8 products were found matching your search for Kagel Karl Otto Geschenksendung in 2 shops:
The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy: Karl-Otto Apel's Semiotics and Discourse Ethics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.25 $Karl-Otto Apel is one of the most important German philosophers of the 20th century, and is finally coming to be recognized as such. However, his work is still poorly understood and inadequately treated throughout most of the world. In The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy, critical theory scholar Eduardo Mendieta examines the philosophical origins of discourse ethics through the prism of Apel's thought. Mendieta finds that Apel fundamentally transformed German philosophy, which had become stagnant in the years before World War II, and deeply influenced later thinkers such as Jürgen Habermas. Apel's turn toward pragmatism and analytic philosophy helped him bring the concept of a linguistic paradigm shift to Germany.
The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy: Karl-Otto Apel's Semiotics and Discourse Ethics (New Critical Theory)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.54 $Karl-Otto Apel is one of the most important German philosophers of the 20th century, and is finally coming to be recognized as such. However, his work is still poorly understood and inadequately treated throughout most of the world. In The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy, critical theory scholar Eduardo Mendieta examines the philosophical origins of discourse ethics through the prism of Apel's thought. Mendieta finds that Apel fundamentally transformed German philosophy, which had become stagnant in the years before World War II, and deeply influenced later thinkers such as Jürgen Habermas. Apel's turn toward pragmatism and analytic philosophy helped him bring the concept of a linguistic paradigm shift to Germany.
Worpswede: Fritz Mackensen, Otto Modersohn, Fritz Overbeck, Hans am Ende, Heinrich Vogeler (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.16 $Rainer Maria Rilke: Worpswede. Fritz Mackensen, Otto Modersohn, Fritz Overbeck, Hans am Ende, Heinrich Vogeler Entstanden 1902, Erstdruck: Bielefeld und Leipzig (Velhagen und Klasing) 1903. Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2016. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Rainer Maria Rilke: Sämtliche Werke. Herausgegeben vom Rilke-Archiv in Verbindung mit Ruth Sieber-Rilke, besorgt von Ernst Zinn, Band 1-6, Wiesbaden und Frankfurt a.M.: Insel, 1955-1966. Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgeführt. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Otto Modersohn, Herbst im Moor, 1895. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 11 pt.
Österreichische Exilliteratur in den Niederlanden, 1934-1940.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.79 $Amsterdam: Rodopi,1986. Paperback. 200 pp. (Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur 70) ISBN 9062039081 - On Austrian authors in the Netherlands between 1934 and 1940, like Karl Kautsky, Jean Améry, Ödön von Horváth, Uriel Birnbaum, Otto Neurath & Karl Mannheim. Condition : as new copy. ISBN 9789062039081. Keywords : , Exil-Literatur
Geste. Informel. Privat. Werke aus einer Privatsammlung (1952-1964)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.78 $Neuware -Hubert Berke, Peter Brüning, Rolf Cavael, Karl Fred Dahmen, Arnold Fiedler, Karl Otto Götz, Gerhard Hoehme, Bernard Schultze, Emil Schumacher, K.R.H. Sonderborg, Fred Thieler, Hann Trier u.a.Die Schätze aus einer Privatsammlung werden in dieser aufwendig gestalteten Publikation vorgestellt und unter die Leitfrage gestellt: Was macht diese Kunst für uns heute noch interessant Ihre Werke sprechen uns ungebrochen an, weil sie nicht eindeutig sind, sich nicht festlegen lassen und immer wieder die künstlerische Freiheit manifestieren. 200 pp. Englisch, Deutsch
What is Philosophy?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.65 $In this stimulating book, six leading philosophers―Karl-Otto Apel, Robert Brandom, Karsten Harries, Martha Nussbaum, Barry Stroud, and Allen Wood―consider the nature of philosophy. Although each of them has a unique perspective, they all seem to agree that philosophy seeks to uncover hidden assumptions and concepts in order to expose them to critical scrutiny. It is thus entirely fitting that philosophers should examine their own assumptions about the nature of their discipline.As they delve into the nature of philosophy, the authors address many fascinating subjects: what makes philosophy different from natural science, religion, and other branches of the humanities; whether philosophy can contribute to political transformation, and if so, how; whether there can ever be an “end of philosophy”; and more. The editors’ introduction ties together the contributors’ diverse perspectives by noting common themes, similarities, and differences.
Understanding and Explanation: A Transcendental-Pragmatic Perspective (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.69 $Karl-Otto Apel, as much as any German theorist, bridges the gulf between Anglo-American and continental thought in both the style and content of his work. Understanding and Explanation clarifies the "explanation versus understanding" debate that has become central to the philosophy of the social sciences. Apel reexamines the debate over the logic of the social sciences from the perspective of an expanded theory of science, and he proposes a resolution in transcendent-pragmatic terms. He differentiates three legitimate approaches to the social sciences, connected with three "knowledge-constitutive" interests: deductive-nomological sciences, historical-hermeneutic sciences, and critical-reconstructive sciences.Understanding and Explanation is included in the series Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought, edited by Thomas McCarthy.
Die Verkaufte Braut
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.98 $ (+1.99 $)Alfred Sramek, Lucia Popp, Walter Popp, Walter Fink, Siegfried Jerusalem, Karl Ridderbusch, and Heinz Zednik star in this Vienna State Opera production of the Smetana opera conducted by Adam Fischer and directed by Otto Schenk.
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