The Tomcats' story begins in Ealing, West London, where Tom Newman (vocals, guitar), Peter Cook (lead guitar), Alan James (bass), and Chris Jackson (drums) first began playing together as The Dreamers. When Alexis Korner and Cyril Davies opened the Ealing Club in 1962, it became a magnet for young blues enthusiasts, many of whom would go on to form their own R&B groups, including The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, and Manfred Mann. Evenings spent at the Ealing Club had a similar effect on membe 40.98 36.50 0 Media > LP new 8435008839314 0.91000 Tomcats LP 2167923X Soy la Ley Released in 1978, Soy La Ley by Robert y Su Banda is an obscure but sought-after slab of Colombian salsa dura with the special distinction of having the 'original' version of lvaro Jos 'Joe' Arroyo's monster hit 'Rebelin' hidden in plain sight on the second side of the record. The band's leader, Roberto Antonio Urquijo Fonseca, is still active today and, hailing from Barranquilla, Colombia, is as steeped in the costeo sound of cumbia as he is in salsa. Roberto certainly has a perfect voice
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