84 products were found matching your search for Kind En Adolescent Praktijkreeks in 3 shops:
Hikikomori, Ces Adolescents en Retrait
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.94 $Retrait social, réclusion à domicile, décrochage, claustration, enferm ement, sont autant de formes d’un phénomène nommé «hikikomori» au Japo n où il est apparu. Ce trouble de conduite consiste pour des adolescen ts ou des jeunes adultes à se retirer, le plus souvent dans leur chamb re, pendant plusieurs mois ou plusieurs années. Ils s’exilent dans un espace solitaire et ne répondent plus aux attentes sociales, familiale s, amicales, arrêtant leurs études, rompant leurs liens, suspendant le urs activités. Ils laissent perplexes leurs proches autant que les act eurs éducatifs et médico-psychologiques. Comment comprendre ces ermites modernes, leurs conduites, les causes e t les conséquences de leur retrait? Comment ce retrait est-il vécu par eux-mêmes et par leurs familles? Comment prendre en charge la détress e qu’il manifeste? Autant de questions qui tissent cet ouvrage sur le retrait des jeunes, à partir de réflexions de sociologues, anthropologues, psychiatres, p sychologues et psychanalystes français et japonais qui ont travaillé e nsemble pour repérer, décrire, comprendre et prendre en charge ce phén omène émergent dans nos sociétés. Au sommaire: - 1ère partie: Obstacles, suspensions et passages du seuil de l'enfanc e à l'âge adulte: Corps en retrait et désordres familiaux; Une approch e biopsychosociale du décrochage scolaire et du retrait social; Hikiko mori, nos contemporains; Sortir ou rester, et comment?; Deux logiques identitaires opposées; Autonomie et autarcie. - 2e partie: Histoires, expériences et interprétations du retrait: Si proches, si lointains: hikikomori en France et au Japon; Une double dé sarticulation, à la fois psychique et sociale; La réclusion à domicile des jeunes en France: hypothèses et propositions; Psychanalyse du ret rait social au Japon; Retrait à l’adolescence, un refus de quoi? Un re fus pourquoi?
Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.78 $Making Connections maps new territory in the field of psychology. The essays in this volume are “a series of exercises en route to a new psychology of adolescence and women...[and] part of a process that they also describe: of changing a tradition by including girls’ voices, of listening to girls and asking again about the meaning of self, relationship, and morality―concepts central to any psychology of human development... Each essay originated with a question that arose or became clarified in the experience of the research. No attempt has been made to unify these essays or to arrive at a central thesis, beyond the common intention to listen for the ways in which girls orchestrate themes of connection and separation and concerns about care and justice in speaking about themselves, about their relationships, and about experiences of conflict...“When Women’s Studies is joined with the study of girls development it becomes clearer why adolescence is a critical time in girls’ lives―a time when girls are in danger of losing their voices and thus losing connection with others, and also a time when girls, gaining voice and knowledge, are in danger of knowing the unseen and speaking the unspoken and thus losing connection with what is commonly taken to be ‘reality.’ This crisis of connection in girls’ lives at adolescence links the psychology of women with the most basic questions about the nature of relationships and the definition of reality. Girls questions about relationships and about reality, however, also tug at women’s silences.”
Handbook of Adolescent Literacy Research
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.42 $The first comprehensive research handbook of its kind, this volume showcases innovative approaches to understanding adolescent literacy learning in a variety of settings. Distinguished contributors examine how well adolescents are served by current instructional practices and highlight ways to translate research findings more effectively into sound teaching and policymaking. The book explores social and cultural factors in adolescents' approach to communication and response to instruction, and sections address literacy both in and out of schools, including literacy expectations in the contemporary workplace. Detailed attention is given to issues of diversity and individual differences among learners.Winner--Literacy Research Association's Fry Book Award!
The Child and Adolescent Stuttering Treatment & Activity Resource Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.95 $THE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT STUTTERING TREATMENT AND ACTIVITY RESOURCE GUIDE, 2ND EDITION is the only product of its kind. This book offers specific, hands-on activities that can be used in the evaluation and treatment of fluency disorders (stuttering and cluttering) as well as specific decision-making information that will help clinicians identify goals, and then develop effective and practical strategies to meet these goals. An applied book about therapy, THE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT STUTTERING TREATMENT AND ACTIVITY RESOURCE GUIDE is full of easily-applied therapeutic ideas that are substantiated by solid research findings and thorough explanations.
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Assessment to Intervention (The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.71 $Crafted to meet the day-to-day needs of school psychologists and other practitioners working with children, this is the most concise, practical, and up-to-date book of its kind. The author offers guidelines for interviewing children of different ages/m-/as well as their parents and teachers/m-/and for weaving the resulting data into multimethod assessment and intervention planning. Coverage encompasses school issues, peer and family relations, problem behavior, and more, with special chapters on assessing suicidality and violence risks. The book includes many detailed case illustrations and reproducible interview tools, in a convenient large-size format with lay-flat binding.This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series.
The Other Mother: A Wickedly Honest Parenting Tale for Every Kind of Family
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.19 $Meet Jen Brister, stand-up comedian, middle-aged adolescent and, more recently, a mum. But not that mum – she’s the other one. Confused? Let’s back up a bit. Two years ago, Jen’s partner (a woman – they’re not solicitors) gave birth to twin boys. Yes. Yes. Already there’s a lot to take in here: gay mums, twins, solicitors... (I know! Believe me, I’m still reeling myself.)Like every new parent, Jen has absolutely no clue what she’s doing. Add ‘gay’ and ‘non biological’ to the mix and what do you get? Not a weird box of detergent, but a panicked beige lesbian desperately Googling, ‘Will my babies love me?’ at 3 a.m. This is a book for any parent who feels they don’t fit the mold of a traditional 2.4 family. Stand-up comedian Jen Brister takes a very funny, very honest look at life as a parent to her young twin boys: from IVF awfulness to crying over the pages of sleep training manuals. As ‘the other mother’ she has the perfect vantage point for us to laugh and cry alongside her.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Special Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.55 $Estados Unidos. 18 cm. 272 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Idioma inglés .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario.
TV en Francais
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.34 $ (+1.99 $)Vinyl LP pressing. 2014 release from the Alt-Rock duo. Keith Murray and Chris Cain are giving fans the kind of songs that put them on the global map and that we've been missing from our playlists. In late 2012, they entered the studio in New York with producer Chris Coady (Beach House, Gang Gang Dance, Blonde Redhead) to record sessions for their fourth record. Burrows relocated to the city from England while he worked with Murray and Cain to write and record tracks for the album TV en Francais!
En Cuisine ! A1/a2 (french Edition) (collection Pro)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.83 $En cuisine !s'adresse à des étudiants grands adolescents ou adultes débutants en français. Elle répond aux besoins des cours de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) et aux attentes de ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur français en contexte professionnel ou de recherche d'emploi dans le secteur de la restauration en environnement francophone. En cuisine ! établit un lien constant entre apprentissage de la langue et pratiques professionnelles dans une démarche actionnelle qui s'appuie systématiquement sur des tâches et des projets contextualisés. Avec En cuisine ! les apprenants atteignent un niveau A1-A2 du CECRL et maîtrisent une gamme de compétences linguistiques en relation étroite avec leur secteur d'activité. Le matériel En cuisine !: un livre "tout en un" avec CD mp3 inclus un guide pédagogique numérique Feuilletez un extrait de cet ouvrage en cliquant ici
Qué funciona y en qué situaciones con niños y adolescentes Un manual de técnicas de consejería individual (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.86 $This book is an adaptation and translation into Spanish of What Works When with Children and Adolescents. This practical handbook is designed for counselors, social workers, and psychologists in schools and mental health settings. It offers over 100 creative activities and effective interventions for individual counseling with children and adolescents (ages 6-18). The activities include stories, songs, games, worksheets, role plays, and other strategies that address problems, such as anger, anxiety/worry, depression, underachievement, procrastination, perfectionism, self-downing, and acting out. The interventions, which are based on the principles of rational emotive behavior therapy, can be used for helping students with normal developmental issues as well as for helping those with more serious emotional or behavioral problems. Dr. Vernon provides strategies for establishing a therapeutic relationship with students who are sometimes apprehensive or opposed to counseling. Several case studies are included to help illustrate the counseling techniques and interventions. The book also includes a chapter on working with parents and teachers. Translated and adapted by Natalia Ferrero.
Voyage au Pays des relieurs: ou l'évolution du métier du relieur en France au XXe siècle (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.92 $Cet ouvrage pose la question de savoir "qu'est-ce qu'un relieur aujourd'hui?" Après avoir montré l'évolution du métier de relieur au sein de la corporation du livre, l'auteur décrit les différentes dimensions de ce métier qui était jusqu'au début du Xxe siècle réservé aux hommes ainsi qu'aux adolescents en échec, et qui est devenu un métier haut de gamme, attirant les femmes de la bourgeoisie. Pour la nouvelle génération de relieurs, la reliure n'est pas seulement un passe-temps agréable, mais une profession artistico-libérale à part entière.
Jean-Claude Izzo : Total Keops, Chourmo, Solea (coffret en 3 volumes)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.49 $DIMENSIONS : 12,0 cm × 18,4 cm × 5,8 cm Chourmo. Revoilà Fabio Montale. L'ex-flic des quartiers nord de Marseille plonge dans sa ville à la recherche de deux adolescents disparus la veille de la rentrée des classes. Rien ne s'est arrangé depuis la démission de Montale. Le chômage, la misère, la drogue, la violence... Avec en fond, la montée du fanatisme islamique, et celle du Front National. Depuis que le jeune comorien Ibrahim Ali s'est fait tuer en courant derrière un bus de nuit, en février 1995, on sait qu'à Marseille tout est possible. Total Khéops. Marseille n'est pas une ville pour touristes. Ici, il faut prendre partie. Se passionner. Etre pour, être contre. Etre, violemment. Alors seulement, ce qui est à voir se donne à voir. Et là, trop tard, on est en plein drame. Un drame antique où le héros, c'est la mort. A Marseille, même pour perdre, il faut savoir se battre. Tout cela, il le savait, Fabio Montale ! Flic nonchalant et gastronome, perdu dans les quartiers nord, il plonge en plein pastis. Un vrai. Cadavres à l'appui. Solea. " Ceci est un roman. Rien de ce qu'on va lire n'a existé. Mais comme il m'est impossible de rester indifférent à la lecture quotidienne des journaux, mon histoire emprunte forcément les chemins du réel. Car c'est bien là que tout se joue, dans la réalité. Et l'horreur, dans la réalité, dépasse - et de loin - toutes les fictions possibles. Quant à Marseille, ma ville, toujours à mi-distance entre la tragédie et la lumière, elle se fait, comme il se doit, l'écho de ce qui nous menace. "
En Carne Propia / Flesh Wounds: Memoria Poetica / A Poetic Memoir (Spanish and English Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.99 $"I don't know how it happened, but I ended up being the writer in my family," Jorge Argueta says in his poetic memoir. He wrote his first lines as an adolescent, though he didn't know what the words meant or that it was poetry. "But now I see that in putting down those words, I was stepping into a huge world, much bigger than my own: beautiful and mysterious, full of profound joy and infinite possibilities." In this moving, bilingual collection, renowned poet Jorge Argueta reminisces about growing up in El Salvador, the impact of war on his family and neighbors, life as an exile in the United States and ultimately his rebirth as a poet.He became involved in the revolution as a teen, not realizing what was to come, "a bloody massacre ... An entire generation disappearing / As if it were a trifle / To lose the entire future of a country." Mothers lose sons, their bodies beat beyond recognition. Friends' bodies are thrown into common graves. Husbands lose wives and wives lose husbands. "Death saunters / Dressed in olive green / A rabid dog / Snapping at anyone in its path." Argueta's words recall the horrific violence and atrocities committed, frequently against the poor and powerless.The 48 poems in this collection in Spanish and English smolder with loss and longing. Argueta's indigenous Pipil-Nahua roots ultimately contribute to his salvation after he flees his homeland. His braids, he writes, "are rivers / Of my village / Running / Down my back." In San Francisco, he becomes part of the city s exile community, yearning for home but knowing his friends and relatives are dead or gone. His pain is like a ring that "lives on my left hand / as if I were / married to it." Eventually, he returns to writing and becomes a successful children's book author. In spite of the pain and sorrow expressed in many of these poems, Argueta's work is a powerful testament to love, hope and the strength of the human spirit.
En Carne Propia / Flesh Wounds: Memoria Poetica / A Poetic Memoir (Spanish and English Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.85 $"I don't know how it happened, but I ended up being the writer in my family," Jorge Argueta says in his poetic memoir. He wrote his first lines as an adolescent, though he didn't know what the words meant or that it was poetry. "But now I see that in putting down those words, I was stepping into a huge world, much bigger than my own: beautiful and mysterious, full of profound joy and infinite possibilities." In this moving, bilingual collection, renowned poet Jorge Argueta reminisces about growing up in El Salvador, the impact of war on his family and neighbors, life as an exile in the United States and ultimately his rebirth as a poet.He became involved in the revolution as a teen, not realizing what was to come, "a bloody massacre ... An entire generation disappearing / As if it were a trifle / To lose the entire future of a country." Mothers lose sons, their bodies beat beyond recognition. Friends' bodies are thrown into common graves. Husbands lose wives and wives lose husbands. "Death saunters / Dressed in olive green / A rabid dog / Snapping at anyone in its path." Argueta's words recall the horrific violence and atrocities committed, frequently against the poor and powerless.The 48 poems in this collection in Spanish and English smolder with loss and longing. Argueta's indigenous Pipil-Nahua roots ultimately contribute to his salvation after he flees his homeland. His braids, he writes, "are rivers / Of my village / Running / Down my back." In San Francisco, he becomes part of the city s exile community, yearning for home but knowing his friends and relatives are dead or gone. His pain is like a ring that "lives on my left hand / as if I were / married to it." Eventually, he returns to writing and becomes a successful children's book author. In spite of the pain and sorrow expressed in many of these poems, Argueta's work is a powerful testament to love, hope and the strength of the human spirit.
En Cuisine! Français Professionnel. A1- A2. Livre + Cd Audio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.82 $En cuisine !s'adresse à des étudiants grands adolescents ou adultes débutants en français. Elle répond aux besoins des cours de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) et aux attentes de ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur français en contexte professionnel ou de recherche d'emploi dans le secteur de la restauration en environnement francophone. En cuisine ! établit un lien constant entre apprentissage de la langue et pratiques professionnelles dans une démarche actionnelle qui s'appuie systématiquement sur des tâches et des projets contextualisés. Avec En cuisine ! les apprenants atteignent un niveau A1-A2 du CECRL et maîtrisent une gamme de compétences linguistiques en relation étroite avec leur secteur d'activité. Le matériel En cuisine !: un livre "tout en un" avec CD mp3 inclus un guide pédagogique numérique Feuilletez un extrait de cet ouvrage en cliquant ici
En dialogues. Grammaire + cd audio intermediaire
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.19 $La Grammaire en Dialogues s'adresse a des adultes et adolescents de niveau intermédiaire. Cet ouvrage permet aux apprenants d'aborder des notions grammaticales, intégrées dans des dialogues empruntes a la vie quotidienne.
Grammaire en dialogues: Livre intermediaire & CD-audio (B1/B2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.77 $La Grammaire en Dialogues s'adresse a des adultes et adolescents de niveau intermédiaire. Cet ouvrage permet aux apprenants d'aborder des notions grammaticales, intégrées dans des dialogues empruntes a la vie quotidienne.
Une année au lycée - Tome 1 - Guide de survie en milieu lycéen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.65 $Un témoignage hilarant sur le quotidien d'un professeur d'histoire-géo ! Il faut dire que le lycéen est un être particulier : tantôt agité, dissipé, provocateur, studieux, complexé, blasé, dragueur, sérieux, paumé, suiveur, décidé, amusant ou amusé... Bref, c'est d'abord un adolescent, souvent déroutant, qui tente de se frayer un chemin vers le Graal : le bac ! Fabrice Erre a recensé les nombreuses anecdotes qui lui sont arrivées pour en faire une suite de gags décapants.
El Autobus Magico en el Interior de la Tierra
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.01 $On a special field trip in the magic school bus, Ms. Frizzle's class learns at first hand about different kinds of rocks and the formation of the Earth.
Pajaros En La Boca Y Otros Cuentos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.75 $Pages are clean and are not marred by notes or folds of any kind. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.01
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