IRENiEUS AGAINST HERESIES. BOOK IV. CIIAP. XXXI.-We should not hastily impute as c1,imes to tILe men of old time those actions which the Scripture has not condemned, but should rather seek in them types of things to come: an example of this in the incest committed, by Lot. 1.Ii1IHEN re~ounting certain m~tters of this kind , . - re~pectmg them of old tIme, the presbyter _ . [before mentioned] was in the habit of instructing us, and saying: ""Tith respect to those misdeeds for which the Scriptures themselves blame the patriarchs and prophets, we ought not to inveigh against them, nor become like Ham, ,,,ho ridiculed the shame of his father, aml so fell under a curse; but we should [rather] give thanks to God in their behalf, inasmuch as their sins have been forgiven them through the advent of our Lord; for He said that they gave thanks [for us], and gloried in our salvation. 'Vith respect to those act.ions, again, on which the Scriptures pass no censure, but which arTable of Contents 1 We should not hastily impute as crimes to the men of old; time those actions which the Scripture has not condemned,; but should rather seek in them types of things; to come: an example of this in the· incest committed; PAC!!; by Lot, 1; 32 That one God was the author of both testaments, is confirmed; by the authority of a presbyter who had been; taught by the apostles, 4; 3:1 Vhosoever confesses that one God is the nuthor of both; testaments, and diligently reads the Scriptures in company; with the presbyters of the church, is a true; spiritual disciple; and he will rightly understand and; interpret all that the prophets have declared respecting; Christ and the liberty of the new testament, · 6; 34 Proof against the )farcionites, that the prophets referred in; all their predictions to our Christ, 18; 35 A refutation of those who a