134 products were found matching your search for Latendresse Simon Ethnographie des in 3 shops:
Carnets d'enquêtes : une ethnographie inédite de la France
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.97 $Ausreichend/Acceptable: Exemplar mit vollständigem Text und sämtlichen Abbildungen oder Karten. Schmutztitel oder Vorsatz können fehlen. Einband bzw. Schutzumschlag weisen unter Umständen starke Gebrauchsspuren auf. / Describes a book or dust jacket that has the complete text pages (including those with maps or plates) but may lack endpapers, half-title, etc. (which must be noted). Binding, dust jacket (if any), etc may also be worn.
Men's Cyclist Cufflinks In. Eighteen Carat Gold On Solid Sterling Silver Simon Kemp Jewellers
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 257.00 $Simon had the idea of adding the 18 ct Gold to the jersey after Sir Bradley Wiggins won the Tour de France. In fact, his friend who owned the farm in Majorca where Brad was training bought them for him! The cyclists are solid sterling silver , three dimensional and realistic racing cycles. The rider is crouching on the bikes as they cycle across the cuffs. These will appeal to all cyclists with the Gold jersey drawing the light to the design. The cufflinks can be polished with a standard silver cloth.
Memoirs of the Duc De Saint-Simon: 1715-23 v. 3 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.87 $Hardcover, first edition in unclipped dust jacket. A few faint marks to page block and light edgewear to jacket. No other notable flaws. AD
Memoirs Duc De Saint-Simon: 1710-1715 (Lost Treasures)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.52 $The Duc de Saint-Simon was at the very center of Louis XIV's court at Versailles, a hotbed of intrigue, passion, jealousy, and political skullduggery. He was a genuinely pious and honest man whose unblinking record of the court-his eye-witness testimony of wars, intrigues, and royal visits-make this a supreme work of art. These memoirs were the literary inspiration for Marcel Proust's own masterpiece, Remembrance of Things Past.
The Hours of Simon de Varie. [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.79 $Patterned cloth, gilt cover-title, small 8vo, 21 cm, xi, [1], 255, [1] pp, 68 colour plates, 49 black-and-white ills, genealogical table. From the introduction: "In 1985, two years after it began collecting medieval illuminated manuscripts, the J. Paul Getty Museum acquired a section of the Hours of Simon de Varie. Produced in France shortly after the middle of the fifteenth century and illustrated by three artistically very different painters - among them Jean Fouquet, one of the most accomplished and inventive artists ever to practice the craft of manuscript illumination - the codex had been dismembered in the seventeenth century and suffered post-medieval alterations that disguised many of its original features. Two disparate sections had been acquired in the nineteenth century by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague. The long-lost volume purchased by the Getty Museum represented the missing third section. With its discovery, we were able to reconstruct, for the first time, much of the manuscript's history and some of the circumstances of its production, as well as appreciate its original extent and form." Contents: Foreword, by John Walsh and Wim van Drimmelen; Preface and Acknowledgments, by Thomas Kren; The Hours of Simon de Varie, by James H. Marrow; Simon de Varie, Patron of the Hours, by François Avril; Plates; Appendix I: Technical Description of the Hours of Simon de Varie, by James H. Marrow; Appendix II: The History of the Two Volumes at The Hague, by Anne S. Korteweg; Appendix III: Genealogy of the House of Varie, by Richard Varey; Selected Bibliography. ; Fine in Near Fine slipcase with mounted cover illustration.
empieza con el porque de simon sinek editorial empresa activa tapa blanda en espanol 2018
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.58 $Para Sinek, lo importante no es tanto que es lo que haces como el por que lo haces. Lo esencial es saber por que haces lo que haces, por que existes. Aprender a formular las preguntas adecuadas te permitiran tener una empresa inspiradora, proyectos innovadores y gente comprometida para desarrollarlos. Sinek explica como crear el marco adecuado en una organizacion para conseguir esos propositos. / START WITH WHY shows that the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way -- and it's the opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.
With All For All: The Life of Simon de Montfort
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.22 $Like his crusading father before him, Simon de Montfort’s combination of charisma, determination and fearlessness, reinforced by a wife with similar qualities, made him one of the greatest men of his age. This biography follows his life from his birth and upbringing in France until his defeat and death at the hands of the future Edward I. The pivotal year was 1264, when Montfort captured Henry III in battle, established a constitutional monarchy and, in the act he is most famous for, revolutionised the representation of Parliament, the future Commons. While calling him the founder of that institution begs too much, Montfort recognised and cultivated a new awakening in national identity and political awareness not seen since before the Norman Conquest two centuries earlier.Henry’s long reign of fifty-six years saw many changes taking place in England and on the Continent, most strikingly the rise of humanism and power politics, and Montfort’s entrée to the courts of Paris and Rome was instrumental in his rebellion against the king. Not for another four hundred years, until the advent of Oliver Cromwell, would England see a revolution led by a figure of comparable stature.
Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts/Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook. Band VIII (2009)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.83 $English summary: This volume focuses on the reception of scientific knowledge within Ashkenazic Jewry in the Middle Ages. A second focus concentrates on the political memory of the Left in Germany and Poland concerning the Holocaust after 1945. German text. German description: Ein Schwerpunkt des Jahrbuchs des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 2009 befasst sich mit den Bedingungen der Ubermittlung und Aneignung wissenschaftlichen und philosophischen Wissens im mittelalterlichen Judentum in Aschkenas. Ein zweiter Themenbereich widmet sich der Frage nach dem Verhaltnis des politischen Gedachtnisses der Linken nach 1945, vor allem am Beispiel der Erinnerung des Holocaust in Deutschland und Polen. Im Allgemeinen Teil und den Rubriken folgen Portrats von Einzelpersonlichkeiten, ein Forschungsbericht wie auch die Erstveroffentlichung von spaten Briefen Simon Dubnows in deutscher Ubersetzung, die Dubnow in seinen spaten Lebensjahren noch bis kurz vor seiner Ermordung durch die Nazis in den Jahren zwischen 1935 bis 1941 verfasst hat.
Song of Simon De Montfort (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.92 $'Alive with human detail and acute political judgement, this book marks the arrival of a formidably gifted historian.' – Dan Jones, author of The Plantagenets and The TemplarsIt was around half-past eight in the morning, with summer rainclouds weighing heavy in the sky, that Simon de Montfort decided to die. It was 4 August 1265 and he was about to face the royal army in the final battle of a quarrel that had raged between them for years. Outnumbered, outmanoeuvred and certain to lose, Simon chose to fight, knowing that he could not possibly win the day. The Song of Simon de Montfort is the story of this extraordinary man: heir to a great warrior, devoted husband and father, fearless crusader knight and charismatic leader. It is the story of a man whose passion for good governance was so fierce that, in 1258, frustrated by the King’s refusal to take the advice of his nobles and the increasing injustice meted out to his subjects, he marched on Henry III’s hall at Westminster and seized the reins of power. Montfort established a council to rule in the King’s name, overturning the social order in a way that would not be seen again until the rule of Oliver Cromwell in the seventeenth century. Having defeated the King at the Battle of Lewes in 1264, Montfort and his revolutionary council ruled England for some fifteen months, until the enmity between the two sides exploded on that August day in 1265. When the fighting was over, Montfort and a host of his followers had been cut down on the battlefield, in an outpouring of noble blood that marked the end of chivalry in England as it had existed since the Norman Conquest. Drawing on an abundance of sources that allow us to trace Montfort’s actions and personality in a depth not possible for earlier periods in medieval history, Sophie Thérèse Ambler tells his story with a clarity that reveals all of the excitement, chaos and human tragedy of England’s first revolution.
Simon De Montfort
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.99 $This book provides a new account of one of the most famous men of the English Middle Ages: Simon de Montfort. It is partly a study of the politics of Henry III's reign (1216-72), with which Montfort's career is closely interwoven; but it also looks at his lands, finances, following and religious ideals. Drawing on unusual sources, the author is able to make his biography as much a study of temperament and character as of a political career, and to write with a degree of psychological penetration rare in works on the medieval nobility.
Memorias de Simon Bolivar y de sus principales generales / Memoirs of Simon Bolivar and of his principal generals
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.78 $"De cualquier manera, no es un libro aconsejable para regalarle a Chávez en la próxima Navidad." —"Revista Semana", Luis Fernando Afanador, Colombia "El libro del general Ducoudray es un sólo sobresalto de comienzo a fín [...]. La traducción de este libro al español es un aporte importante, y pasa a formar parte de la batería crítica bolivariana." —"El Tiempo", Rafael Arraíz Lucca, Colombia El general franco alemán Ducoudray-Holstein, tal como él mismo lo describe en el prefacio de esta obra, tardó cinco años en su elaboración e investigación, basado en su propia experiencia, al haber sido amigo, confidente y agregado militar del general Bolívar y un testigo directo y activo de los procesos independentistas de las américas españolas. El libro fue publicado en 1828 en inglés y posteriormente en alemán y francés, pero jamás en español por razones desconocidas. Es así como por primera vez se publica esta versión traducida en un español moderno, después de más de 180 años desde su publicación original. La obra muestra algunos detalles desconocidos de la vida privada del general Bolívar, su personalidad, sus ambiciones, sus defectos, excesos y errores; y su relación con los generales Mariño, Brion, Arismendi, Piar, Páez, Soublette y los extranjeros que apoyaron la revolución; además de los detalles de la expedición libertadora de los Cayos y la situación general de la Nueva Granada y Venezuela, antes y después de las guerras de independencia. El autor presenta en esta obra relatos de primera mano, soportados por documentos aún existentes y nos da a conocer la imagen de un Bolívar de quien nunca antes se había escuchado. Para algunos puede ser controversial, ridículo o falso y para otros verídico, fehaciente y justo. Como el mismo autor advierte, sólo un lector imparcial podrá juzgar si lo que aquí se relata es verdad y sólo la historia le dará el lugar que se merece. Sitio web en www.memoriasdebolivar.com
Doctrine de Saint-Simon. Ann�e 2 (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.68 $Doctrine de Saint-Simon. Annee 2 / . ExpositionDate de l'edition originale: 1830Sujet de l'ouvrage: Saint-simonismeCe livre est la reproduction fidele d une uvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l opportunite d acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les uvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par la BnF et sont presentes sur Gallica, sa bibliotheque numerique.En entreprenant de redonner vie a ces ouvrages au travers d une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande, nous leur donnons la possibilite de rencontrer un public elargi et participons a la transmission de connaissances et de savoirs parfois difficilement accessibles.Nous avons cherche a concilier la reproduction fidele d un livre ancien a partir de sa version numerisee avec le souci d un confort de lecture optimal. Nous esperons que les ouvrages de cette nouvelle collection vous apporteront entiere satisfaction.Pour plus d informations, rendez-vous sur www.hachettebnf.fr
Monsieur de Saint-Simon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.06 $912 pages. French language. 6.93x4.09x1.65 inches. In Stock.
Le gros camion de Simon, tome 14: n°14
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.28 $Une histoire pour que l'enfant puisse s'identifier au héros et laisser vagabonder son imagination.
The Hours of Simon de Varie (Getty Museum Monographs on Illuminated Manuscripts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.00 $Leading French painters in the late medieval period executed miniatures for lavishly illuminated books of hours. In the mid-fifteenth century, Simon de Varie commissioned such a book. Completed in 1455, it included five priceless works by the most eminent French painter of the time, Jean Fouquet, as well as other striking paintings by two of his contemporaries. In the seventeenth century, Simon de Varie's book was divided into three sections and sold as separate volumes. Two of these volumes are today in the Royal Library in The Hague. The third volume--thought lost until 1984, when it surfaced in a private collection and was subsequently acquired by the Getty Museum--contains the first miniatures by Jean Fouquet to have been discovered in eighty years. This beautiful book will reproduce in color all of the miniatures and historiated initials in the original manuscript, along with selected text pages with secondary decoration. Comparative illustrations also accompany the two essays in the volume. Marrow's text addresses the role of books of hours in late medieval culture; the contents and form of de Varie's Hours; and the relationship of the miniatures by Fouquet to the rest of the artist's oeuvre. In a related essay, Francois Avril discusses the position of Simon de Varie and his family in mid-fifteenth-century France. The publication of The Hours of Simon de Varie adds to the Getty's impressive list of publications on illuminated manuscripts begun in 1990 and including the widely acclaimed facsimile Mira calligraphiae monumenta.
Catalogue Raisonné Des Estampes Gravées À L'eau-forte Par Guido Reni, Et De Celles De Ses Disciples Simon Cantarini . Jean-andré Et Elisabeth Sirani
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.99 $Unread book in perfect condition.
The Hours of Simon de Varie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.00 $Leading French painters in the late medieval period executed miniatures for lavishly illuminated books of hours. In the mid-fifteenth century, Simon de Varie commissioned such a book. Completed in 1455, it included five priceless works by the most eminent French painter of the time, Jean Fouquet, as well as other striking paintings by two of his contemporaries. In the seventeenth century, Simon de Varie's book was divided into three sections and sold as separate volumes. Two of these volumes are today in the Royal Library in The Hague. The third volume--thought lost until 1984, when it surfaced in a private collection and was subsequently acquired by the Getty Museum--contains the first miniatures by Jean Fouquet to have been discovered in eighty years. This beautiful book will reproduce in color all of the miniatures and historiated initials in the original manuscript, along with selected text pages with secondary decoration. Comparative illustrations also accompany the two essays in the volume. Marrow's text addresses the role of books of hours in late medieval culture; the contents and form of de Varie's Hours; and the relationship of the miniatures by Fouquet to the rest of the artist's oeuvre. In a related essay, Francois Avril discusses the position of Simon de Varie and his family in mid-fifteenth-century France. The publication of The Hours of Simon de Varie adds to the Getty's impressive list of publications on illuminated manuscripts begun in 1990 and including the widely acclaimed facsimile Mira calligraphiae monumenta.
The Song of Simon de Montfort: The Life and Death of a Medieval Revolutionary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.73 $A biography of one of the Middle Ages' most controversial, reckless, and heroic figuresBorn in France in the early thirteenth century to a crusading father of the same name, Simon de Montfort traveled to England in his adulthood, where he claimed the earldom of Leicester and ingratiated himself into King Henry III's inner circles. Initially a trusted advisor, Simon's good relationship with the king did not last. Frustrated by the increasing injustice meted out to his subjects, Simon would go on to rebel against him, marching on the king's hall at Westminster and leading England's first revolution, and imposing a parliamentary system on Henry's rule.Montfort's life touched on nearly every notable event of the thirteenth century, from the holy wars being fought both abroad and closer to home, to the rebellion against the Plantagenets, to his campaigns against Jews in Leicester. The account of his death in battle-swinging his sword to the last-is one of the most graphic ever written of a medieval battlefield. Ambler provides a living portrait of the Middle Ages, brimming with illuminating insights into religion, society, the nobility, warfare, and daily life. In the words of bestselling historian Dan Jones, Ambler is "a dazzlingly talented historian" and her book on Simon de Montfort "marks the arrival of a formidably gifted historian."
The Song of Simon de Montfort: The Life and Death of a Medieval Revolutionary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.77 $A biography of one of the Middle Ages' most controversial, reckless, and heroic figuresBorn in France in the early thirteenth century to a crusading father of the same name, Simon de Montfort traveled to England in his adulthood, where he claimed the earldom of Leicester and ingratiated himself into King Henry III's inner circles. Initially a trusted advisor, Simon's good relationship with the king did not last. Frustrated by the increasing injustice meted out to his subjects, Simon would go on to rebel against him, marching on the king's hall at Westminster and leading England's first revolution, and imposing a parliamentary system on Henry's rule.Montfort's life touched on nearly every notable event of the thirteenth century, from the holy wars being fought both abroad and closer to home, to the rebellion against the Plantagenets, to his campaigns against Jews in Leicester. The account of his death in battle-swinging his sword to the last-is one of the most graphic ever written of a medieval battlefield. Ambler provides a living portrait of the Middle Ages, brimming with illuminating insights into religion, society, the nobility, warfare, and daily life. In the words of bestselling historian Dan Jones, Ambler is "a dazzlingly talented historian" and her book on Simon de Montfort "marks the arrival of a formidably gifted historian."
Panerai Ediz. illustrata [Hardcover] Simon De Burton, Giampiero Negretti
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 537.73 $Einzigartiges Buch! Ein Muß für den Paneristi, schön bebildert mit guten Grafiken, alles sehr ausführlich erklärt und erläutert. Schönes Format zum lesen und für die Bilder. Fornitrice della Marina Italiana e specializzata nei meccanismi ad alta precisione, Panerai ha perfezionato negli anni Trenta i primi orologi subacquei al mondo, impermeabili fino a 650 piedi e luminescenti. Giovanni Panerai, fondatore dell'azienda, scelse per i suoi orologi una grande cassa di 47 mm, un quadrante nero (per rendere più leggibile possibile le lancette e i numeri luminosi sottacqua) e un movimento fornito da Rolex, il migliore e il più resistente dell'epoca, destinato a essere utilizzato in un orologio militare da polso. Impermeabile grazie ad una cassa in acciaio inossidabile spessa 15 mm, l'orologio era dotato di un lungo cinturino in pelle oliata e perforata che consentiva di portarlo sul polso di una muta da immersione. Le fotografie originali commissionate per il volume mettono in risalto gli esclusivi aspetti tecnici dei modelli Panerai, con sezioni speciali dedicate agli strumenti di precisione inventati per la marina italiana e ai collezionisti internazionali. ISBN-10: 886130740X ISBN-13: 978-8861307407 Panerai Ediz. illustrata [Hardcover] Simon De Burton, Giampiero Negretti In italienischer Sprache. pages. 33,9 x 4,1 x 33,7 cm
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