442 products were found matching your search for Human Capital and Institutions in 1 shops:
Human Capital And Institutions: A Long Run View
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.57 $Human Capital and Institutions is concerned with human capital in its many dimensions and brings to fore the role of political, social, and economic institutions in human capital formation and economic growth. Written by leading economic historians, including pioneers in historical research on human capital, the chapters in this text offer a broad-based view of human capital in economic development. The issues they address range from nutrition in pre-modern societies to twentieth-century advances in medical care; from the social institutions that provided temporary relief to workers in the middle and lower ranges of the wage scale to the factors that affected the performance of those who reached the pinnacle in business and art; and from political systems that stifled the advance of literacy to those that promoted public and higher education. Just as human capital has been a key to economic growth, so has the emergence of appropriate institutions been a key to the growth of human capital.
Value and Capital Management : A Handbook for the Finance and Risk Functions of Financial Institutions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.13 $A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance valuation and value management. Spelling out how the finance and risk functions add value in their respective spheres, this book presents a framework for measuring – and more importantly, influencing – the value of the firm from the position of the CFO and CRO. Case studies illustrating value-enhancing initiatives are designed to help Heads of Strategy offer CEOs concrete ideas toward creating more value, and discussion of "hard" and "soft" skills put CFOs and CROs in a position to better influence strategy and operations. The challenge of financial services valuation is addressed in terms of the roles of risk and capital, and business-specific "value trees" demonstrate the source of successful value enhancement initiatives. While most value management resources fail to adequately address the unique role of risk and capital in banks, insurance, and asset management, this book fills the gap by providing concrete, business-specific information that connects management actions and value creation, helping readers to: Measure value accurately for more productive value-based management initiatives and evaluation of growth opportunities Apply a quantitative, risk-adjusted value management framework reconciled with the way financial services shares are valued by the market Develop a value set specific to the industry to inspire initiatives that increase the firm's value Study the quantitative and qualitative management frameworks that move CFOs and CROs from measurement to management The roles of CFO and CRO in financial firms have changed dramatically over the past decade, requiring business savvy and the ability to challenge the CEO. The Value Management Handbook provides the expert guidance that leads CFOs and CROs toward better information, better insight, and better decisions.
Bourgeois Equality: How Ideas, Not Capital or Institutions, Enriched the World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.87 $ There’s little doubt that most humans today are better off than their forebears. Stunningly so, the economist and historian Deirdre McCloskey argues in the concluding volume of her trilogy celebrating the oft-derided virtues of the bourgeoisie. The poorest of humanity, McCloskey shows, will soon be joining the comparative riches of Japan and Sweden and Botswana. Why? Most economists—from Adam Smith and Karl Marx to Thomas Piketty—say the Great Enrichment since 1800 came from accumulated capital. McCloskey disagrees, fiercely. “Our riches,” she argues, “were made not by piling brick on brick, bank balance on bank balance, but by piling idea on idea.” Capital was necessary, but so was the presence of oxygen. It was ideas, not matter, that drove “trade-tested betterment.” Nor were institutions the drivers. The World Bank orthodoxy of “add institutions and stir” doesn’t work, and didn’t. McCloskey builds a powerful case for the initiating role of ideas—ideas for electric motors and free elections, of course, but more deeply the bizarre and liberal ideas of equal liberty and dignity for ordinary folk. Liberalism arose from theological and political revolutions in northwest Europe, yielding a unique respect for betterment and its practitioners, and upending ancient hierarchies. Commoners were encouraged to have a go, and the bourgeoisie took up the Bourgeois Deal, and we were all enriched. Few economists or historians write like McCloskey—her ability to invest the facts of economic history with the urgency of a novel, or of a leading case at law, is unmatched. She summarizes modern economics and modern economic history with verve and lucidity, yet sees through to the really big scientific conclusion. Not matter, but ideas. Big books don’t come any more ambitious, or captivating, than Bourgeois Equality.
The Oxford Guide to Financial Modeling: Applications for Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Financial Institutions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 112.05 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
International Capital Markets: Law and Institutions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.87 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.68
Value and Capital Management: A Handbook for the Finance and Risk Functions of Financial Institutions (The Wiley Finance Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.72 $A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance valuation and value management. Spelling out how the finance and risk functions add value in their respective spheres, this book presents a framework for measuring – and more importantly, influencing – the value of the firm from the position of the CFO and CRO. Case studies illustrating value-enhancing initiatives are designed to help Heads of Strategy offer CEOs concrete ideas toward creating more value, and discussion of "hard" and "soft" skills put CFOs and CROs in a position to better influence strategy and operations. The challenge of financial services valuation is addressed in terms of the roles of risk and capital, and business-specific "value trees" demonstrate the source of successful value enhancement initiatives. While most value management resources fail to adequately address the unique role of risk and capital in banks, insurance, and asset management, this book fills the gap by providing concrete, business-specific information that connects management actions and value creation, helping readers to: Measure value accurately for more productive value-based management initiatives and evaluation of growth opportunities Apply a quantitative, risk-adjusted value management framework reconciled with the way financial services shares are valued by the market Develop a value set specific to the industry to inspire initiatives that increase the firm's value Study the quantitative and qualitative management frameworks that move CFOs and CROs from measurement to management The roles of CFO and CRO in financial firms have changed dramatically over the past decade, requiring business savvy and the ability to challenge the CEO. The Value Management Handbook provides the expert guidance that leads CFOs and CROs toward better information, better insight, and better decisions.
Capital Markets : Institutions, Instruments, and Risk Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.13 $The substantially revised fifth edition of a textbook covering the wide range of instruments available in financial markets, with a new emphasis on risk management.Over the last fifty years, an extensive array of instruments for financing, investing, and controlling risk has become available in financial markets, with demand for these innovations driven by the needs of investors and borrowers. The recent financial crisis offered painful lessons on the consequences of ignoring the risks associated with new financial products and strategies. This substantially revised fifth edition of a widely used text covers financial product innovation with a new emphasis on risk management and regulatory reform. Chapters from the previous edition have been updated, and new chapters cover material that reflects recent developments in financial markets.The book begins with an introduction to financial markets, offering a new chapter that provides an overview of risk―including the key elements of financial risk management and the identification and quantification of risk. The book then covers market participants, including a new chapter on collective investment products managed by asset management firms; the basics of cash and derivatives markets, with new coverage of financial derivatives and securitization; theories of risk and return, with a new chapter on return distributions and risk measures; the structure of interest rates and the pricing of debt obligations; equity markets; debt markets, including chapters on money market instruments, municipal securities, and credit sensitive securitized products; and advanced coverage of derivative markets. Each chapter ends with a review of key points and questions based on the material covered.
Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments (3rd Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.75 $This text offers the most comprehensive capital market coverage available. It covers the instruments, the players, and the principles of valuation with an excellent blend of theory and practice. Topics include Overview of Market Participants and Financial Innovation, Depository Institutions, Investment Banking Firms, Stock Options Market, The Theory and Structure of Interest Rates, and The Market for Foreign Exchange and Risk Control Instruments. Appropriate for corporate treasurers.
Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.16 $Social capital - networks of civic engagements, norms of reciprocity, and attitudes of trust - is widely seen as playing a key role for the health of democracy. While many authors have examined the consequences of social capital, there is a pressing need to explore its sources. This collection brings together leading American and European scholars in the first comparative analysis of how social trust and other civic attitudes are generated. The contributors to this volume examine the generation of social capital from two directions: society-based approaches that emphasize voluntary associations, and institutional approaches that emphasize policy.
Capital Markets - Institutions, Instruments, and Risk Management 5e
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.87 $The substantially revised fifth edition of a textbook covering the wide range of instruments available in financial markets, with a new emphasis on risk management.Over the last fifty years, an extensive array of instruments for financing, investing, and controlling risk has become available in financial markets, with demand for these innovations driven by the needs of investors and borrowers. The recent financial crisis offered painful lessons on the consequences of ignoring the risks associated with new financial products and strategies. This substantially revised fifth edition of a widely used text covers financial product innovation with a new emphasis on risk management and regulatory reform. Chapters from the previous edition have been updated, and new chapters cover material that reflects recent developments in financial markets.The book begins with an introduction to financial markets, offering a new chapter that provides an overview of risk―including the key elements of financial risk management and the identification and quantification of risk. The book then covers market participants, including a new chapter on collective investment products managed by asset management firms; the basics of cash and derivatives markets, with new coverage of financial derivatives and securitization; theories of risk and return, with a new chapter on return distributions and risk measures; the structure of interest rates and the pricing of debt obligations; equity markets; debt markets, including chapters on money market instruments, municipal securities, and credit sensitive securitized products; and advanced coverage of derivative markets. Each chapter ends with a review of key points and questions based on the material covered.
Foundations of Social Capital (Critical Studies in Economic Institutions Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.25 $`As theoretical paradigms develop, there comes a time when they need careful synthesis, deep reflection and wise criticism. It is now that time for the arguments regarding social capital. Political scientists are fortunate that a scholar as pre-eminent as Elinor Ostrom, and her able student T.K. Ahn, have taken the lead in undertaking this task. They have pulled together a fine collection of essays and added an insightful and pedagogically sound overview. The collection is likely to find its place in the book bags of all scholars concerned with the contributions of this literature to our discipline.' - Joe Oppenheimer, University of Maryland, College Park, US Few social scientific concepts have gathered so much attention and so many followers in such a short period of time as the concept of social capital. The purpose of this authoritative volume is to review the foundations for this fast growing field. The selected articles embed the concept in core theoretical work in economics, political science, sociology, development theory, and philosophy. Topics include: contemporary conceptual and philosophical foundations; forms of social capital; and the relation of social capital to both development and democracy. This collection will provide an insightful reference source to students and researchers alike.
Capital Market of Manila and the Pacific Trade, 1668-1838 : Institutions and Trade During the First Globalization
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 143.28 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (The Institution for Social and Policy St)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.64 $Why have large-scale schemes to improve the human condition in the twentieth century so often gone awry? James C. Scott analyzes diverse failures in high-modernist, authoritarian state planning-collectivization in Russia, the building of Brasilia, compulsory ujamaa villages in Tanzania, and others-and uncovers conditions common to all such planning disasters. What these failures teach us, he argues, is that any centrally managed social plan must recognize the importance of local customs and practical knowledge if it hopes to succeed.
Pro-Ject The Human Prosperity Project: Essays on Socialism and Free-Market Capitalism from the Hoover Institution
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.83 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 1.77
The Character of Human Institutions: Robin Fox and the Rise of Biosocial Science
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 195.81 $This volume celebrates the life and work of Robin Fox and the idea of a biosocial science. From his early studies of kinship, primates, the brain, evolution, the incest taboo, and aggression, to his later work on literature, politics, civilization, law, the Bible, Shakespeare, and the history of ideas, Robin Fox inspired many with an evolutionary vision of humanity that goes beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries and embraces the “universal history of mankind.” Fox’s work represents an independent “biosocial science” stream of thinking that accepts the Darwinian mandate while avoiding reductionism by recognizing culture as a natural phenomenon. The essays cover Fox’s life and his contributions, and address topics as diverse as the meaning and function of laughter; the unforgiving discipline of writing popular anthropology; extreme drinking rituals among young men training for the British army; Darwin and close-cousin marriage; the universal essence of the epic form as a super-attractor; anthropologists’ autobiographies; the conflict between science and anti-science; and the decline of British imperial education. This engaging collection on a “mainstream maverick” has been edited by Michael Egan. It includes essays by Sir Antony Jay, Lionel Tiger, Howard Bloom, Michael McGuire, Kate Fox, Melvin Konner, Alan Macfarlane, Adam Kuper, Dieter Steklis, Alexandra Maryanski, Bernard Chapais, Jonathan Turner, Linda Stone, Charles Macdonald, Anne Fox, David Jenkins, Frederick Turner, Robert Trivers, and an essay by Robin Fox himself.
The Psychology of Law Human Behavior, Legal Institutions, and Law
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.97 $Despite notable contributions in eyewitness identification and jury selection, most legal research done by psychologists has had a minimal impact upon law and public policy in the United States. In fact, much psycholegal research is marred by systemic flaws. In this carefully-reasoned and compelling text, Bruce D. Sales and Daniel A. Krauss explain how psychologists have failed to understand the law and the context in which it operates. Even subtle misunderstandings about the nature of courtroom testimony or the application of different legal statutes across different jurisdictions, they argue, can produce research that fails to examine real world phenomena. To combat this, the authors present a roadmap for how criminal justice and forensic researchers can use research to describe, explain, predict, and provide solutions for legal situations that can have a real impact on judges, juries, and the legal profession at large. Throughout, they demonstrate a dedication to the craft of scientific research that is sure to inspire a new and improved Psychology of Law for the twenty-first century.
The Character of Human Institutions: Robin Fox and the Rise of Biosocial Science
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $This volume celebrates the life and work of Robin Fox and the idea of a biosocial science. From his early studies of kinship, primates, the brain, evolution, the incest taboo, and aggression, to his later work on literature, politics, civilization, law, the Bible, Shakespeare, and the history of ideas, Robin Fox inspired many with an evolutionary vision of humanity that goes beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries and embraces the “universal history of mankind.” Fox’s work represents an independent “biosocial science” stream of thinking that accepts the Darwinian mandate while avoiding reductionism by recognizing culture as a natural phenomenon. The essays cover Fox’s life and his contributions, and address topics as diverse as the meaning and function of laughter; the unforgiving discipline of writing popular anthropology; extreme drinking rituals among young men training for the British army; Darwin and close-cousin marriage; the universal essence of the epic form as a super-attractor; anthropologists’ autobiographies; the conflict between science and anti-science; and the decline of British imperial education. This engaging collection on a “mainstream maverick” has been edited by Michael Egan. It includes essays by Sir Antony Jay, Lionel Tiger, Howard Bloom, Michael McGuire, Kate Fox, Melvin Konner, Alan Macfarlane, Adam Kuper, Dieter Steklis, Alexandra Maryanski, Bernard Chapais, Jonathan Turner, Linda Stone, Charles Macdonald, Anne Fox, David Jenkins, Frederick Turner, Robert Trivers, and an essay by Robin Fox himself.
Human Institutions A Theory of Societal Evolution
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.63 $In his newest book, leading social theorist Jonathan H. Turner offers a creative, richly grounded reinterpretation of social evolution.
Happiness and Economics : How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.18 $Curiously, economists, whose discipline has much to do with human well-being, have shied away from factoring the study of happiness into their work. Happiness, they might say, is an ''unscientific'' concept. This is the first book to establish empirically the link between happiness and economics--and between happiness and democracy. Two respected economists, Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer, integrate insights and findings from psychology, where attempts to measure quality of life are well-documented, as well as from sociology and political science. They demonstrate how micro- and macro-economic conditions in the form of income, unemployment, and inflation affect happiness. The research is centered on Switzerland, whose varying degrees of direct democracy from one canton to another, all within a single economy, allow for political effects to be isolated from economic effects. Not surprisingly, the authors confirm that unemployment and inflation nurture unhappiness. Their most striking revelation, however, is that the more developed the democratic institutions and the degree of local autonomy, the more satisfied people are with their lives. While such factors as rising income increase personal happiness only minimally, institutions that facilitate more individual involvement in politics (such as referendums) have a substantial effect. For countries such as the United States, where disillusionment with politics seems to be on the rise, such findings are especially significant. By applying econometrics to a real-world issue of general concern and yielding surprising results, Happiness and Economics promises to spark healthy debate over a wide range of the social sciences.
The Psychology of Law: Human Behavior, Legal Institutions, and Law (Law and Public Policy: Psychology and the Social Sciences Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.08 $Despite notable contributions in eyewitness identification and jury selection, most legal research done by psychologists has had a minimal impact upon law and public policy in the United States. In fact, much psycholegal research is marred by systemic flaws. In this carefully-reasoned and compelling text, Bruce D. Sales and Daniel A. Krauss explain how psychologists have failed to understand the law and the context in which it operates. Even subtle misunderstandings about the nature of courtroom testimony or the application of different legal statutes across different jurisdictions, they argue, can produce research that fails to examine real world phenomena. To combat this, the authors present a roadmap for how criminal justice and forensic researchers can use research to describe, explain, predict, and provide solutions for legal situations that can have a real impact on judges, juries, and the legal profession at large. Throughout, they demonstrate a dedication to the craft of scientific research that is sure to inspire a new and improved Psychology of Law for the twenty-first century.
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