261 products were found matching your search for John Calvin in 1 shops:
John Calvin and the Jews
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $This book evaluates John Calvin's teaching and contribution towards a modern theology on the Jews in light of the Holocaust and the Jewish-Christian dialogue. It examines the historical treatment of the Jews up to the Reformation and inquires into Calvin's teachings on those subjects specifically related to Judaism: the Hebrew Scriptures, the covenant, the law, and Romans 9-11. The author explores the reformer's three basic criticisms of Jews and evaluates Calvin's contribution towards a comprehensive teaching on Jews. Six proposals are made for a revised Christian understanding of Jewish-Christian relations.
John Calvin's Geneva Catechism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.27 $John Calvin (1509-1564) remains the largest and most influential name in the Reformed tradition. His theology has impacted the church for centuries. In his Genevan Catechism, Calvin’s theology is at its most distilled and simplified. Covering the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Sacraments, John Calvin’s Genevan Catechism covers the full scope of the Christian life. This modernized publication hopes to increase its popularity and usefulness.
John Calvin : Selections from His Writings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.17 $This volume presents texts selected from the full range of John Calvin's writings, including excerpts from commentaries, sermons, letters, catechisms, tracts, broad-based theological works.
John Calvin--A Biography
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.56 $John Calvin was one of the most important leaders of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. In this revision of his major biography, T. H. L. Parker explores Calvin's achievement against the backdrop of the turbulent times in which he lived. With clear and concise explanations of Calvin's theology, analyses of his major works, and insights into his preaching, this definitive biography brings this crucially important reformer and his world to life for readers.
John Calvin's Bible Commentaries - Psalms 1 - 35
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.52 $Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. This book covers Calvin's commentaries on the Psalms 1 - 35.
John Calvin's Bible Commentaries On The Gospel Of John, 1 - 11
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.91 $Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. Commentaries On The Gospel Of John are numerous, and some of them are written with great learning and ability. Rarely has a separate and extended interpretation been given to any of the other three Gospels, which are, indeed, so closely interwoven with each other, that it is scarcely possible to expound one of them in a satisfactory manner, without bringing the whole into one view, comparing parallel passages, accounting for apparent contradictions, and supplying the omissions of each narrative, to such an extent as to produce what shall be in substance, though not always in form, a HARMONY OF THE THREE EVANGELISTS. The present Work brings under review some of the most intricate questions in theology; and in handling them he is not more careful to learn all that has been revealed than to avoid unauthorized speculation. They who know the difficulty of the path will the more highly appreciate so skillful a guide, who advances with a firm step, points out the bypaths which have misled the unwary, conducts us to scenes which we had not previously explored, and aids us in listening to a Divine voice which says, This is the way, walk, ye in it. This edition contains the commentaries on John 1 - 11.
John Calvin's Geneva Catechism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.79 $John Calvin (1509-1564) remains the largest and most influential name in the Reformed tradition. His theology has impacted the church for centuries. In his Genevan Catechism, Calvin’s theology is at its most distilled and simplified. Covering the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Sacraments, John Calvin’s Genevan Catechism covers the full scope of the Christian life. This modernized publication hopes to increase its popularity and usefulness.
John Calvin, Myth and Reality: Images and Impact of Geneva's Reformer. Papers of the 2009 Calvin Studies Society Colloquium
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.44 $The chapters in this volume were originally presented as papers at the 2009 colloquium of the Calvin Studies Society, held to mark the five-hundredth anniversary of John Calvin's birth. They offer a fresh evaluation of Calvin's ideas and achievements, and describe how others-from his contemporaries to the present-have responded to or built upon the Calvinist heritage. This book dispels popular misperceptions about Calvin and Calvinism, allowing readers to make a more accurate assessment of Calvin's importance as a theologian and historical figure. Contributions address areas in which Calvin's legacy has been most controversial or misunderstood, such as his attitude toward women, his advocacy of church discipline, and his understanding of predestination. These essays also give a nuanced picture of the impact of Calvinism by taking account of both the positive and negative reactions to it from the early modern period to the present. Part 1: Calvin: The Man and His Work Part 2: Appeal of and Responses to Calvinism Part 3: The Impact of Calvin's Ideas
John Calvin and the Reformation of the Refugees (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.56 $In the eight essays collected here, Oberman assesses a half-century of research on Calvinism, probes the matrix of Calvin's early thought, addresses Calvin's message and its appeal to persecuted churches in France and exile communities throughout Europe, and, on a fundamental level, seeks to identify why Calvinism and the Reformed tradition became the most successful branch of Protestant Christianity by the end of the sixteenth century. Oberman concludes that church discipline, the "call" of predestination, and Old Testament narratives of a God "trekking" with his people in the desert all provided pastoral comfort in times of uncertainty. Incisive in his arguments and creative in his insights, Oberman's findings have contributed greatly to the current shape of research on Calvin and Calvinism.
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion : A Biography
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.33 $John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion is a defining book of the Reformation and a pillar of Protestant theology. First published in Latin in 1536 and in Calvin's native French in 1541, the Institutes argues for the majesty of God and for justification by faith alone. The book decisively shaped Calvinism as a major religious and intellectual force in Europe and throughout the world. Here, Bruce Gordon provides an essential biography of Calvin's influential and enduring theological masterpiece, tracing the diverse ways it has been read and interpreted from Calvin's time to today.Gordon explores the origins and character of the Institutes, looking closely at its theological and historical roots, and explaining how it evolved through numerous editions to become a complete summary of Reformation doctrine. He shows how the development of the book reflected the evolving thought of Calvin, who instilled in the work a restlessness that reflected his understanding of the Christian life as a journey to God. Following Calvin's death in 1564, the Institutes continued to be reprinted, reedited, and reworked through the centuries. Gordon describes how it has been used in radically different ways, such as in South Africa, where it was invoked both to defend and attack the horror of apartheid. He examines its vexed relationship with the historical Calvin―a figure both revered and despised―and charts its robust and contentious reception history, taking readers from the Puritans and Voltaire to YouTube, the novels of Marilynne Robinson, and to China and Africa, where the Institutes continues to find new audiences today.
John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.17 $Unread book in perfect condition.
John Calvin: What is the truth? (Little Lights)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.86 $The true story of John Calvin and the Reformation for young readers. When John Calvin was a young boy he was taught many things that weren't true - but when he discovered the truth about God and Jesus Christ it was a very exciting time for him. It was so exciting he could not keep this amazing truth to himself. God helped John Calvin to teach the truth and he became one of the men who started the Reformation.
John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, Doxology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.88 $John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, Doxology [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 20...
John Calvin: Commentary on Romans
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.42 $412 pages. 9.00x6.00x1.00 inches. In Stock.
John Calvin's Commentaries On St. Paul's Epistle To The Romans: Annotated Edition including more than 450 Notes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.25 $His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. On no portion of The New Testament have so many Commentaries been written as on the Epistle to the Romans. We have indeed no separate Comment extant by any of the Fathers on this Epistle; though it has been explained, together with other parts of Scripture, by Origen in the third century; by Jerome, Chrysostom, and in part by Augustine, in the fourth; by Theodoret in the fifth; by Ecumenius in the tenth; and by Theophylact in the eleventh century. But since the Reformation, many separate Expositions have been published, beside a learned Introduction by Luther, and Notes or Scholia by Zuingle and Melancthon.
John Calvin : Pilgrim and Pastor
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.81 $An introduction to the essential life and thought of one of history's most influential theologians, who considered himself first and foremost a pilgrim and a pastor.July 10, 2009, marked the five-hundredth anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. As controversial as he was influential, his critics have named a judgmental and joyless attitude after him, while his admirers celebrate him as the principal theologian of Reformed Christianity. Yet his impact is unmistakable-a primary developer of western civilization whose life and work have deeply affected five centuries' worth of pastors, scholars, and individuals.What will surprise the readers of this book, however, is that Calvin did not live primarily to influence future generations. Rather, he considered himself first and foremost a spiritual pilgrim and a minister of the Word in the church of his day. It was from that "essential" Calvin that all his influence flowed.Here is an introduction to Calvin's life and thought and essence: a man who moved people not through the power of personality but through passion for the Word, a man who sought to serve the gospel in the most humble of roles.
John Calvin after darkness light: After Darkness Light
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.11 $Calvin had ideas on how we could live better lives - particularly how we could live in close harmony with God and each other - but because his ideas were radical, his life was filled with dramatic events and dangers. He was run out of town - and then welcomed back. He was accussed of being too harsh - and also too tender hearted. When he explained what the bible meant he was considered too logical and too spiritual! He must have been an amazing man to have caused such a stir!
John Calvin's Bible Commentaries On The Catholic Epistles
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.91 $Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation. This book contains Calvin's commentaries on James, John, Jude and 1 and 2 Peter.
John Calvin's Bible Commentaries On St. Paul's Epistles To The Galatians And Ephesians
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.11 $Calvin produced commentaries on most of the books of the Bible. His commentaries cover the larger part of the Old Testament, and all of the new, excepting Second and Third John and the Apocalypse. His commentaries and lectures stand in the front rank of Biblical interpretation.
John Calvin and the Printed Book (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $John Calvin made a significant contribution to the world of early modern printing. Jean-François Gilmont, one of the foremost experts in the field, has thoroughly researched and presented all aspects of John Calvin's interaction with books—from the authors he read, to the works he wrote, to his relationships with the printing and publishing world of the sixteenth century. Originally in French, Karin Maag makes Gilmont's research available in this English translation.
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