22 products were found matching your search for Margaret Island in 1 shops:
Eilean: The Island Photography of Margaret Fay Shaw
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.25 $Margaret Fay Shaw took her first photographs of the Hebrides in 1924 whilst travelling through the islands by bicycle. It was her photography which first brought her to the attention of folklorist John Lorne Campbell, and after their marriage in 1935 they began their unique career together, creating the world’s finest treasury of Hebridean song, story, image and folklore.Her collection of some 9,000 photographs and film were taken mainly on the Hebridean islands of Uist, Barra, Mingulay, Eriskay, Canna and the Irish Aran Islands, and form a key part of the magnificent Campbell collections at Canna House, where she and John made their home for 60 years. In 1981 they gifted the island of Canna and its collections to the National Trust for Scotland, who now curate the material for future generations to enjoy.This book features over 100 of the best of Margaret Fay Shaw’s Hebridean photographs, with extended captions by Fiona J. Mackenzie and an introductory essay by the collection’s former archivist Magdalena Sagarzazu.
Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali:
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $In 1936 anthropologist Margaret Mead and her husband, Gregory Bateson, retreated from lowland Bali, which was the focal point of much scholarly and tourist activity, to the remote village of Bayung Gedé in the island's central highlands. Although they wrote relatively little about their work in this place, which Mead called "our village, way up in the mountains, a lovely self-contained village," they did leave behind a remarkably rich and extensive photographic record of their time there. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali includes 200 photographs that the couple took between 1936 and 1939, the vast majority of which have never before been published. They vividly capture the everyday lives of the men, women, and children of Bayung Gedé, their homes and their temples, and many other fascinating details of village life not featured in Mead and Bateson's publications. In a substantial introductory essay, Gerald Sullivan, who selected the photographs, uses excerpts from fieldnotes and correspondence to illuminate Mead and Bateson's ethnographic work. Tracing the project from its inception in their proposals to the publication of their work, Sullivan shows how they used the photographs both as fieldnotes and as elements in their theoretical argument. Finally, he explores what the photographs reveal—independently of Mead and Bateson's project—about the Balinese character to the contemporary viewer. The result is a both a substantial contribution to visual anthropology and an invaluable supplement to the published works of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
The Sappho Companion Reynolds, Margaret
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.34 $Born around 630 BC on the Greek Island of Lesbos, Sappho is the greatest lyrical poet of Greece, and one of the greatist artists of any age. Her poems exist only as fragments, and her life is not much more than speculation, but Sappho's pull-as writer, voice, and image-affects every era. Ovid, Baudelaire,and Jeanette Winterson are just a few of the writers who, each generation, claim Sappho as their own. Who is Sappho? Lesbian, mother poet, lover, suicide warning, and icon. In this innovative blend of personal reflection and cultural history Margaret Reynolds illuminates Sappho's genius, her life, her sexuality, and the extraordinary influence she has had across centuries. Built on key themes, this book features a rich offering of poems, plays, essays, and stories by leading writers that bring Sappho's legacy to life.
Margaret Mead: Coming Of Age In America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.64 $The American anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901-1978) was barely 24 years old when she left New York to study the natives of Samoa, New Guinea, and other remote Pacific islands. Anthropological research to her was not a dull academic discipline but an adventure in which every little detail, from Balinese ritual dances to Polynesian tattooing, held enormous fascination. Her 1928 book--Coming of Age in Samoa--made her both famous and controversial. She boldly challenged the most deeply ingrained principles of the Western way of life: family structure, education, and child-rearing. When she died in 1978, a Pacific tribe she befriended held a five-day ceremony in her honor normally reserved for their greatest chiefs. Joan Mark guides us through the most exciting anthropological discoveries of the 20th century while following Margaret Meads many triumphs around the globe in quick-paced, engrossing prose that reads like an adventure story.Oxford Portraits in Science is an ongoing series of scientific biographies. Written by top scholars and writers, each biography examines the personality of its subject as well as the thought process leading to his or her discoveries. These illustrated biographies combine accessible technical information with compelling personal stories to portray the scientists whose work has shaped our understanding of the natural world.
Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali: Fieldwork Photographs of Bayung Gede, 1936-1939
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.41 $In 1936 anthropologist Margaret Mead and her husband, Gregory Bateson, retreated from lowland Bali, which was the focal point of much scholarly and tourist activity, to the remote village of Bayung Gedé in the island's central highlands. Although they wrote relatively little about their work in this place, which Mead called "our village, way up in the mountains, a lovely self-contained village," they did leave behind a remarkably rich and extensive photographic record of their time there. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali includes 200 photographs that the couple took between 1936 and 1939, the vast majority of which have never before been published. They vividly capture the everyday lives of the men, women, and children of Bayung Gedé, their homes and their temples, and many other fascinating details of village life not featured in Mead and Bateson's publications. In a substantial introductory essay, Gerald Sullivan, who selected the photographs, uses excerpts from fieldnotes and correspondence to illuminate Mead and Bateson's ethnographic work. Tracing the project from its inception in their proposals to the publication of their work, Sullivan shows how they used the photographs both as fieldnotes and as elements in their theoretical argument. Finally, he explores what the photographs reveal—independently of Mead and Bateson's project—about the Balinese character to the contemporary viewer. The result is a both a substantial contribution to visual anthropology and an invaluable supplement to the published works of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
Margaret Mead and Samoa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.08 $Analyzes Margaret Mead's study of the culture of the Samoan Islands and argues that the findings of her research are in error
Island of Menstruating Men
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.71 $Ian Hogbin belongs to anthropology's heroic age. He was a member of the brilliant between-the-wars generation that included Raymond Firth, Reo Fortune, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Hortense Powdermaker, all of whom pioneered modern field research in the insular South Pacific. The Island of Menstruating Men was a path-breaking exploration of gender in Wogeo when first published. Today it remains an important full-length study of a Melanesian religion, examining it in relation to other facets of culture-mythology, beliefs about illness and death, growth and maturity, magic, social structure, and morality. It is an articulate, insightful examination of the meaning of tradition and of the integration of culture. It is also a captivating account of ethnocentrism and the Wogeo's justification for it, exemplifying, in miniature, what appears to be one of the great problems of the human species.Titles of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Rappaport, Pigs for the Ancestors: Rituals in the Ecology of a New Guinea People, Second Edition (ISBN 9781577661016) and Sillitoe-Sillitoe, Grass-Clearing Man: A Factional Ethnography of Life in the New Guinea Highlands (ISBN 9781577666011).
Island Between
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 121.13 $Margaret E. Murie crafts an engrossing tale of Eskimo life in Island Between, as she tells the story of Toozak, a young Inuit from Sevuokuk, known today as St. Lawrence Island. In lyrical prose she chronicles Toozak’s journey, weaving stories of his life as a hunter with narratives of love and jealousy—and even ancient Eskimo myths—to create a moving tale of early Eskimo culture and the impact of its eventual encounters with other peoples. Island Between is a beautifully written novel that explores one man’s complex and delicate relationship with the natural environment and his fellow man.Â
Diary of a Sea Captain's Wife: Tales of Santa Cruz Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.96 $Margaret Eaton and her husband Ira were well known to Santa Barbarans in the early part of this century as operators of the Pelican Bay Camp on Santa Cruz Island. Beginning humbly with small-scale commercial fishing, seal hunting and passenger charters, the Eatons gradually developed a unique resort that came to be popular among writers, film companies and people from all over the country. Working from her diary and her memories, Mrs. Eaton wrote this extraordinary story of her life over a period of many years, until her death in 1947. She is remembered by her daufghter, Vera Eaton Amey, as a fearless and compassionate women. Mrs. Amey has done admirably well in sorting through mountains of letters, clippings and photographs to organize her mother's manuscript. She has also painstakingly consulted other sources to confirm, as much as possible, the accuracy of these recollections. With the passage of time- half a century and more- corroboration becomes increasingly difficult, and inconsistencies have inevitably crept in. The reader who would use "Diary of a Sea Captains Wife" as a historical reference is asked to bear this in mind. The true significance of Margaret Eaton's story lies in its appeal as the personal account of a woman living in a man's world, in a time and place remote from today's urban society. Jan Timbrook Associate Curator, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Island Between Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.39 $Margaret E. Murie crafts an engrossing tale of Eskimo life in Island Between, as she tells the story of Toozak, a young Inuit from Sevuokuk, known today as St. Lawrence Island. In lyrical prose she chronicles Toozak’s journey, weaving stories of his life as a hunter with narratives of love and jealousy—and even ancient Eskimo myths—to create a moving tale of early Eskimo culture and the impact of its eventual encounters with other peoples. Island Between is a beautifully written novel that explores one man’s complex and delicate relationship with the natural environment and his fellow man.
The Falklands 1982: Ground operations in the South Atlantic (Campaign, 244)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.13 $On the night of 1-2 April 1982, the Argentinian Junta led by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri made its move against the Falkland Islands. On 3 April British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher faced an appalled and furious House of Commons to announce that Argentine armed forces had landed on British sovereign territory; had captured the men of Royal Marine detachment NP8901; had run up the Argentine flag at Government House; and had declared the islands and their population to be Argentine. An immediate response was required and a task force was rapidly assembled to head into the South Atlantic and retake the islands. From this point until the Argentine surrender on 14 June, the British forces fought what was in many ways a 19th-century style colonial campaign at the end of extended supply lines some 8,000 miles from home. This volume will detail the major stages of the land campaign to retake the islands, focusing on the San Carlos landings, the battle for Darwin and Goose Green, and the final battles for Mt Longdon, Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge, the mountains that surrounded the island's capital, Stanley.
The Falklands 1982: Ground operations in the South Atlantic (Campaign, 244)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.35 $On the night of 1-2 April 1982, the Argentinian Junta led by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri made its move against the Falkland Islands. On 3 April British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher faced an appalled and furious House of Commons to announce that Argentine armed forces had landed on British sovereign territory; had captured the men of Royal Marine detachment NP8901; had run up the Argentine flag at Government House; and had declared the islands and their population to be Argentine. An immediate response was required and a task force was rapidly assembled to head into the South Atlantic and retake the islands. From this point until the Argentine surrender on 14 June, the British forces fought what was in many ways a 19th-century style colonial campaign at the end of extended supply lines some 8,000 miles from home. This volume will detail the major stages of the land campaign to retake the islands, focusing on the San Carlos landings, the battle for Darwin and Goose Green, and the final battles for Mt Longdon, Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge, the mountains that surrounded the island's capital, Stanley.
The Story of Britain
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.96 $Narrates the political history on the island from the Roman conquest to Margaret Thatcher, from the perspective of a British knight and former director of the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Colorfully but tastefully illustrated with photographs and period paintings. No bibliography. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
The Water Cure [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $“A gripping, sinister fable!” —Margaret Atwood, via TwitterONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR:GOOD HOUSEKEEPING · THRILLISTKing has tenderly staked out a territory for his wife and three daughters, Grace, Lia, and Sky. Here on his island, women are protected from the chaos and violence of men on the mainland. The cult-like rituals and therapies they endure fortify them from the spreading toxicity of a degrading world.But when King disappears and two men and a boy wash ashore, the sisters’ safe world begins to unravel. Over the span of one blistering hot week, a psychological cat-and-mouse game plays out. Sexual tensions and sibling rivalries flare as the sisters are forced to confront the amorphous threat the strangers represent.A haunting, riveting debut, The Water Cure is a fiercely poetic feminist revenge fantasy that’s a startling reflection of our time.
Utopian and Science Fiction by Women : Worlds of Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.54 $This collection speaks to common themes and strategies in women's writing about their different worlds, from Margaret Cavendish's seventeenth-century Blazing World of the North Pole to the "men-less" islands of the French writer Scudery to the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century utopias of Shelley and Gaskell, and science fiction pulps, finishing with the more contemporary feminist fictions of Le Guin, Wittig, Piercy, and Mitchison. It shows that these fictions historically speak to each other and together amount to a literary tradition of women's writing about a better place.
To Change the World - My Years in Cuba
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.48 $In To Change the World, the legendary writer and poet Margaret Randall chronicles her decade in Cuba from 1969 to 1980. Both a highly personal memoir and an examination of the revolution's great achievements and painful mistakes, the book paints a portrait of the island during a difficult, dramatic, and exciting time.Randall gives readers an inside look at her children's education, the process through which new law was enacted, the ins and outs of healthcare, employment, internationalism, culture, and ordinary people's lives. She explores issues of censorship and repression, describing how Cuban writers and artists faced them. She recounts one of the country's last beauty pageants, shows us a night of People's Court, and takes us with her when she shops for her family's food rations. Key figures of the revolution appear throughout, and Randall reveals aspects of their lives never before seen.More than fifty black and white photographs, most by the author, add depth and richness to this astute and illuminating memoir. Written with a poet's ear, depicted with a photographer's eye, and filled with a feminist vision, To Change the Worldùneither an apology nor gratuitous attackùadds immensely to the existing literature on revolutionary Cuba.
Along the Shore: Tales by the Sea
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 131.35 $In this collection of stories L. M. Montgomery captures the haunting beauty and drama of living on Prince Edward Island surrounded by the sea. Ernest Hughes, a courageous young boy who with his dog is caught in changing tides; twelve-year-old Mary Margaret, who must row through a snowstorm to keep the lighthouse light burning; Nora, who dreams of escaping New York and retuming to her harbor home; and Ethel Lennox, who reconciles with her estranged fiance during a storm at sea, are some of the heartwarming characters linked by their love of the sea whom L.M. Montgomery readers will cherish.
Cheating at Solitaire: A Gregor Demarkian Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.17 $The small, exclusive Massachusetts island of Margaret’s Harbor gets its fifteen minutes of fame when aging teen stars Arrow Normand and Marcey Mandret pay a visit to local celebrity heiress, Kendra Rhode. The girls’ drunken, disorderly behavior is being eaten up by the press...until an even bigger media storm erupts.During a blizzard, Arrrow finds herself staggering around town, covered in blood and incoherently drunk. Meanwhile, her actor-boyfriend has been found shot dead in the front seat of a crashed truck. Now Arrow is cast as the only suspect in the crime—and she can’t remember a thing about the night in question.Enter former F.B.I. agent Gregor Demarkian, who’s flown in from Philadelphia to review the charges against Arrow. What he finds is a case with little evidence, an insatiable paparazzi, and a mare’s nest of motives in what may be the most confusing, twisted role of Demarkian’s lifetime.
Eilean Format: Hardback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.77 $Margaret Fay Shaw took her first photographs of the Hebrides in 1924 whilst travelling through the islands by bicycle. It was her photography which first brought her to the attention of folklorist John Lorne Campbell, and after their marriage in 1935 they began their unique career together, creating the world’s finest treasury of Hebridean song, story, image and folklore.Her collection of some 9,000 photographs and film were taken mainly on the Hebridean islands of Uist, Barra, Mingulay, Eriskay, Canna and the Irish Aran Islands, and form a key part of the magnificent Campbell collections at Canna House, where she and John made their home for 60 years. In 1981 they gifted the island of Canna and its collections to the National Trust for Scotland, who now curate the material for future generations to enjoy.This book features over 100 of the best of Margaret Fay Shaw’s Hebridean photographs, with extended captions by Fiona J. Mackenzie and an introductory essay by the collection’s former archivist Magdalena Sagarzazu.
Knits from the North Sea: Lace in the Shetland Tradition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.25 $The wait is finally over for new lace designs from popular author Carol Rasmussen Noble! Now she's joined by renowned Shetland Island lace expert Margaret Leask Peterson, and together they make lace knitting pure joy. This collection is worked exclusively in lace-weight and fine yarns in a palette that includes gorgeous jewel tones as well as neutrals. Knitters will find a variety of projects, including shawls, stoles, scarves, and triangles. Along with the patterns for 16 projects, the authors share a wealth of lace-making knowledge and techniques gained over decades of plying their needles.
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