66 products were found matching your search for Kehl Thomas Das einzige in 2 shops:
Thomas Harlan : Das Gesicht deines Feindes. Ein deutsches Leben
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.24 $Neuware - Seine Kindheit im Dritten Reich, seine Jahre in Frankreich und in Polen, seine Freundschaft mit Kinski, die politischen und künstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen mit der Bundesrepublik - Thomas Harlan erzählt davon. Schonungslos und mitreißend.
Das Thomas-Evangelium: Ein spiritueller Kommentar Martin, Gerhard M
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.91 $Book by Martin, Gerhard Marcel
Thomas Johnson, 1872-1963 First Leader of the Labour Party in Da il E ireann [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.00 $[Johnson, Thomas] Gaughan, J. Anthony. Thomas Johnson, 1872-1963 - First leader of the Labour Party in Dáil Éireann. Mount Merrion, County Dublin, Kingdom Books, 1980. 22 cm. 513 pages with many illustrations. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector's mylar. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. Name of preowner on endpaper. Very rare publication ! Thomas Ryder Johnson (17 May 1872 - 17 January 1963) was an Irish Labour Party politician and trade unionist who served as Leader of the Opposition from 1922 to 1927 and Leader of the Labour Party from 1917 to 1927. He served as a Teachta Dála (TD) for Dublin County from 1922 to 1927. He was a Senator for the Labour Panel from 1928 to 1934. Born in Liverpool, Tom Johnson worked on the docks for an Irish fish merchant, spending much of his time in Dunmore East and Kinsale. It was this way that he picked up ideas about socialism and Irish nationalism, joining in 1893 a Liverpool branch of the Independent Labour Party. In 1900 he started work as a commercial traveller, then moved in 1903 with his family to Belfast where he became involved in trade union and labour politics. In 1907 Johnson helped James Larkin organise a strike in the port, but had to watch in dismay as the strike, which began with remarkable solidarity between labour, Orange, and nationalist supporters, collapsed in sectarian rioting. At various times he was the president, treasurer and secretary of the Irish Trade Union Congress which was, at that time, also the Labour Party in Ireland, until officially founded in 1912 by James Connolly and James Larkin. Johnson became Vice-president of TUC in 1913, and President in 1915. Johnson sympathized with the Irish Volunteers, many of whom were sacked from their jobs, for illegal activities. During the Easter Rising, he noted in his diary that people in Ireland paid little heed to the fate of the defeated revolu..
Das Vater-Unser. Ein biblisches Gebet : abinu
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.75 $Neuware - Das Vater-Unser-Gebet ist das einzige überlieferte authentische Gebet Jesu. Es fasst das Gottesbild der gesamten Bibel zusammen und hat daher in allen christlichen Bekenntnissen eine einzigartige Bedeutung.Allerdings stellt sich seit jeher die Frage, welche der überlieferten Formen, die des Matthäus oder des Lukas oder jene der Redequelle, als die ursprüngliche anzusehen ist. Nur der Rückgriff auf den Sinngehalt der einzelnen Bitten in der Ursprache Jesu, Aramäisch oder allenfalls auch Hebräisch, ermöglicht die Deutung des ursprünglichen Aussagesinnes, da die verschiedenen Sprachfamilien der Überlieferung keineswegs idente Vorstellungen zeigen. Das schließt die Einbeziehung des Alten Testaments und der zwischentestamentlichen Literatur sowie der Gebetstexte des Judentums der Zeitenwende in die Analyse ein. Als deutliches Signal für die zeitgemäße Ökumene wird in dem Band auch der kirchenslawische russisch-glagolitische Text diskutiert.
Das Jazzbuch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.38 $Signatur, nicht zum Buch zugehorig. Seit uber funfzig Jahren der Klassiker unter den Jazzbuchern, wird das Standardwerk des „Jazzgurus" Joachim E. Berendt jetzt zum siebten Mal uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Nach wie vor ist „Das Jazzbuch" konkurrenzlos, denn es bietet als einziges Werk in pragnanter und verstandlicher Sprache eine Gesamtdarstellung der Jazzentwicklung mit ihren wichtigsten stilpragenden Personlichkeiten. Diese Neuausgabe tragt der Entwicklung in den Jahren 1990 bis 2002 Rechnung, die vom „New Yorker Jazz-Krieg", der Postmoderne-Debatte und Personlichkeiten wie John Zorn gepragt worden sind.
Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester : The Codex
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.36 $Leonardo's greatest work of science beautifully reproduced for the 500th anniversary of his death. This edition offers a high-quality facsimile reproduction of Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester, a collection of his scientific writings. Named after Thomas Coke (later Earl of Leicester) who purchased it in 1719, Codex Leicester holds the record as the most expensive book ever when it was bought by Bill Gates in 1994. Consisting of 72 pages, it was handwritten in Italian by Leonardo using his characteristic mirror writing, and is supported by drawings and diagrams. The Codex Leicester is an extraordinary mixture of Leonardo's observations and theories. Topics include his explanation of why fossils can be found on mountains; the flow of water in rivers; and the luminosity of the moon which Leonardo attributed to its surface being covered by water which reflects light from the sun. The facsimile reproduction is complemented by three further volumes that include a new transcription and translation, accompanied by a paraphrase in modern language, a page-by-page commentary, and a series of interpretative essays. These four volumes together introduce important new research into the interpretation of the texts and images, on the setting of Leonardo's ideas in the context of ancient and medieval theories, and above all into the notable fortunes of the Codex within the sciences of astronomy, water, and the history of the earth, opening a new field of research into the impact of Leonardo as a scientist after his death.
Das Haus der Sonnen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.47 $Die Menschheit hat sich im All ausgebreitet. Mittels Klontechnik hat man anfangs nur ganz wenige Menschen ins All geschickt - in immer wieder neuen Ausgaben ihrer selbst. Und so sind in Millionen von Jahren sogenannte 'Häuser' entstanden, Konglomerate aus Tausenden von Menschen, die eigentlich ein einziges Individuum sind. Jedes Mal, wenn diese 'Häuser' zusammenkommen, verändert sich die Richtung, die die Zivilisation nimmt.
Mary of Magdala: What the Da Vinci Code Misses
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.57 $Mary of Magdala examines the actual written accounts referring to her from her own era, including both canonical writings, as well as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and others. The author presents the various images of Mary that have emerged throughout history, traces the development of religious devotion to her, and blasts the many inaccuracies of the Magdalene.When the mistakes and fallacies - both centuries old and newly created - have been cleared away, there emerges a portrait, backed by compelling scholarly evidence, of a key church leader: a compassionate woman who dared to be present at Jesus' crucifixion when almost everyone else abandoned him, and who was the first to receive the message of the resurrection.
Über das Seiende und das Wesen: Lateinisch - Deutsch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.96 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Thomas von Aquin (1224/25-1274) hat in seinem umfangreichen Werk die Philosophie und Theologie der lateinischen Scholastik zu einer exemplarischen Synthese geführt, die bis in die Gegenwart wirksam geblieben ist.In seiner Schrift 'De ente et essentia', verfasst schon am Anfang seiner Karriere, legt er die logisch-ontologischen Grundbegriffe seiner Philosophie dar und stellt ihre systematische Bedeutung für seine Metaphysik vor. Der kurze, aber dichte Traktat gilt mit Recht als beste Einführung in dieses Kernstück seines Denkens. 112 pp. Latein, Deutsch
Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.02 $An introduction to Leonardo da Vinci's genius focusing on his famous notebook sketches and the modern inventions they predicted.In 1781, Thomas Paine came up with a model for a single-span bridge; in 1887, Adolf Eugen Fick made the first pair of contact lenses; and in 1907, Paul Cornu built the first helicopter. But Leonardo da Vinci thought of all these ideas more than five hundred years ago! At once an artist, inventor, engineer, and scientist, da Vinci wrote and drew detailed descriptions of what would later become hang gliders, automobiles, robots, and much more. In Neo Geo, Gene Barretta cleverly shows how Leonardo's ideas―many inspired by his love of nature―foreshadowed modern inventions, offering a window into the future.
Das Kapital in the 21st century(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.83 $French economist and professor at the Paris School of Economics Thomas wealth over the past 300 years. income European countries made a detailed inquiry. through a lot of historical data analysis . aims to demonstrate recent decades. inequality has been expanded. and soon will become more serious. He believes that we are a throwback to the inherited system of capitalism years. Under such a system. the commanding heights of the economy is not only determined by the wealth. but also determined by inherited wealth. and thus was born the day after tomorrow than hard work and can be more important. Pi Kaidi pointed out that the richest people about whom not because of labor to create wealth. but because they are already rich. Sentence: life and inequality. Since the return on capital tend to higher...
Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester : The Codex
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.83 $Leonardo's greatest work of science beautifully reproduced for the 500th anniversary of his death. This edition offers a high-quality facsimile reproduction of Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester, a collection of his scientific writings. Named after Thomas Coke (later Earl of Leicester) who purchased it in 1719, Codex Leicester holds the record as the most expensive book ever when it was bought by Bill Gates in 1994. Consisting of 72 pages, it was handwritten in Italian by Leonardo using his characteristic mirror writing, and is supported by drawings and diagrams. The Codex Leicester is an extraordinary mixture of Leonardo's observations and theories. Topics include his explanation of why fossils can be found on mountains; the flow of water in rivers; and the luminosity of the moon which Leonardo attributed to its surface being covered by water which reflects light from the sun. The facsimile reproduction is complemented by three further volumes that include a new transcription and translation, accompanied by a paraphrase in modern language, a page-by-page commentary, and a series of interpretative essays. These four volumes together introduce important new research into the interpretation of the texts and images, on the setting of Leonardo's ideas in the context of ancient and medieval theories, and above all into the notable fortunes of the Codex within the sciences of astronomy, water, and the history of the earth, opening a new field of research into the impact of Leonardo as a scientist after his death.
DER NEUE GEORGES Ausführliches Handwörterbuch Lateinisch - Deutsch: Hrsg. von Thomas Baier, bearbeitet von Tobias Dänzer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.02 $Neu -Der »Georges« ist seit Jahrzehnten ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsmittel für alle, die sich intensiv mit dem klassischen Latein beschäftigen. Das Handwörterbuch erschließt den großen Reichtum der lateinischen Sprache mit mehr als 54.000 Hauptstichwörtern, 200.000 Bedeutungsvarianten und etwa 300.000 Belegstellen. Für viele heutige Benutzer stellte die altertümliche Frakturschrift jedoch eine ernst zu nehmende Schwierigkeit dar. Die neue Ausgabe will hier Abhilfe schaffen: Das Werk wird in einer modernen, lesefreundlichen Antiquaschrift komplett neu gesetzt. Bei der Durchsicht werden zugleich sprachlich veraltete Wendungen behutsam an die heutige Sprache angepasst; Belegstellen werden nach den heutigen Standards angegeben. Damit steht der »Georges« in Zukunft als modernes, benutzerfreundliches Wörterbuch für Schüler, Studierende und Lehrende zur Verfügung. 2368 pp. Deutsch
Thomas Mann und Ägypten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.35 $Neuware -Jan Assmann geht den bahnbrechenden religions- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Einsichten Thomas Manns nach, die dieser vor allem in seinem Romanzyklus Joseph und seine Brüder vermittelt. Auf faszinierende Weise läßt er seine Leser nicht nur das literarische Kunstwerk der Josephsromane mit neuen Augen sehen, sondern vor allem auch den Schriftsteller und Kulturwissenschaftler Thomas Mann.In der Begegnung mit dem Alten Ägypten erschloß sich Thomas Mann eine kulturelle Tiefendimension der Zeit. Seine Josephsromane kreisen um die Frage, die auch Proust, Bergson und Freud beschäftigte: in welcher Weise die Vergangenheit unsere Gegenwart bestimmt, und sie geben darauf einige der klügsten Antworten. Gerade in seinen Einsichten zum Wesen des Mythos, zur Entstehung des Monotheismus, zum kulturellen Gedächtnis und zur historischen Anthropologie und Psychologie erweist sich Thomas Mann als einer der bedeutendsten Kultur- und Religionswissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Den bislang noch wenig erschlossenen Dimensionen seines Werkes geht Jan Assmann in seinem neuen Buch nach. Er beschreibt das Ägyptenbild der Josephsromane und vergleicht die Josephsgeschichte Manns mit der biblischen Erzählung sowie ihrer ägyptischen Urgestalt. Höchst aufschlußreich sind auch die abschließenden Vergleiche mit zeitgenössischen Werken wie Arnold Schönbergs Moses und Aron und Sigmund Freuds Der Mann Moses. 256 pp. Deutsch
The Essential Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Thomas & the Gospel of Mary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.29 $Gnostics were condemned as heretics by the early Church and many of their writings burned. Today, thanks to books such as The Da Vinci Code, they’re back in the public eye. These authoritative translations present nearly two dozen Gnostic works including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and The Gospel of Thomas in an inspiring collection sure to appeal to modern spiritual seekers.Alan Jacobs brings his unrivalled scholarship to bear on these texts, many of which address perennial questions of good and evil, sin and suffering, and the path to salvation.
Thomas Edison: Der Erfinder der Modernen Welt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.26 $XIII, 257 Seiten Gebrauchtes Exemplar Geschenkqualität. Wie neu. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Nichts deutete zunächst darauf hin, dass Thomas Alva Edison (18471931) die Welt verändern sollte. Das jüngste von sieben Kindern war schwächlich, ständig krank und hatte Hörprobleme, was seinen Vater bewog, ihn sogar für begriffsstutzig zu halten. Aber der unendlich neugierige Edison zeigte sich von früh auf erfinderisch, lesehungrig und wissbegierig. Der geborene Unternehmer verkaufte bereits mit zwölf Zeitungen und Süßigkeiten im Zug. Sein ausgeprägter Geschäftssinn und sein kühner wissenschaftlicher Verstand gepaart mit brennendem Ehrgeiz machten Edison zum bedeutendsten Erfinder des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Autor David J. Kent erzählt, wie Der Zauberer von Menlo Park": gegen seine größten Erfinder-Konkurrenten Tesla, Westinghouse und andere kämpfte durch seine Glühlampe und sein Stromnetz Licht in die Dunkelheit der Welt brachte den elektrischen Strom grausam an einer Elefantenkuh namens Topsy ausprobierte das erste moderne Forschungslabor und Filmstudio schuf mehr als 1.000 Patente in zentralen und innovativen Industriezweigen erwarb, die heute nicht mehr wegzudenken sind Diese lebendig geschriebene Biografie, die mit vielen Fotos, Illustrationen bebildert ist, bietet einen kompletten Überblick über die Erfindungen, das Privatleben, die persönlichen Kämpfe und das bleibende Vermächtnis eines Autodidakten der das Gesicht unserer modernen Welt prägte. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 834 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 16.1 cm x 2.5 cm x 24.1 cm
Thomas Heatherwick Making (Hardback) /anglais
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 258.56 $'Heatherwick is Leonardo da Vinci of our times' Sir Terence Conran. Still just two decades into his career, British designer Thomas Heatherwick has been heralded as one of the most original creative talents for many decades. He has produced everything from sculptural chairs forged from the world's largest aluminium extruder, to a bridge that rolls open and closed and an exuberant seed bank, 'hairy' with fibre-optic lights (the award-winning UK Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo). This book is the first to present an exhaustive survey of his studio's output to date: over 140 projects. Long in development, it has been prepared in close collaboration with Heatherwick himself, offering a highly personal, in-depth and behind-the-scenes look at all aspects of Heatherwick's creative, design and manufacturing processes. Projects are organized chronologically and bookended by an introduction setting out the studio's philosophy and a reference section. Each project is fully illustrated and accompanied by a text explaining, in Heatherwick's own words, the particular design challenge it posed and the creative and practical processes used to address it.
Thomas Heatherwick Making (Hardback) /anglais
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 12.51 $'Heatherwick is Leonardo da Vinci of our times' Sir Terence Conran. Still just two decades into his career, British designer Thomas Heatherwick has been heralded as one of the most original creative talents for many decades. He has produced everything from sculptural chairs forged from the world's largest aluminium extruder, to a bridge that rolls open and closed and an exuberant seed bank, 'hairy' with fibre-optic lights (the award-winning UK Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo). This book is the first to present an exhaustive survey of his studio's output to date: over 140 projects. Long in development, it has been prepared in close collaboration with Heatherwick himself, offering a highly personal, in-depth and behind-the-scenes look at all aspects of Heatherwick's creative, design and manufacturing processes. Projects are organized chronologically and bookended by an introduction setting out the studio's philosophy and a reference section. Each project is fully illustrated and accompanied by a text explaining, in Heatherwick's own words, the particular design challenge it posed and the creative and practical processes used to address it.
Das Rheingold
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.98 $ (+1.99 $)Thomas Stewart, Brigitte Fassbaender, and Peter Schreier star in this 1978 studio production of the Wagner opera with Herbert Von Karajan staging and conducting the Berlin Philharmonic.
Das Klagende Lied
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.98 $ (+1.99 $)Das Klagende Lied Michael Tilson Thomas - CD 821936001721
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