12 products were found matching your search for Neuter in 3 shops:
NEUTER Translated & with an Intro. By Lorene M. Birden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $Neuter summarizes Helene Cixous's early concerns - self, language, meaning, relations, ecriture feminine - by laying bare metaphors, incorporating existing material, and developing text by association, fragmentation, and play on signifiers. Its "substance" is nebulous; its woven structure determines the presence and function of all its elements and expresses Cixous's guiding philosophy. Neuter's goal is to transform the narratives, myths, and discourses that mold our selves, provoking a revelation through new juxtapositions of the self with all others or new relations. The title reflects both Cixous's focus on language and her attempt to free us from sexual preconceptions. Helene Cixous is an author and critic whose fiction has received less attention because her prose is highly experimental and grounded in its original languages. Lorene M. Birden is a literary researcher and translator.
Neuter River
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 2.06 $ (+1.99 $)Neuter River Neuter River - LP 793447526829
High-Quality, High-Volume Spay and Neuter and Other Shelter Surgeries
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 90.24 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
1966 Fender Coronado XII bridge complete
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 250.00 $ (+15.00 $)Nice condition! Nice patina. fully functional and complete. ships fully neuter and packaged with care.
Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff, Second Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.03 $Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff, Second Edition is the premier reference on shelter medicine. Divided into sections on management, species-specific animal husbandry, infectious disease, animal cruelty, shelter programs, behavior, and spay/neuter, the new edition has been reformatted in a more user-friendly design with briefer chapters and information cross-referenced between chapters. Maintaining a herd health approach, new and expanded chapters address issues of husbandry, infectious disease management, behavior forensics, population management, forensic toxicology, animal cruelty and hoarding, enrichment in shelters, spay/neuter, and shelter design. Now in full color, this fully updated new edition delivers a vast array of knowledge necessary to provide appropriate and humane care for shelter animals. Veterinarians, veterinary technicians and shelter professionals will find this to be the go-to resource on the unique aspects of shelter medicine that help facilitate operating a modern, efficient, and humane shelter.
Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff 2ed (pb 2013)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.39 $Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff, Second Edition is the premier reference on shelter medicine. Divided into sections on management, species-specific animal husbandry, infectious disease, animal cruelty, shelter programs, behavior, and spay/neuter, the new edition has been reformatted in a more user-friendly design with briefer chapters and information cross-referenced between chapters. Maintaining a herd health approach, new and expanded chapters address issues of husbandry, infectious disease management, behavior forensics, population management, forensic toxicology, animal cruelty and hoarding, enrichment in shelters, spay/neuter, and shelter design. Now in full color, this fully updated new edition delivers a vast array of knowledge necessary to provide appropriate and humane care for shelter animals. Veterinarians, veterinary technicians and shelter professionals will find this to be the go-to resource on the unique aspects of shelter medicine that help facilitate operating a modern, efficient, and humane shelter.
English-Norwegian / Norwegian-English Dictionary (English and Norwegian Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.97 $The English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English dictionary fulfills the need for a practical and handy pocket dictionary for tourists and people who are studying Norwegian. Over 10,000 total dictionary entries Phonetic guide to pronunciation Select listing of Norwegian irregular verbs Appendix featuring Norwegian neuter gender nouns Ideal for students, travelers, and businesspeople Word-to-word dictionary--no definitions
Sexing the World : Grammatical Gender and Biological Sex in Ancient Rome
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.42 $From the moment a child in ancient Rome began to speak Latin, the surrounding world became populated with objects possessing grammatical gender―masculine eyes (oculi), feminine trees (arbores), neuter bodies (corpora). Sexing the World surveys the many ways in which grammatical gender enabled Latin speakers to organize aspects of their society into sexual categories, and how this identification of grammatical gender with biological sex affected Roman perceptions of Latin poetry, divine power, and the human hermaphrodite.Beginning with the ancient grammarians, Anthony Corbeill examines how these scholars used the gender of nouns to identify the sex of the object being signified, regardless of whether that object was animate or inanimate. This informed the Roman poets who, for a time, changed at whim the grammatical gender for words as seemingly lifeless as "dust" (pulvis) or "tree bark" (cortex). Corbeill then applies the idea of fluid grammatical gender to the basic tenets of Roman religion and state politics. He looks at how the ancients tended to construct Rome's earliest divinities as related male and female pairs, a tendency that waned in later periods. An analogous change characterized the dual-sexed hermaphrodite, whose sacred and political significance declined as the republican government became an autocracy. Throughout, Corbeill shows that the fluid boundaries of sex and gender became increasingly fixed into opposing and exclusive categories.Sexing the World contributes to our understanding of the power of language to shape human perception.
PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.51 $The increased acceptance of Trap-Neuter-Return in recent years has led to a shift in the discussion from whether to do it to how to do it most effectively. The shift has opened a window of opportunity to implement TNR on a community-wide scale throughout the nation. This new guide provides TNR proponents a blueprint of how to use TNR to reduce pet overpopulation in the whole community. Every community is different and this guide, based on the collective experience gained since the original version, presents a variety of tactics and tools that can be adapted to fit the needs of each unique situation.
Sexing the World : Grammatical Gender and Biological Sex in Ancient Rome
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.62 $From the moment a child in ancient Rome began to speak Latin, the surrounding world became populated with objects possessing grammatical gender―masculine eyes (oculi), feminine trees (arbores), neuter bodies (corpora). Sexing the World surveys the many ways in which grammatical gender enabled Latin speakers to organize aspects of their society into sexual categories, and how this identification of grammatical gender with biological sex affected Roman perceptions of Latin poetry, divine power, and the human hermaphrodite.Beginning with the ancient grammarians, Anthony Corbeill examines how these scholars used the gender of nouns to identify the sex of the object being signified, regardless of whether that object was animate or inanimate. This informed the Roman poets who, for a time, changed at whim the grammatical gender for words as seemingly lifeless as "dust" (pulvis) or "tree bark" (cortex). Corbeill then applies the idea of fluid grammatical gender to the basic tenets of Roman religion and state politics. He looks at how the ancients tended to construct Rome's earliest divinities as related male and female pairs, a tendency that waned in later periods. An analogous change characterized the dual-sexed hermaphrodite, whose sacred and political significance declined as the republican government became an autocracy. Throughout, Corbeill shows that the fluid boundaries of sex and gender became increasingly fixed into opposing and exclusive categories.Sexing the World contributes to our understanding of the power of language to shape human perception.
Der, Die, Das: The Secrets of German Gender
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.76 $The challenge that English-language speakers face if they want to speak German well, is to accurately map German nouns to one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine or neuter. Native German speakers acquire their knowledge of the grammatical gender of German nouns from early on. They are not given formal instruction at school about matching nouns to their correct gender, and the topic is not covered in standard German grammar books. For the same reason, native speakers who give German language lessons to foreigners do not teach their students how to match nouns to their gender: One cannot teach what one has not been taught.This book fills that gap in that it explains, in plain English, the principles that map German nouns to a specific gender. This allows foreign students of German to unlock the gender of entire categories of nouns, thereby enabling students to speak German more confidently.
The Left Hand of Darkness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.62 $Genly Ai is an ethnologist observing the people of the planet Gethen, a world perpetually in winter. The people there are androgynous, normally neuter, but they can become male ot female at the peak of their sexual cycle. They seem to Genly Ai alien, unsophisticated and confusing. But he is drawn into the complex politics of the planet and, during a long, tortuous journey across the ice with a politician who has fallen from favour and has been outcast, he loses his professional detachment and reaches a painful understanding of the true nature of Gethenians and, in a moving and memorable sequence, even finds love...
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