53 products were found matching your search for Mixtvision FAR Lone Sails in 3 shops:
Lone Elk Part 1-2: The Life Story Of Bill Williams, Trapper And Guide Of The Far West (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.71 $Two Volumes In One. From The Old West Series No. 6 And 7. Stories Of Hunters And Trappers And Indians In The 1840's Around The Snake And North Platte Rivers.
Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Small
Vendor: Endclothing.com Price: 45.00 $ (+9.99 $)With a legacy that stretches far beyond the hardwood, Air Jordan’s Jumpman is one of the most recognisable and iconic motifs across the world. You’ll find it here on this Flight MVP T-Shirt, detailed with an airbrush effect for cool, casual wear. 100% Cotton, Crewneck, Printed Branding, Air Jordan. Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Small
Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size X-Large
Vendor: Endclothing.com Price: 45.00 $ (+9.99 $)With a legacy that stretches far beyond the hardwood, Air Jordan’s Jumpman is one of the most recognisable and iconic motifs across the world. You’ll find it here on this Flight MVP T-Shirt, detailed with an airbrush effect for cool, casual wear. 100% Cotton, Crewneck, Printed Branding, Air Jordan. Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size X-Large
Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Large
Vendor: Endclothing.com Price: 45.00 $ (+9.99 $)With a legacy that stretches far beyond the hardwood, Air Jordan’s Jumpman is one of the most recognisable and iconic motifs across the world. You’ll find it here on this Flight MVP T-Shirt, detailed with an airbrush effect for cool, casual wear. 100% Cotton, Crewneck, Printed Branding, Air Jordan. Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Large
Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Medium
Vendor: Endclothing.com Price: 45.00 $ (+9.99 $)With a legacy that stretches far beyond the hardwood, Air Jordan’s Jumpman is one of the most recognisable and iconic motifs across the world. You’ll find it here on this Flight MVP T-Shirt, detailed with an airbrush effect for cool, casual wear. 100% Cotton, Crewneck, Printed Branding, Air Jordan. Air Jordan Men's Flight MVP T-Shirt in Black/Sail, Size Medium
The Texas Right The Radical Roots of Lone Star Conservatism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.02 $In The Texas Right: The Radical Roots of Lone Star Conservatism, some of our most accomplished and readable historians push the origins of present-day Texas conservatism back to the decade preceding the twentieth century. They illuminate the initial factors that began moving Texas to the far right, even before the arrival of the New Deal.By demonstrating that Texas politics foreshadowed the partisan realignment of the erstwhile Solid South, the studies in this book challenge the traditional narrative that emphasizes the right-wing critique of modern America voiced by, among others, radical conservatives of the state’s Democratic Party, beginning in the 1930s. As the contributors show, it is impossible to understand the Jeffersonian Democrats of 1936, the Texas Regular movement of 1944, the Dixiecrat Party of 1948, the Shivercrats of the 1950s, state members of the John Birch Society, Texas members of Young Americans for Freedom, Reagan Democrats, and most recently, even, the Tea Party movement without first understanding the underlying impulses that produced their formation.
Lone Sailor
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.05 $Winner of the 1983 "Chichester Award". Jon Sanders was the first person to sail around the world twice singlehanded. He remained on board 419 days, 22 hours and 10 minutes. A vivid and remarkable account of a fantastic voyage.
The Biker's Guide to Texas: 25 Great Motorcycle Rides in the Lone Star State
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.68 $This is the book Texas bikers have been waiting for. There’s plenty about what to see and do along the way, but the focus is on the rides: Where to go, what signs to look for, how far the next turnoff is, when to be especially alert for what’s around a sharp bend, when you can expect to relax a bit and just cruise. These 25 great rides have been scouted by Dorothy Waldman, who became a Biker Babe in her fifties when she finally mustered the courage to get on a motorcycle. She quickly discovered the thrills of riding the back roads of the Lone Star state, from the North Texas woodlands and lakes—“bliss on a bike”—to the pastoral Gulf Coast to the tricky ride in Big Bend country along the Rio Grande—“The most desolate, the most adventurous, and the most memorable sixty-seven miles of pure riding ecstasy or pure terror,” a ride to be attempted, she warns, only after you’ve fully mastered your bike. Such pithy appraisals pepper the directions and route descriptions in The Biker’s Guide to Texas. All rides are carefully mapped. They come with hints on what to see, where to eat and where to stay.
Far-Flung Adventures: Corby Flood
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.35 $The second magical, funny, and fabulously illustrated story in the Far Flung Adventures from the authors of Fergus Crane and the Edge Chronicles.Corby Flood and her family are about to set sail on the rather ramshackle cruise ship, the S.S. Euphonia. Her boisterous brothers might not have noticed that anything is wrong, but Corby is highly observant and has a lot of time for note-taking and eavesdropping. Onboard, among the odd passengers and eccentric crew, there is a strange group of men in bowler-hats who call themselves The Brotherhood of Clowns. There's also a melancholy wailing sound coming from the hold. It's strictly out of bounds but Corby can't help investigating. What could be inside the crate she discovers down in the hold? As the ship arrives at its destination, Corby must enlist the help of some very well mustachioed locals to uncover the contents of the crate and the dark secrets of the menacing Clowns...
Sailing Alone Around The World: A Personal Account Of The First Solo Circumnavigation Of The Globe By Sail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.86 $The first lone circumnavigation of the globe under sailThis book is widely regarded a classic of sailing literature because it is an account written by the sailor who made the first solo navigation of the globe under sail. A biography of Joshua Slocum would make riveting reading in its own right, for inherent in him were all the attributes of the ideal seaman of the latter half of the nineteenth century. An unquenchable spirit of adventure propelled him through many voyages and hairsbreadth escapes from the forces of nature and pirates. In 1895 he set sail from America in 'Spray,' a 36' 9'' gaff rigged sloop oyster boat he had rebuilt himself. Navigating mainly without using his chronometer and only by 'dead-reckoning' Slocum sailed 'Spray' without actually touching the helm. His circumnavigation, which took three years to complete, covered a distance of some 46,000 miles. His triumphant return to America went virtually unnoticed-because the newspapers were focussed on the recent outbreak of war between Spain and America. This book, detailing his epic voyage and many adventures, was written shortly after his return, was serialised in magazines and became a rapid bestseller, earning glowing encomiums from many notably figures, especially from highly regarded authors of the time, including Arthur Ransome and Mark Twain, which elevated Joshua Slocum to international fame. This edition of his work is beautifully illustrated and is available in soft cover and hard cover with dust jacket. Leonaur hard covers are ideal for collections or to be presented as a forever treasured gift.
Dropping Anchor, Setting Sail : Geographies of Race in Black Liverpool
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.15 $The port city of Liverpool, England, is home to one of the oldest Black communities in Britain. Its members proudly date their history back at least as far as the nineteenth century, with the global wanderings and eventual settlement of colonial African seamen. Jacqueline Nassy Brown analyzes how this worldly origin story supports an avowedly local Black politic and identity--a theme that becomes a window onto British politics of race, place, and nation, and Liverpool's own contentious origin story as a gloriously cosmopolitan port of world-historical import that was nonetheless central to British slave trading and imperialism. This ethnography also examines the rise and consequent dilemmas of Black identity. It captures the contradictions of diaspora in postcolonial Liverpool, where African and Afro-Caribbean heritages and transnational linkages with Black America both contribute to and compete with the local as a basis for authentic racial identity. Crisscrossing historical periods, rhetorical modes, and academic genres, the book focuses singularly on "place," enabling its most radical move: its analysis of Black racial politics as enactments of English cultural premises. The insistent focus on English culture implies a further twist. Just as Blacks are racialized through appeals to their assumed Afro-Caribbean and African cultures, so too has Liverpool--an Irish, working-class city whose expansive port faces the world beyond Britain--long been beyond the pale of dominant notions of authentic Englishness. Dropping Anchor, Setting Sail studies "race" through clashing constructions of "Liverpool."
Scurvy: How a Surgeon, a Mariner, and a Gentlemen Solved the Greatest Medical Mystery of the Age of Sail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.78 $Scurvy took a terrible toll in the Age of Sail, killing more sailors than were lost in all sea battles combined. The threat of the disease kept ships close to home and doomed those vessels that ventured too far from port. The willful ignorance of the royal medical elite, who endorsed ludicrous medical theories based on speculative research while ignoring the life-saving properties of citrus fruit, cost tens of thousands of lives and altered the course of many battles at sea. The cure for scurvy ranks among the greatest of human accomplishments, yet its impact on history has, until now, been largely ignored. From the earliest recorded appearance of the disease in the sixteenth century, to the eighteenth century, where a man had only half a chance of surviving the scourge, to the early nineteenth century, when the British conquered scurvy and successfully blockaded the French and defeated Napoleon, Scurvy is a medical detective story for the ages, the fascinating true story of how James Lind (the surgeon), James Cook (the mariner), and Gilbert Blane (the gentleman) worked separately to eliminate the dreaded affliction. Scurvy is an evocative journey back to the era of wooden ships and sails, when the disease infiltrated every aspect of seafaring life: press gangs "recruit" mariners on the way home from a late night at the pub; a terrible voyage in search of riches ends with a hobbled fleet and half the crew heaved overboard; Cook majestically travels the South Seas but suffers an unimaginable fate. Brimming with tales of ships, sailors, and baffling bureaucracy, Scurvy is a rare mix of compelling history and classic adventure story.
Sail's Last Century: The Merchant Sailing Ship, 1830-1930 (Conway's History of the Ship)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.86 $A period that is commonly presented as a long, drawn out battle between sail and steam, this volume - the sixth in an ambitious series - sets out to prove that this was not the case and that shipowners, far from seeing the two types as irreconcilable rivals, invested in one or the other according to the usual commercial evaluation of potential risks and rewards.
Plain Sailing: Learning to See LIke a Sailor: A Manual of Sail Trim
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.72 $With this new, fresh, and highly readable introduction to sail trim, Dallas Murphy’s Plain Sailing goes far to demystify the often intimidating aspects of sailing that confront the unseasoned sailor. By focusing on “wind awareness,” Plain Sailing will help all sailors better understand the principles and practice of sail trim—how to adjust sails so they interact most efficiently with the wind. There is a direct relationship between sailing efficiency and sailing fun. Knowing when, how, and why to trim your sails is the essence of sailing. If you understand trim, you understand sailing. Plain Sailing also covers how to look at sails, how to distinguish good trim from bad, how to diagnose a blown-out sail, and much more. This book is essential reading for all beginning sailors, as well as for more experienced cruising sailors who want to get the most out of their boats.
Fire Sail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.82 $The New York Times–bestselling series continues with this pun-tastic epic quest and far-flung fantasy adventure. Lydell, a shy, naive man of twenty-one, and world-weary grandmother Grania could not be more different. But when their paths cross on the way to beseech the Good Magician to add some excitement to their extraordinarily dull lives, the one thing they have in common is about to get them more than they bargained for . . . Lydell and Grania’s exceptional integrity makes them valuable to the Good Magician. He promises to fulfill their hearts’ desires on the condition they pilot a fireboat to its new proprietors, whoever—and wherever—they may be. Along with an obnoxious bird and a robot dogfish as shipmates, they unfurl their sail of flame and cruise through the skies of Xanth, guided by cryptic clues. Picking up a crew of future children along the way, Lydell and Grania must plan a royal wedding, detonate an F-Bomb, evade illusion dragons, rescue Jack and Jill, find a princess for a werewolf prince, and face their greatest fears—all while remaining true to their compulsively honest selves. Fire Sail is the 42nd book in the Xanth series, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.
Women at Sea in the Age of Sail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.06 $In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many women experienced firsthand the perils and pleasures of life at sea. These venturesome women went to sea largely to be with their captain husbands and many proved themselves useful far beyond their roles as companions. Luckily for us, many of these seafaring women kept journals. Here, these women recount, in their own words, their impressions of the exotic places they visited, the homes they made and the children they raised afloat on the seas. Donal Baird has published various articles and books on his passions, sailing and firefighting.
Buy, Outfit, Sail : How to Inexpensively and Safely Buy, Outfit, and Sail a Small Vessel Around the World
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.01 $Overview: The primary aim is to assist the frugal, safety-conscious sailor in the purchase and repair of a modest sailboat capable of circumnavigating. The core premise: there is little correlation between dollars spent and pleasure received when it comes to cruising offshore. Cheaper boats can be far more seaworthy than their expensive counterparts if the skipper’s money is spent wisely. It is also a practical step-by-step guide to circumnavigating inexpensively—written by a freedom-loving sailor who has sailed twice around the world on a $3,000 salvaged boat. What equipment do you really to sail offshore? How can you acquire much of this gear for free or inexpensively? What items are cheap where? How can you earn "freedom chips" as you cruise? Which routes are best? What common cruising gear do you NOT need? Why? Buy, Outfit, and Sail even points out the advantages of being on a tight budget: more friends, sharing, destinations, time, culture, freedom, fun, camaraderie, parties, and a clearer cruising focus. In addition, it opens up a completely new, fresh “sea gypsy” world to the landlubber—a wonderful, wacky, watery world of international brotherhood upon the high seas. Of special interest is the unusual, non-PC section on earning-as-you-go. The book is divided into three main sections: How-to buy a boat for peanuts, How-to safely outfit that vessel cheaply, and How-to happily sail around the world on a handful of pennies. The focus is on simple, effective, practical, inexpensive solutions that allow the sailor-on-a-shoestring to have twice the fun on half the money. The dream of leisurely sailing around the world is neither an impossible nor unrealistic one. Dozens of sailors escape to paradise every day. Why not you?
Extreme Sail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.51 $The subculture of sailing thrives on adrenaline, with sailors vying to see just how far they can push their boats and crew. Today’s competitors have an insatiable desire to smash records and make history, as they conquer treacherous waters and near-impossible weather conditions. And maritime marathons, in which sailors race to circumnavigate the globe, are drawing more and more fearless competitors. This stunning book offers a look at sailing’s most extreme feats—including The America’s Cup, the Vendée Globe, the Sydney-Hobart, and the Ostar—with spectacular color photographs capturing the true spirit of the sport. Extreme Sail also features an engaging text, commentary from those who have competed in extreme events, and a directory of all the races, events, and competitions featured in the book.
Cape Horn Birthday: Record Breaking Solo Non-Stop Circumnavigation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.34 $Cape Horn Birthday documents the extraordinary non-stop round-the-world journey of a lone sailor and his thirty-two-foot sloop. GPS did not exist when Peter Freeman set sail from Victoria, British Columbia, in 1984. Peter navigated the old-fashioned way, with a compass, a sextant, books of tables, and his wits. Along the way, he had to rebuild the self-steering rudder, repair torn sails, and fix broken gear. Peter encountered a severe lightning storm, snow, and hailstorms as he sailed as close to the Antarctic ice as he dared. Near île Kerguélen in the South Indian Ocean, Laiviņa almost rolled over in a violent storm. While the little sloop was inverted, Peter was under water, helplessly tied to the pushpit rails holding his breath as he waited for the sturdy little craft to right herself. Along the New Zealand coastline, Peter joined in a race and took line honours for the Overseas Entry Class before crossing the Pacific back to Victoria, British Columbia. Upon arrival, Peter was greeted with the news that he had broken the existing world record.
Cape Horn Birthday: Record Breaking Solo Non-Stop Circumnavigation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.19 $Cape Horn Birthday documents the extraordinary non-stop round-the-world journey of a lone sailor and his thirty-two-foot sloop. GPS did not exist when Peter Freeman set sail from Victoria, British Columbia, in 1984. Peter navigated the old-fashioned way, with a compass, a sextant, books of tables, and his wits. Along the way, he had to rebuild the self-steering rudder, repair torn sails, and fix broken gear. Peter encountered a severe lightning storm, snow, and hailstorms as he sailed as close to the Antarctic ice as he dared. Near île Kerguélen in the South Indian Ocean, Laiviņa almost rolled over in a violent storm. While the little sloop was inverted, Peter was under water, helplessly tied to the pushpit rails holding his breath as he waited for the sturdy little craft to right herself. Along the New Zealand coastline, Peter joined in a race and took line honours for the Overseas Entry Class before crossing the Pacific back to Victoria, British Columbia. Upon arrival, Peter was greeted with the news that he had broken the existing world record.
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