338 products were found matching your search for Jong David de Braunes in 1 shops:
Faces of Archaeology in Greece: Caricatures by Piet de Jong
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.95 $While working for Arthur Evans in Crete, as well as for other scholars at the legendary sites of Athens, Corinth, Mycenae and Sparta during the 1920s and 30s, the famous archaeological draftsman Piet de Jong made over forty caricatures of his friends and colleagues. In this book the caricatures are printed in full colour, and each cartoon is accompanied by b/w photo and a brief biography of the person represented. The pictures include: Arthur Evans (excavator of Knossos), Carl Blegen (excavator of Troy and Pylos), Hetty Goldman (excavator of Eutresis), and Dilys Powell (Film Critic). A more detailed life history of Piet and his wife Effie completes the book.
Cada Vez Que Llueve (coleccion Fresh) (rustica) - De Jong L
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.00 $Kate Alexander es una adolescente que vive en Carrington, un tranquilo pueblo de Estados Unidos, donde suena con acabar el instituto e ir a la universidad. Pero una noche lluviosa, su vida cambia de forma dolorosa y ya nada vuelve a ser igual. Cuenta con el apoyo incondicional de su gran amigo Beau Bennett, companero de infancia. Pero el quiere algo mas y Kate no puede darselo, tampoco puede contarle lo que ocurrio aquella noche. Sencillamente, esta paralizada. Cuando Beau se marcha a la universidad, Kate se siente muy sola. Hasta que llega Asher Hunt, un joven de ojos seductores y sonrisa arrogante, que le hara olvidar el dolor que la ha mantenido cautiva durante tanto tiempo. A pesar de los consejos de la gente, Kate no puede evitar acercarse y abrirse a el. Sera el la esperanza que necesita? Su salvacion? O la volveran a herir? / Beau Bennett was my first crush before everything came crashing down, and now he wants more than I can give him. Things are different now. I wish I could tell him why, but I can't. Asher Hunt rides into town with his dark, captivating eyes and cocky grin. People warn me to stay away from him, but he helps me forget the pain that has held me hostage for so long.
Lilli De Jong
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.09 $“A powerful, authentic voice for a generation of women whose struggles were erased from history—a heart-smashing debut that completely satisfies.”—Jamie Ford, New York Times bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and SweetA young woman finds the most powerful love of her life when she gives birth at an institution for unwed mothers in 1883 Philadelphia. She is told she must give up her daughter to avoid lifelong poverty and shame. But she chooses to keep her. Pregnant, left behind by her lover, and banished from her Quaker home and teaching position, Lilli de Jong enters a home for wronged women to deliver her child. She is stunned at how much her infant needs her and at how quickly their bond overtakes her heart. Mothers in her position face disabling prejudice, which is why most give up their newborns. But Lilli can’t accept such an outcome. Instead, she braves moral condemnation and financial ruin in a quest to keep herself and her baby alive. Confiding their story to her diary as it unfolds, Lilli takes readers from an impoverished charity to a wealthy family's home to the streets of a burgeoning American city. Drawing on rich history, Lilli de Jong is both an intimate portrait of loves lost and found and a testament to the work of mothers. "So little is permissible for a woman," writes Lilli, “yet on her back every human climbs to adulthood.”
Jacqueline De Jong: Undercover in De Kunst / Undercover in Art [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.47 $Title - Jacqueline de Jong - Undercover in art Author - Ed Wingen a.o. Publisher - Ludion - Ambassade hotel Year - 2003 Language - English - Dutch Binding - Hardcover + dust jacket (Worn, grease at back, see picture) Size - 28,5 x 25 cm Pages - 168 ISBN - 9076588511
Interviewing for Solutions. by Peter de Jong, Insoo Kim Berg
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.97 $Readable copy. Pages may have considerable notes/highlighting. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 0.9
Jacqueline de Jong: The Ultimate Kiss
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 143.68 $Good - Bumped and creased book with tears to the extremities, but not affecting the text block, may have remainder mark or previous owner's name - GOOD Oversized. PAPERBACK
Robert Knoth & Antoinette de Jong: PoppyTrails of Afghan Heroin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.37 $Roberth Knoth and Antoinette de Jong spent two decades documenting the historic Silk Road that once linked East Asia and the West, covering the rise of the Taliban, the American intervention after September 11, 2001, and the recent surge in opium production. Beginning in Afghanistan and ending in London, the photographs reveal yet another dark side of globalization.
Jacqueline de Jong: The Ultimate Kiss [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.74 $224pp. In Original Publishers shrinkwrap. Text in English.
Random Violence (A PI Jade de Jong Novel)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.98 $In Johannesburg prosperous whites live in gated communities; when they exit their cars to open the gates, car-jackings are common. But seldom is the victim killed, much less shot twice, like Annette Botha. Piet Botha, the husband of the wealthy woman, is the primary suspect in his wife's murder. P.I. Jade de Jong fled South Africa ten years ago after her father was killed. Now back in town, she offers to help her father's former assistant, Superintendent David Patel, with his investigation of this case. Under apartheid, Patel, of Indian descent, could never have attained his present position. But he is feeling pressure from his "old line" boss with respect to this investigation and fears lingering prejudice is at work.As Jade probes into this and other recent car-jacking cases, a pattern begins to emerge, a pattern that goes back to her father's murder and that involves a vast and intricate series of crimes for profit.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Religious Franks: Religion and Power in Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.43 $This volume in honour of Mayke De Jong offers twenty-five essays focused upon the importance of religion to Frankish politics, a discourse to which De Jong herself has contributed greatly in her academic career. The prominent and internationally renowned contributors offer fresh perspectives on various themes such as the nature of royal authority, the definition of polity, unity and dissent, ideas of correction and discipline, the power of rhetoric and the rhetoric of power, and the diverse ways in which power was institutionalised and employed by lay and ecclesiastical authorities. As such, this volume offers a uniquely comprehensive and valuable contribution to the field of medieval history, in particular the study of the Frankish world in the eighth and ninth centuries.
"David el ungido, tomo 1" (Sermones De Grandes Personajes Bíblicos) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.38 $Esta nueva serie de sermones tiene como tema a personajes importantes de la Biblia. En David: el ungido se busca retratar a un líder que desde el oscuro cuarto del anonimato como pastor de ovejas va emergiendo hasta llegar a ser rey.
cosas que no sabre como decirte cuando crezcas de david aceituno lyona editorial lumen en espanol
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 396.36 $Este libro es un cuento, una fábula, un poema sobre las cosas maravillosas que van a vivir y sentir nuestros hijos, lo que les va a ocurrir a lo largo de la vida y que, a veces, los padres no sabemos cómo decírselas.Un canto a la vida, a la infinidad de posibilidades que esta nos brinda, a la belleza de cada día, a la felicidad de compartir, a la eternidad de sentir.¿Cómo será verte?¿Es normal sentir tanta alegría? ¿Y tantos nervios?¿Qué hago con todas estas cosas nuevas?Tenerte es un estallido de sensaciones: desde el olor de la habitación cuando llegas a casa hasta tus primeros pasos; y de los tropiezos inevitables al día en que te acercas a mi corriendo, me coges de la mano y lanzas al aire una pregunta para la que no tengo respuesta...Este libro atrapa esos momentos de magia compartida para convertirlos en un canto a la vida.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThis is a warm story, a fable, a poem about the wonderful things that our children will feel and live through as they grow up, experiences that they will have along their lives, things that we, as parents, at times find hard to explain to them. This is an ode to life, to all the infinite possibilities that it offers, to the beauty in every-day ordinary pleasures, the joy of sharing, and the ecstasy of being alive. What will it feel like to see you for the first time? Is it normal to feel such joy and to be so nervous at the same time? What can I do with so many new feelings and emotions? Having you is a burst of emotions: from the way your room smells when you first come home, to your first steps; and from the unavoidable bumps you’ll receive the first time you run towards me, to the day you blurb out a question for which I have no answer. This book captures those magical moments and turns them into a life melody.
Iconografia de David Alfaro Siqueiros
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.53 $Para conmemorar el centenario del nacimiento de David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974) se publica esta iconografía, estructurada de modo que nos guíe por los evento de la vida de este controvertido pintor. Este material no sólo nos muestra fotografías del artista plástico, sino del personaje histórico: activista sindical, educador, orador y militante político. Así, las imágenes nos muestran el itinerario de este artista excepcional.
La clef des 150 psaumes de David
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.34 $Cette Clef est indispensable à tous ceux qui veulent se servir des 150 Psaumes de David. La Clef indique, en effet, quels sont les psaumes qu'il y a lieu de réciter selon ce qu'on désire obtenir (secours, protections, bienfaits, etc.).
David Widhopff (1867-1933) et les peintures du Cirque-Théatre de Limoges. En Piste.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Sous la direction d'Alain-Charles Dionnet et François Lafabrié.
El Tesoro de David II: La revelación escritural a la luz de los Salmos (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.47 $Acceptable/Fair condition. Book is worn, but the pages are complete, and the text is legible. Has wear to binding and pages, may be ex-library. 5.86
Girodet et l'atelier de David. Au-delà du maître
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.76 $In-4 broché 28 cm sur 25,2. 159 pages. Bon état d'occasion. in-4°
Vous avez le pouvoir de vous guérir: Stimulez vos capacités d'auto-guérison avec la médecine énergétique [Broché] SAYAG, DAVID
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.91 $Expedition Sous 48 H En Suivi La Poste / Emballage Bullepack
Marissa Lee Benedict, David Rueter, Daniel De Paula : Deposition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.82 $Unread book in perfect condition.
El microrrelato: Teoría e historia (Cristal de cuarzo). David Lagmanovich Fabris. [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.99 $En todas las épocas, desde las más remotas, se han escrito relatos brevísimos, ya autónomos, ya intercalados dentro de narraciones más extensas. Hoy los llamamos minicuentos o microrrelatos. En la moderninad, estas formas se insinúan en el simbolismo y el modernismo hispánico, y cristalizan definitivamente en las vanguardias surgidas a partir de la segunda década del siglo XX. Son textos ricos en significados diversos, sorprendentes muchas veces, híbridos otras tantas, demoledores a pesar de su brevedad de los mitos e ilusiones de la literatura y también de las rutinas cotidianas. Son,en definitiva, formas características de los años que vivimos. A la producción de estos textos, tanto en España como en Hispanoamérica, se suma el trabajo histórico y crítico, del cual este libro del especialista argentino David Lagmanovich es un brillante ejemplo.
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