45 products were found matching your search for Jungmann Thomas Risikomanagement im in 2 shops:
André Müller im Gespräch mit Thomas Bernhard
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.57 $110 S. Schutzumschlag etw. bestaubt u. gering fleckig, Buchschnitt etw. bestaubt u. fleckig, Kanten etw. bestoßen // Bernhard, Thomas , Interview, Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft NG018 9783900878641 *.* Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 400
Charakterisierung im Dialog (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus/Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 64) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.00 $How do we see disciples like Maria Magdalene, Petrus, Thomas or Mary thee mother of Jesus? Hartenstein analyses the depiction of these players in the gospel of John. German text.
Tagebücher und autobiographische Aufzeichnungen 1750-1822. Hrsg. u. eingeleitet von Thomas Stamm-Kuhlmann.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 126.73 $Karl August von Hardenberg (1750-1822) war Verwaltungsbeamter, Diplomat, Gutsherr, Lebemann, einer der großen Staatsreformer des 19. Jahrhunderts und einer der führenden Staatsmänner im europäischen Konzert der Großmächte. Alle diese Aspekte eines reichen und glänzenden Lebens sind in den Aufzeichnungen eingefangen, die Karl August von Hardenberg hinterlassen hat. Eine exakte textkritische Einführung und ein Lebensabriss sind der Edition vorangesellt.
Die Mächte des Guten und Bösen : Vorstellungen im XII. und XIII. Jahrhundert über ihr Wirken in der Heilsgeschichte
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 294.64 $Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften sind Teile einer Gesamtbetrachtung des Mittelalters.
Aristotelisches Erbe im arabisch-lateinischen Mittelalter
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 220.72 $Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften sind Teile einer Gesamtbetrachtung des Mittelalters.
Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg" - Ein Bildungsroman?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.52 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 2, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Veranstaltung: Thomas Mann: Der Zauberberg, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der Literaturwissenschaft scheint die Gattungsbestimmung des Zauberbergs eine schwierige Angelegenheit darzustellen. Eine große Anzahl von Literaturwissenschaftlern haben sich bereits mit dieser Thematik auseinandergesetzt, allerdings ohne zu einem eindeutigen, für alle verbindlichen Ergebnis bei der Kategoriezuweisungen des Romans zu kommen. Vielfältige Interpretationsmodelle sind so im Laufe der Jahre entstanden. Jürgen Scharfschwerdt schreibt hierzu: „Überblickt man [...] die bisher erschienene Literatur, so erweist sich sehr schnell, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den vorliegenden Ergebnissen wohl nicht größer gedacht werden können." Die Deutungen reichen von einer Erneuerung, bis hin zu einer absoluten Parodie des Bildungsromans. Aber auch andere Interpretationen, unabhängig von dem Genre der Bildung, werden unternommen. Einige sprechen von einem Gesellschafts-, andere von einem Zeit- und wiederum manche von einem Entwicklungsroman. Bestimmte Tendenzen lassen sich in dem Werk von Thomas Mann für jede Auslegung finden und so wurden „fast alle Möglichkeiten der Deutung für Thomas Manns Zauberberg verbindlich zu machen gesucht." Bereits 1921, also noch während der Arbeit an seinem Werk, hat Thomas Mann den Zauberberg als einen „Bildungsroman" bezeichnet. Entsprechende Bemerkungen lassen sich häufiger finden. Auch wenn die Forschung diese Aussagen Manns zunächst dankbar aufnahmen und eine Reihe von Interpreten somit den Zauberberg zu den Bildungsromanen rechneten, wurde dieser Gattungsbezeichnung vielfach, wie bereits erwähnt, widersprochen. Diese Arbeit wird das Interpretationsmodell des Autors aufgreifen und versuchen diese Gattungszuordnung im Laufe der Arbeit zu rechtfertigen.
Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg" - Ein Bildungsroman? (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.38 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 2, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Veranstaltung: Thomas Mann: Der Zauberberg, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der Literaturwissenschaft scheint die Gattungsbestimmung des Zauberbergs eine schwierige Angelegenheit darzustellen. Eine große Anzahl von Literaturwissenschaftlern haben sich bereits mit dieser Thematik auseinandergesetzt, allerdings ohne zu einem eindeutigen, für alle verbindlichen Ergebnis bei der Kategoriezuweisungen des Romans zu kommen. Vielfältige Interpretationsmodelle sind so im Laufe der Jahre entstanden. Jürgen Scharfschwerdt schreibt hierzu: „Überblickt man [...] die bisher erschienene Literatur, so erweist sich sehr schnell, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den vorliegenden Ergebnissen wohl nicht größer gedacht werden können." Die Deutungen reichen von einer Erneuerung, bis hin zu einer absoluten Parodie des Bildungsromans. Aber auch andere Interpretationen, unabhängig von dem Genre der Bildung, werden unternommen. Einige sprechen von einem Gesellschafts-, andere von einem Zeit- und wiederum manche von einem Entwicklungsroman. Bestimmte Tendenzen lassen sich in dem Werk von Thomas Mann für jede Auslegung finden und so wurden „fast alle Möglichkeiten der Deutung für Thomas Manns Zauberberg verbindlich zu machen gesucht." Bereits 1921, also noch während der Arbeit an seinem Werk, hat Thomas Mann den Zauberberg als einen „Bildungsroman" bezeichnet. Entsprechende Bemerkungen lassen sich häufiger finden. Auch wenn die Forschung diese Aussagen Manns zunächst dankbar aufnahmen und eine Reihe von Interpreten somit den Zauberberg zu den Bildungsromanen rechneten, wurde dieser Gattungsbezeichnung vielfach, wie bereits erwähnt, widersprochen. Diese Arbeit wird das Interpretationsmodell des Autors aufgreifen und versuchen diese Gattungszuordnung im Laufe der Arbeit zu rechtfertigen.
Thomas Harlan : Das Gesicht deines Feindes. Ein deutsches Leben
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.24 $Neuware - Seine Kindheit im Dritten Reich, seine Jahre in Frankreich und in Polen, seine Freundschaft mit Kinski, die politischen und künstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen mit der Bundesrepublik - Thomas Harlan erzählt davon. Schonungslos und mitreißend.
Charakterisierung im Dialog (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus/Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments, 64) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $How do we see disciples like Maria Magdalene, Petrus, Thomas or Mary thee mother of Jesus? Hartenstein analyses the depiction of these players in the gospel of John. German text.
Aristotelisches Erbe im arabisch-lateinischen Mittelalter
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.64 $Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften sind Teile einer Gesamtbetrachtung des Mittelalters.
Martin Heidegger, Geschichte Der Philosophie Von Thomas Von Aquin Bis Kant (Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.57 $Die Vorlesung Geschichte der Philosophie von Thomas von Aquin bis Kant wurde von Martin Heidegger im Wintersemester 1926/27 an der Universitat Marburg an der Lahn gehalten. Sie fallt somit in die letzte Phase der Ausarbeitung von Sein und Zeit. Einem einleitenden Teil mit der Anzeige des Vorhabens und der Bestimmung der Philosophie als phanomenologischer Ontologie folgen vier Hauptabschnitte, die jeweils einem Philosophen gelten: Thomas von Aquin (mit langeren Erorterungen zu den Quaestiones disputatae de veritate), Rene Descartes, Baruch de Spinoza (dem wie sonst nirgends bei Heidegger ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet ist) und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Im letzten Teil erortert Heidegger die Auswirkungen der bisherigen Metaphysik auf den Leibnizschuler Christian Wolff und dessen Gegner Christian August Crusius, und mit einem Vorblick auf Immanuel Kant schliesst er die Vorlesung. Zwar ist bei den genannten Philosophen immer wieder von Ontologie die Rede, doch wird ihnen das Sein selbst nie fragwurdig. Diese Fraglosigkeit grundet in der seit der Antike herrschenden Idee vom Sein als immerwahrender Anwesenheit, als Wahren, Dauern und Gegenwart. Doch sind die Zeitbestimmungen, weshalb eigens die Frage gestellt werden muss, wie die Zeit uber ihren vulgaren Begriff hinaus zu interpretieren sei, damit sie jene fundamentale Funktion ubernehmen kann; doch bleibt auch dies im Bereich des Selbstverstandlichen. Mit der Frage nach dem Sein und dessen moglicher Verwurzelung in der Existenz des Menschen schliesst die Vorlesung. Sie weist deutlich auf die in Sein und Zeit dann eigens gestellte Frage nach dem Sinn von Sein voraus.
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 3-PW - KBS TOUR 120 S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,598.88 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 4-PW,W+1" - AMT WHITE S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,598.88 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 5-PW - AMT WHITE S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,199.16 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 4-PW,W - AMT WHITE R - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,598.88 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - LEFT - 3-PW - AMT WHITE S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,598.88 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 5-PW - AMT WHITE X - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,199.16 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - LEFT - 4-PW - AMT WHITE S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,399.00 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 4-PW - MODUS 120 S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,399.00 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
Titleist T100 Irons 2025 - RIGHT - 4-PW - KBS TOUR 120 S - Golf Clubs
Vendor: Carlsgolfland.com Price: 1,399.00 $Titleist created a masterpiece with the T100, as evidenced by the fact that it's played by more touring professionals than any other iron in the world.� Players such as Jordan Spieth, Cameron Smith, Justin Thomas, Max Homa, Will Zalatoris, Sunjae Im, and Tom Kim are among the many to trust T100.� When designing the new model, Titleist utilized constant feedback and testing from some of the world's best ball strikers, subtly refining and improving the irons to preserve their status as the gold standard on tour. The latest evolution of the dual-cavity, forged construction T100 features dense D18 tungsten crafted with a 2000-degree brazing process typically reserved for aerospace engineering.� Better tungsten eliminates weld points, creates an extremely precise center of gravity, and combines with an enhanced back bar to provide the exact stability and sensation the world's best players demand from well-struck shots. Tour players value consistency as much, if not more, than any other trait in their equipment.� For that reason, Titleist precision CNC milled the T100's face and made a minor adjustment to the CG, resulting in more control and a steadier ball flight.� This is particularly helpful when moving from the fairway to the first cut, where reducing "jumpers" or "flyers" that wreak havoc on distance control pays enormous dividends. Turf interaction is the final ingredient involved in perfecting the T100.� Working with Tour pros and the grind experts at Vokey Design, Titleist's engineers improve the Variable Bounce Sole by smoothing and softening the trailing edge.� This makes the club flow faster through the turf, a surprisingly meaningful improvement. Titleist equips the T100 with Ascending Mass Technology shafts in steel and graphite.� Ascending Mass gives players peak performance in each iron by gradually increasing the weight in each shaft. �Long irons are kept lighter to help increase swing speed and launch conditions, while heavier short irons improv
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