24 products were found matching your search for Jorjor Battle Stained Perception in 2 shops:
Oil in Troubled Waters: Perceptions, Politics, and the Battle over Offshore Drilling (Suny Series in Environmental Public Policy)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.37 $In some coastal regions of the United States, such as western Louisiana, offshore oil development has long been welcomed. In others, such as northern California, it has been vehemently opposed. This book explores the reasons behind this paradox, looking at the people, the regions, and the issues in sociological and historical contexts.What has been in very short supply on this issue, as in a growing number of other cases of technological gridlock, is balanced analysis. That is what this book provides. The authors’ case studies, derived from interviews with Louisiana and California residents and from environmental impact statements, demonstrate that easy answers are not the most valid ones. The region that should be considered unusual, they find, is coastal Louisiana, where historical, social, and environmental factors combine to favor the offshore oil industry. But this combination of factors, they argue, is unlikely to be found in other coastal regions of the U.S. in the near future.
Perceptions of Battle: George Washington's Victory at Monmouth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.47 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.99
War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy, 1066-1217
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.99 $This is the first detailed study of the behavior in war of the military aristocracy in England and Normandy from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King John (1066-1217). Though methods of warfare are integral to the book, the emphasis is on conduct in battle and siege rather than with tactics and strategy. It explores ideas of ransom and the treatment of prisoners, the extent to which there was a "brotherhood in arms" among noble opponents, and how the knights treated the peasantry and churchmen in wartime.
War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy, 1066–1217 (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.77 $This is the first detailed study of the behavior in war of the military aristocracy in England and Normandy from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King John (1066-1217). Though methods of warfare are integral to the book, the emphasis is on conduct in battle and siege rather than with tactics and strategy. It explores ideas of ransom and the treatment of prisoners, the extent to which there was a "brotherhood in arms" among noble opponents, and how the knights treated the peasantry and churchmen in wartime.
War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War in England and Normandy, 1066?1217 (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.68 $This is the first detailed study of the behavior in war of the military aristocracy in England and Normandy from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King John (1066-1217). Though methods of warfare are integral to the book, the emphasis is on conduct in battle and siege rather than with tactics and strategy. It explores ideas of ransom and the treatment of prisoners, the extent to which there was a "brotherhood in arms" among noble opponents, and how the knights treated the peasantry and churchmen in wartime.
War And Chivalry : The Conduct And Perception of War in England And Normandy, 1066 - 1217
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.99 $This is the first detailed study of the behavior in war of the military aristocracy in England and Normandy from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King John (1066-1217). Though methods of warfare are integral to the book, the emphasis is on conduct in battle and siege rather than with tactics and strategy. It explores ideas of ransom and the treatment of prisoners, the extent to which there was a "brotherhood in arms" among noble opponents, and how the knights treated the peasantry and churchmen in wartime.
Memoirs of a Poor Relation: Being the Story of a Post-War Southern Girl and Her Battle with Destiny
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.32 $Born in Richmond, Virginia, Marietta Minnigerode Andrews (1869-1931) was the oldest of ten children in a family prominent in the Confederacy but reduced to poverty by the Civil War. She became an art teacher, stained glass artist, and author. A member of the Arts Club of Washington, her windows adorn the University of Virginia and George Washington University, as well as others. Her husband, Eliphalet Frazer Andrews (1835-1915) helped establish the Corcoran School of Art in Washington and was its director from 1877 to 1902. His portraits of Martha Washington and Thomas Jefferson are in the White House collection. Marietta described her work as “in one way or another, blindly, extravagantly, unwisely, hard-headedly, but loving devoted to the welfare of my kind, which is to the glory of God”. Gifted in several arts, she invokes a nostalgia in her books tempered by keen observation.
Memoirs of a Poor Relation: Being the Story of a Post-War Southern Girl and Her Battle with Destiny
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.67 $Born in Richmond, Virginia, Marietta Minnigerode Andrews (1869-1931) was the oldest of ten children in a family prominent in the Confederacy but reduced to poverty by the Civil War. She became an art teacher, stained glass artist, and author. A member of the Arts Club of Washington, her windows adorn the University of Virginia and George Washington University, as well as others. Her husband, Eliphalet Frazer Andrews (1835-1915) helped establish the Corcoran School of Art in Washington and was its director from 1877 to 1902. His portraits of Martha Washington and Thomas Jefferson are in the White House collection. Marietta described her work as “in one way or another, blindly, extravagantly, unwisely, hard-headedly, but loving devoted to the welfare of my kind, which is to the glory of God”. Gifted in several arts, she invokes a nostalgia in her books tempered by keen observation.
Battle for the Bundu: The First World War in East Africa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.64 $Very slightest of wear to the dust jacket, pages nice and clean, no writing or highlighting. Slightly stained on foreedge and bottom edge. A very nice copy. All our books are individually inspected, rated and described. Never EX-LIB unless specifically listed as such.
Armor Battles of the Waffen-Ss 1943-1945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.08 $c. 1990, HB, Fair/No Jacket, Edgeworn, torn and chipped spine, stained endpapers, B&W photos, 366 p.
Phantoms of a Blood-Stained Period: The Complete Civil War Writings of Ambrose Bierce Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.21 $Alone among important American writers, Ambrose Bierce fought for four years in the Civil War. The writings he produced about that conflict comprise a body of work unique in merican literature. This volume gathers virtually everything Bierce wrote about the war, from letters composed on the field of battle to maps he drew as a topographical engineer, from his masterful short stories to his final bittersweet ruminations before he disappeared into Mexico in 1914.
The Crash of Ruin: American Combat Soldiers in Europe during World War II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.55 $In the ruined Europe of World War II, American soldiers on the front lines had no eye for breathtaking vistas or romantic settings. The brutality of battle profoundly darkened their perceptions of the Old World. As the only means of international travel for the masses, the military exposed millions of Americans to a Europe in swift, catastrophic decline. Drawing on soldiers' diaries, letters, poems, and songs, Peter Schrijvers offers a compelling account of the experiences of U.S. combat ground forces: their struggles with the European terrain and seasons, their confrontations with soldiers, and their often startling encounters with civilians. Schrijvers relays how the GIs became so desensitized and dehumanized that the sight of dead animals often evoked more compassion than the sight of enemy dead. The Crash of Ruin concludes with a dramatic and moving account of the final Allied offensive into German-held territory and the soldiers' bearing witness to the ultimate symbol of Europe's descent into ruin--the death camps of the Holocaust. The harrowing experiences of the GIs convinced them that Europe's collapse was not only the result of the war, but also the Old World's deep-seated political cynicism, economic stagnation, and cultural decadence. The soldiers came to believe that the plague of war formed an inseparable part of the Old World's decline and fall.
Cambrai 1917: The Birth of Armoured Warfare
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.13 $This crucial new study of one of the seminal events in military history dispells many of the myths surrounding Cambrai 1917 of World War I (1914-1918). Common perception classifies it as the "world's first tank battle" but Alexander Turner shows us that the real importance of Cambrai was that it saw the first use of armor as an operational shock tactic. With the pre-eminence of armor, the conduct of war was irrevocably changed. The battle also heralded the combined use of aircraft, armor, and artillery, marking the birth of modern combined-arms techniques. Written by a military historian and serving soldier, this is a fascinating analysis of a battle which was a stalemate, yet spawned a host of war-winning tactics.
The Crash of Ruin: American Combat Soldiers in Europe during World War II [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $In the ruined Europe of World War II, American soldiers on the front lines had no eye for breathtaking vistas or romantic settings. The brutality of battle profoundly darkened their perceptions of the Old World. As the only means of international travel for the masses, the military exposed millions of Americans to a Europe in swift, catastrophic decline. Drawing on soldiers' diaries, letters, poems, and songs, Peter Schrijvers offers a compelling account of the experiences of U.S. combat ground forces: their struggles with the European terrain and seasons, their confrontations with soldiers, and their often startling encounters with civilians. Schrijvers relays how the GIs became so desensitized and dehumanized that the sight of dead animals often evoked more compassion than the sight of enemy dead. The Crash of Ruin concludes with a dramatic and moving account of the final Allied offensive into German-held territory and the soldiers' bearing witness to the ultimate symbol of Europe's descent into ruin--the death camps of the Holocaust. The harrowing experiences of the GIs convinced them that Europe's collapse was not only the result of the war, but also the Old World's deep-seated political cynicism, economic stagnation, and cultural decadence. The soldiers came to believe that the plague of war formed an inseparable part of the Old World's decline and fall.
The Black Castle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.97 $Les Daniels’ The Black Castle is a tale of a battle between brothers. It takes place in Spain, in 1496, during The Inquisition. Perception is everything. One brother, Sebastian, is seen as evil because he is a vampire, while the other, Diego, is perceived as good because he is a man of God. But the vampire only does what he has to do to in order to survive while the churchman, an Inquisitor, inflicts pain for the power it confers upon him and the pleasure it gives him. Which is the greater evil? And who will win the soul (and body) of Margarita de Mendoza, a beautiful witch. Daniels’ tightly written horror novel was nominated for a World Fantasy Award in 1979. It was the first of five World Fantasy Award nominations he has garnered to date. The Black Castle is the first of five novels about the vampire Don Sebastian de Villanueva. While perhaps moral he is an old school vampire, unlike the romantic kind that dominates so much recent fiction. Necon Ebooks will also be publishing the rest of the series.
Psi Wars : Getting to Grips With the Paranormal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.37 $At the heart of the parapsychology (psi) battle are two types of phenomena: extra-sensory perception (ESP) and psycho-kinesis (PK). ESP is reception of information without any normal sensory means; PK is the use of the mind to influence physical states without any direct physical contact. Neither effect can be explained by ordinary science, so parapsychologists with experimental evidence that they are real are accused of bad science or bad faith or both. This collection of essays shows that a simple division into 'sceptics' and ‘believers’ cannot be made. The real struggle, for all researchers, is not with each other, but to get a secure hold on the subject itself.
Bloody Victory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.66 $1 July 1916: the first day of the Battle of the Somme. The hot, hellish day in the fields of northern France that has dominated our perception of the First World War for just shy of a century. The shameful waste; the pointlessness of young lives lost for the sake of a few yards; the barbaric attitudes of the British leaders; the horror and ignominy of failure. All have occupied our thoughts for generations. Yet are we right to view the Somme in this way?Drawing on a vast number of sources such as letters, diaries and numerous archives, Bloody Victory describes in vivid detail the physical conditions, the combat and exceptional bravery against the odds but it also, uniquely, captures how the Somme defined the twentieth century in so many ways. This is an utterly gripping new analysis of one of the most iconic campaigns in history.
The Crash of Ruin: American Combat Soldiers in Europe during World War II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.41 $In the ruined Europe of World War II, American soldiers on the front lines had no eye for breathtaking vistas or romantic settings. The brutality of battle profoundly darkened their perceptions of the Old World. As the only means of international travel for the masses, the military exposed millions of Americans to a Europe in swift, catastrophic decline. Drawing on soldiers' diaries, letters, poems, and songs, Peter Schrijvers offers a compelling account of the experiences of U.S. combat ground forces: their struggles with the European terrain and seasons, their confrontations with soldiers, and their often startling encounters with civilians. Schrijvers relays how the GIs became so desensitized and dehumanized that the sight of dead animals often evoked more compassion than the sight of enemy dead. The Crash of Ruin concludes with a dramatic and moving account of the final Allied offensive into German-held territory and the soldiers' bearing witness to the ultimate symbol of Europe's descent into ruin--the death camps of the Holocaust. The harrowing experiences of the GIs convinced them that Europe's collapse was not only the result of the war, but also the Old World's deep-seated political cynicism, economic stagnation, and cultural decadence. The soldiers came to believe that the plague of war formed an inseparable part of the Old World's decline and fall.
Century of Media, a Century of War
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.22 $Forged over the course of a century, the connections between war and media run long and deep. As this book reveals, the history of war and its telling has been a battle over public perception. The selection of which stories are told and which are ignored helps justify past battles and ensure future wars. Narratives of protest and pain, defeat and suffering, guilt and abuse struggle to be heard amid the empowering myths of war and heroism. As Robin Andersen argues, the history of struggle between war and its representation has changed the way war is fought and the way we tell the stories of war. Information management, once called censorship and propaganda, has developed in tandem with new media technologies. Now, digital imaging creates virtual battlefields as computer-based technologies transform the weapons of war. Along the way, images on the nightly news, on movie screens, and in video games have turned war into entertainment. In the grip of virtual war, it is difficult to realize the loss of compassion or the consequences for democracy.
Ripper Street: Season Three
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $Track down pulse-racing action, lurid thrills and gripping suspense in this Ripper of a third season. Inspector Edmund Reid (Matthew Macfadyen, MI-5) travels deep into the seedy criminal London underworld hell bent on taking back the blood-stained streets of Whitechapel. But Reid isn't fighting this battle alone. He's joined by Detective Inspector Bennet Drake (Jerome Flynn, Game of Thrones), a hard man who prefers to let his fists do the talking, Captain Homer Jackson (Adam Rothenberg, Tennesse
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