5259 products were found matching your search for Moderne Sans Serif Schrift in 2 shops:
L'hebreu sans peine: (hebreu moderne) (Methodes Assimil. Serie Sans peine) (French Edition) (Hebrew Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.88 $The Assimil method for teaching foreign languages is through the listening of audio cd's and the reading of an accompanying book, one side native language, one side foreign language. This method is focused on learning whole sentences, for an organic learning of the grammar. It begins with a long passive phase of only reading and listening, and eventually adds active exercises. Most books contain around 100 lessons, with the active phase starting on Lesson 50. The word Assimil comes from assimilation.Several different series are published: With Ease series, which teach basic rules of grammar and a vocabulary of 2000-3000 words; Perfectionnement series, which teaches more advanced idiosyncrasies and idioms of the target language; Business series, which focuses on vocabulary related to international business; Idioms series, which teaches common idioms
Kafka : Organisation, Recht und Schrift
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.39 $Neuware - Kafkas Literatur ist mit den Diskursen der Moderne in Sachen Organisation und Recht kontaminiert und führt doch über deren codiertes Wissen hinaus. Dass Kafka Jurist und genauer Kenner der industriellen Produktion, der Bürokratie und der Versicherungswirtschaft war, hat, wie besonders Stanley Corngold und Benno Wagner gezeigt haben, Spuren in seinem literarischen Werk hinterlassen. Der vorliegende Band untersucht die Korrespondenzen, die dieses Werk Kafkas zu jenen Diskursen unterhält.Die Beiträge zeigen, dass Kafka-Lektüren und der Blick auf sein Schreibverfahren zu verstörenden Einsichten in die Funktionsweisen von Organisation und Recht, von Gesetzen und Regeln, von Kommunikation und Herrschaft führen - und umgekehrt, dass avancierte Organisations- und Rechtstheorien das Verständnis der Literatur Kafkas erhellen. Dabei ist es nicht zuletzt die Differenz zwischen Kafkas literarischen Fiktionen und den Theoriefiktionen der Sozialwissenschaften, die in Frage steht.Führende Literatur-, Organisations- und Rechtswissenschaftler/innen sondieren in diesem Band das Verhältnis von Literatur und Sozialwissenschaften am Beispiel Kafkas.Mit Beiträgen von Christian Becker, Timon Beyes, Rüdiger Campe, Stanley Corngold, Jana Costas, Barbara Czarniawska, Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Robin Holt, Christian Huber, Wolf Kittler, Günther Ortmann, Carlo Salzani, Manfred Schneider, Marianne Schuller, Amadou Korbinian Sow, Gunther Teubner, Benno Wagner und Samuel Weber.
Schrift des Ephemeren
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.00 $Notenschrift ist ihrem Wesen nach dazu bestimmt, ephemere Zeitphanomene schriftlich zu fixieren. Im Laufe der Geschichte entstanden verschiedene Notationssysteme, die zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne fortwahrend weiterentwickelt wurden. Die im vorliegenden Band gesammelten Aufsatze nehmen diese beiden fur die Frage nach der visuellen Qualitat von Notation zentralen Epochen in den Fokus. 'Wenn der Mensch Tone nicht im Gedachtnis bewahrt, gehen sie verloren, denn man kann sie nicht aufschreiben', sagt Isidor von Sevilla zu Beginn des 7. Jahrhunderts in seinen Etymologiae. Doch bereits ab dem 9. Jahrhundert breitete sich eine erste Verschriftlichung des liturgischen Gesangs in Neumen aus. Mit den zunehmenden raumlichen Darstellungsweisen der Tonhohen ab dem 11. Jahrhundert und mit der Notenschrift der musica mensurabilis ab dem 13. Jahrhundert setzten sich Systeme durch, die rhythmisch proportionierte Dauerver haltnisse schriftlich erfassen konnten. Daraus entwickelte sich eine musikalische Notation, die bis in die Gegenwart reichen sollte. Seit den 1950er Jahren entstand parallel dazu eine neue Form des Notierens, die graphische Notation, die auf einer tiefgehenden Verschrankung des Auditiven und des Ikonischen grundet. Aus einer bildtheoretischen Perspektive setzen sich die Beitrage in diesem Band mit verschiedenen Formen der Niederschrift akustischer Phanomene auseinander. Einzelaspekte wie Gedachtnis, Performanz und das Verhaltnis von Notation und Schrift werden in acht Aufsatzen und einer Einleitung diskutiert.
Slab Serif Type: A Century of Bold Letterforms
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.62 $A compact, yet comprehensive design resource, expertly selected by graphic design’s leading historiansThe slab serif typeface―in their classic form, wood types made for large-scale posters, ads, and newspapers―may not be as all-purpose as the gothic or sans serif, but it is equal, if not more powerful, in graphic appeal. Since being introduced in the nineteenth century, slabs have become ubiquitous and are today as popular as ever.Slabs come from a genre of Egyptian typefaces (some of the leading slabs are called Cairo and Sphinx) brought back to France by Napoleon and marketed in specimen sheets and books as representing a glorious heritage brought to the present. In 1931, Morris Fuller Benton created the Stymie typeface, a reworking of a slab serif type popular in Europe at that time: Memphis. The IBM logo is one of the most famous slab serif marks. The serifs were often exaggerated so they would not result in simply beautiful letterforms but would be functionally superior to other faces. Slabs, therefore, came in many iterations and were eventually recognized as a face with many characters―and nationalities.Following the cult typography volumes Scripts, Shadow Type, and Stencil Type, this new volume comprises an artfully curated selection of hundreds of international and classic examples to inspire fresh and unexpected typographic ideas. 500+ illustrations, 450+ in color
Structure du français moderne, quatrià me à dition (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.46 $Le but de cet ouvrage est d'initier à l'analyse linguistique en dégageant la structure du français moderne. Cela, de la manière la plus claire possible, sans jargon inutile. Notre analyse est ouverte à tous les courants et non enfermé dans une école contraignante. L'étude de la langue nous mène à des implications stylistiques, esthétiques et sociales, d'où des incursions dans les variations individuelles, dialectales et idéologiques. Les variations du français de France, comme celles du Canada occupent ici une large place.Des exercices à la fin de chaque chapitre offrent le moyen d'appliquer les connaissances acquises. Du bon temps en perspective pour les curieux et les amoureux de la langue!Featuresla quatrième édition de Structure du français moderne est destinée spécialement aux étudiants qui apprennent le français comme langue secondele manuel comprend des exemples tirés non seulement du français européen, mais aussi des variétés du français que l'on trouve en Amérique du Nord et des créoles à base lexicale française que l'on trouve dans les Antilles et dans l'océan indienon trouvera à la fin du manuel un glossaire des termes utilisésles questions à la fin des chapitres ont été entièrement révisées et de nouvelles questions ont été ajoutées
Structure Du Francais Moderne : Trosieme Edition Revue : Introduction a l'analyse linguistique -Language: french
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.21 $Le but de cet ouvrage est d'initier à l'analyse linguistique en dégageant la structure du français moderne. Cela, de la manière la plus claire possible, sans jargon inutile. Notre analyse est ouverte à tous les courants et non enfermé dans une école contraignante. L'étude de la langue nous mène à des implications stylistiques, esthétiques et sociales, d'où des incursions dans les variations individuelles, dialectales et idéologiques. Les variations du français de France, comme celles du Canada occupent ici une large place.Des exercices à la fin de chaque chapitre offrent le moyen d'appliquer les connaissances acquises. Du bon temps en perspective pour les curieux et les amoureux de la langue!Featuresla quatrième édition de Structure du français moderne est destinée spécialement aux étudiants qui apprennent le français comme langue secondele manuel comprend des exemples tirés non seulement du français européen, mais aussi des variétés du français que l'on trouve en Amérique du Nord et des créoles à base lexicale française que l'on trouve dans les Antilles et dans l'océan indienon trouvera à la fin du manuel un glossaire des termes utilisésles questions à la fin des chapitres ont été entièrement révisées et de nouvelles questions ont été ajoutées
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 7 3/4
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 8
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
Nike DUNK HIGH GRADE-SCHOOL - Black,White - Size: 3.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 100.00 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Dunk Low is an easy score for your kiddo's closet. This mid-'80s hoops icon returns with super-durable construction and OG colors. Add in a rubber sole for traction and this one's an easy slam dunk for young sneaker heads.Real and synthetic leatherCollar and
Nike Blazer Mid '77 Grade-School - Black,White - Size: 4.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 29.98 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Blazer Mid '77 harnesses the old-school look of Nike Basketball with a throwback feel. This classic model is done in tumbled leather with suede overlays.Leather upperSuede overlaysSwoosh overlays at sidesPadded ankle collarTraditional lacing systemNike branding at heelVulcanized rubber sole
Nike Blazer Mid '77 Grade-School - Black,White - Size: 5.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 29.98 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Blazer Mid '77 harnesses the old-school look of Nike Basketball with a throwback feel. This classic model is done in tumbled leather with suede overlays.Leather upperSuede overlaysSwoosh overlays at sidesPadded ankle collarTraditional lacing systemNike branding at heelVulcanized rubber sole
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 7
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
Nike Little Posite One Grade-School - Black - Size: 4.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 49.98 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Little Posite One (GS) Boys' Shoe offers total comfort and support, with a durably molded upper, resilient foam midsole and rubber outsole for traction.Product Details:Molded foam upper is lightweight and durable.Foam midsole provides lightweight, resilient cushioning.Rubber outsole delivers durable traction.Pull tabs at the heel and tongue for easy on and off.The original mold for the Foamposite One was hand-sculpted by a Nike designer in the mid-1990s. That same form has since been used in many of the most popular basketball-inspired styles of all time.
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 7 3/8
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 8 1/8
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
Nike DUNK HIGH GRADE-SCHOOL - Black,White - Size: 5.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 100.00 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Dunk Low is an easy score for your kiddo's closet. This mid-'80s hoops icon returns with super-durable construction and OG colors. Add in a rubber sole for traction and this one's an easy slam dunk for young sneaker heads.Real and synthetic leatherCollar and
Nike Blazer Mid '77 Grade-School - Black,White - Size: 6.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 29.98 $ (+10.95 $)The Nike Blazer Mid '77 harnesses the old-school look of Nike Basketball with a throwback feel. This classic model is done in tumbled leather with suede overlays.Leather upperSuede overlaysSwoosh overlays at sidesPadded ankle collarTraditional lacing systemNike branding at heelVulcanized rubber sole
Adidas TOP TEN HI OG 'BOSTON' - Green - Size: 11.5
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 49.98 $ (+10.95 $)After an impressive run in the big leagues, the Top Ten Hi made the leap from basketball star to streetwear staple in the '80s. Today's version of the iconic shoes stays true to the legacy with a leather upper and shiny 3-Stripes and collar detailing. A padded tongue and rubber cupsole finish the look.Product DetailsRegular fitLace closureFull grain leather upperHerringbone-pattern rubber outsole
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 49.98 $ (+10.95 $)Equipped with a streamlined one-piece upper and Zoom Air technology for responsive cushioning, Nike Air Foamposite 1 Shoe delivers a bold look, circa 1997. Lightweight cushioning in a 3/4-high profile keeps you comfortable in retro hoops style.Foamposite upper for a lightweight fit and a modern look.Zoom Air technology for responsive, low-profile cushioning.Durable rubber outsole has a herringbone pattern for traction.
New Era Mlb Atlanta Braves Authentic Collection Fitted - Black,Red - Size: 7 1/2
Vendor: Dtlr.com Price: 41.99 $ (+10.95 $)Share your fandom with everyone when you put on this fitted hat from New Era. The embroidered graphics are unique and will let your zest for your favorite team shine through.High CrownStructured fitFlat billFittedSix panels with eyeletsRaised embroideryWoven appliqueOfficially licensedImported
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