159 products were found matching your search for Lanzagorta Marco Quantum Information in 1 shops:
Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.82 $In the quantum world, a particle can behave like a wave and accordingly seems to be in two places at the same time. This of course is contradictory to our daily experiences with classical particles. How then should this be understood? What happens in the transitional area between the classical world and quantum mechanics? The present book answers exciting questions like these in a way that is easy to follow and to understand and is shows that the link between these two worlds will have concrete and applied effects on our daily life in the near future. It will, for example, improve and change the conventional methods of information processing. With the help of quantum cryptography, it will be possible to communicate tap-proof. Using quantum computers we will be able to solve highly complicated problems in a very short time.
Quantum Information Theory and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.55 $reprint edition. 293 pages. 9.00x6.00x0.50 inches. In Stock.
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information : Basic Concepts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.97 $Quantum computation and information is a new, rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Therefore, it is not easy to understand its fundamental concepts and central results without facing numerous technical details. This book provides the reader a useful and not-too-heavy guide. It offers a simple and self-contained introduction; no previous knowledge of quantum mechanics or classical computation is required.Volume I may be used as a textbook for a one-semester introductory course in quantum information and computation, both for upper-level undergraduate students and for graduate students. It contains a large number of solved exercises, which are an essential complement to the text, as they will help the student to become familiar with the subject. The book may also be useful as general education for readers who want to know the fundamental principles of quantum information and computation and who have the basic background acquired from their undergraduate course in physics, mathematics, or computer science.
Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter : From Quantum Entanglement to Topological Phases of Many-Body Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.15 $This book approaches condensed matter physics from the perspective of quantum information science, focusing on systems with strong interaction and unconventional order for which the usual condensed matter methods like the Landau paradigm or the free fermion framework break down. Concepts and tools in quantum information science such as entanglement, quantum circuits, and the tensor network representation prove to be highly useful in studying such systems. The goal of this book is to introduce these techniques and show how they lead to a new systematic way of characterizing and classifying quantum phases in condensed matter systems. The first part of the book introduces some basic concepts in quantum information theory which are then used to study the central topic explained in Part II: local Hamiltonians and their ground states. Part III focuses on one of the major new phenomena in strongly interacting systems, the topological order, and shows how it can essentially be defined and characterized in terms of entanglement. Part IV shows that the key entanglement structure of topological states can be captured using the tensor network representation, which provides a powerful tool in the classification of quantum phases. Finally, Part V discusses the exciting prospect at the intersection of quantum information and condensed matter physics – the unification of information and matter. Intended for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, quantum information science and related fields, the book is self-contained and no prior knowledge of these topics is assumed.
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge Series on Information and the Natural Sciences)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.59 $In this first comprehensive introduction to the main ideas and techniques of quantum computation and information, Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang ask the question: What are the ultimate physical limits to computation and communication? They detail such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum error correction. A wealth of accompanying figures and exercises illustrate and develop the material in more depth. They describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than familiar "classical" computers, and the real-world implementation of quantum computers. Their book concludes with an explanation of how quantum states can be used to perform remarkable feats of communication, and of how it is possible to protect quantum states against the effects of noise.
The Theory of Quantum Information
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.56 $This largely self-contained book on the theory of quantum information focuses on precise mathematical formulations and proofs of fundamental facts that form the foundation of the subject. It is intended for graduate students and researchers in mathematics, computer science, and theoretical physics seeking to develop a thorough understanding of key results, proof techniques, and methodologies that are relevant to a wide range of research topics within the theory of quantum information and computation. The book is accessible to readers with an understanding of basic mathematics, including linear algebra, mathematical analysis, and probability theory. An introductory chapter summarizes these necessary mathematical prerequisites, and starting from this foundation, the book includes clear and complete proofs of all results it presents. Each subsequent chapter includes challenging exercises intended to help readers to develop their own skills for discovering proofs concerning the theory of quantum information.
Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1993: Quantum Measurement, Irreversibility and the Physics of Information Cologne, Germany 1-5 June 19
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.45 $Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1993 is the fourth in a series of conferences held in Joensuu, Finland, in the years 1985, 1987 and 1990 and is devoted to offering discussions on foundational problems of quantum mechanics and other fundamental physical theories, taking into account new experimental developments. The surveying of the progress with respect to fundamental questions of the quantum theory of measurement forms the guiding line of thought of the present Symposium, the main themes discussed being: the interrelation of quantum measurement and irreversibility; the physics of information (concerned with questions of information processing and quantum noise); quantum interference and mesoscopic quantum effects (searching for the micro-macro borderline); and the quantum-classical relationship (the need for classical pointer and their realisation).
From Infinity to Man: The Fundamental Ideas of Kabbalah Within the Framework of Information Theory and Quantum Physics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.71 $To be “mystical” is defined as “having a spiritual symbolic or allegorical significance that transcends human understanding”. In this ground-breaking book, Eduard Shyfrin (PHD) shows that the ideas of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) also resonate with the ideas of 21st century science. Shyfrin explains Kabbalistic ideas with the support of information theory and quantum physicsEqually, the riddles of modern science are explained with the help of Kabbalah. For ease of reading, brief introductions to Kabbalah, to the theory of information and to quantum physics are provided. This is a book about creation and the role of man in it, divine providence, miracles, good, evil and the soul.
Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.49 $In Decoding Reality, Vlatko Vedral offers a mind-stretching look at the deepest questions about the universe--where everything comes from, why things are as they are, what everything is. The most fundamental definition of reality is not matter or energy, he writes, but information--and it is the processing of information that lies at the root of all physical, biological, economic, and social phenomena. This view allows Vedral to address a host of seemingly unrelated questions: Why does DNA bind like it does? What is the ideal diet for longevity? How do you make your first million dollars? We can unify all through the understanding that everything consists of bits of information, he writes, though that raises the question of where these bits come from. To find the answer, he takes us on a guided tour through the bizarre realm of quantum physics. At this sub-sub-subatomic level, we find such things as the interaction of separated quantum particles--what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance." In fact, Vedral notes, recent evidence suggests that quantum weirdness, once thought to be limited to the tiniest scale, may actually reach into the macro world and make teleportation a real possibility. It is in quantum physics, he writes, that we really can find the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Vlatko Vedral is one of the key researchers in quantum science. In this book, he offers a mind-bending account of this leading-edge field.
Quantum Information Processing: Theory and Implementation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.83 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: A Guide through the Quantum World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 275.82 $Alongside a thorough definition of basic concepts and their interrelations, backed by numerous examples, this textbook features a rare discussion of quantum mechanics and information theory combined in one text. It deals with important topics hardly found in regular textbooks, including the Robertson-Schrodinger relation, incompatibility between angle and angular momentum, "dispersed indeterminacy", interaction-free measurements, "submissive quantum mechanics", and many others. With its in-depth discussion of key concepts complete with problems and exercises, this book is poised to become the standard textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate quantum mechanics courses and an essential reference for physics students and physics professionals.
Quantum Information Science
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.93 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Introduction to Optical Quantum Information Processing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.87 $Quantum information processing offers fundamental improvements over classical information processing, such as computing power, secure communication, and high-precision measurements. However, the best way to create practical devices is not yet known. This textbook describes the techniques that are likely to be used in implementing optical quantum information processors. After developing the fundamental concepts in quantum optics and quantum information theory, the book shows how optical systems can be used to build quantum computers according to the most recent ideas. It discusses implementations based on single photons and linear optics, optically controlled atoms and solid-state systems, atomic ensembles, and optical continuous variables. This book is ideal for graduate students beginning research in optical quantum information processing. It presents the most important techniques of the field using worked examples and over 120 exercises.
Quantum Information Theory: Concepts and Methods (De Gruyter Textbook)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.37 $Heavy wear. Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information : A Mathematical Perspective
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.88 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.44 $One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information remains the best textbook in this exciting field of science. This 10th anniversary edition includes an introduction from the authors setting the work in context. This comprehensive textbook describes such remarkable effects as fast quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum error-correction. Quantum mechanics and computer science are introduced before moving on to describe what a quantum computer is, how it can be used to solve problems faster than 'classical' computers and its real-world implementation. It concludes with an in-depth treatment of quantum information. Containing a wealth of figures and exercises, this well-known textbook is ideal for courses on the subject, and will interest beginning graduate students and researchers in physics, computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering.
Quantum Information
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.07 $Quantum information- the subject- is a new and exciting area of science, which brings together physics, information theory, computer science and mathematics. Quantum Information- the book- is based on two successful lecture courses given to advanced undergraduate and beginning postgraduate students in physics. The intention is to introduce readers at this level to the fundamental, but offer rather simple, ideas behind ground-breaking developments including quantum cryptography, teleportation and quantum computing. The text is necessarily rather mathematical in style, but the mathematics nowhere allowed priority over the key physical ideas. My aim throughout was to be as complete and self- contained but to avoid, as far as possible, lengthy and formal mathematical proofs. Each of the eight chapters is followed by about forty exercise problems with which the reader can test their understanding and hone their skills. These will also provide a valuable resource to tutors and lectures.To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit: http://global.oup.com/uk/academic/physics/admin/solutions
Quantum Information : An Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 93.75 $This graduate-level book provides a unified viewpoint of quantum information theory, merging key topics from both the information-theoretic and quantum- mechanical viewpoints. The text provides a unified viewpoint of quantum information theory and lucid explanations of those basic results.
Principles of Quantum Computation and Information - Volume II: Basic Tools and Special Topics: 2 (Volume 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.00 $Quantum computation and information is a new, rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. Its fundamental concepts and central results may not be easily understood without facing numerous technical details.Building on the basic concepts introduced in Vol I, this second volume deals with various important aspects, both theoretical and experimental, of quantum computation and information in depth. The areas include quantum data compression, accessible information, entanglement concentration, limits to quantum computation due to decoherence, quantum error-correction, and the first experimental implementations of quantum information protocols. This volume also includes a selection of special topics: chaos and quantum to classical transition, quantum trajectories, quantum computation and quantum chaos, and the Zeno effect.
First Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.73 $Unread book in perfect condition.
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