87 products were found matching your search for Masari San Lorenzo 2017 in 4 shops:
San Lorenzo T-Skin
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 5,378.77 $ (+89.38 $)Description San Lorenzo T-Skin Hybrid, Right Handed Custom Electric Guitar, with Case. This comes from France - desp...
The Gardens at San Lorenzo in Piacenza, 1656-1665 (Dumbarton Oaks Other Titles in Garden History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $This fascinating two-volume set includes a photographic reproduction of an anonymous seventeenth-century Italian gardener's notebook from Dumbarton Oaks's Rare Books Collection. The notebook is a record of the planting of three flower gardens at San Lorenzo. It is now believed that the gardens were created for Margherita de' Medici Farnese, duchess of Parma and Piacenza. The notebook provides insight into the creation of a seventeenth-century garden, from identifying flowers to planning flowerbeds. In turn, these sketches reveal the gardener's own intentions and reflections on the designs. Ada Segre's accompanying study of the notebook is a groundbreaking example of garden archaeology. She considers its provenance and connection to the world of the duchess and her gardens. Segre also evaluates the importance of the manuscript as an object and as a source of information on garden design and practice in Italy during the mid-seventeenth century. Three computer-generated recreations of the garden's planting beds are included with the reproduction.
The Vines of San Lorenzo [English]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.59 $Hardcover; 274 pages; Slow food Editore
The Making of a Great Wine: Gaja and Sori San Lorenzo
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.43 $Recounts the wine-making experiences of Angelo Gaja, one of Italy's most fascinating and revolutionary wine makers, and his creation of the 1989 Sori San Lorenzo
Michelangelo at San Lorenzo: The Genius as Entrepreneur
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.00 $This book amends a common misconception about one of the greatest Renaissance masters, who has been characterized since his own day as incapable of effective collaboration. This study focuses on San Lorenzo, a key Florentine monument of the Renaissance, where Michelangelo's contributions to the church are among his greatest achievements as a sculptor and architect. Organised around his three commissions at San Lorenzo - the never-realised facade for the church, the Medici chapel and the Laurentian Library - each chapter examines the organisation and day-to-day operations at the building site, as well as the artist's personal and professional relations with nearly three hundred persons who assisted him in carrying out the designs. From the marble quarries at Seravezza to the building site in Florence, William Wallace relates Michelangelo's struggles and triumphs as he worked on these projects for over two decades.
The Museum of the Medici Chapels and the Church of San Lorenzo
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.25 $San Lorenzo and the Medici Chapels are really impressive
La Notte Di San Lorenzo. Genesi, Contesti, Peripezie Di Un Capolavoro Di Tiziano
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.02 $A cura di Lionello Puppi e Letizia Lonzi. Testi di Maria Agnese Chiari, Moretto Wiel, Martina Frank, Augusto Gentili, Letizia Lonzi, Matteo Mancini, Anna Rosa Nicola, Lionello Puppi, Maria Giovanna Sarti, Allison Sherman. Crocetta del Montello, 2013; br., pp. 272, 200 ill. e tavv. b/n col., cm 21x28. I capitoli che compongono questo volume, spettanti ad una équipe internazionale di ben noti Studiosi della cultura artistica veneziana del Rinascimento, sono il risultato di ricerche originali progettate ed avviate in coincidenza ed in coerenza con il lungo e difficile lavoro di restauro (2011-2012) del Martirio di san Lorenzo di Tiziano conservato nella chiesa veneziana dei Gesuiti. Ed una circostanziata descrizione di esso è allegata alle pagine del libro come punto di riferimento imprescindibile giacché s'è trattato di intervento che ha riporato il capolavoro dall'agonia di un degrado che ne spegneva ed avviliva la vitalit?, all'abbagliante condizione originaria.
Lorenzo in Taos (Southwest Heritage)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.87 $In September, 1922, the internationally known British writer D. H. Lawrence arrived with his wife, Frieda, at the railroad station in Lamy, New Mexico. They had traveled from Australia to San Francisco, then to Lamy, to come to Taos at the invitation of Mabel Dodge Sterne, later Mabel Dodge Luhan, the patroness of arts and culture in Taos. It was the beginning of an intense, sometimes strained, relationship. Mabel, daughter of a well-to-do Buffalo, New York family, had a long history of cultivating arts and letters, surrounding herself with famous artists and writers in her salons in Florence, Italy and in New York City. She continued her support of literature and the arts in Taos. Lawrence encouraged Mabel to write about her own exciting life and, while back in Italy in 1925, continued corresponding with Mabel and edited manuscripts she sent to him. Her book, "Lorenzo in Taos," is written loosely in the form of letters to and from D. H. Lawrence, Frieda Lawrence, and Robinson Jeffers, the celebrated poet who had been a guest of Mabel's in Taos, with references to Dorothy Brett and Spud Johnson among others. The book is a highly personal and most informative account of an intense relationship with a great writer. It is an important work and its reprinting is welcomed by scholars and those of us who have come increasingly to respect Mabel's contributions in the world of arts and letters through her support of many individuals and her own creative spirit.
Lorenzo the Naughty Parrot
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.79 $Lorenzo, a green parrot who lives in a Mexican garden, serves as a watchbird, protecting his family from birthday party guests, presents, and even San Nicola+a7s on Christmas Eve. By the author of Slther McCreep and His Brother, Joe.
Live In San Francisco
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 33.98 $A mesmerizing live set by OCS-JOHN DWYER and BRIGID DAWSON with a 7-piece backing band featuring PAUL QUATTRONE, TIM HELLMAN, TOM DOLAS, HEIDI MAUREEN ALEXANDER, and a string section comprised of HEATHER LOCKIE, EMILY ELKIN and ERIC CLARK. Recorded by ERIC BAUER at the Chapel in SF, December 17, 2017.
Live In San Francisco
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)Vinyl LP pressing. 2017 release in Castle Face's Live In San Francisco series captures France's most prolific and distorted rock 'n' roll band "The couple that slays together, stays together: Looch Vibrato and Aggy Sonora, like the moniker of an infamous killing duo, the fucking butchest band from Bordeaux. Looch, with hands like bunches of bananas and songs like flaming arrows. The lovely and tough-as-hell Aggy, crushing the kit. Heavy weird attackers from our sister country. Sludge drips-murde
Le Note Di San Lorenzo (IMPORT)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.99 $ (+1.99 $)Le Note Di San Lorenzo (IMPORT) Mario Piacentini - CD 716642068222
Pompeo Cesura e Orazio De Sanctis. Indagini intorno all'Adorazione dei Pastori e a San Girolamo di cartapesta
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $A cura di Arbace L.Roma, 2017; br., pp. 96, ill. b/n e col., tavv. b/n e col., cm 23,5x27. La pubblicazione del presente volume ha il merito di aprire uno squarcio sulla figura dell'artista aquilano Pompeo Cesura che, nonostante l'altissima qualità delle sue opere, sia pittoriche che scultoree, è rimasto per lungo tempo ai margini della critica d'arte e della storiografia moderna, risultando del tutto trascurato dalla letteratura artistica a lui coeva. I saggi specialistici, che si dipanano nelle pagine a seguire, rappresentano l'esito editoriale di un progetto scientifico di altissimo profilo, scaturito dagli esiti del restauro di una copia de l'Adorazione dei Pastori - capolavoro indiscusso di Pompeo Cesura, che la realizzò nel 1566 per la Basilica aquilana di San Bernardino - e di un busto in cartapesta raffigurante San Girolamo (attribuito allo stesso Cesura), entrambi ritrovati in pessime condizioni nei depositi del Castello del capoluogo abruzzese, dove erano stati ricoverati dopo il sisma del 2009.
Il Giardino di San Marco: Maestri e compagni del giovane Michelangelo : Firenze, Casa Buonarroti, 30 giugno-19 ottobre 1992 (Italian Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.76 $Italian Edition - Catalogo della mostra allestita a Firenze, Casa Buonarroti, nel 1992, in occasione delle celebrazioni del V centenario della morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico.
Il Giardino di San Marco: Maestri e compagni del giovane Michelangelo : Firenze, Casa Buonarroti, 30 giugno-19 ottobre 1992 (Italian Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.98 $Italian Edition - Catalogo della mostra allestita a Firenze, Casa Buonarroti, nel 1992, in occasione delle celebrazioni del V centenario della morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico.
Dolly Noire, Hoodies, male, Black, Size: L Blue Dragon Hoodie
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 78.00 $ (+15.00 $)Elevate your casual style with this Dolly Noire men's hoodie featuring a regular fit, adjustable hood, and front kangaroo pocket. The iconic Dolly Noire logo is printed on the left side and embroidered on a label at the bottom. The back showcases a silkscreen of the powerful symbol from the Church of San Lorenzo in Milan. Made from a blend of 65% cotton and 35% polyester. Easy to care for with hand or machine wash.
Dolly Noire, Hoodies, male, Black, Size: M Blue Dragon Hoodie
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 78.00 $ (+15.00 $)Elevate your casual style with this Dolly Noire men's hoodie featuring a regular fit, adjustable hood, and front kangaroo pocket. The iconic Dolly Noire logo is printed on the left side and embroidered on a label at the bottom. The back showcases a silkscreen of the powerful symbol from the Church of San Lorenzo in Milan. Made from a blend of 65% cotton and 35% polyester. Easy to care for with hand or machine wash.
Dolly Noire, Hoodies, male, Black, Size: XL Blue Dragon Hoodie
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 78.00 $ (+15.00 $)Elevate your casual style with this Dolly Noire men's hoodie featuring a regular fit, adjustable hood, and front kangaroo pocket. The iconic Dolly Noire logo is printed on the left side and embroidered on a label at the bottom. The back showcases a silkscreen of the powerful symbol from the Church of San Lorenzo in Milan. Made from a blend of 65% cotton and 35% polyester. Easy to care for with hand or machine wash.
Dolly Noire, Hoodies, male, Black, Size: S Blue Dragon Hoodie
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 78.00 $ (+15.00 $)Elevate your casual style with this Dolly Noire men's hoodie featuring a regular fit, adjustable hood, and front kangaroo pocket. The iconic Dolly Noire logo is printed on the left side and embroidered on a label at the bottom. The back showcases a silkscreen of the powerful symbol from the Church of San Lorenzo in Milan. Made from a blend of 65% cotton and 35% polyester. Easy to care for with hand or machine wash.
Dolly Noire, T-Shirts, male, White, Size: M Blue Dragon Tee Short Sleeve T-shirt
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 37.00 $ (+15.00 $)Elevate your casual style with this Dolly Noire Short Sleeve Crew Neck T-shirt for men. Featuring a regular fit, this t-shirt showcases the Dolly Noire logo on the left side and a silkscreen print of the Church of San Lorenzo in Milan on the back. Made from 100% Cotton, this t-shirt is both stylish and comfortable. Care instructions: Hand/machine washable (please read the label).
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