16 products were found matching your search for Medea Wolf Christa in 1 shops:
The Fourth Dimension: Interview With Christa Wolf
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.77 $The author should not disappear into her own work, says Christa Wolf, but should stand up and be counted. In this series of interviews and conversations spanning more than a decade, Christ Wolf does precisely that.Here, one of the greatest contemporary novelists discusses the origins of an inspirations for her best known works. Often taking as her starting point events from the past, her novels, she explains, remain fictions of the present, whether her concern is to reassess the experiences of growing up in Nazi Germany, as in A Model Childhood, or to attempt to trace the roots of the contradictions in which our civilisation is now trapped, as in Cassandra.These conversations, however, take her far beyond the purely literary. She talks openly about what it means to be both a writer and a woman in East Germany today, and concludes that literature is no longer territorially defined. We are not so much divided by boundaries between East and West as united in our common experience of highly organized patriarchal society, she says, which has brought us to ‘the verge of annihilation’.It is the author’s voice, according to Christa Wolf, which provides ‘the fourth dimension’ of modern prose. In these pages her own voice emerges more loudly and clearly than ever.
Christa und Gerhard Wolf : Gemeinsam gelebte Zeit
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.59 $Neuware - Christa Wolf (1929-2011), eine der profiliertesten deutschsprachigen Schriftstellerinnen, und Gerhard Wolf (geboren 1928), Autor, Herausgeberund Verleger, führten eine Lebensbeziehung von außerordentlicher Produktivität,eingebunden in Familie und Freundeskreis, in gesellschaftliche, kulturpolitische und vor allem literarische Zusammenhänge.Die Grundlage ihrer Partnerschaft, die sie in den 1950er-Jahren entwickelt haben, blieb auf Jahrzehnte tragfähig. Weder Christa noch Gerhard Wolf hatten das Gefühl, zurückstecken zu müssen, sie haben einander selbstverständlich unterstützt und konnten sich immer aufeinander verlassen, und sie waren beide flexibel und souverän genug, sich auch über klassische Geschlechterrollen hinwegzusetzen. Dass sie dieselben Bücher lasen, dieselben Theaterstücke sahen, mit gemeinsamen Freunden diskutierten, ähnliche Positionen zur zeitgenössischenLiteratur wie auch zur politischen Situation entwickelten - das alles verbreiterte und stabilisierte auch die Basis ihrer Beziehung und bliebihr Leben lang so.Sonja Hilzinger, profunde Wolf-Kennerin, arbeitet das Besondere der Lebenspartnerschaft von Christa und Gerhard Wolf heraus und entwirft so ein faszinierendes Doppelporträt.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.37 $Medea is among the most notorious women in the canon of Greek tragedy: a woman scorned who sacrifices her own children to her jealous rage. In her gripping new novel, Christa Wolf explodes this myth, revealing a fiercely independent woman ensnared in a brutal political battle.Medea, driven by her conscience to leave her corrupt homeland, arrives in Corinth with her husband, the hero Jason. He is welcomed, but she is branded the outsider-and then she discovers the appalling secret behind the king's claim to power. Unwilling to ignore the horrifying truth about the state, she becomes a threat to the king and his ruthless advisors; abandoned by Jason and made a public scapegoat, she is reviled as a witch and a murderess.Long a sharp-eyed political observer, Christa Wolf transforms this ancient tale into a startlingly relevant commentary on our times. Possessed of the enduring truths so treasured in the classics, and yet with a thoroughly contemporary spin, her Medea is a stunningly perceptive and probingly honest work of fiction.With an Introduction by Margaret Atwood. Translated from the German by John Cullen.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.19 $Medea is among the most notorious women in the canon of Greek tragedy: a woman scorned who sacrifices her own children to her jealous rage. In her gripping new novel, Christa Wolf explodes this myth, revealing a fiercely independent woman ensnared in a brutal political battle.Medea, driven by her conscience to leave her corrupt homeland, arrives in Corinth with her husband, the hero Jason. He is welcomed, but she is branded the outsider-and then she discovers the appalling secret behind the king's claim to power. Unwilling to ignore the horrifying truth about the state, she becomes a threat to the king and his ruthless advisors; abandoned by Jason and made a public scapegoat, she is reviled as a witch and a murderess.Long a sharp-eyed political observer, Christa Wolf transforms this ancient tale into a startlingly relevant commentary on our times. Possessed of the enduring truths so treasured in the classics, and yet with a thoroughly contemporary spin, her Medea is a stunningly perceptive and probingly honest work of fiction.With an Introduction by Margaret Atwood. Translated from the German by John Cullen.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.37 $Medea is among the most notorious women in the canon of Greek tragedy: a woman scorned who sacrifices her own children to her jealous rage. In her gripping new novel, Christa Wolf expands this myth, revealing a fiercely independent woman ensnared in a brutal political battle.Medea, driven by her conscience to leave her corrupt homeland, arrives in Corinth with her husband, the hero Jason. He is welcomed, but she is branded the outsider—and then she discovers the appalling secret behind the king's claim to power. Unwilling to ignore the horrifying truth about the state, she becomes a threat to the king and his ruthless advisors. Then abandoned by Jason and made a public scapegoat, she is reviled as a witch and a murderess.Long a sharp-eyed political observer, Christa Wolf transforms this ancient tale into a startlingly relevant commentary on our times. Possessed of the enduring truths so treasured in the classics, and yet with a thoroughly contemporary spin, her Medea is a stunningly perceptive and probingly honest work of fiction.
Title Kassandra. Erzählung. ( Sammlung Luchterhand im dtv). (Fiction, Poetry & Drama) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.67 $Kassandra DE 1983 (BRD), 1983 (DDR) Form Erzählung Epoche Gegenwart Anfang der 1980er Jahre schrieb Christa Wolf mit Kassandra einen Text, der zwei Themenkomplexe ihres Werkes zusammenfasst - die Bemühung um Frieden und um weibliche Emanzipation. In einer Zeit des Kalten Krieges, des atomaren Wettrüstens und der noch nicht erreichten Gleichstellung der Frau war Wolfs Erzählung über eine mythologische Frauengestalt von frappierender Aktualität. Anhand des Kassandra-Mythos zeigt die Autorin jahrtausendealte kriegsfördernde Mechanismen auf, etwa die feindliche Abgrenzung nach außen zur Sicherung der eigenen Ideologie. Krieg wird als Ergebnis patriarchaler Machtstrukturen beschrieben, zu deren Aufrechterhaltung die Unterdrückung der Frau unumgänglich ist. Entstehung: 1982 war Wolf Gastdozentin an der Universität Frankfurt/Main. Ihre Poetik-Vorlesungen trugen den Titel Voraussetzungen einer Erzählung: Kassandra und rekonstruierten in einer Mischung aus Reisebericht, Arbeitstagebuch und Briefen den Entstehungsprozess der Erzählung, zu dem die Lektüre der Orestie des Aischylos auf einer Griechenlandreise den ersten Anstoß gegeben hatte. Wolf greift verschiedene Varianten des Kassandra-Mythos auf und entwickelt ein eigenes Bild der Figur: Kassandra wird zum Symbol für die »Stimmlosigkeit« der Frau.
City of Angels: or, The Overcoat of Dr. Freud / A Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.35 $The stunning final novel from East Germany's most acclaimed writerThree years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the writer Christa Wolf was granted access to her newly declassified Stasi files. Known for her defiance and outspokenness, Wolf was not especially surprised to discover forty-two volumes of documents produced by the East German secret police. But what was surprising was a thin green folder whose contents told an unfamiliar―and disturbing―story: in the early 1960s, Wolf herself had been an informant for the Communist government. And yet, thirty years on, she had absolutely no recollection of it. Wolf's extraordinary autobiographical final novel is an account of what it was like to reckon with such a shocking discovery. Based on the year she spent in Los Angeles after these explosive revelations, City of Angels is at once a powerful examination of memory and a surprisingly funny and touching exploration of L.A., a city strikingly different from any Wolf had ever visited. Even as she reflects on the burdens of twentieth-century history, Wolf describes the pleasures of driving a Geo Metro down Wilshire Boulevard and watching episodes of Star Trek late at night. Rich with philosophical insights, personal revelations, and vivid descriptions of a diverse city and its citizens, City of Angels is a profoundly humane and disarmingly honest novel―and a powerful conclusion to a remarkable career in letters.
One Day a Year
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.69 $"The rewards of reading Christa Wolf can be very considerable."-The Times Literary Supplement In 1960, East German writer Christa Wolf received a phone call from a Moscow newspaper asking if she would describe her experiences on a single day, September 27, "as precisely as possible." She was intrigued by the request and has continued recording her thoughts and feelings on that day ever since. This book collects forty of these intimate essays, written between 1960 and 2000. Wolf, one of the most important authors of the twentieth century, writes about the demands and rewards of being a wife and mother and contemplates national and global events during the course of that one day a year.
Cassandra (English and German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 157.66 $In this volume, the distinguished East German writer Christa Wolf retells the story of the fall of Troy, but from the point of view of the woman whose visionary powers earned her contempt and scorn. Written as a result of the author's Greek travels and studies, Cassandra speaks to us in a pressing monologue whose inner focal points are patriarchy and war. In the four accompanying pieces, which take the form of travel reports, journal entries, and a letter, Wolf describes the novel's genesis. Incisive and intelligent, the entire volume represents an urgent call to examine the past in order to insure a future.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.68 $Ean: 9788422623571 Tipo: Libros Título: Casandra Autor: Christa Wolf Editorial: Circulo de Lectores, Barcelona Formato: Libro de Bolsillo Información Adicional: (ilustraciones de Nuria Quevedo )
One Day a Year
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.98 $"The rewards of reading Christa Wolf can be very considerable."-The Times Literary Supplement In 1960, East German writer Christa Wolf received a phone call from a Moscow newspaper asking if she would describe her experiences on a single day, September 27, "as precisely as possible." She was intrigued by the request and has continued recording her thoughts and feelings on that day ever since. This book collects forty of these intimate essays, written between 1960 and 2000. Wolf, one of the most important authors of the twentieth century, writes about the demands and rewards of being a wife and mother and contemplates national and global events during the course of that one day a year.
Bettina Brentano-von Arnim: Gender and Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.00 $n the last decade Bettina Brentano-von Arnim (1785-1859) has been rediscovered, reread, and reinterpreted by German feminists, including writer Christa Wolf. In the process, Brentano-von Armin has emerged as a politically and socially aware poetic talent, an author who developed narrative strategies, anticipating much of feminist thought today. Bettina Brentano-von Arnim, the first book in English devoted to Brentano-von Arnim's controversial views on gender, politics, and language theory, continues the process of recent rediscovery of this complex and brilliant author.Contemporary readers familiar with feminist debates will be well-acquainted with the subjects, but will undoubtedly be surprised at the modernist treatment given them by Bettina Brentano-von Arnim. The portrait that emerges is one of a woman who was, in the best sense of the word, unsettled, who wanted to unsettle, and who remains unsettling.
City of Angels or The Overcoat of Dr. Freud
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.36 $The stunning final novel from East Germany's most acclaimed writerThree years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the writer Christa Wolf was granted access to her newly declassified Stasi files. Known for her defiance and outspokenness, Wolf was not especially surprised to discover forty-two volumes of documents produced by the East German secret police. But what was surprising was a thin green folder whose contents told an unfamiliar―and disturbing―story: in the early 1960s, Wolf herself had been an informant for the Communist government. And yet, thirty years on, she had absolutely no recollection of it. Wolf's extraordinary autobiographical final novel is an account of what it was like to reckon with such a shocking discovery. Based on the year she spent in Los Angeles after these explosive revelations, City of Angels is at once a powerful examination of memory and a surprisingly funny and touching exploration of L.A., a city strikingly different from any Wolf had ever visited. Even as she reflects on the burdens of twentieth-century history, Wolf describes the pleasures of driving a Geo Metro down Wilshire Boulevard and watching episodes of Star Trek late at night. Rich with philosophical insights, personal revelations, and vivid descriptions of a diverse city and its citizens, City of Angels is a profoundly humane and disarmingly honest novel―and a powerful conclusion to a remarkable career in letters.
What Remains and Other Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.18 $What Remains collects Christa Wolf's short fiction, from her early work in the sixties to the recently published title story, which was widely debated when it appeared in Germany in 1990.These powerful and often very personal stories examine a wide range of topics, from sexual politics to the nature of memory. In "What Remains," an East German writer who is under observation by the secret police traces the way in which this almost constant surveillance gradually destroys every shred of normalcy in her life. In "Exchanging Glances," a woman remembers, from a far distance in time, place, and politics, the flight of her family from the advancing Russian Army during World War II. And in the biting and very funny satire "The New Life and Opinions of a Tomcat," we meet Max the cat, the devoted pet of a professor of applied psychology who is working on the realization of TOHUHA (Total Human Happiness), or the abolition of tragedy.What Remains offers a fascinating introduction to Wolf's work.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.56 $In this volume, the distinguished East German writer Christa Wolf retells the story of the fall of Troy, but from the point of view of the woman whose visionary powers earned her contempt and scorn. Written as a result of the author's Greek travels and studies, Cassandra speaks to us in a pressing monologue whose inner focal points are patriarchy and war. In the four accompanying pieces, which take the form of travel reports, journal entries, and a letter, Wolf describes the novel's genesis. Incisive and intelligent, the entire volume represents an urgent call to examine the past in order to insure a future.
What Remains and Other Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 178.57 $What Remains collects Christa Wolf's short fiction, from her early work in the sixties to the recently published title story, which was widely debated when it appeared in Germany in 1990.These powerful and often very personal stories examine a wide range of topics, from sexual politics to the nature of memory. In "What Remains," an East German writer who is under observation by the secret police traces the way in which this almost constant surveillance gradually destroys every shred of normalcy in her life. In "Exchanging Glances," a woman remembers, from a far distance in time, place, and politics, the flight of her family from the advancing Russian Army during World War II. And in the biting and very funny satire "The New Life and Opinions of a Tomcat," we meet Max the cat, the devoted pet of a professor of applied psychology who is working on the realization of TOHUHA (Total Human Happiness), or the abolition of tragedy.What Remains offers a fascinating introduction to Wolf's work.
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