96 products were found matching your search for Kursbuch Religion Elementar 7 in 1 shops:
Religion in America: A Political History (Religion, Culture, and Public Life, 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.64 $Denis Lacorne identifies two competing narratives defining the American identity. The first narrative, derived from the philosophy of the Enlightenment, is essentially secular. Associated with the Founding Fathers and reflected in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Federalist Papers, this line of reasoning is predicated on separating religion from politics to preserve political freedom from an overpowering church. Prominent thinkers such as Voltaire, Thomas Paine, and Jean-Nicolas Démeunier, who viewed the American project as a radical attempt to create a new regime free from religion and the weight of ancient history, embraced this American effort to establish a genuine "wall of separation" between church and state. The second narrative is based on the premise that religion is a fundamental part of the American identity and emphasizes the importance of the original settlement of America by New England Puritans. This alternative vision was elaborated by Whig politicians and Romantic historians in the first half of the nineteenth century. It is still shared by modern political scientists such as Samuel Huntington. These thinkers insist America possesses a core, stable "Creed" mixing Protestant and republican values. Lacorne outlines the role of religion in the making of these narratives and examines, against this backdrop, how key historians, philosophers, novelists, and intellectuals situate religion in American politics.
The Rule of the Templars: The French Text of the Rule of the Order of the Knights Templar (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.53 $The Order of the Knights Templar, whose original purpose was to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land, was first given its own Rule in 1129, formalising the exceptional combination of soldier and monk. This translation of Henri de Curzon's 1886 edition of the French Rule is derived from the three extant medieval manuscripts. Both monastic rule and military manual, the Rule is a unique document and an important historical source. It comprises the Primitive Rule, Hierarchical Statutes, Penances, Conventual Life, the Holding of Ordinary Chapters, Further Details on Penances, and Reception into the Order. There are details of clothing, armour and equipment; instructions on conduct while on campaign; information on the daily life of members of the order and on the discipline which made it a formidable fighting force. The Rule evolved over almost 150 years of the Order's history, and is thus a dynamic piece of work, showing how the Templars adapted to political change and formulated their disciplinary code. An introduction gives the historical background to the Rule and summarises the various sections. An appendix by MATTHEW BENNETT discusses the military implications. J.M. UPTON-WARD gained her M.Phil. at the University of Reading.
Conceptualising Divine Unions in the Greek and Near Eastern Worlds: 7 (Ancient Philosophy & Religion)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 212.73 $324 pages. 9.50x6.25x1.00 inches. In Stock. This item is printed on demand.
God in Process Thought: A Study in Charles Hartshorne?s Concept of God (Studies in Philosophy and Religion, 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 84.59 $One of the controversial issQes which have recently come into prominence among philosophers and theologians is how one should understand the term l God. It seems that, despite the fact that a certain idea of God is assumed by not most, people, there is a degree of disagreement over the meaning many, if of the term. "God" is generally taken to refer to a supreme Being, the Creator, who is perfect and self-existent, holy, personal and loving. This understanding of "God" corresponds to what many have either been brought up to believe in or have come to accept as the meaning of this word. Neverthe less, theists appear to be defending a particular idea of God and to be accusing atheists of attacking another, one which does not tie in with the theistic interpretation. Cardinal Maximos IV, for instance, is quoted as saying, "The God the atheists don't believe in is a God I don't believe in either. "2 On the other hand, atheists have been challenging believers to explain clearly what they mean by "God" because these critics cannot see how that idea can have any acceptable meaning. Furthermore, theists them selves seem to be divided over the issue. H. P. Owen in his book Concepts of Deity shows quite convincingly that there is "a bewildering variety of concepts of God" among theists. ' One has only to ask around for confirma tion of this observation.
Living Religions (7th Edition) (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.64 $Living Religions, 7/e presents a highly readable and stimulating survey of the modern religious world. Exploring the historical development and teachings of traditional faiths, indigenous religions, and new religious movements, this book considers how each of these traditions has evolved into contemporary beliefs and practices. This book explores in detail the changing nature of each religion, the spread of religious pluralism, the rise in violence in the name of religion, and the movement toward interfaith dialogue. Author Mary Pat Fisher offers fresh and challenging insight into how believers of today's faiths perceive their religion and its role in the changing world in which they live.
The Life of Reason or The Phases of Human Progress critical edition Volume 7: Reason in Religion Volume VII Book Three (The Works of George Santayana)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.84 $The third of five books in one of the greatest works in modern philosophical naturalism.Santayana's Life of Reason, published in five books from 1905 to 1906, ranks as one of the greatest works in modern philosophical naturalism. Acknowledging the natural material bases of human life, Santayana traces the development of the human capacity for appreciating and cultivating the ideal. It is a capacity he exhibits as he articulates a continuity running through animal impulse, practical intelligence, and ideal harmony in reason, society, art, religion, and science. The work is an exquisitely rendered vision of human life lived sanely.In this third book, Santayana offers a naturalistic interpretation of religion. He believes that religion is ignoble if regarded as a truthful depiction of real beings and events; but regarded as poetry, it might be the greatest source of wisdom. Santayana analyzes four characteristic religious concerns: piety, spirituality, charity, and immortality. He is at his most profound in his discussion of immortality, arguing for an ideal immortality that does not eradicate the fear of death but offers a way for mortal man to share in immortal things and live in a manner that will bestow on his successors the imprint of his soul.This critical edition, volume VII of The Works of George Santayana, includes notes, textual commentary, lists of variants and emendations, bibliography, and other tools useful to Santayana scholars. The other four books of the volume include Reason in Common Sense, Reason in Society, Reason in Art, and Reason in Science.
The Interpretation of Biblical History in the Antiquitates Judaicae of Flavius Josephus [Harvard Dissertations in Religion, No. 7]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.00 $Paperback. Previous owner name inked to half title. Wrappers are edge worn, rubbed and scuffed. 205 pp.
Religion & Politics in United States 7ed
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.99 $From marriage equality, to gun control, to immigration reform and the threat of war, religion plays a fascinating and crucial part in our nation's political process and in our culture at large. Now in its seventh edition, Religion and Politics in the United States includes analyses of the nation's most pressing political matters regarding religious freedom, and the ways in which that essential constitutional freedom situates itself within modern America. The book also explores the ways that religion has affected the orientation of partisan politics in the United States. Through a detailed review of the political attitudes and behaviors of major religious and minority faith traditions, the book establishes that religion continues to be a major part of the American cultural and political milieu while explaining that it must interact with many other factors to influence political outcomes in the United States.
Love Disconsoled: Meditations on Christian Charity (Cambridge Studies in Religion and Critical Thought, Series Number 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.77 $Few concepts are more central to ethics than love, but none is more subject to varying interpretation. This book explores several theological, philosophical, and literary accounts of love, focusing on how it relates to matters such as freedom and duty. Timothy Jackson also examines two concepts that are fundamental to Biblical ethical discourse--abomination and liberation--and relates these extremes to love, freedom and duty. Throughout this book he defends the moral priority of a distinctive type of love ("agape"), and argues for a realistic ethic of love.
Looseleaf for Scriptures of the World's Religions 7e
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.64 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
True Christian Religion: Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church Foretold by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.35 $"True Christian Religion," Swedenborg's final major work, is a comprehensive theology intended to resolve dilemmas that had confused and divided Christians for centuries. Present here are Swedenborg's unique perspectives on the Trinity, the Bible, the faith/works controversy, human nature and spiritual growth, the sacraments, and the true nature of the church. (2 volumes)
Understanding Your Religion: The 7 Major Doctrines that Define Christianity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.97 $A complete 24 lesson course on the most important teachings taught in the Bible.
The Dialectic of the Holy Paul Tillich's Idea of Judaism Within the History of Religion (Tillich Research): 7
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.41 $This is the first published book-length treatment on Paul Tillich and Judaism, which is a neglected aspect of Tillich's thought. It has three compelling features. First, pivotal biographical details show the importance of Judaism for Tillich, and that he ardently opposed anti-Semitism before WWII and after the Holocaust. Second, Tillich's theological method is examined in key primary sources to show how he maintains continuity between Judaism and Christianity. The primary source analysis includes his 1910 and 1912 dissertations on Schelling, the 1933 The Socialist Decision, the 1952 Berlin lectures on "the Jewish Question," and his final public lecture on the importance of the history of religion for systematic theology. Particular attention is paid to his dialectical and theological history of religion. Third, Tillich's positive theology of Judaism contrasts sharply with the many complex, negative ways in which Judaism is portrayed in Western thought. This contributes significantly to our understanding the evolving history of Christian anti-Judaism.
Looseleaf for Scriptures of the World's Religions 7e- BRAND New
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.95 $(S-L) brand new shrink-wrapped. ships lightning fast.
The Rich Christian in the Church of the Early Empire: Contradictions and Accommodations (Texts and Studies in Religion, 7)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 145.46 $Discusses early Christian attitudes towards wealth, including the writings of Clement of Alexandria and Cyprian of Carthage on the subject, and such topics as redemptive almsgiving, stewardship of time and treasures, and the danger of riches for both possessor and church.
Integrating Spirituality and Religion into Counseling: A Guide to Competent Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.03 $Book is in very good condition and may include minimal underlining highlighting. The book can also include "From the library of" labels. May not contain miscellaneous items toys, dvds, etc. . We offer 100% money back guarantee and 24 7 customer service.
Practical Religion
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.81 $197 pages. 10.00x7.00x0.50 inches. In Stock.
The Church in the Wilderness: What It Means to Follow Jesus Outside of Organized Religion
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.97 $214 pages. 7.25x5.00x0.49 inches. In Stock.
Gods, Ghosts, & Ancestors: Folk Religion in A Taiwanese Village
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $Second Edition (Revised). A Very Good copy. Book has shelfwear, edgewear, bumped corners, and soiling to covers & edges of text block. Interior is tight, clean, & unmarked. 8vo. - over 7¾' - 9¾'.
Isis Unveiled - Volume II: The "Infallibility" of Religion: Volume 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.61 $532 pages. 10.00x7.00x1.33 inches. In Stock.
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