157 products were found matching your search for Memory Practices in the in 2 shops:
Memory Practices in the Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $How the way we hold knowledge about the past―in books, in file folders, in databases―affects the kind of stories we tell about the past.The way we record knowledge, and the web of technical, formal, and social practices that surrounds it, inevitably affects the knowledge that we record. The ways we hold knowledge about the past―in handwritten manuscripts, in printed books, in file folders, in databases―shape the kind of stories we tell about that past. In this lively and erudite look at the relation of our information infrastructures to our information, Geoffrey Bowker examines how, over the past two hundred years, information technology has converged with the nature and production of scientific knowledge. His story weaves a path between the social and political work of creating an explicit, indexical memory for science―the making of infrastructures―and the variety of ways we continually reconfigure, lose, and regain the past.At a time when memory is so cheap and its recording is so protean, Bowker reminds us of the centrality of what and how we choose to forget. In Memory Practices in the Sciences he looks at three "memory epochs" of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries and their particular reconstructions and reconfigurations of scientific knowledge. The nineteenth century's central science, geology, mapped both the social and the natural world into a single time package (despite apparent discontinuities), as, in a different way, did mid-twentieth-century cybernetics. Both, Bowker argues, packaged time in ways indexed by their information technologies to permit traffic between the social and natural worlds. Today's sciences of biodiversity, meanwhile, "database the world" in a way that excludes certain spaces, entities, and times. We use the tools of the present to look at the past, says Bowker; we project onto nature our modes of organizing our own affairs.
Unbranded Drum Practice Pad kit Stand with Memory Lock to Avoi...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 79.78 $This comprehensive set comprises a 12 inch drum practice pad, a drum pad stand, an essential drum key, and two pairs of 5A drumsticksThe 12 inch do...
Memory Practices in the Sciences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.39 $How the way we hold knowledge about the past―in books, in file folders, in databases―affects the kind of stories we tell about the past.The way we record knowledge, and the web of technical, formal, and social practices that surrounds it, inevitably affects the knowledge that we record. The ways we hold knowledge about the past―in handwritten manuscripts, in printed books, in file folders, in databases―shape the kind of stories we tell about that past. In this lively and erudite look at the relation of our information infrastructures to our information, Geoffrey Bowker examines how, over the past two hundred years, information technology has converged with the nature and production of scientific knowledge. His story weaves a path between the social and political work of creating an explicit, indexical memory for science―the making of infrastructures―and the variety of ways we continually reconfigure, lose, and regain the past.At a time when memory is so cheap and its recording is so protean, Bowker reminds us of the centrality of what and how we choose to forget. In Memory Practices in the Sciences he looks at three "memory epochs" of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries and their particular reconstructions and reconfigurations of scientific knowledge. The nineteenth century's central science, geology, mapped both the social and the natural world into a single time package (despite apparent discontinuities), as, in a different way, did mid-twentieth-century cybernetics. Both, Bowker argues, packaged time in ways indexed by their information technologies to permit traffic between the social and natural worlds. Today's sciences of biodiversity, meanwhile, "database the world" in a way that excludes certain spaces, entities, and times. We use the tools of the present to look at the past, says Bowker; we project onto nature our modes of organizing our own affairs.
Making Memories: Practice Mindfulness, Learn to Journal and Scrapbook, Find Calm Every Day
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.64 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.88
Language, Counter Memory, Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.47 $Because of their range, brilliance, and singularity, the ideas of the philosopher-critic-historian Michel Foucault have gained extraordinary currency throughout the Western intellectual community. This book offers a selection of seven of Foucault's most important published essays, translated from the French, with an introductory essay and notes by Donald F. Bouchard. Also included are a summary of a course given by Foucault at College de France; the transcript of a conversation between Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; and an interview with Foucault that appeared in the journal Actuel.Professor Bouchard has divided the book into three closely related sections. The four essays in Part One examine language as a "perilous limit" of what we know and what we are. The essays in the second part suggest the methodological guidelines to which Foucault subscribes, and they record, in the editor's words, "the penetration of the language of literature into the domain of discursive thought." The material in the last section is more obviously political than the essays. It treats language in use, language attempting to impart knowledge and power.Translated by the editor and Sherry Simon into fluent and lucid English, these essays will appeal primarily to students of literature, especially those interested in contemporary continental structuralist criticism. But because of the breadth of Foucault's interests, they should also prove valuable to anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, and psychologists.
Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.56 $Because of their range, brilliance, and singularity, the ideas of the philosopher-critic-historian Michel Foucault have gained extraordinary currency throughout the Western intellectual community. This book offers a selection of seven of Foucault's most important published essays, translated from the French, with an introductory essay and notes by Donald F. Bouchard. Also included are a summary of a course given by Foucault at College de France; the transcript of a conversation between Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; and an interview with Foucault that appeared in the journal Actuel.Professor Bouchard has divided the book into three closely related sections. The four essays in Part One examine language as a "perilous limit" of what we know and what we are. The essays in the second part suggest the methodological guidelines to which Foucault subscribes, and they record, in the editor's words, "the penetration of the language of literature into the domain of discursive thought." The material in the last section is more obviously political than the essays. It treats language in use, language attempting to impart knowledge and power.Translated by the editor and Sherry Simon into fluent and lucid English, these essays will appeal primarily to students of literature, especially those interested in contemporary continental structuralist criticism. But because of the breadth of Foucault's interests, they should also prove valuable to anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, and psychologists.
Human Memory: Theory and Practice, Revised Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.87 $Reformatted and including new chapters, this revised edition covers the topic of human memory and includes the role of consciousness in learning and memory, previously omitted from the first publication due to a lack of agreement about the new area of research. The three additional chapters cover: the philosophy and empirical factors influencing the study of consciousness; implicit knowledge and learning; and the evidence for implicit memory and its relationship to the phenomenal experience of 'remembering' and 'knowing'.
Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.83 $Memory making is a social practice that links people and things together across time and space and ultimately has material consequences. The intersection of matter and social practice becomes archaeologically visible through the deposits created during social activities. Memories are made, not just experienced, and their material traces allow us to understand the materiality of these practices. Indeed, materiality is not just material culture repackaged. Instead, it is about the interaction of humans and materials within a set of cultural relationships. In this book the authors focus on a set of case studies that illustrate how social memories were made through repeated, patterned, and engaged social practices. Memory work also refers to the interpretive activities scholars perform when studying social memory. The contributors to this volume share a common goal to map out the different ways in which to study social memories in past societies programmatically and tangibly.
Testing Semiconductor Memories: Theory and Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 181.57 $Goor (EE, Delft U.) presents memory test models on the chip, array, and board level. For each a class of fault models is introduced together with opposite tests. He particularly stresses the appropriateness of fault models to their class. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Memory as Philosophy : The Theory and Practice of Philosophical Recollection
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.35 $Dustin Peone argues that memory is the foundation of philosophical thought. This may seem strange to the contemporary reader, but it is something that philosophers themselves have known since before Socrates. Peone advocates a doctrine of “memory as philosophy” that ties philosophical recollection back to the wisdom of the Muses, daughters of Memory, who sing of “what was, is, and shall be.” Part One draws on the work of philosophers from Cicero to Vico to Bergson to articulate the meaning and significance of memory. Peone understands memory not merely in its psychological sense but as the key to metaphysical and moral thinking. Part Two takes up the philosophical history of memory. Peone gives an overview of its role as both a speculative and technical instrument from ancient Greece through Renaissance Europe. Then with the rise of modernity and the critical philosophy of Descartes, the memory tradition falls into disrepute. Why did this happen? Was it accidental? Is a philosophical system grounded in memory possible after Descartes? In the final chapters, Montaigne and Hegel are analyzed as practitioners of “memory as philosophy” in the modern world.
Memory as Philosophy : The Theory and Practice of Philosophical Recollection
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.02 $Dustin Peone argues that memory is the foundation of philosophical thought. This may seem strange to the contemporary reader, but it is something that philosophers themselves have known since before Socrates. Peone advocates a doctrine of “memory as philosophy” that ties philosophical recollection back to the wisdom of the Muses, daughters of Memory, who sing of “what was, is, and shall be.” Part One draws on the work of philosophers from Cicero to Vico to Bergson to articulate the meaning and significance of memory. Peone understands memory not merely in its psychological sense but as the key to metaphysical and moral thinking. Part Two takes up the philosophical history of memory. Peone gives an overview of its role as both a speculative and technical instrument from ancient Greece through Renaissance Europe. Then with the rise of modernity and the critical philosophy of Descartes, the memory tradition falls into disrepute. Why did this happen? Was it accidental? Is a philosophical system grounded in memory possible after Descartes? In the final chapters, Montaigne and Hegel are analyzed as practitioners of “memory as philosophy” in the modern world.
Unbranded Pocket Guitar Practice Neck, 6 Fret Portable Guitar ...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 23.38 $The easiest and most effective tool for practicing guitar fingering, that allows you to practice more and quickly improve your muscle memory. It is...
Community Archives: The Shaping of Memory (Principles and Practice in Records Management and Archives)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.49 $How do archives and other cultural institutions such as museums determine the boundaries of a particular community, and of their own institutional reach, in constructing effective strategies and methodologies for selecting and maintaining appropriate material evidence? This book offers guidance to which archivists, record managers and museums professionals can turn to when faced with such issues in their daily work. This edited collection explores the relationships between communities and the records they create at a practical and scholarly level. It focuses on the ways in which records reflect community identity and collective memory, and the implications of capturing, appraising and documenting them - with particular focus on the ways in which recent advances in technology can overcome traditional obstacles, as well as how technologies themselves offer possibilities of creating new virtual communities. It is split into three parts: Context and concepts; Case studies: community archives, community and non-traditional recordkeeping, record loss, destruction and recovery, and online communities; and, practical implications. This will appeal to practitioners, researchers, and academics in the archives and records community and beyond.
Memory and Liturgy : The Place of Memory in the Composition and Practice of Liturgy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.76 $Memory is a major factor in the composition and practice of liturgy. Recent research into how the brain and memory function points the way to how liturgy can best meet the needs of worshippers. In Memory and Liturgy, Peter Atkins draws on the fruits of his research into the process of the brain and our memory and applies it to liturgical worship. His extensive experience in writing and using liturgy keeps this book rooted in reality. In its ten chapters the author applies the functioning of the brain and the memory to our remembrance of God in worship; God's memory of us through Baptism; our remembrance of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; the corporate memory of the community created through worship; the healing of memories of sin and pain through forgiveness; three aids to help us worship; the process of continuity and change in liturgy; and the connection between memory, imagination and hope. The conclusion summarizes the main practical issues. This provides a check-list for those serving on Liturgical Commissions and those involved in the teaching of the practice of liturgy. This book is a positive contribution to the ongoing search for suitable liturgical worship and music for the 21st century.
Memory Disorders Research & Clinical Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.47 $Addresses basic structural and functional aspects of normal and abnormal memory function and applies this knowledge to a variety of clinical conditions associated with memory impairment, integrating the disparate information derived from the investigative approaches of cognitive neuroscientists and
Testing Semiconductor Memories: Theory and Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.98 $Goor (EE, Delft U.) presents memory test models on the chip, array, and board level. For each a class of fault models is introduced together with opposite tests. He particularly stresses the appropriateness of fault models to their class. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Memory and Liturgy : The Place of Memory in the Composition and Practice of Liturgy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.33 $Memory is a major factor in the composition and practice of liturgy. Recent research into how the brain and memory function points the way to how liturgy can best meet the needs of worshippers. In Memory and Liturgy, Peter Atkins draws on the fruits of his research into the process of the brain and our memory and applies it to liturgical worship. His extensive experience in writing and using liturgy keeps this book rooted in reality. In its ten chapters the author applies the functioning of the brain and the memory to our remembrance of God in worship; God's memory of us through Baptism; our remembrance of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; the corporate memory of the community created through worship; the healing of memories of sin and pain through forgiveness; three aids to help us worship; the process of continuity and change in liturgy; and the connection between memory, imagination and hope. The conclusion summarizes the main practical issues. This provides a check-list for those serving on Liturgical Commissions and those involved in the teaching of the practice of liturgy. This book is a positive contribution to the ongoing search for suitable liturgical worship and music for the 21st century.
Improving Memory and Study Skills: Advances in Theory and Practice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.42 $In this primary text for a course on study skills, the authors focus on the interrelationships between physical/emotional health and mental powers. They present 12 chapters that talk about the memory system, self-assessment of memory and study skills, the effects of physical and emotional states on studying, memory manipulations and study skills, task specific manipulations, the physical environment and external aids, and the social context. The final chapter offers advice on how to integrate and act on this information. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Commemorative Practices in Science: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Collective Memory (Volume 14) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.63 $This volume breaks new ground in the study of how national culture, disciplinary tradition, epistemological choice, and political expediency affect the construction of collective memory and, then, how historians work with—and sometimes against—those constructions. Essays focus on a variety of commemorative rites, ranging from the quincentennial of Copernicus to the centennials of Pasteur, Darwin, and Planck; from the tercentenary of Harvard to the half centennial of Los Alamos; from the centennial of evolutionary theory to anniversaries of research schools in molecular biology. Contributors include Clark A. Elliott, Owen Gingerich, Dieter Hoffmann, Dominque Pestre, Robert W. Seidel, and V. Betty Smocovitis.
The Mnemonic Imagination: Remembering as Creative Practice (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 145.52 $An exploration of some of the key theoretical challenges and conceptual issues facing the emergent field of memory studies, from the relationship between experience and memory to the commercial exploitation of nostalgia, using the key concept of the mnemonic imagination.
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