113 products were found matching your search for Journal 1980 1998 in 3 shops:
A Positively Final Appearance: A Journal, 1996-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.94 $Following the success of his diary, Sir Alec has written something between a commonplace book and a diary - longer pieces on anything that takes his fancy, loosely related to his daily activities but not as rigid as a daily diary.
"I'd Rather You Lied": Selected Poems 1980-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.99 $Used. Very Good conditions. May have soft reading marks and name of the previous owner.
Journals of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 1998-2002
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $A collection of newsletters of the North American Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. You'll find articles on the Association and the theory and practice of the Catechesis, practical tips, children's drawings, and more. Published by Liturgy Training Publications.
Forbidden Science 3: On the Trail of Hidden Truths, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 1980-1989
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.23 $REMEMBERING IS THE DUTY OF THOSE WHO LIVE IN EXCEPTIONAL TIMESThe 1980s were a pivotal time in the development of venture capital that led to great innovations throughout the world. As recounted in this third volume of journals, Jacques Vallee found his passion in this world, while he witnessed with concern the increasing manipulation and disinformation that discouraged rational research into ufology. But he persisted in his first-hand UFO investigations in the US, Europe, and South America, and here strips from the historical record the secrecy behind which research into the paranormal was being conducted.
More Readings from One Man's Wilderness: The Journals of Richard L. Proenneke, 1974-1980
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.01 $The journals of Richard "Dick" Proenneke are now available in an edited and annotated volume covering the years 1974 through 1980. The nation first became aware of the remarkable life of Dick Proenneke with the publication of One Man's Wilderness in 1973. Master of woodcraft and camp craft, keen observer of the natural world, mechanical genius, tireless hiker and journalisx, for 30 years Proennek lived a storied existense in a small log cabin her built in the Alaska wilderness. Proenneke was an active yet reluctant participant in the epic struggle to protect some of Alaska's wild lands for future generations of Americans.
Forbidden Science 3: On the Trail of Hidden Truths, The Journals of Jacques Vallee 1980-1989
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.48 $REMEMBERING IS THE DUTY OF THOSE WHO LIVE IN EXCEPTIONAL TIMESThe 1980s were a pivotal time in the development of venture capital that led to great innovations throughout the world. As recounted in this third volume of journals, Jacques Vallee found his passion in this world, while he witnessed with concern the increasing manipulation and disinformation that discouraged rational research into ufology. But he persisted in his first-hand UFO investigations in the US, Europe, and South America, and here strips from the historical record the secrecy behind which research into the paranormal was being conducted.
Recovering: A Journal, 1979-1980
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.05 $Sarton suffered a brutal review of her last novel, personal problems, and a mastectomy in 1979 and this journal reveals how she drew on her inner strength to surmount this series of crises and regain her creative powers.
Night Creature: A Journal of Jazz, 1975-1980 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $Night Creature: A Journal of Jazz, 1975-1980
As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.93 $This, the second of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks, begins where the first volume left off, in the middle of the 1960s. It traces and documents Sontag's evolution from fledgling participant in the artistic and intellectual world of New York City to world-renowned critic and dominant force in the world of ideas with the publication of the groundbreaking Against Interpretation in 1966.As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh follows Sontag through the turbulent years of the 1960s―from her trip to Hanoi at the peak of the Vietnam War to her time making films in Sweden―up to 1981 and the beginning of the Reagan era. This is an invaluable record of the inner workings of one of the most inquisitive and analytical thinkers of the twentieth century at the height of her power. It is also a remarkable document of one individual's political and moral awakening.
Selected Tracks 1. 1992-1998
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 73.98 $Limited numbered edition of 700 copies celebrating Esplendor Geometrico's 2015 35th anniversary. The band formed in Madrid in 1980 and went on to become an international cult act and one of the most influential pioneers of industrial music. This set contains four LPs packaged inside a special deluxe box and individually screen printed using a metallic copper ink. The four covers, when put together, make up a main image. The box set also includes a poster. The LPs feature a selection of tracks re
Thus Spake the Corpse: 1988-1998: Volume 1 Poetry & Essays (An Exquisite Corpse Reader)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.76 $From 1983 to 1998, Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Books & Ideas delighted the indignant and the sophisticated and gave heartburn to the fearful and the tenured. A thorn in the side of the Literary Establishment, it attracted a cadre of contributors united by a kind of suicidal fearlessness against The Way We Think Now. Here, in two generous volumes, the editors choose some of their favorite items from an over-rich decade. These are the pieces that set the standard, enraged some people, and made the magazine necessary to those readers who, in the words of the editors, "banged their fists on unread stacks of New Yorkers and cried out as one, 'Where were you when we were dying for lack of real poetry and speculation?' "Highlights: Poetry by Antler, James Broughton, Hayden Carruth, Tom Clark, Robert Creeley, John Giorno, Anselm Hollo, David Ignatow, James Laughlin, Gerard Malanga, Joel Oppenheimer, James Purdy, Carl Rakosi, Ed Sanders, and ninety (90!) others. Three dozen essays, including "Is Literature Useful?" by Georges Bataille, "The American Male," by Kay Boyle, "The Sur(region)alist Manifesto," by Max Cafard, "My Abortion," by Deborah Salazar, and "Letters from the Proud Highway," by Hunter S. Thompson. The best of Laura Rosenthal's column "The Body Bag," which responded to would-be contributors with witty encouragement and, occasionally, devastating criticism. And letters from Clayton Eshleman, Edward Field, Ishmael Reed, and others.
Unsolved Child Murders: Eighteen American Cases, 1956-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.51 $An estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States. Only one in 10,000 are found dead. Yet unsolved child murders are almost a daily occurrence--of nearly 52,000 juvenile homicides between 1980 and 2008, more than 20 percent remain open. Drawing on FBI reports, police and court records, and interviews with victims' families, this book provides details and evidence for 18 unsolved cases from 1956 to 1998.
The National Pastime - Number 18 - 1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.95 $Official journal of the Society for American Baseball Research
The scenery Chinese film culture 1978-1998(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.42 $戴锦华著的《雾中风景(中国电影文化1978-1998培文电影)(精)》涉及的电影现象贯穿了中国新时期20年历史--自1970、1980年代之交的斜塔望出,经过1980、1990年代之交的无地彷徨,绵延穿过整个1990年代,终了于新世纪将临未临之时。这是中国社会历史性转轨的20年,电影作为文化表征,折射出的是整个社会意识形态的症候。作者以自己对这个时代的体认,依靠对理论武器的娴熟运作及对电影文本的敏锐感知,用绵密的意象,勾勒出这个时代的图景,已成为研究新时期电影的必备文本。
Blurred Zones: Peter Eisenman Architects, 1988-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.81 $In the late 1980s, the New York-based office Eisenman Architects, led by architect and educator Peter Eisenman, shifted from an investigation of "artificial excavations" as an architectural tool to a conscious pursuit of a concept he called "blurring." Blurring is not a visual effect but rather deals with affect, that is, a strategy for exploring a mind/body relationship in architecture that displaces the conventional or expected experience of space. Blurring has many different definitions -- the between, the interstitial -- and takes many different forms in the work. Blurred Zones: Investigations of the Interstitial presents seventeen design projects, both built and unbuilt, and twelve essays that attempt to illuminate and illustrate the conceptual activity of blurring. The work from this period begins in 1988, with a project for the Guardiola House in Cadiz, Spain, and continues until 1998, with the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. Also shown in this monograph, with photographs and Eisenman's signature drawings, are the Aronoff Center for Design and Art at the University of Cincinnati and the Greater Columbus Convention Center, both in Ohio; the Nunotani Headquarters Building in Tokyo; the Max Reinhardt Haus in Berlin; and the entry for the Church for the Year 2000 competition in Rome. Complementing the design projects are texts by critics: philosopher Andrew Benjamin, ANY magazine editor Cynthia Davidson, teacher and editor Luis Fernández-Galiano, architectural historian K. Michael Hays, literary critic Fredric Jameson, architect and teacher Franco Purini, and philosopher John Rajchman. Eisenman himself has written a series of essays on blurring, the interstitial, and undecidability, bringing together the preoccupations of his two roles: architect and theoretician.
1980's City Lights Music Various
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 2.85 $ (+4.63 $)This is a new publication, released December 20th, 2024."City Lights Print Out" "Used Guitars" "The New Journal of Civilization...Your Pathway to ...
Manet, une révolution symbolique: Cours au Collège de France (1998-2000) suivis dun manuscrit inachevé de Pierre et Marie-Claire Bour [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $Comment s’opère une révolution symbolique et comment réussit-elle à s’imposer ? À travers le cas exemplaire d’Édouard Manet, c’est à cette question que s’est confronté Pierre Bourdieu dès les années 1980 et à laquelle il a consacré les dernières années de son enseignement au Collège de France. Ce deuxième volume des cours inédits du sociologue, accompagnés d’un livre resté inachevé, marque ainsi l’aboutissement d’une réflexion centrale dans son œuvre.Située en pleine crise de l’Académie, à un moment où la croissance du nombre des peintres remettait en cause la tutelle de l’État sur la définition de la valeur artistique, la rupture inaugurée par Manet a abouti à un bouleversement de l’ordre esthétique. La nouvelle vision du monde qu’elle a engendrée a imprimé sa marque jusqu’à nos jours. En abordant la genèse des tableaux de Manet comme une série de prises de position qui sont autant de défis lancés à l’académisme conservateur des peintres pompiers, au populisme des réalistes, à l’éclectisme commercial de la peinture de genre et même aux « impressionnistes », Bourdieu montre qu’une telle révolution est indissociable des conditions d’émergence des champs de production culturelle.Loin de s’exclure, lectures « formaliste » et « réaliste » sont ici réunies pour appréhender la peinture de Manet dans sa totalité. Jamais, peut-être, elle n’avait été regardée ainsi...
Blurred Zones: Peter Eisenman Architects, 1988-1998
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $In the late 1980s, the New York-based office Eisenman Architects, led by architect and educator Peter Eisenman, shifted from an investigation of "artificial excavations" as an architectural tool to a conscious pursuit of a concept he called "blurring." Blurring is not a visual effect but rather deals with affect, that is, a strategy for exploring a mind/body relationship in architecture that displaces the conventional or expected experience of space. Blurring has many different definitions -- the between, the interstitial -- and takes many different forms in the work. Blurred Zones: Investigations of the Interstitial presents seventeen design projects, both built and unbuilt, and twelve essays that attempt to illuminate and illustrate the conceptual activity of blurring. The work from this period begins in 1988, with a project for the Guardiola House in Cadiz, Spain, and continues until 1998, with the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. Also shown in this monograph, with photographs and Eisenman's signature drawings, are the Aronoff Center for Design and Art at the University of Cincinnati and the Greater Columbus Convention Center, both in Ohio; the Nunotani Headquarters Building in Tokyo; the Max Reinhardt Haus in Berlin; and the entry for the Church for the Year 2000 competition in Rome. Complementing the design projects are texts by critics: philosopher Andrew Benjamin, ANY magazine editor Cynthia Davidson, teacher and editor Luis Fernández-Galiano, architectural historian K. Michael Hays, literary critic Fredric Jameson, architect and teacher Franco Purini, and philosopher John Rajchman. Eisenman himself has written a series of essays on blurring, the interstitial, and undecidability, bringing together the preoccupations of his two roles: architect and theoretician.
Thus Spake the Corpse : An Exquisite Corpse Reader 1988-1998 : Volume 1, Poetry & Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.61 $From 1983 to 1998, Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Books & Ideas delighted the indignant and the sophisticated and gave heartburn to the fearful and the tenured. A thorn in the side of the Literary Establishment, it attracted a cadre of contributors united by a kind of suicidal fearlessness against The Way We Think Now. Here, in two generous volumes, the editors choose some of their favorite items from an over-rich decade. These are the pieces that set the standard, enraged some people, and made the magazine necessary to those readers who, in the words of the editors, "banged their fists on unread stacks of New Yorkers and cried out as one, 'Where were you when we were dying for lack of real poetry and speculation?' "Highlights: Poetry by Antler, James Broughton, Hayden Carruth, Tom Clark, Robert Creeley, John Giorno, Anselm Hollo, David Ignatow, James Laughlin, Gerard Malanga, Joel Oppenheimer, James Purdy, Carl Rakosi, Ed Sanders, and ninety (90!) others. Three dozen essays, including "Is Literature Useful?" by Georges Bataille, "The American Male," by Kay Boyle, "The Sur(region)alist Manifesto," by Max Cafard, "My Abortion," by Deborah Salazar, and "Letters from the Proud Highway," by Hunter S. Thompson. The best of Laura Rosenthal's column "The Body Bag," which responded to would-be contributors with witty encouragement and, occasionally, devastating criticism. And letters from Clayton Eshleman, Edward Field, Ishmael Reed, and others.
Creative Labs The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself: 35th Anniversary Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.09 $Originally released in 1980, Lucia Capacchione’s The Creative Journal has become a classic in the fields of art therapy, memoir and creative writing, art journaling, and creativity development. Using more than fifty prompts and vibrantly illustrated examples, Capacchione guides readers through drawing and writing exercises to release feelings, explore dreams, and solve problems creatively. Topics include emotional expression, healing the past, exploring relationships, self-inventory, health, life goals, and more. The Creative Journal introduced the world to Capacchione’s groundbreaking technique of writing with the nondominant hand for brain balancing, finding innate wisdom, and developing creative potential.This thirty-fifth anniversary edition includes a new introduction and an appendix listing the many venues that have adopted Capacchione’s methods, including public schools, recovery programs, illness support groups, spiritual retreats, and prisons. The Creative Journal has become a mainstay text for college courses in psychology, art therapy, and creative writing. It has proven useful for journal keepers, counselors, and teachers. Through doodles, scribbles, written inner dialogues, and letters, people of all ages have discovered vast inner resources.
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