14 products were found matching your search for Meditation Ricard Matthieu in 1 shops:
En Defensa De La Felicidad - Ricard Matthieu (papel)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.00 $Tras el exito de El monje y el filosofo, un autentico tratado de la felicidad, a la vez que una valiosa y convincente guia para nuestros individualismos carentes de puntos de referencia. Todos aspiramos a la felicidad, pero como encontrarla, conservarla e incluso definirla? A esta cuestion filosofica por excelencia, tratada por el pensamiento occidental con una mezcla de pesimismo y burla, Matthieu Ricard aporta la respuesta del budismo, una respuesta exigente pero tranquilizadora, optimista y accesible a todos. Dejar de buscar a toda costa la felicidad fuera de nosotros, aprender a mirar en nuestro interior pero a mirarnos un poco menos a nosotros mismos, familiarizarnos con una vision a la vez mas meditativa y mas altruista del mundo... Con el bagaje de su doble cultura, de su experiencia como monje, de su relacion con los mas grandes sabios, de su conocimiento de los textos sagrados asi como del sufrimiento de los hombres, el embajador mas popular y reconocido del budismo en Francia nos propone una reflexion apasionante sobre el camino de la autentica felicidad y los medios para alcanzarla. / Following the success of the monk and the philosopher, a real treaty to happiness, a valuable and compelling guide to our individualism, and missing reference points. We all aspire to happiness, but how to find, preserve and even define it? This philosophical question, treated by Western thought with a mixture of pessimism and mockery, Matthieu Ricard provides the answer on Buddhism, a demanding but reassuring reply, positive and accessible to all.
arte de la meditacion rustica ricard matthieu papel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.04 $Matthieu Ricard, declarado el hombre mas feliz de la tierra tras participar en un estudio sobre neurociencia afectiva de la Universidad de Wisconsin, vuelve con una guia espiritual y filosofica destinada a todos aquellos que desean iniciarse en la practica de una meditacion universal, basada en el desarrollo de las cualidades humanas. El espiritu, dice el autor, crea la experiencia del mundo y la traduce en forma de bienestar o sufrimiento. Por eso, modificando la forma de percibir las cosas, transformamos nuestra calidad de vida. El arte de la meditacion propone un sistema accesible para abordarla de forma gradual, empezando por los aspectos basicos y avanzando hacia los mas complejos: desde la postura y el espacio idoneos hasta los temas a meditar, como la calma interior, la superacion del ego o la naturaleza del espiritu. / Matthieu Ricard, declared ""the happiest man on earth"" after participating in a study on affective neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin, is back with a philosophical and spiritual guide for those wishing to start the practice of the universal meditation, based in the development of human qualities. The spirit, says the author, creates the experience of the world and translated it in the form of welfare or suffering. Therefore, changing the way of perceiving things, we transform our quality of life.
The Art of Meditation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 195.63 $A number one bestseller in France, this is an elegant and inspiring short guide to the art of meditation: another instant classic from the bestselling author of Happiness. Wherever he goes, Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard is asked to explain what meditation is, how it is done and what it can achieve. In this elegant, authoritative and entirely accessible book, he sets out to answer these questions. Although meditation is a life-long process even for the wisest, "The Art of Meditation" demonstrates that by practicing it on a daily basis we can change our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. In this brilliant short book, Matthieu Ricard talks us through the theory, spirituality and practical aspects of meditation. He illustrates each stage of his teaching with examples and pictures, leading the reader deeper into their own practice. Through his experience as a monk, his close reading of sacred texts and his deep knowledge of the Buddhist masters, Matthieu Ricard shows the significant benefits that meditation, based on selfless love and compassion, can bring to each of us.
Chemins spirituels: Petite anthologie des plus beaux textes tibtains
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.84 $Après le succès de L'Art de la méditation et dans la même veine, cette anthologie proposée, traduite et commentée par Matthieu Ricard nous invite à un voyage initiatique passionnant au cœur du bouddhisme.
Buddhist Himalayas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.95 $This spectacular book invites the reader on a journey to a faraway exotic land and into an inner realm of spirituality. Photographers Olivier and Danielle Föllmi and Matthieu Ricard have dedicated more than twenty-five years to capturing the essence of Buddhism and the Himalayan spirit, focusing on the beauty of the majestic Tibetan countryside, the Tibetan people—spiritual masters and humble shepherds alike—and their sacred places. This harmonious visual mosaic of the unrivaled richness of this mountaintop civilization is enhanced by texts by eminent specialists on Tibetan cultur
El arte de la meditación (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $Matthieu Ricard, declarado el hombre mas feliz de la tierra tras participar en un estudio sobre neurociencia afectiva de la Universidad de Wisconsin, vuelve con una guia espiritual y filosofica destinada a todos aquellos que desean iniciarse en la practica de una meditacion universal, basada en el desarrollo de las cualidades humanas. El espiritu, dice el autor, crea la experiencia del mundo y la traduce en forma de bienestar o sufrimiento. Por eso, modificando la forma de percibir las cosas, transformamos nuestra calidad de vida. El arte de la meditacion propone un sistema accesible para abordarla de forma gradual, empezando por los aspectos basicos y avanzando hacia los mas complejos: desde la postura y el espacio idoneos hasta los temas a meditar, como la calma interior, la superacion del ego o la naturaleza del espiritu. / Matthieu Ricard, declared ""the happiest man on earth"" after participating in a study on affective neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin, is back with a philosophical and spiritual guide for those wishing to start the practice of the universal meditation, based in the development of human qualities. The spirit, says the author, creates the experience of the world and translated it in the form of welfare or suffering. Therefore, changing the way of perceiving things, we transform our quality of life.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.93 $A moving journey into the heart of Buddhist spirituality and into the daily life and festivals of people in the Tibetan interior."Matthieu's spiritual life and his camera are one and the same, and it is from this unity that these fleeting yet eternal images spring."—Henri Cartier-BressonMatthieu Ricard has lived in Nepal for over thirty years. During this time he has forged close ties with some of Buddhism's greatest spiritual masters, from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, for whom he is the official French interpreter.Ricard's status as a monk and his knowledge of the Tibetan people and culture have opened many doors to him: he has been able to follow pilgrimages made by the great lamas of eastern Tibet; to bear witness to the artistry of wood-engravers at the gigantic, mysterious Dege printing press; and to meet hermit monks in extremely remote regions of Kham. These experiences and many others are recorded here in 191 sublime color photographs.
Buddhist Himalayas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.75 $This spectacular book invites the reader on a journey to a faraway exotic land and into an inner realm of spirituality. Photographers Olivier and Danielle Föllmi and Matthieu Ricard have dedicated more than twenty-five years to capturing the essence of Buddhism and the Himalayan spirit, focusing on the beauty of the majestic Tibetan countryside, the Tibetan people—spiritual masters and humble shepherds alike—and their sacred places. This harmonious visual mosaic of the unrivaled richness of this mountaintop civilization is enhanced by texts by eminent specialists on Tibetan cultur
Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.95 $The author of the international bestseller Happiness makes a passionate case for altruism--and why we need it now more than ever.In Happiness, Matthieu Ricard demonstrated that true happiness is not tied to fleeting moments or sensations, but is an enduring state of soul rooted in mindfulness and compassion for others. Now he turns his lens from the personal to the global, with a rousing argument that altruism--genuine concern for the well-being of others--could be the saving grace of the 21st century. It is, he believes, the vital thread that can answer the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long term. Ricard's message has been taken up by major economists and thinkers, including Dennis Snower, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, and George Soros.Matthieu Ricard makes a robust and passionate case for cultivating altruistic love and compassion as the best means for simultaneously benefitting ourselves and our society. It's a fresh outlook on an ardent struggle--and one that just might make the world a better place.
Motionless Journey: From a Hermitage in the Himalayas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.55 $A sublime photographic record of Ricard's yearlong retreat in the foothills of the Himalayas.A photographer and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard recently spent one year in retreat at the hermitage of Pema Osel near Kathmandu. Surrounded by spectacular scenery, nestled between lush valleys and the towering Himalayas, Ricard meditated daily, waiting for the light that illuminates the path to awakening.Each day from his sublime viewpoint, he contemplated the different subtleties of light: at dawn, before dusk, and in the evening. At the rhythm of one image per week, he captured the magnificent landscapes that surrounded him. These photographs, taken from the hermitage's terrace and nearby, reflect the elation of bearing witness to nature's harmony. 80 color photographs.
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.69 $Le grand livre de Matthieu Ricard sur l'altruisme : en cette période de doutes tous azimuts, un sujet urgent, et qui nous concerne tous. Abreuvés d'images violentes, confrontés à une société en crise, on n'imagine pas la force de la bienveillance, le pouvoir de transformation positive qu'une véritable attitude altruiste peut avoir sur nos vies au plan individuel et, partant, sur la société tout entière. Moine bouddhiste depuis près de quarante ans, Matthieu Ricard, lui, expérimente les vertus de l'altruisme au quotidien. Au carrefour de la philosophie, de la psychologie, des neurosciences, de l'économie, de l'écologie, son Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme est la somme d'années de recherches, de lectures, d'expériences, d'observation et de réflexion. Avec le sens de la pédagogie qui le caractérise et toujours en s'appuyant sur des exemples très concrets, l'auteur de Plaidoyer pour le bonheur démontre point par point que l'altruisme n'est ni une utopie ni un vœu pieux, mais une nécessité, voire une urgence, dans notre monde de plus en plus interdépendant à l'heure de la mondialisation. Un essai passionnant, inspiré par un humanisme et une lucidité qui emportent l'adhésion.
Plaidoyer Pour L'Altruisme
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.69 $Matthieu RICARD a étudié la génétique cellulaire avant de se tourner vers le bouddhisme. Ordonné moine en 1978, il est l'un des spécialistes mondiaux du bouddhisme tibétain et l'interprète français du Dalaï-Lama. Confrontés à un monde en crise où règnent l'individualisme et le cynisme, nous n'imaginons pas la force de la bienveillance, le pouvoir qu'une attitude altruiste peut avoir sur nos vies et sur la société tout entière. Moine bouddhiste depuis près de quarante ans, Matthieu Ricard vit l'altruisme au quotidien, et nous démontre ici qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une utopie, mais bien d'une nécessité, voire d'une urgence. Dans ce livre nourri d'années de recherches et d'expériences, l'altruisme s'impose comme la solution pour redonner du sens à nos vies et soigner les maux contemporains. « Preuves scientifiques à l'appui [ce] livre est un plaidoyer contre le règne de l'égoïsme et du chacun pour soi. Un message enthousiasmant. » Psychologies Magazine
Cerebro y meditación: Diálogo entre el budismo y las neurociencias (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.75 $Collecting work that the authors have spent years confronting, Ricard and Singer share their answers to the following questions: Does meditation modify neural circuits? How do emotions transform? Which different states modify the conscious? What is the “I”? Does free will exist? What can we say about the nature of consciousness? In this work, Ricard and Singer have a profound dialogue between contemplation and modern science in hopes of penetrating the mysteries of the human mind.
Cerebro y meditación: Diálogo entre el budismo y las neurociencias (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.77 $Collecting work that the authors have spent years confronting, Ricard and Singer share their answers to the following questions: Does meditation modify neural circuits? How do emotions transform? Which different states modify the conscious? What is the “I”? Does free will exist? What can we say about the nature of consciousness? In this work, Ricard and Singer have a profound dialogue between contemplation and modern science in hopes of penetrating the mysteries of the human mind.
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