2558 products were found matching your search for Laban Rudolf von Der in 2 shops:
The Conductor's Gesture: A Practical Application of Rudolf Von Laban's Movement Language/G8096
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.97 $The culmination of almost thirty years of research, writing, and teaching, this important book by James Jordan presents a vision of conducting gesture and technique as a movement language. In this comprehensive resource, Jordan applies the theories of movement education icon Rudolf Laban, as inspired by the pedagogical insights of Jordanís mentor and teacher Gail B. Poch. Each section is detailed through research, extensive discussion, and suggestions for study.Dr. Jordanís pioneering research and writing on this subject will make this seminal volume an indispensible resource for the development of conducting technique and the foundation of many approaches to conducting pedagogy. Specifics of the book include: Comprehensive summary of Labanís theories of movement Comprehensive survey of research in movement and movement perception Practical application of Labanís ideas to building expressive conducting technique Sequential skill set sequence for the development of expressive conducting technique DVD to guide users through Laban movement experiences and applications to conducting technique Integration of Alexander Technique into Laban for conducting Extensive application of Laban States and Drives to conducting A score analysis system that utilizes the theories of Laban applied to score study Specially designed musical examples for practicing Laban Efforts Applications to musical examples of Laban principles by both Jordan and Giselle WyersAlso in this volume are contributions by Giselle Wyers and Meade Andrews. Dr. Wyers explores in depth the application of States and Drives, and makes direct applications to specific works in the choral literature. Dr. Andrews details a sequential curriculum for the practice and development of expressive conducting technique, all demonstrated on the DVD included with this book.
Conductor's Gesture : A Practical Application of Rudolf Von Laban's Movement Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.35 $The culmination of almost thirty years of research, writing, and teaching, this important book by James Jordan presents a vision of conducting gesture and technique as a movement language. In this comprehensive resource, Jordan applies the theories of movement education icon Rudolf Laban, as inspired by the pedagogical insights of Jordanís mentor and teacher Gail B. Poch. Each section is detailed through research, extensive discussion, and suggestions for study.Dr. Jordanís pioneering research and writing on this subject will make this seminal volume an indispensible resource for the development of conducting technique and the foundation of many approaches to conducting pedagogy. Specifics of the book include: Comprehensive summary of Labanís theories of movement Comprehensive survey of research in movement and movement perception Practical application of Labanís ideas to building expressive conducting technique Sequential skill set sequence for the development of expressive conducting technique DVD to guide users through Laban movement experiences and applications to conducting technique Integration of Alexander Technique into Laban for conducting Extensive application of Laban States and Drives to conducting A score analysis system that utilizes the theories of Laban applied to score study Specially designed musical examples for practicing Laban Efforts Applications to musical examples of Laban principles by both Jordan and Giselle WyersAlso in this volume are contributions by Giselle Wyers and Meade Andrews. Dr. Wyers explores in depth the application of States and Drives, and makes direct applications to specific works in the choral literature. Dr. Andrews details a sequential curriculum for the practice and development of expressive conducting technique, all demonstrated on the DVD included with this book.
Makers of Modern Dance in Germany : Rudolf Laban, Mary Wigman, Kurt Jooss
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.62 $This is the story of three passionate choreographers and their colleagues who created European modern dance in the 20th century despite the storms of war and oppression. the careers of his two most gifted and influential students, Mary Wigman and Kurt Jooss. Leeder, Gret Palucca, Berthe Trumpy, Vera Skoronel, Yvonne Georgi and Harold Kreutzberg. The Makers of Modern Dance in Germany contains interviews, personal recollections and translations from German publications.
Rudolf Laban Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.65 $This biography of the dancer, choreographer, and artist Rudolf Laban offers a biographical discussion presenting Laban as a pioneering figure of European expressionism and the founding father of modern dance, as well as an analysis of the significance of Laban as an important representative of expressionist Modernism.
Rudolf Laban
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.34 $Rudolf Laban was one of the leading dance theorists of the twentieth century. His work on dance analysis and notation raised the status of dance as both an art form and a scholarly discipline. This is the first book to combine: an overview of Laban’s life, work and influences an exploration of his key ideas, including the revolutionary "Laban Movement Analysis" system analysis of his works Die Grünen Clowns and The Mastery of Movement and their relevance to dance theater from the 1920s onwards a detailed exercise-based breakdown of Laban’s key teachings. As a first step towards critical understanding, and as an initial exploration before going on to further, primary research, Routledge Performance Practitioners are unbeatable value for today’s student.
Rudolf Laban
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.64 $Rudolf Laban was one of the leading dance theorists of the twentieth century. His work on dance analysis and notation raised the status of dance as both an art form and a scholarly discipline. This is the first book to combine: an overview of Laban’s life, work and influences an exploration of his key ideas, including the revolutionary "Laban Movement Analysis" system analysis of his works Die Grünen Clowns and The Mastery of Movement and their relevance to dance theater from the 1920s onwards a detailed exercise-based breakdown of Laban’s key teachings. As a first step towards critical understanding, and as an initial exploration before going on to further, primary research, Routledge Performance Practitioners are unbeatable value for today’s student.
Mastering Movement: The Life and Work of Rudolf Laban (Theatre Arts (Routledge Paperback))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.29 $Like Picasso in painting, Stravinsky in music, or Stanislavski in theatre, Rudolf Laban (1879–1958) has been a seminal influence in contemporary arts. This is the first major study of Laban's movement theories and practice, exploring the ideas on mastering movement and giving the reader a practical understanding of balance and harmony in the human body – the core of Laban's thinking. John Hodgson looks at the different phases of Laban's life and writings to show that Laban's thoughts about human movement and its mastery and control are the building blocks for a practical understanding of how the human body can create both beauty and purity through movement.
Rudolf Laban: The Dancer of the Crystal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.81 $This biography of the dancer, choreographer, and artist Rudolf Laban offers a biographical discussion presenting Laban as a pioneering figure of European expressionism and the founding father of modern dance, as well as an analysis of the significance of Laban as an important representative of expressionist Modernism.
Künstlerisches Sprechen Im Schulalter. Grundlegendes Für Lehrer Und Erzieher, Die Im Sinne Der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners Arbeiten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 201.96 $Seiten; Fba+zv-vamn-q7sz Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1
Die Schicksalstage von Mayerling: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Tod Kronprinz Rudolfs und Mary Vetseras (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.31 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Rudolf Borchardt: Der verlorene Posten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.67 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Rudolf Borchardt: Der verlorene Posten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.34 $German language. 8.46x5.28x1.10 inches. In Stock.
Rudolf Hess. Der Stellvertreter
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.71 $Manfred Görtemaker konnte als Erster Briefe und Schriften aus dem Nachlass von Rudolf Hess auswerten Hitlers treuester Paladin in einer präzisen biographischen RekonstruktionEine exemplarische Studie darüber, wie jemand zum Nazi wird DER MANN, DER HITLERS STELLVERTRETER WAR - DIE ERSTE GROSSE BIOGRAPHIE ÜBER RUDOLF HESS »Welch ein Anblick für die Welt«, notierte Joseph Goebbels geschockt in seinem Tagebuch. »Ein geistig zerrütteter zweiter Mann nach dem Führer. Grauenhaft und unausdenkbar.« Da war Rudolf Hess soeben zu seinem mysteriösen Flug nach England aufgebrochen, um im Alleingang Frieden zu stiften. Wer war dieser von Rätseln umgebene Mann, der wie ein Schatten Hitlers wirkte, in Nürnberg zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurde und nach seinem Tod in Spandau zu einer Ikone der Neonazis werden sollte? Manfred Görtemaker legt die erste grundlegende Biographie vor, die mit neuen Quellen einen außergewöhnlich präzisen Einblick in die Chefetage des NS-Regimes ermöglicht. Der Potsdamer Zeithistoriker Manfred Görtemaker hat fast zwanzig Jahre lang an dieser akribisch recherchierten Biographie gearbeitet. Erstmals konnte er ca. 4.100 Briefe und 50.000 Blatt Schriftwechsel aus dem Hess-Nachlass im Berner Bundesarchiv auswerten, mit einer Sondergenehmigung die Papiere von Lord Selkirk of Douglas, dem Sohn des Duke of Hamilton, zu dem Hess nach Schottland flog, einsehen sowie eine beeindruckende Zahl von weiteren bislang unerschlossenen Archivalien heranziehen. Das Resultat ist ein ungemein plastisches Lebensbild des Mannes, der von Anfang an mit Hitler durch dick und dünn ging, dessen wachsende Machtfülle wie ein Alter Ego verwaltete und über dessen Einfluss als «Stellvertreter des Führers» sich kein Rivale Illusionen machte. Hardcover mit farbig illustriertem Schutzumschlag. 758 Seiten mit 54 Abbildungen. Verlagsfrisches und eingeschweißtes Exemplar
Husserliana, Bd. 7., Erste Philosophie (1923/1924) T. 1 : Kritische Ideengeschichte / Edmund Husserl; hrsg. von Rudolf Böhm
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 16.74 $Vorbemerkung Der vor!iegende Band VII der Gesammelten Werke Edmund Husserls enthiilt als Haupttext den Ersten Teil (Historischen Teil) der Vorlesungen i.iber Erste Philosophie, die Husser! im Winter-Semester 1923/24 an der Universitiit Freiburg i.B. gehalten hat. Er enthiilt femer vom Heraus geber ausgewiihlte und zusammengestellte Ergtinzende Texte zur Proble matik des Haupttextes 1). Sie wurden in A. Abhandlungen und B. Beilagen eingeteilt. Letztere sind Texte, die unmittelbar an bestimmte Stellen des Haupttextes als Ergiinzungen und Erliiuterungen anzukniipfen sind. Jede Beilage ist darum vom Hrsg. als "Beilage zu ..· " (z.B. "Beilage zur S. Vorlesung" des Haupttextes) bezeichnet worden. Entsprechend verweisen Anmerkungen des Hrsg. im Haupttext auf die Beilagen jeweils an der er sten Stelle, an der ein Vergleich dieser Ergiinzenden Texte in Betracht kommt. Die Abhandlungen sind selbstiindigere Texte, die ebenfalls den Haupttext zu ergiinzen geeignet, aber nicht nur als erliiutemde Beifiigun gen zu dieser oder jener Partie der Vorlesungen aufzufassen sind. Umge kehrt sind die Abhandlungen auch ohne Bezug auf den Haupttext lesbar, indessen die Ausfiihrungen der Beilagen einen vollen Sinn erst aus dem Zusammenhange derjenigen des Haupttextes gewinnen. Die Veroffentlichung des Zweiten (Systematischen) Teiies der Ersten Philosophie ist fiir Band VIII der Ausgabe vorgesehen.
Die Briefe des Erzbischofs Hinkmar von Reims : Teil 2: Herausgegeben von Rudolf Schieffer nach Vorarbeiten von Ernst Perels und Nelly Ertl
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.44 $Die erste Veroffentlichung zum VIII. Epistolae-Band der Edition der Briefe von Erzbischof Hinkmar von Reims stammt aus dem Jahr 1939. Dieser erste Faszikel, der schon langere Zeit gedruckt war, wurde in Erwartung einer baldigen Fortsetzung ohne Titelei und somit anonym herausgegeben. Dass er das Werk von Ernst Perels (1882-1945) war, der als "Halbjude" 1935 seine Berliner Professur verloren hatte und Ende 1938 genotigt war, auch die Arbeit an der Hinkmar-Ausgabe offiziell niederzulegen, wurde schon 1975 in der nachtraglichen Vorbemerkung zum Nachdruck des ersten Faszikels hervorgehoben. Der nun vorliegende zweite Faszikel von Rudolf Schieffer enthalt die Briefnummern 207 bis 341, wobei fur die Briefe bis Nr. 328 die Editionsmaterialien von Ernst Perels und Nelly Ertl genutzt wurden, die uberpruft, erganzt und aktualisiert wurden. Fur die in den Faszikel aufgenommen Nummern 329 bis 341 aus dem Jahr 872 hingegen lagen noch keine Vorarbeiten vor. Im dritten Faszikel sollen in absehbarer Zeit die Briefe der Jahre 873 bis 882 vorgelegt werden, ausserdem die Einleitung zur Gesamtausgabe samt den erforderlichen Konkordanzen und Registern.
Memories of Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.94 $I rang the bell, the door opened, and there stood Rudolf Steiner in person. I was so taken aback that I dropped the basket which burst open and all my clothes and underclothes, together with my other belongings, were lying at the feet of the Doctor. A ball of wool got away and rolled between Dr Steiner’s feet into the long corridor. Somewhat surprised, but amused, he said, 'I have never been greeted in this way.' Anna Samweber (1884-1969), a coworker in Berlin with Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers, presents a lively, often moving collection of anecdotes and recollections. Recorded by Jacob Streit during an intensive two-day session, this short work offers a warm, illuminating and intimate picture of Rudolf Steiner, the man and his work, during a critical phase in the development of anthroposophy.
Trieglaff: Balancing Church and Politics in a Pomeranian World, 1807-1948. Rudolf Von Thadden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.69 $Through the lens of five generations of Thaddens, this book tells the history of Trieglaff, the village and family estate located in what is now western Poland, from Napoleon’s occupation in 1807 to the Red Army’s invasion in 1945 and until the departure of the last Thaddens in 1948. At the center of this history of Trieglaff society, economy, politics, and culture is the von Thadden family, notably, Adolph Ferdinand von Thadden, the head of the pietistic revival in Pomerania, and Reinold von Thadden-Trieglaff, the founder of the German Protestant Kirchentag. It intertwines family history with the political history of Germany through its description of Otto von Bismarck’s close associations with Trieglaff in the 19th century and its deliberation of the execution of Elisabeth von Thadden, arising out of her resistance to the Nazis, in the 20th century. The source material is richly supplemented by family records kept by “Trieglaffers” in America and from correspondence between Pomerania and America. The book examines the lives of individuals as well as socio-economic and cultural structures, depicting the dynamic changes that the village experienced throughout some 150 years of German and European history; it might be called world history in microcosm. As juxtaposition of formal history and remembered history, it is a serious scholarly source as well as an engaging read.
Memories of Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.94 $I rang the bell, the door opened, and there stood Rudolf Steiner in person. I was so taken aback that I dropped the basket which burst open and all my clothes and underclothes, together with my other belongings, were lying at the feet of the Doctor. A ball of wool got away and rolled between Dr Steiner’s feet into the long corridor. Somewhat surprised, but amused, he said, 'I have never been greeted in this way.' Anna Samweber (1884-1969), a coworker in Berlin with Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers, presents a lively, often moving collection of anecdotes and recollections. Recorded by Jacob Streit during an intensive two-day session, this short work offers a warm, illuminating and intimate picture of Rudolf Steiner, the man and his work, during a critical phase in the development of anthroposophy.
Wehrhafte Schweiz. Die Truppengattungen unserer Armee. Mit Beitr. von Gustav Däniker u. Hans Rudolf Kurz sowie Fotos von Ernst Baumann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $144 Seiten. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. OPb. Guter Zustand. Gewicht über 1 kg. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1093
Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner and Marie Steiner-von Sivers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.00 $A vivid account of many years' close association with Steiner.
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