99 products were found matching your search for John Thavis The Vatican in 2 shops:
The Vatican Murders: The Life and Death of John Paul I
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.68 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 1.58
Mary's Pope: John Paul II, Mary, and the Church Since Vatican II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.95 $The pontificate of John Paul II has been enlivened and defined by a devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. Unfolding since Vatican II, the Church’s contemporary doctrine and devotion to Mary is fully examined and explained in this book.Rooted in Scripture and Tradition, Redemptoris Mater and other encyclicals, including the discussion of coredemptrix and Mary’s active role in salvation, this book lays the foundations for understanding the teachings of the Catholic Church concerning Mary.Mary’s Pope is a landmark text that looks into the heart and mind of John Paul II, helping you contextualize and understand his distinctive theological approach.
The Power and the Glory: Inside the Dark Heart of Pope John Paul II's Vatican
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.88 $From the first moment of his papacy Karol Wojtyla sought political influence and a role on the world stage. At the dawn of the twenty-first century, he was a leader to millions of Catholics at a time of tremendous change. Promising a renewed church, he was the first media Pope and travelled around the world to preach his message. It is said that he was central in the fall of Soviet Eastern Europe, in particular his own homeland of Poland. Now, one year after his death, there are already calls for his sainthood. But is this the whole truth?David Yallop explores the myths and half truths of John Paul II's long reign and asks some difficult questions ranging from the role of the Vatican in the momentous events in 1989, and the continued mismanagement of Vatican finance which allowed Calvi and others to continue to use the Vatican banks for money laundering to the failure to address the child sexual abuse crisis and the rise of the Opus Dei. Including explosive revelations from the CIA, the KGB, and the Vatican itself, it is a bold and unflinching look at a man who soon stands to become a saint.
Righting Relations after the Holocaust and Vatican II: Essays in Honor of John Pawlikowski, OSM
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.66 $480 pages. 8.94x5.98x1.42 inches. In Stock.
The Good Pope: The Making of a Saint and the Remaking of the Church--The Story of John XXIII and Vatican II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.62 $“John XXIII was, in the best possible sense, a revolutionary—a Pope of modernization who kept in continuity with the church’s past, yet made even the most enlightened of his 20th century predecessors seem like voices of another age.”—Time magazine“The story of Good Pope John is always worth telling....Greg Tobin tells it very well. As we wait for better days, this story will help to keep hope alive.”—Thomas Groome, Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College, author of Will There Be Faith Published in the 50th anniversary year of the historic Vatican Council II, The Good Pope by Greg Tobin is the first major biography of Pope John XXIII, a universally beloved religious leader who ushered in an era of hope and openness in the Catholic Church—and whose reforms, had they been accepted, would have enabled the church to avoid many of the major crises it faces today. Available prior to John XXIII’s likely canonization, Tobin’s The Good Pope is timely and important, offering a fascinating look at the legacy of Vatican Council II, an insightful investigation into the history of the Catholic Church, and a celebration of one of its true heroes.
Righting Relations After the Holocaust and Vatican II: Essays in Honor of John T. Pawlikowski, Osm
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.71 $Former library book; May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.22
The Vatican Diaries: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Power, Personalities and Politics at the Heart o f the Catholic Church
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.55 $The revealing New York Times bestseller examines the reign of Pope Benedict, the papal conclave process, and the history of one of the world’s oldest and most mysterious institutionsFor more than twenty-five years John Thavis held one of the most fascinating journalistic jobs in the world: reporting on the inner workings of the Vatican. His daily exposure to the power, politics, and personalities in the seat of Roman Catholicism gave him a unique, behind-the-scenes perspective on an institution that is far less monolithic and unified than it first appears. Thavis reveals Vatican City as a place where Curia cardinals fight private wars, scandals threaten to undermine papal authority, and reverence for the past is continually upended by the practical considerations of modern life.Thavis takes readers from a bell tower high above St. Peter’s to the depths of the basilica and the saint’s burial place, from the politicking surrounding the election of a new pope and the ever-growing sexual abuse scandals around the world to controversies about the Vatican’s stand on contraception, and more.Perceptive, sharply written, and witty, The Vatican Diaries will appeal not only to Catholics (lapsed as well as devout) but to any readers interested in international diplomacy and the role of religion in an increasingly secularized world.
The Spirit of Vatican II: A History of Catholic Reform in America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.15 $In 1962 a group of Catholic leaders traveled to Rome, charged by Pope John XXIII with the task of making the gospel of Christ relevant in a modern world. The Second Vatican Council transformed the lives of Catholics through sweeping reforms--yet its effect on the daily lives of practicing Catholics has never been fully understood.In this illuminating study, religious historian Colleen McDannell presents new insight into Vatican II by shifting the framework of its analysis: from men to women, from urban to suburban, from theory to practice. Using the story of her Catholic mother's life as a narrative thread, McDannell presents in The Spirit of Vatican II a refreshingly positive portrayal of the state of modern Catholicism--and a testament to the lasting effects of its liberalization.
Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy: Financing the Vatican, 1850–1950
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.32 $John Pollard, a leading historian of the papacy, explores the transformation of the Vatican into a major financial power and the part money played in the development of the modern papacy. Using hitherto unexplored sources, he sheds new light on tensions between the Vatican's engagement with capitalism and the Church's social teaching, and conflicts between the Vatican and the Allies during the Second World War and the early Cold War.
The Vatican Library
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.77 $The history of the Vatican Library began when the Pope Silvester I (314- 335) settled in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, thanks to the Edict of Constantine in 313. The Basilica was built by Constantine himself and by the half of that century was set in it a scrinum sanctum, that is a collection of books which was at the same time a library for the booksellers and an archive for documents. This volume mainly deals with the location of the Popes' Library, since when the Popes moved to the Vatican, but it also presents the history of the Library from its beginnings. Between 1587 and 1589 the Pope Sixtus V built the Salone Sistino in the Vatican Apostolic Palace nearby St. Peter, which became the new location of the Library. This place is one of the gems of the Vatican City, since it contains frescos representing the history of Councils and the Charter for the Codices and for print. In 2012 this architectural and decorative wonder will reopen as a reference place, although it sti
Yearning To Be Free: Liberation Theology in Latin America and the Vatican,1962-2004
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.43 $Don't separate your faith from your politicsPope John Paul II exhorted Polish Catholics inKrakow, Poland during his August 2002 pilgrimage. ThePope urged the Polish faithful to continue along thepath of democracy which they had laid in the wake ofcommunism. The message from both Pope Paul VI andPope John Paul II, as well as now Pope Benedict XVIto Catholics worldwide, since the end of the SecondVatican Council in 1965, has been that a person'sfaith must inform his or her political views andactivities. In this manuscript, the historical relationshipbetween the Catholic Church and the peoples of LatinAmerica on the formation, development, and politicalimplications of liberation theology is examined. Thismanuscript focuses, in particular, upon events anddevelopments taking place since 1965 when theCatholic Church concluded its institutionalmodernization via the Second Vatican Council.
Vatican II, Berkeley and Beyond: The First Half-Century of the Oakland Diocese
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.64 $In Vatican II, Berkeley and Beyond, Bishop John Cummins relates how enthusiastically laity, religious, and clergy in the Diocese of Oakland and beyond responded to encouragement to participate in renewal of the church promoted by the Second Vatican Council. The diocese offered models to lay parishioners for full participation in liturgy and the utilization of their talents in church governance, and it engaged university professors in dialogues about nuclear deterrence and the economy. In this spirit, Bishop Floyd Begin, the author’s predecessor, made it possible for Catholic theologians to carry on graduate studies alongside Protestant theologians in the ongoing search for Christian unity. Beyond the diocese, the author chaired a national committee of Catholic bishops, one of which engaged in dialogue with scientists of various faiths on the moral issues involved in scientific discoveries. As a bishop with responsibility for the church universal, the author also reports on his twenty-two-year role as liaison of the U.S. church to the rapidly growing Catholic Church in East and Southeast Asia.
Mary on the Eve of the Second Vatican Council
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.27 $The Blessed Virgin Mary is uniquely associated with Catholicism, and the century preceding the Second Vatican Council was arguably the most fertile era for Catholic Marian studies. In 1964, Pope John Paul VI published the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, or Lumen Gentium (LG), the eighth chapter of which presents the most comprehensive magisterial teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary. As part of its Marian Initiative, the Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame invited scholars to a conference held at Notre Dame in October 2013 to reflect the rich Marian legacy on the eve of the Second Vatican Council. The essays unanimously stress that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not merely a peripheral figure in Christian faith and in the panorama of theology. More than fifty years after Lumen Gentium, students of theology as well as Marian devotees take their bearings from this document in order to promote the person of Mary and the study of Mariology, as well as grow in authentic Marian piety. This book will have great appeal to students and scholars of Catholic theology and history, particularly those interested in Mariology. Contributors: Ann W. Astell, Peter Casarella, John C. Cavadini, Lawrence S. Cunningham, Brian Daley, S.J., Peter J. Fritz, Kevin Grove, CSC, Msgr. Michael Heintz, Matthew Levering, Danielle M. Peters, James H. Phalan, CSC, Johann G. Roten, S.M., Christopher Ruddy, Troy Stefano, and Thomas A. Thompson, S.M.
Thief in the Night : Life and Death in the Vatican
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.21 $“A model of investigatory journalism and a small masterpiece of the genre.”—Anthony Burgess On the eve of September 28, 1978, John Paul I died unexpectedly—apparently of a heart attack—after a reign of only 33 days. But within the Vatican there were serious disagreements about the time of death, who found the body, and the true state of the Pope’s health prior to his death. These arguments led to rumors of foul play and conspiracy—variously involving the KGB, the Freemasons, crooked financiers, and Vatican officials. In 1987, the Vatican invited New York Times–bestselling author John Cornwell to conduct a new, independent investigation into the true circumstances of the Pope’s death. In A Thief in the Night: Life and Death in the Vatican, Cornwell tells the story of his search, including a startling theory about Pope Paul I’s untimely demise—and a chilling and unprecedented look inside one of the world’s oldest, most secretive institutions. “As brilliantly written as a prize-winning mystery story.”—Andrew Greeley “Brilliant . . . this marvelous and compelling investigation has a terrible ring of truth.”—The Times (London)
50 Years On: Probing the Riches of Vatican II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.00 $Pope John Xxiii prayed that the Second Vatican Council would prove to be a new Pentecost. The articles gathered here appeared originally in a series solicited by and published in Theological Studies (September 2012 to March 2014). The purpose of the series was and remains threefold: * To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council * To help readers more fully appreciate its significance not only for the Catholic Church itself but also for the entire world whom the Church encounters in proclamation and reception of ongoing revelation * In their present form, to help readers worldwide engage both the conciliar documents themselves and scholarly reflections on them, all with a view to appropriating the reform envisioned by Pope John Xxiii. Contributors: Stephen B. Bevans, Svd; Mary C. Boys, Snjm; Maryanne Confoy, Rsc; Massimo Faggioli; Anne Hunt; Natalia Imperatori-Lee; Edward Kessler; Gerald O'Collins, Sj; John W. O'Malley, Sj; Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, Sj; Ladislas Orsy, Sj; Peter C. Phan; Gilles Routhier; Ormond Rush; Stephen Schloesser, Sj; Francis A. Sullivan, Sj; O. Ernesto Valiente; Jared Wicks, Sj
Vatican I : The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.61 $In 1869, some seven hundred Catholic bishops traveled to Rome to participate in the first church-wide council in three hundred years. The French Revolution had shaken the foundations of the church. Pope Pius IX was determined to set things right through a declaration by the council that the pope was infallible.John W. O’Malley brings to life the bitter, schism-threatening conflicts that erupted at Vatican I. The pope’s zeal in pressing for infallibility raised questions about the legitimacy of the council, at the same time as Italian forces under Garibaldi seized the Papal States and were threatening to take control of Rome itself. Gladstone and Bismarck entered the fray. As its temporal dominion shrank, the Catholic Church became more pope-centered than ever before, with lasting consequences.“O’Malley’s account of the debate over infallibility is masterful.”―Commonweal“[O’Malley] excels in describing the ways in which the council initiated deep changes that still affect the everyday lives of Catholics.”―First Things“An eminent scholar of modern Catholicism...O’Malley...invit[es] us to see Catholicism’s recent history as profoundly shaped by and against the imposing legacy of Pius IX.”―Wall Street Journal“Gripping...O’Malley continues to engage us with a past that remains vitally present.”―The Tablet“The worldwide dean of church historians has completed his trinity of works on church councils...[A] masterclass in church history...telling us as much about the church now as then.”―America
Vatican II in Plain English : The Council
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.43 $Here is an easy-to-read account of the story of Vatican II. The author is a master at writing in sense lines. He uses this style of writing for clarity and precision. The first chapter captures the excitement of Pope John XXIII's announcement of the council as well as the opening days of Vatican II. The following chapters provide useful information about how to approach church documents, a summary of the Documents of Vatican II, biographies of influential people before and during the council, and a brief list of all previous councils and their major outcomes.
The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.84 $A groundbreaking historical study based on documents previously locked in the Vatican’s secret archives: The Popes Against the Jews graphically shows how the Catholic Church helped make the Holocaust possible.Pope John Paul II, as part of his effort to improve Catholic-Jewish relations, has himself called for a clear-eyed historical investigation into any possible link be-tween the Church and the Holocaust. An important sign of his commitment was the recent decision to allow the distinguished historian David I. Kertzer, a specialist in Italian history, to be one of the first scholars given access to long-sealed Vatican archives. The result is a book filled with shocking revelations. It traces the Vatican’s role in the development of modern anti-Semitism from the nineteenth century up to the outbreak of the Second World War. Kertzer shows why all the recent attention given to Pope Pius XII’s failure to publicly protest the slaughter of Europe’s Jews in the war misses a far more important point. What made the Holocaust possible was groundwork laid over a period of decades. In this campaign of demonization of the Jews—identifying them as traitors to their countries, enemies of all that was good, relentlessly pursuing world domination—the Vatican itself played a key role, as is shown here for the first time.Despite its focus, this is not an anti-Catholic book. It seeks a balanced judgment and an understanding of the historical forces that led the Church along the path it took.Inevitably controversial, written with devastating clarity and dispassionate authority, The Popes Against the Jews is a book of the greatest importance.
The Vatican Library
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 133.39 $The history of the Vatican Library began when the Pope Silvester I (314- 335) settled in the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, thanks to the Edict of Constantine in 313. The Basilica was built by Constantine himself and by the half of that century was set in it a scrinum sanctum, that is a collection of books which was at the same time a library for the booksellers and an archive for documents. This volume mainly deals with the location of the Popes' Library, since when the Popes moved to the Vatican, but it also presents the history of the Library from its beginnings. Between 1587 and 1589 the Pope Sixtus V built the Salone Sistino in the Vatican Apostolic Palace nearby St. Peter, which became the new location of the Library. This place is one of the gems of the Vatican City, since it contains frescos representing the history of Councils and the Charter for the Codices and for print. In 2012 this architectural and decorative wonder will reopen as a reference place, although it sti
The Entity: Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.39 $The International Bestseller“A true story that surpasses any novel by John le Carré.”—El País (Spain)For five centuries, the Vatican—the oldest organization in the world, maker of kings and shaper of history—has used a secret spy service, called the Holy Alliance, or later, the Entity, to carry out its will. Forty popes have relied on it to carry out their policies. They have played a hitherto invisible role confronting de-Christianizations and schisms, revolutions and dictators, colonizations and expulsions, persecutions and attacks, civil wars and world wars, assassinations and kidnappings.For the first time in English (following the bestselling Spanish and French editions), Eric Frattini tells the comprehensive tale of this sacred secret service. The Entity has been involved in the killings of monarchs, poisonings of diplomats, financing of South American dictators, protection of war criminals, laundering of Mafia money, manipulation of financial markets, provocation of bank failures, and financing of arms sales to combatants even as their wars were condemned, all in the name of God. The contradiction between God’s justice and Earth’s justice, Christian beliefs and Christian power all fall before the motto of the Entity: With the Cross and the Sword.
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