10 products were found matching your search for Metro 2033 Redux in 1 shops:
2033. Metro 2034. Metro 2035 Russian Language Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.84 $Osnovnaia trilogiia i rasskaz iz tcikla «Metro». "Metro" Dmitriia Glukhovskogo perevedeno na 37 iazykov mira i izdano dvukhmillionnym tirazhom. Tretia mirovaia sterla chelovechestvo s litca Zemli. Planeta opustela. Megapolisy obrashcheny v prakh i pepel. Zheleznye dorogi rzhaveiut. Sputniki odinoko boltaiutsia na orbite. Radio molchit na vsekh chastotakh... Vyzhili tolko te, kto uslyshav sireny trevogi, uspel dobezhat do dverei moskovskogo metro. Tam, na glubine v desiatki metrov, na stantciiakh i v tunneliakh, liudi pytaiutsia perezhdat konetc sveta. Tam oni sozdali novyi mirok vmesto poteriannogo ogromnogo mira. Oni tcepliaiutsia za zhizn izo vsekh sil i otkazyvaiutsia sdavatsia. Oni mechtaiut vernutsia naverkh â€" odnazhdy, kogda radiatcionnyi fon ot iadernykh bombardirovok spadet. I ne ostavliaiut nadezhdy naiti drugikh vyzhivshikh... Pered vami â€" naibolee polnoe kollektcionnoe izdanie trilogii "Metro". Vpervye "Metro 2033", "Metro 2034", "Metro 2035" i novella "Evangelie ot Artema" vykhodiat pod odnoi oblozhkoi. Dmitrii Glukhovskii stavit tochku v sage, nad kotoroi rabotal dvadtcat let. Izdanie soderzhit netcenzurnuiu leksiku.
Metro 2033. English Hardcover Edition.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.00 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Metro 2033
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.57 $The year is 2033. The world has been reduced to rubble. Humanity is nearly extinct. The half-destroyed cities have become uninhabitable through radiation. Beyond their boundaries, they say, lie endless burned-out deserts and the remains of splintered forests. Survivors still remember the past greatness of humankind. But the last remains of civilisation have already become a distant memory, the stuff of myth and legend. More than 20 years have passed since the last plane took off from the earth. Rusted railways lead into emptiness. The ether is void and the airwaves echo to a soulless howling where previously the frequencies were full of news from Tokyo, New York, Buenos Aires. Man has handed over stewardship of the earth to new life-forms. Mutated by radiation, they are better adapted to the new world. Man's time is over. A few score thousand survivors live on, not knowing whether they are the only ones left on earth. They live in the Moscow Metro - the biggest air-raid shelter ever built. It is humanity's last refuge. Stations have become mini-statelets, their people uniting around ideas, religions, water-filters - or the simple need to repulse an enemy incursion. It is a world without a tomorrow, with no room for dreams, plans, hopes. Feelings have given way to instinct - the most important of which is survival. Survival at any price. VDNKh is the northernmost inhabited station on its line. It was one of the Metro's best stations and still remains secure. But now a new and terrible threat has appeared. Artyom, a young man living in VDNKh, is given the task of penetrating to the heart of the Metro, to the legendary Polis, to alert everyone to the awful danger and to get help. He holds the future of his native station in his hands, the whole Metro - and maybe the whole of humanity.
Metro 2033 Russian Language Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.27 $Russian Book. Publisher: AST: Astrel', M. Pages: 384. Year: 2019. Cover: Hardcover.
Metro 2033 Russian Language Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.39 $Russian Book. Publisher: AST: Astrel', M. Pages: 384. Year: 2019. Cover: Hardcover.
Metro 2033 (Comic). Band 4 (von 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.49 $Unread book in perfect condition.
2033. Metro 2034. Metro 2035 Russian Language Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.37 $Osnovnaia trilogiia i rasskaz iz tcikla «Metro». "Metro" Dmitriia Glukhovskogo perevedeno na 37 iazykov mira i izdano dvukhmillionnym tirazhom. Tretia mirovaia sterla chelovechestvo s litca Zemli. Planeta opustela. Megapolisy obrashcheny v prakh i pepel. Zheleznye dorogi rzhaveiut. Sputniki odinoko boltaiutsia na orbite. Radio molchit na vsekh chastotakh... Vyzhili tolko te, kto uslyshav sireny trevogi, uspel dobezhat do dverei moskovskogo metro. Tam, na glubine v desiatki metrov, na stantciiakh i v tunneliakh, liudi pytaiutsia perezhdat konetc sveta. Tam oni sozdali novyi mirok vmesto poteriannogo ogromnogo mira. Oni tcepliaiutsia za zhizn izo vsekh sil i otkazyvaiutsia sdavatsia. Oni mechtaiut vernutsia naverkh â€" odnazhdy, kogda radiatcionnyi fon ot iadernykh bombardirovok spadet. I ne ostavliaiut nadezhdy naiti drugikh vyzhivshikh... Pered vami â€" naibolee polnoe kollektcionnoe izdanie trilogii "Metro". Vpervye "Metro 2033", "Metro 2034", "Metro 2035" i novella "Evangelie ot Artema" vykhodiat pod odnoi oblozhkoi. Dmitrii Glukhovskii stavit tochku v sage, nad kotoroi rabotal dvadtcat let. Izdanie soderzhit netcenzurnuiu leksiku.
Metro 2034: Vol 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.52 $The superb and long-awaited sequel to the cult bestseller Metro 2033, the second volume in the Metro trilogy, Metro 2034 continues the story of survival and struggle that unfolds in the mazes of the Moscow subway after the World War Three. As the entire civilization was wiped out by atomic bombs and the surface of the planet is polluted with nuclear fallout, the only place suitable for man to live are shelters and bunkers, of which the largest is the subway system of Moscow, aka the Metro. The year is 2034. There's no hope for humans to once return to the surface of Earth, to repopulate the forsaken cities, and to become once again the masters of the world they used to be. So they rebuild a strange and grotesque civilization in the tunnels and at the stations of the subway. Stations become city-states that wage trade and war on each other. A fragile equilibrium is established. And then all can be ruined in matter of days. A new horrible threat looms that can eradicate the remains of humanity and end our era. It would take three unlikely heroes to face this menace... This is the first US edition of Metro 2034, containing black and white hip illustrations by Anton Grechko for each chapter. Translated from Russian by Andrew J. Bromfield, one of the top 5 world specialists.
Metro 2034
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.35 $The much anticipated sequel to the millioncopyselling cult international hit In the ruins of the apocalypse mankind fights for survival in the Moscow Metro The basis of two bestselling computer games Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light the Metro books have put Dmitry Glukhovsky in the vanguard of Russian speculative fiction alongside the creator of NIGHT WATCH Sergei Lukyanenko A year after the events of METRO 2033 the last few survivors of the apocalypse surrounded by mutants and monsters face a terrifying new danger as they hang on for survival in the tunnels of the Moscow Metro Featuring blistering action vivid and tough characters claustrophobic tension and dark satire the Metro books have become bestsellers across Europe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $Pages: 432 Language: Russian. Novaja kniga Dmitrija Glukhovskogo, avtora kultovykh romanov "Metro 2033", "Tekst" i stsenarista telekhita "Topi" Obe chasti proekta "Post" pod odnoj oblozhkoj! Posle korotkoj i jarostnoj Grazhdanskoj vojny ot prezhnej Rossii ostalas lish nebolshaja chast, kotoraja nazyvaet sebja Moskovskoj imperiej. Vostochnye granitsy ee prokhodjat vsego v neskolkikh sotnjakh kilometrov ot stolitsy, po Volge - otravlennoj, prevrativshejsja v nepreodolimuju pregradu. S samogo Raspada nikto ne prikhodil v Moskoviju iz-za Volgi. Sama tysjacheletnjaja Moskva stoit nezyblemo, nadezhno zaschischennaja so vsekh storon okhrannymi postami. Tut provodit smotr kazachikh vojsk sam imperator. Luchshikh iz luchshikh, khrabrejshikh iz khrabrykh on vyberet, chtoby poslat ikh v temnye zemli, kotorye kogda-to byli chastju velikoj Rossii, - poka ikh ne okhvatil mjatezh i oni ne byli predany anafeme. "Opredelenno luchshee iz napisannogo Dmitriem Glukhovskim na segodnja" Galina Juzefovich "Glukhovskij napisal dejstvitelno glubokij roman, vlozhiv v nego i filosofskie razmyshlenija, i khristianskij simvolizm, i osmyslenie segodnjashnej istorii, i jazykovuju stilizatsiju" Forbes" 9785171361921
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