685 products were found matching your search for John Michael Israel und in 3 shops:
Trademark Fine Art Israel Watercolor Map by Michael Tompsett 14 in. x 19 in.
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 30.15 $This ready to hang, gallery-wrapped art piece features a colorful watercolor map of Israel. Giclee (jee-clay) is an advanced printmaking process for creating high quality fine art reproductions. The attainable excellence that Giclee printmaking affords makes the reproduction virtually indistinguishable from the original piece. The result is wide acceptance of Giclee by galleries, museums, and private collectors. Gallery wrap is a method of stretching an artist's canvas so that the canvas wraps around the sides and is secured a hidden, wooden frame. This method of stretching and preparing a canvas allows for a frameless presentation of the finished painting. Color: Multi.
Trademark Fine Art Israel Watercolor Map by Michael Tompsett 32 in. x 24 in.
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 55.77 $This ready to hang, gallery-wrapped art piece features a colorful watercolor map of Israel. Giclee (jee-clay) is an advanced printmaking process for creating high quality fine art reproductions. The attainable excellence that Giclee printmaking affords makes the reproduction virtually indistinguishable from the original piece. The result is wide acceptance of Giclee by galleries, museums, and private collectors. Gallery wrap is a method of stretching an artist's canvas so that the canvas wraps around the sides and is secured a hidden, wooden frame. This method of stretching and preparing a canvas allows for a frameless presentation of the finished painting. Color: Multi.
CPP John Michael Montgomery Kickin' It up Piano Vocal & Gu...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 29.95 $ (+8.00 $)John Michael Montgomery Kickin' It up Piano Vocal & Guitar BookBook Includes: All in My Heart * Be My Baby Tonight * Friday at Five * Full-Time...
Geschichte des Volkes Israel und seiner Nachbarn in Grundz gen Teil 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.00 $"Geschichte Des Volkes Israel Und Seiner Nachbarn in Grundzugen Teil 2: Von Der Konigszeit Bis Zu Alexander Dem Groaen. Mit Einem Ausblick Auf Die Geschichte Des Judentums Bis Bar Kochba".
Die Theorie Der Zentralen Orte in Israel Und Deutschland: Zur Rezeption Walter Christallers Im Kontext Von Sharonplan Und "generalplan Ost"
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 196.23 $Ist es möglich, zwischen dem israelischen "Sharonplan" und dem "Generalplan Ost?" eine konzeptionelle Verbindungslinie zu ziehen, die ihren Ursprung in W. Christallers "Theorie der zentralen Orte" hat? Das Leitbild dieser 1933 veröffentlichten Theorie zielt auf eine funktionale Optimierung der Wirtschaftsfaktoren und der Verteilung der Bevölkerung im Raum. Joachim Trezib geht einer unerwarteten Parallelität nach, die er als Muster räumlicher Herrschaft sowohl in den NS-Plänen zur "Neuordnung" Europas als auch in der israelischen Nationalplanung nach der Staatsgründung 1948 identifiziert. Der Vergleich zeigt einen exemplarischen Fall, wie sich die junge Wissenschaft der Raumplanung im 20. Jahrhundert als Herrschaftsmittel instrumentalisieren ließ.
Geschichte Des Volkes Israel Und Seiner Nachbarn in Grundzugen : Von Den Anfangen Bis Zur Staatenbildungszeit -Language: German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.95 $"Geschichte Des Volkes Israel Und Seiner Nachbarn in Grundzugen Teil 1: Von Den Anfangen Bis Zur Staatenbildungszeit".
Menschenbilder und K?rperkonzepte im Alten Israel, in ?gypten und im Alten Orient [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 174.00 $English summary: Ideas of man and concepts of the body are closely linked, and are a key factor in defining anthropological theories and problems. In addition, they are closely connected to the social structure of each cultural region, which itself has a continuous influence on human actions and attitudes, but which at the same time is also the result of human actions and attitudes. Scholars from various disciplines used this as their basis to explore the subject in their own cultural field (Old Testament/Palestine, Egypt and the Ancient Near East), each of them taking the perspective of their own methodological approach. The studies incorporate both, text and image sources. It is the authors' common goal to provide a precise description of specific anthropological developments which are dependent on time and culture and to include a discussion of basic issues of the conditio humana. German description: Menschenbilder und Korperkonzepte gehoren eng zusammen und bestimmen massgeblich anthropologische Lehren und Fragestellungen. Sie sind zudem eng mit der Sozialstruktur des jeweiligen Kulturraums verflochten, wobei dieselbe zwar ununterbrochen konditionierenden Einfluss auf menschliche Handlungen und Haltungen hat, sie aber zugleich auch das Ergebnis menschlicher Handlungen und Haltungen ist. Auf diesen Grundlagen haben sich Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen zusammengefunden, um aus der Perspektive ihres jeweiligen methodischen Ansatzes dem Thema in ihrem jeweiligen Kulturbereich (Altes Testament/Palastina, Agypten und Alter Orient) nachzugehen. Dabei werden Textquellen ebenso in die Untersuchungen mit einbezogen wie Bildquellen. Gemeinsames Ziel ist, zeit- und kulturgebundene Spezialentwicklungen prazise zu profilieren und Grundfragen der conditio humana in den Blick zu nehmen.
Gefährten und Feinde des Menschen : Das Tier in der Lebenswelt des alten Israel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.23 $Sauberes Exemplar mit nur geringen Gebrauchs-/Regalspuren. Broschierter Einband. 397 Seiten. 555 Gramm. 22x15cm. Deutsch. Mit einigen schwarzweißen Abbildungen im Text.
Israel und Palästina: Umkämpft, besetzt, verklärt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.64 $112 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Zwei Nationen beschäftigen die Welt Geschichten aus dem Nahen Osten, 50 Jahre nach dem Sechstagekrieg: Von palästinensischen Bauern, die sich gegen die Landnahme durch Israel wehren; vom pulsierenden Leben in der Mittelmeermetropole Tel Aviv, die vom Krieg nichts wissen will; vom komplizierten Alltag in einem geteilten Dorf im Westjordanland und von einem allergischen Hund, der ein jüdisches Pärchen in den Wahnsinn treibt. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 358 Taschenbuch, Maße: 23.1 cm x 0.3 cm x 27.8 cm
Israel in Palästina. Über Tausch und Gewalt im Vorderen Orient.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.49 $284 S. Leichte äußere Gebrauchsspuren, guter Zustand. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 450
Geschichte des Volkes Israel und seiner Nachbarn in Grundzuegen Teil 2 (Grundrisse Zum Alten Testament, 4.2) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.04 $"Geschichte Des Volkes Israel Und Seiner Nachbarn in Grundzugen Teil 2: Von Der Konigszeit Bis Zu Alexander Dem Groaen. Mit Einem Ausblick Auf Die Geschichte Des Judentums Bis Bar Kochba".
Menschenbilder Und Korperkonzepte Im Alten Israel, in Agypten Und Im Alten Orient -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 240.22 $English summary: Ideas of man and concepts of the body are closely linked, and are a key factor in defining anthropological theories and problems. In addition, they are closely connected to the social structure of each cultural region, which itself has a continuous influence on human actions and attitudes, but which at the same time is also the result of human actions and attitudes. Scholars from various disciplines used this as their basis to explore the subject in their own cultural field (Old Testament/Palestine, Egypt and the Ancient Near East), each of them taking the perspective of their own methodological approach. The studies incorporate both, text and image sources. It is the authors' common goal to provide a precise description of specific anthropological developments which are dependent on time and culture and to include a discussion of basic issues of the conditio humana. German description: Menschenbilder und Korperkonzepte gehoren eng zusammen und bestimmen massgeblich anthropologische Lehren und Fragestellungen. Sie sind zudem eng mit der Sozialstruktur des jeweiligen Kulturraums verflochten, wobei dieselbe zwar ununterbrochen konditionierenden Einfluss auf menschliche Handlungen und Haltungen hat, sie aber zugleich auch das Ergebnis menschlicher Handlungen und Haltungen ist. Auf diesen Grundlagen haben sich Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen zusammengefunden, um aus der Perspektive ihres jeweiligen methodischen Ansatzes dem Thema in ihrem jeweiligen Kulturbereich (Altes Testament/Palastina, Agypten und Alter Orient) nachzugehen. Dabei werden Textquellen ebenso in die Untersuchungen mit einbezogen wie Bildquellen. Gemeinsames Ziel ist, zeit- und kulturgebundene Spezialentwicklungen prazise zu profilieren und Grundfragen der conditio humana in den Blick zu nehmen.
The Gospel of John and the Future of Israel (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Series Number 177)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.56 $Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 0.74
John F. Kennedy And Israel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.32 $John F. Kennedy entered the White House hoping to make America and the world a better and safer place in which to live. Through diplomacy, he wanted to achieve a settlement of the East-West tensions and to bring about a peaceful resolution to such issues as the Israeli-Arab conflict. Although his provision of defensive HAWK anti-aircraft missiles, in response to Russian, French, and British arms sales to the Arabs, made him the first President to supply arms to Israel, Kennedy feared both exacerbation of the arms race and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. While he remained an honest and loyal friend to Israel, he also attempted to further America's relationship with the Arab states and to encourage a settlement of the Arab refugee issue.Kennedy was an independent thinker who learned how to rely upon his own best judgment and intelligence rather than upon his father or officials like Dean Rusk or Allen Dulles. Kennedy ultimately agreed to regular consultations between Israeli and American military personnel, but he would not agree to a dual alliance nor would he allow America to become Israel's main source of military equipment. The author contends that it was this precarious and uncertain diplomatic and military situation that encouraged Israel to develop its own defense industries and to investigate the possibilities of producing its own nuclear weapons systems.
John Pairman Brown: Israel and Hellas. [I]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 172.75 $The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) covers all areas of research into the Old Testament, focusing on the Hebrew Bible, its early and later forms in Ancient Judaism, as well as its branching into many neighboring cultures of the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world.
The Trial of Ivan the Terrible: State of Israel Vs. John Demjanjuk
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.98 $Offers an account of the trial of John Demjanjuk, who was convicted of committing war crimes as "Ivan the Terrible," a sadistic guard at the Treblinka concentration camp
John F. Kennedy And Israel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 113.03 $John F. Kennedy entered the White House hoping to make America and the world a better and safer place in which to live. Through diplomacy, he wanted to achieve a settlement of the East-West tensions and to bring about a peaceful resolution to such issues as the Israeli-Arab conflict. Although his provision of defensive HAWK anti-aircraft missiles, in response to Russian, French, and British arms sales to the Arabs, made him the first President to supply arms to Israel, Kennedy feared both exacerbation of the arms race and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. While he remained an honest and loyal friend to Israel, he also attempted to further America's relationship with the Arab states and to encourage a settlement of the Arab refugee issue.Kennedy was an independent thinker who learned how to rely upon his own best judgment and intelligence rather than upon his father or officials like Dean Rusk or Allen Dulles. Kennedy ultimately agreed to regular consultations between Israeli and American military personnel, but he would not agree to a dual alliance nor would he allow America to become Israel's main source of military equipment. The author contends that it was this precarious and uncertain diplomatic and military situation that encouraged Israel to develop its own defense industries and to investigate the possibilities of producing its own nuclear weapons systems.
The Jewish Gospel of John: Discovering Jesus, King of All Israel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.49 $Used book that is in excellent condition. May show signs of wear or have minor defects.
Elpis Israel - An Exposition of the Kingdom of God (commonly called Elpis Israel : John Thomas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.21 $Elpis Israel - An Exposition of the Kingdom of God (commonly called Elpis Israel (English transliteration of Greek for "the hope of Israel", taken from Acts 28:20)) is a theological book written by John Thomas, founder of the Christadelphians, in 1848-1849 and published in 1849. The book was based on a series of lectures given by Thomas in 1848 and is written in three parts, The Rudiments Of The World, The Things Of The Kingdom Of God And Of Jesus Christ and The Kingdoms Of The World In Their Relation To The Kingdom Of God.Thomas did not see, nor do the Christadelphians see, the book as inspired by God, but rather a deep and accurate study of The Bible.[3][4] It is nevertheless widely read amongst Christadelphian believers and contains some of their core beliefs. There have been fifteen editions, albeit most Revised, of the book, four within the lifetime of Thomas. The most current one was published in 2000 by The Christadelphian Magazine & Publishing Association Ltd. Even later though is a reprinting by Logos Publications in Jan 2000 and then a further reprint in April 2009, of the Fourth Edition, it being the last Edited by the author John Thomas, just prior to his death.
John Pairman Brown Israel and Hellas. [I]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) covers all areas of research into the Old Testament, focusing on the Hebrew Bible, its early and later forms in Ancient Judaism, as well as its branching into many neighboring cultures of the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world.
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