96 products were found matching your search for Joseph Goebbels Longerich Peter in 3 shops:
Final Entries 1945: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.05 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Joseph Goebbels : Life and Death [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.61 $An insightful new biography of Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the 'Third Reich' and one of the most important and troubling figures of the twentieth century. The first account to use all of Goebbels' surviving diaries, it sheds new light on his personality, private life and political convictions, as well as his relationship with Hitler.
Joseph Goebbels: Biographie (German Text)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $Hardcover. 9 1/4" X 6 1/4". 910pp. Mild shelf wear to covers, corners, and edges of unclipped dust jacket. Bound in gray paper over boards with spine stamped in red and white. Pages are clean and unmarked. Binding is sound. Text is in German. ABOUT THIS BOOK: As a young man, Joseph Goebbels was a budding narcissist with a constant need of approval. Through political involvement, he found personal affirmation within the German National Socialist Party. In this comprehensive volume, Peter Longerich documents Goebbels' descent into anti-Semitism and ideology and ascent through the ranks of the Nazi party, where he became an integral member Hitler's inner circle and where he shaped a brutal campaign of Nazi propaganda.In life and in his grisly family suicide, Goebbels was one of Hitler's most loyal acolytes. Though powerful in the party and in wartime Germany, Longerich's Goebbels is a man dogged by insecurities and consumed by his fierce adherence to the Nazi cause. Longerich engages and challenges the careful self-portrait that Goebbels left behind in his diaries, and, as he delves deep into the mind of Hitler's master propagandist, Longerich discovers first-hand how the Nazi message was conceived. This complete portrait of the man behind the message is sure to become a standard for historians and students of the holocaust for years to come.(Publisher).
Joseph Goebbels (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.21 $Coming generations will ask themselves how it was possible that millions of people, victims of an artificially induced enthusiasm, could be moved to do the very things which led to their own ruin. The answer could be given in hundreds of thousands of words, but, if it were expressed in one word alone, that word would be: Goebbels. Curt Riess, a Jewish Berliner who fled Germany upon Hitler's appointment as Chancellor in 1933, considered Goebbels to be 'the most outstanding man of the Nazi regime, not even barring Hitler himself'. Without Goebbels' genius for organization and propaganda, Nazism could never have amassed the support it needed to gain and keep power in Germany. From provincial obscurity, Goebbels scurried through the Nazi ranks to become one of the most dominant and trusted members of Hitler's inner circle. His career was marked by formidable powers of administration, his ruthless hatred of the Jews, his resourcefulness in promoting Nazi ideals, and his inflexible devotion to the Führer, asserted in his final morbid gesture of propaganda: the sacrifice of his wife, six children, and himself in Hitler's bunker in 1945. Riess' biography was first published in 1949, and benefitted greatly from the discovery of Goebbels' diaries in 1946. It explores the many fascinating and pertinent aspects of Goebbels' character: the insecurities brought on by his diminutive stature; his rejection by his family; his consuming jealousy of his rivals; and his obsession with sex. It remains one of the most authoritative biographies of the man whose manipulative genius steered the German nation to ruin.
Joseph Goebbels T4: Journal 1943-1945 (histoire) (french Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $De 1923 à 1945, Joseph Goebbels écrit, puis dicte son Journal. L’Institut d’histoire contemporaine de Munich en a entamé en 1993 la publication intégrale (29 volumes, en cours). Cette édition française présente cent vingt-sept journées significatives du Journal de Goebbels, entre le 1er janvier 1943 et le 28 mars 1945. Il constitue le premier des quatre volumes à paraître d’ici deux ans. Le projet est mené en collaboration avec l’Institut d’histoire contemporaine de Munich et avec la Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah. Les textes ont été choisis conjointement par l’équipe de l’Institut d’histoire contemporaine de Munich et l’historien français Pierre Ayçoberry. Ils livrent un témoignage sur le vif des trois dernières années de la guerre : chute de Stalingrad, déportation des Juifs berlinois (ordonnée par Goebbels), insurrection du ghetto de Varsovie, débarquement de Normandie, complot du 20 juillet 1944, arrivée des Russes aux portes de Berlin... Le Journal de Goebbels est un document historique exceptionnel, à plusieurs titres. Ministre de l’Information et de la Propagande à partir de 1933, Goebbels joue un rôle déterminant dans la mise en scène du régime et dans l’entreprise d’endoctrinement national-socialiste. Responsable de la mobilisation des Allemands, mais aussi de l’administration de Berlin, il est le mieux informé des chefs nazis et révèle ainsi de nombreux rapports secrets. Le journal de Goebbels, intime de Hitler dont il partage jusqu’au bout les options idéologiques, est aussi notre seule source d’informations sur les décisions de Hitler, dont on sait qu’il gouvernait par instructions orales. Le texte est accompagné d’un important appareil critique : introduction générale de Pierre Ayçoberry, présentation des sources et de leur histoire par Horst Möller. Les droits de ce livre sont reversés à la Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah.
Joseph Goebbels: Life and Death
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.17 $An insightful new biography of Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the 'Third Reich' and one of the most important and troubling figures of the twentieth century. The first account to use all of Goebbels' surviving diaries, it sheds new light on his personality, private life and political convictions, as well as his relationship with Hitler.
Behind Insulin The Life and Legacy of Doctor Peter Joseph Moloney
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.39 $While his contributions to medicine are not widely known, he helped secure lasting fame for Sir Frederick Grant Banting and Dr. Charles Best as well as international prominence for the University of Toronto. Mary V. Moloney traces her grandfather's interactions with historic figures and shares anecdotes from his life in this well researched biography. From visits to his hometown in northern Ontario, his work at the University of Toronto, and his time in Berlin during the onset of World War I and Munich in 1935, you'll gain a deep appreciation for one of medicine's most unheralded pioneers. You'll also find out how a seemingly normal man born to immigrant parents, who lost his father at age six, and who fell in love with a beautiful woman in a foreign land could go on to become a university professor and an intellectual giant. Prepare yourself for an incredible journey toward excellence, and discover the story Behind Insulin.
Goebbels and Der Angriff [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $The Berlin newspaper Der Angriff (The Attack), founded by Joseph Goebbels in 1927, was a significant instrument for arousing support for Nazi ideas. Berlin was the center of the political life of the Weimar Republic, and Goebbels became an actor upon this frenetic stage in 1926, becoming Gauleiter of Berlin's Nazis. Focusing on the period from 1927 to 1933, a time the Nazis later called "the blood years," Russel Lemmons examines how Der Angriff was used to promote support for Nazism. Some of the most important propaganda motifs of the Third Reich first appeared in the pages of Der Angriff. Horst Wessel, murdered by the German Communist Party in 1930, became the archetypal Nazi hero; much of his legend began on the pages of Der Angriff. Other Nazi propaganda themes―the "Unknown SA man" and the "myth of resurrection and return"―made their first appearances in this newspaper. How could the Germans, seemingly among the most cultured people in Europe, hand over their fate to the Nazis? As this book demonstrates, Der Angriff had much to do with the rise of National Socialism in Berlin and the cataclysmic results.
Doctor Goebbels: His Life and Death
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.19 $Quite possibly the most dangerous and intelligent member of the Nazi hierarchy, Joseph Goebbels’s flair for propaganda and spectacular organization ensured the fu¨hrer’s rise to power. As founder of the Reich Chamber of Culture, gauleiter of Berlin, and architect of complex machinery of modern totalitarian propaganda, Goebbels is considered one of the most evil figures of the twentieth century. It was through his understanding of the instruments of public enlightenment” that the dictatorship was built and maintained. Through interviews with his friends and family and with information from his own unpublished diary, a remarkable picture of Goebbels emerges.
The Film Minister: Goebbels and the Cinema in the Third Reich
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.04 $There is probably no other politician who has exerted so much power over the medium of film as Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the Third Reich.
Goebbels And Der Angriff
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.85 $The Berlin newspaper Der Angriff (The Attack), founded by Joseph Goebbels in 1927, was a significant instrument for arousing support for Nazi ideas. Berlin was the center of the political life of the Weimar Republic, and Goebbels became an actor upon this frenetic stage in 1926, becoming Gauleiter of Berlin's Nazis. Focusing on the period from 1927 to 1933, a time the Nazis later called "the blood years," Russel Lemmons examines how Der Angriff was used to promote support for Nazism. Some of the most important propaganda motifs of the Third Reich first appeared in the pages of Der Angriff. Horst Wessel, murdered by the German Communist Party in 1930, became the archetypal Nazi hero; much of his legend began on the pages of Der Angriff. Other Nazi propaganda themes―the "Unknown SA man" and the "myth of resurrection and return"―made their first appearances in this newspaper. How could the Germans, seemingly among the most cultured people in Europe, hand over their fate to the Nazis? As this book demonstrates, Der Angriff had much to do with the rise of National Socialism in Berlin and the cataclysmic results.
Magda Goebbels: The First Lady of the Third Reich (English and German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.68 $Chronicles the life of Joseph Goebbel's wife, who rose to the pinnacle of the Nazi hierarchy alongside her husband and who, when the Reich collapsed, committed suicide with him in the Berlin bunker
Haydn: Violin Concerto No. 1 in C major, Hob. VIIa: 1 (EP4322) (Edition Peters)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.74 $Haydn, Joseph Concerto No.1 in C Hob.VIIa/1 Instrumentation: Vln-Pf Composer: Haydn, Joseph Editor: Carl Flesch Details: with cadenzas
Peter Simple: Heart of Oak Sea Classics (Heart of Oak Sea Classics Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.43 $Admired by the likes of Joseph Conrad and Virginia Woolf, the classic, comic adventure novel that began the seafaring literary tradition features memorable characters and an eye for detail formed by firsthand experience. Simultaneous. 25,000 first printing.
A Year with Peter Drucker Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.98 $A year-long leadership development course, divided into short, weekly lessons, based on Peter Drucker's personal coaching program, previously unpublished material, and selected readings from the management guru's classic works, compiled by his longtime collaborator Joseph A. Maciariello.A Year with Peter Drucker distills the essence of Peter Drucker's personal mentorship program into an easy-to-follow 52-week course, exploring the themes Drucker felt were most important to leadership development, including: Leaders Must Set Sights on the Important and not the Urgent—a key differentiator between a subordinate and a chief. Management is a Human Activity—Process must serve people, in and out of the organization. The Roadmap to Personal Effectiveness—the importance of mission and doing the Right Things not just Getting Things Done. The critical importance of leadership succession especially at top ranks of the organization.Each weekly management meditation includes a lesson and a message or anecdote taken from Drucker's extensive body of work, as well as suggestions for further reading, reflective questions, and quick, easy prompts to help readers incorporate the knowledge they've learned into their daily work.A lifetime of wisdom brilliantly honed into a single essential volume by Drucker's collaborator Joseph A. Maciariello, A Year with Peter Drucker gives both lifelong Drucker fans and young executives now discovering his brilliance an invaluable opportunity to learn directly from the late master.
Salt of the Earth: The Church at the End of the Millennium- An Interview With Peter Seewald
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.85 $Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, well-known Vatican prelate and head of the Congregation on the Doctrine of the Faith, gives a full-length interview to secular journalist Peter Seewald, on a host of controversial and difficult issues facing Catholicism and Christianity at the end of the millennium. Similar to his best-selling book interview in 1985, The Ratzinger Report, he responds with candor and insight, giving answers that are often surprising and always thought-provoking on a series of wide-ranging topics regarding the present and future state of Christianity. Ratzinger begins by discussing his own life, including his family life, being a theology professor and writer, becoming a Bishop, Cardinal and the Pope's top authority on doctrine. He then discusses the problems of the Catholic Church today and talks about the challenges and hopes of the future of Church and the world at the beginning of the Third Millennium.
Hans-Peter Feldman: Birgit
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $This artist's book by the influential but deliberately elusive Düsseldorf Conceptual photographer features a series of pictures of a woman putting on her makeup. A peer of Gerhard Richter, Joseph Beuys and Bernd and Hilla Becher, Feldman helped pave the way for artists like Richard Prince, Sherrie Levine and Christopher Williams.
God and the World: A Conversation With Peter Seewald
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.29 $During his years as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, well-known Vatican prelate Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger has given three in-depth interviews. The first two interviews have become best selling books: The Ratzinger Report and Salt of the Earth. Because of the tremendous reception those books received, the Cardinal agreed to do another interview with journalist Peter Seewald, who had done the very popular Salt of the Earth interview. This third in-depth interview addresses deep questions of faith and the living of that faith in the modern world.The interview took place over three full days spent at the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino in a setting of the silence, prayer, and hospitality of the monks. For this meeting with the highly regarded Churchman, theologian, and author, the seasoned journalist, who had fallen away from the faith but eventually returned to the Church, once again provided a very stimulating, well-prepared series of wide-ranging questions on profound issues. The Cardinal responds with candor, frankness and deep insight, giving answers that are sometimes surprising and always thought provoking.
Joseph Haydn's Keyboard Music : Sources and Style
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.72 $Few musical repertoires have attracted such a convenient and thorough compendium of knowledge." ―Early Music NewsA. Peter Brown has performed an excellent service for devotees of early keyboard music, and for all students of eighteenth-century music... " ―Early Keyboard JournalA. Peter Brown has created a unique compendium, discussing all of Haydn’s works with keyboard, comparing them and placing them in a variety of contexts, historical, social and scholarly." ―Journal of the American Musicological Society... stimulating... a book for which pianists... must be thankful." ―Journal of the American Liszt SocietyHaydn scholar A. Peter Brown offers the first detailed and comprehensive study of the composer’s keyboard works, encompassing the solo sonatas, keyboard trios, accompanied divertimentos, concertos, concertinos, and Klavierstücke.
Joseph Beuys: The Reader
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.17 $Essential texts on a legendary twentieth-century artist, including key essays by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Rosalind Krauss, Peter Bürger, Thierry de Duve, and others.Twentieth-century artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986)―legendary and self-mythologizing, enigmatic and controversial―remains an important influence on artists today. Beuys embraced radically democratic artistic and political ideas, proclaiming “Everyone is an artist,” and advocating direct democracy through referenda. He famously worked with such nontraditional materials as felt, fat, and plants and animals both alive and dead. Beuys and his work―performance art, drawing, painting, sculpture, installation―received perhaps the most contentious reception of any postwar artist. This reader brings together the crucial writings on Beuys and his work, presenting key essays by prominent artists and critics from North America and Europe. With a foreword by Arthur C. Danto, “Style and Salvation in the Art of Beuys,” Benjamin H. D. Buchloh's now classic 1980 essay, “Beuys, Twilight of the Idol,” and influential texts by Vera Frenkel, Thierry de Duve, Rosalind Krauss, Peter Bürger, Irit Rogoff, and others, Joseph Beuys: The Reader is the most significant gathering of critical texts on this challenging artist that has ever been assembled. It will be essential reading for any student of Beuys and for all those interested in postwar art, the cult of the artist, and art's engagement with politics and society. ContributorsJoseph Beuys, Eugen Blume, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Peter Bürger, Jean-François Chevrier, Catherine David, Thierry de Duve, Vera Frenkel, Stefan Germer, Rosalind Krauss, Barbara Lange, Dirk Luckow, Claudia Mesch, Viola Michely, Irit Rogoff, Gregory Ulmer, Theodora Vischer, Antje von Graevenitz, Dorothea Zwirner
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