36 products were found matching your search for Kabat Zinn Jon Im Alltag in 1 shops:
The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (purchase includes audio CD narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.94 $If you've ever struggled with depression, take heart. Mindfulness, a simple yet powerful way of paying attention to your most difficult emotions and life experiences, can help you break the cycle of chronic unhappiness once and for all. In The Mindful Way through Depression, four uniquely qualified experts explain why our usual attempts to "think" our way out of a bad mood or just "snap out of it" lead us deeper into the downward spiral. Through insightful lessons drawn from both Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy, they demonstrate how to sidestep the mental habits that lead to despair, including rumination and self-blame, so you can face life's challenges with greater resilience. Jon Kabat-Zinn gently and encouragingly narrates the accompanying CD of guided meditations, making this a complete package for anyone seeking to regain a sense of hope and well-being. See also the authors' Mindful Way Workbook, which provides step-by-step guidance for building your mindfulness practice in 8 weeks. Plus, mental health professionals, see also the authors' bestselling therapy guide: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit
Full Catastrophe Living How to Cope with Stress, Pain and Illness Using Mindfulness Meditation [Paperback] Jon Kabat-Zinn
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.42 $From review - "I would recommend this book to anyone who feels a little overwhelmed all of the time - anyone who has suffered from anxiety, depression or chronic illness or pain - in fact, even people who have experienced none of these!"
Räuchern im Rhythmus des Jahreskreises: Persönlich gestaltete Rituale für einen kraftvollen, naturverbundenen Alltag
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.91 $Achtsam und bewusst die Jahreszeiten zu erleben, verbindet uns mit den Kräften der natürlichen Rhythmen. Zur Wintersonnwende, im beginnenden Frühjahr an Mariä Lichtmess oder im Sommer an Johanni zu räuchern, löst uns von der Hektik und Schnelligkeit des Alltags, schenkt Energie und führt uns in die eigene Mitte. Ob in der Natur, im eigenen Garten oder Haus, in der Wohnung oder in einer Studenten-WG mitten in der Großstadt: Räucherrituale sind überall möglich. Der Bestseller von Christine Fuchs bietet Grundwissen zur Räucherkunde, ausführliche Porträts von 60 wirkungsvollen Kräutern, Hölzern und Harzen und zahlreiche Tipps für selbst gestaltete Rituale.
Mehrsprachigkeit im Alltag von Schule und Unterricht in Deutschland Eine empirische Studie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.56 $Die Autoren erhoben im Zeitraum von August 2014 bis Ende März 2015 mittels einer Online-Befragung deutschlandweit Daten von Lehrkräften aller Schulformen zur Mehrsprachigkeit im Alltag von Schule und Unterricht. Die Studie dient als Momentaufnahme der Mehrsprachigkeit an deutschen Schulen. Sie ermöglicht einen Einblick in die Einstellungen und Wünsche der Lehrkräfte sowie die Handlungsräume und Ressourcen der Schulen im Umgang mit sprachlich heterogenen Lern(er)gruppen. Die Ergebnisse führen vor Augen, dass Mehrsprachigkeit schon lange schulischer Alltag und Unterrichtsrealität ist. Deshalb sind dort die Potenziale von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit nicht-deutscher Erstsprache zu entwickeln und die Sprachfähigkeiten deutscherstsprachiger Lern(er)gruppen zu fördern.
Berliner Platz Neu: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch 3 MIT 2 Cds Und Treffpunkt D-A-CH Landeskundeheft: Deutsch im Alltag
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.73 $German language. 10.94x8.19x0.63 inches. In Stock.
Fortschritt, Norm und Eigensinn: Erkundungen im Alltag der DDR (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.38 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.23
Vertrauen und Politik im Alltag
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.29 $Die Arbeiterbewegung in Leipzig und Lyon im Moment der Krise 1929-1933/38. Häberlen untersucht die sozialen und politischen Praktiken innerhalb der Arbeiterbewegung in Leipzig und Lyon am Ende der Weimarer Republik bzw. der Dritten Französischen Republik. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Bedeutung von Vertrauen und Misstrauen in politischen und sozialen Bewegungen sowie die ambivalenten Auswirkungen der Parteipolitisierung der Arbeiterbewegung im lokalen Rahmen. 367 Seiten mit 5 Abb., gebunden (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft; Band 210/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2013) leichte Lagerspuren. Statt EUR 85,00. Gewicht: 740 g - Gebunden/Gebundene Ausgabe - Sprache: Deutsch
Dem Kirchenvolk die Leviten gelesen: Alltag im Spiegel süddeutscher Barockpredigten (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.49 $Die Predigtliteratur der Barockzeit erweist sich als ungeheuer ergiebig für Rückschlüsse auf Denk- und Verhaltensweisen der Bevölkerung. Ihre Zeugnisse zu Alltagsleben, Erziehung, Aberglauben, Festbräuchen, Ehekonflikten, Kritik an Freß-und Trunksucht, Stellungnahmen zu Frömmigkeit und Aberglaube, Hexerei und Andachtsformen, standesgemäßes Kleidungsverhalten, Krankheit und Tod vermitteln ein farbiges Bild jener Zeit.
Beuys zu Christus : eine Position im Gespräch = Beuys on Christ Friedhelm Mennekes. [Übers. ins Amerikan.: Lesa Mason u. Jon Boles]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.47 $151 S. Einband gering berieben u. bestaubt // Beuys, Joseph , Christologie , Gespräch, Christliche Religion, Bildende Kunst NG017 9783460328617 *.* Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 360
Como Asumir Su Propia Identidad: Wherzinn, J. Kabat
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.25 $: El autor propone la meditación como método para relajarse y combatir el estrés. Para ello analiza el arte de vivir el presente, cada instante, con plena conciencia. EAN: 9788401520105 Tipo: Libros Título: Como Asumir Su Propia Identidad: Wherzinn, J. Kabat Autor: Zinn, J. Kabat Editorial: Plaza & Janes Editories Sa Formato: Libro de bolsillo
DaF im Unternehmen A2 - Kurs- und Übungsbuch -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.81 $Kompetent kommunizieren im Beruf Training wichtiger berufssprachlicher Kompetenzen Redemittel und Wortschatz aus Alltag und Beruf Gezielte Aussprachezbungen in jeder Lektion Sicher und gezielt vorankommen Kurze und klar strukturierte Lektionen Umfangreiches sbungsangebot Integrierte Aufgaben zu den telcBerufsprzfungen und BULATS Lebendig und praxisnah lernen Zahlreiche Rollenspiele und Szenarien Grammatik im beruflichen Kontext Authentische Firmenportrts mit passenden Filmen Alle Audios und Filme sind im separaten Medienpaket oder kostenlos online erhltlich
VIVIR CON PLENITUD LAS CRISIS: Cómo utilizar la sabiduría del cuerpo y de la mente para enfrentarnos al estrés, el dolor y la enfermedad
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.14 $Stress can deplete our energy reserves, threaten our health, and even make us more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and illness. This book, based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness program for stress reduction, teaches mind-body practices derived from meditation and yoga to counteract the effects of stress and restore balance.
Mindfulness : Su Origen, Significado y Aplicaciones [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.06 $In this collection of writings from diverse Buddhist authors, Jon Kabat-Zinn considers how Buddhism and mindfulness can be integrated with scientific research. Mindfulness as an intentional awareness of the present moment can be applied to education, healthcare, psychology, neuroscience, and other major disciplines. Kabat-Zinn explores the use of mindfulness throughout history and its application today, and recognizes fields for potential synergy and potential disjunction.Los enfoques basados en mindfulness aplicados a la medicina, la psicología, las neurociencias, la asistencia sanitaria, la educación, el liderazgo en los negocios y otras importantes instituciones sociales, se han vuelto habituales. Están emergiendo nuevos paradigmas a partir de la confluencia de dos poderosas y potencialmente sinérgicas corrientes de investigación: una de ellas surge de las tradiciones de sabiduría de Asia; la otra, de la ciencia empírica post-ilustrada. Este libro presenta el trabajo de expertos internacionales de renombre en el campo académico del budismo y la investigación científica, además de examinar las implementaciones del mindfulness en los ámbitos de la asistencia sanitaria y la educación. Los especialistas que contribuyen a este volumen analizan el uso del mindfulness a lo largo de su historia, reflexionan sobre su significado actual, e identifican áreas en las que destacan potenciales de sinergia y disyunción.
Instructions to the Cook: A Zen Master's Lessons in Living a Life That Matters
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.68 $Instructions To The Cook is a distillation of Zen wisdom that can be used equally well as a manual on business or spiritual practice, cooking or life. The hardcover edition was featured in every major Buddhist magazine. "Be nourished and inspired! Magnificent work!"--Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.71 $Ten Guided Mindfulness Practices to Cultivate Intimacy with the Present Moment and Your LifeIn a world where our attention gets distracted and diverted at every turn, mindfulness brings it back and stabilizes it where it matters most―in the here and now. With Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3, Jon Kabat-Zinn leads you with friendliness and care through 10 “mindfulness landscapes,” including:The Soundscape and Mindscape―Bringing your awareness to the outer world and the inner terrain of your thoughts and emotions· The Heartscape―Cultivating lovingkindness, compassion, and healing for yourself and others· The Nowscape―Moving beyond specific objects of meditation to rest in the spaciousness of “choiceless awareness”· The Lifescape―Letting life itself become the meditation practice and the meditation teacherThis program also includes “breathscape” and “bodyscape” meditations, a guided walking meditation, a restorative yoga-like lying down practice, and a study guide with suggestions for how to best use these practices. If you are seeking to explore new domains of awareness and healing, or to enrich and deepen a long-standing meditation practice, Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 3 offers rich and varied terrain for you to inhabit and explore.
Mindfulness in Plain English
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.85 $A masterpiece...an extremely skillful offering of kindness, clarity and wisdom to drink from. --Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness: Su origen, significado y aplicaciones (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.82 $In this collection of writings from diverse Buddhist authors, Jon Kabat-Zinn considers how Buddhism and mindfulness can be integrated with scientific research. Mindfulness as an intentional awareness of the present moment can be applied to education, healthcare, psychology, neuroscience, and other major disciplines. Kabat-Zinn explores the use of mindfulness throughout history and its application today, and recognizes fields for potential synergy and potential disjunction.Los enfoques basados en mindfulness aplicados a la medicina, la psicología, las neurociencias, la asistencia sanitaria, la educación, el liderazgo en los negocios y otras importantes instituciones sociales, se han vuelto habituales. Están emergiendo nuevos paradigmas a partir de la confluencia de dos poderosas y potencialmente sinérgicas corrientes de investigación: una de ellas surge de las tradiciones de sabiduría de Asia; la otra, de la ciencia empírica post-ilustrada. Este libro presenta el trabajo de expertos internacionales de renombre en el campo académico del budismo y la investigación científica, además de examinar las implementaciones del mindfulness en los ámbitos de la asistencia sanitaria y la educación. Los especialistas que contribuyen a este volumen analizan el uso del mindfulness a lo largo de su historia, reflexionan sobre su significado actual, e identifican áreas en las que destacan potenciales de sinergia y disyunción.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.95 $Perhaps no other person has done more to bring mindfulness meditation into the contemporary landscape of America than Jon Kabat-Zinn. Through a number of research studies, and through Kabat-Zinn's pioneering work at the University of Massachusetts Medical School where he is founder of its world-renowned Stress Reduction Clinic, mindfulness is finally being recognized as a highly effective tool for dealing with stress, chronic pain, and other illnesses.Now with this four-part home training course, Jon Kabat-Zinn offers listeners the definitive mindfulness meditation practice on CD. We are not trying to actively achieve a state of deep relaxation―or any other state for that matter―while practicing mindfulness, he teaches. But interestingly, by opening to an awareness of how things actually are in the present moment, we often taste very deep states of relaxation and well-being of both body and mind.Join the bestselling author of Coming to Our Senses (Hyperion, 2005) and Wherever You Go, There You Are (Hyperion 1995) to develop and deepen your personal mindfulness practice, and to taste the universal aspects of stillness, clarity, wisdom, compassion, and well-being that Guided Mindfulness Meditation offers.Course objectives:Utilize body and mind meditations in daily practice· Practice mindful yoga with clear, safe and simple instructions· Describe the basic state of being which is present awareness· Compare the results of unmoving, sitting meditation to a movement meditation such as mindful yoga
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 2 Format: CD-Audio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.88 $Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series 2 was designed by Jon Kabat–Zinn as a core training tool to begin and deepen a daily meditation practice, and to bring mindfulness into every aspect of life. Intended to be used in conjunction with his book Wherever You Go, There You Are, these four CD–length programs are a valuable resource that meditators at all experience levels can adapt to their specific needs. They include:Guided sitting meditations―the basics of mindfulness meditation· Mindfulness while lying down―guided sessions for learning how to "fall awake" rather than fall asleep, which, teaches Kabat–Zinn, is what mindfulness is all about· The Mountain Meditation and Lake Meditation―evokes two powerful images to deepen concentration and expand one's feeling for the inward gesture involved in mindfulness practice· Silence, with bells to mark the passage of time―5–, 10–, 15–, 20–, and 30–minute timed sessionsMindfulness is moment–to–moment non–judgmental awareness, a way to connect with a deep sense of comfort, balance, insight, and freedom within our own lives, both physically and emotionally. It is a way to embody sanity, clarity, and harmony, even in challenging circumstances. And it's a way to heal ourselves and our relationships with others. But it does require cultivation. These guided meditations provide an essential set of tools to help support that process.
Everything Arises, Everything Falls Away
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.69 $Ajahn Chah (1919–1992) was admired for the way he demystified the Buddhist teachings, presenting them in a remarkably simple and down-to-earth style for people of any background. He was a major influence and spiritual mentor for a generation of American Buddhist teachers, including Jon Kabat-Zinn, Sharon Salzberg, and Jack Kornfield. Previous books by Ajahn Chah have consisted of collections of short teachings on a wide variety of subjects. This new book focuses on the theme of impermanence, offering powerful remedies for overcoming our deep-seated fear of change, including guidance on letting go of attachments, living in the present, and taking up the practice of meditation. Everything Arises, Everything Falls Away also contains stories and anecdotes about this beloved master's life and his interactions with students, from his youth as a struggling monk to his last years when American students were coming to study with him in significant numbers. These stories help to convey Ajahn Chah's unique spirit and teaching style, allowing readers to know him both through his words and the way in which he lived his life.
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