'Hotte—the General's wisdom and deep knowledge are manifest throughout. It was the General's great wish that traditional teachings on the art of equitation should not be lost to those who wished to study equitation. In this most important work he has succeeded in presenting these teachings in such a way that allows both layman and expert to obtain a deeper insight into this fascinating subject.
Hal Leonard 07010499
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 59.99 $ (+9.95 $)You & Me Publisher: Hal Leonard Category: Band/Orchestra/Ensemble Series: Jazz Ensemble Library Format: Paperback Recorded by the hottes...
Phillips Pickups Phillips Classic
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 119.00 $What happens when you take our Origin model neck humbucker and slightly underwind it? You get the Phillips Classic. The Classic is a slightly hotte...
Seymour Duncan SH-PG1 Pearly Gates Neck & Bridge Humbucker...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 278.00 $The Seymour Duncan SH-PG1 Pearly Gates Neck & Bridge Humbucker set - nickel. FREE shipping anywhere in the USA!Application Warm, slightly-hotte...
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