29 products were found matching your search for Nussbaum Martha Zorn und in 1 shops:
Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics : Alasdair MacIntyre, Martha Nussbaum, Robert Spaemann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.22 $Used book that is in excellent condition. May show signs of wear or have minor defects.
ocultamiento de lo humano el martha craven nussbaum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 414.72 $En este libro poderoso y elegantemente escrito, Martha Nussbaum, una de las filósofas más influyentes de la actualidad, critica el rol que la vergüenza y la repugnancia tienen en nuestras vidas individuales y sociales y, en particular, en el derecho. La autora sostiene que debemos desconfiar de estas emociones, que se asocian de modos problemáticos con el deseo de ocultarnos de nuestra humanidad, expresando una voluntad no realista y a veces patológica de ser invulnerables, y afirma que la repugnancia corporiza "ideas mágicas de contaminación y aspiraciones imposibles de pureza". Nussbaum sostiene igualmente que también debemos desconfiar de lo que llama "vergüenza primitiva", una vergüenza "del hecho mismo de la imperfección humana", y es duramente crítica del rol que esa vergüenza cumple en ciertos castigos. Basándose en una variedad extraordinariamente rica de referencias filosóficas, psicológicas e históricas -desde Aristóteles y Freud hasta ideas de los nazis sobre pureza- y en ejemplos del derecho tan diversos como los juicios contra Oscar Wilde y casos de manipulación de información empresaria para obtener ganancias de modo ilegal, Martha Nussbaum hace, con esta obra, un fundamental aporte a la filosofía legal y moral.
Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics: Alasdair MacIntyre, Martha Nussbaum, Robert Spaemann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.95 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.21
Fabelland: Der Osten, der Westen, der Zorn und das Glück
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.46 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
[(Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach)] [by: Martha C. Nussbaum]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $If a country’s gross domestic product increases each year, but so does the percentage of its people deprived of basic education, health care and other opportunities, is that country really making progress? if we rely on conventional economic indicators, can we ever grasp how the world’s billions of individuals are really managing? in this powerful critique, martha nussbaum argues that our dominant theories of development have given us policies that ignore our most basic human needs for dignity and self-respect for the past twenty-five years, nussbaum has been working on an alternative model to assess human development: the capabilities approach she and her colleagues begin with the simplest of questions: what is each person actually able to do and to be? what real opportunities are available to them? the capabilities approach to human progress has until now been expounded only in specialized works creating capabilities, however, affords anyone interested in issues of human developm
Human Embrace : The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love : Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.75 $Starting from Søren Kierkegaard's insight that fully accepting the human condition requires one to live with the persistent temptation to escape from it, Ronald Hall finds similar concerns reflected in the work of two modern-day philosophers, Stanley Cavell and Martha Nussbaum, who equally find in a philosophy of love and marriage the key to understanding how humans may achieve happiness in the acceptance of their humanity.All three thinkers follow a "logic of paradox" in showing how success in the human quest to be human depends crucially on the struggle humans experience with the ever-present opportunities to pursue alternative paths. What Kierkegaard called "living existentially" can be achieved only after confronting and refusing the possibilities of living in "aesthetic," "ethical," or even "religious" denial of one's true humanity.By creating this dialogue between the nineteenth-century Danish thinker and two eminent twentieth-century philosophers, Hall reveals the continuing relevance of Kierkegaard's thought to our own age and its cogency as an interpretation of the human predicament.
Human Embrace : The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love : Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.23 $Starting from Søren Kierkegaard's insight that fully accepting the human condition requires one to live with the persistent temptation to escape from it, Ronald Hall finds similar concerns reflected in the work of two modern-day philosophers, Stanley Cavell and Martha Nussbaum, who equally find in a philosophy of love and marriage the key to understanding how humans may achieve happiness in the acceptance of their humanity.All three thinkers follow a "logic of paradox" in showing how success in the human quest to be human depends crucially on the struggle humans experience with the ever-present opportunities to pursue alternative paths. What Kierkegaard called "living existentially" can be achieved only after confronting and refusing the possibilities of living in "aesthetic," "ethical," or even "religious" denial of one's true humanity.By creating this dialogue between the nineteenth-century Danish thinker and two eminent twentieth-century philosophers, Hall reveals the continuing relevance of Kierkegaard's thought to our own age and its cogency as an interpretation of the human predicament.
Justice for Animals (Hardcover)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.71 $Hardcover. A revolutionary new theory and call to action on animal rights, ethics, and law from the renowned philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum.Animals are in trouble all over the world. Whether through the cruelties of the factory meat industry, poaching and game hunting, habitat destruction, or neglect of the companion animals that people purport to love, animals suffer injustice and horrors at our hands every day. The world needs an ethical awakening, a consciousness-raising movement of international proportions. In Justice for Animals, one of the worlds most influential philosophers and humanists Martha C. Nussbaum provides a revolutionary approach to animal rights, ethics, and law. From dolphins to crows, elephants to octopuses, Nussbaum examines the entire animal kingdom, showcasing the lives of animals with wonder, awe, and compassion to understand how we can create a world in which human beings are truly friends of animals, not exploiters or users. All animals should have a shot at flourishing in their own way. Humans have a collective duty to face and solve animal harm. An urgent call to action and a manual for change, Nussbaums groundbreaking theory directs politics and law to help us meet our ethical responsibilities as no book has done before. From renowned philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum, a revolutionary exploration of animal rights, ethics, and law. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
The Bacchae of Euripeds [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $From the renowned contemporary American poet C. K. Williams comes this fluent and accessible version of the great tragedy by Euripides. This book includes an introduction by Martha Nussbaum.
Paisajes del pensamiento la inteligencia de las emociones
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.77 $En esta magnífica obra, Martha C. Nussbaum considera las emociones no como fuerzas extrañas, sino como respuestas que nos ayudan a discriminar lo que es valioso e importante. A partir de la muerte de su padre, la autora explora la estructura de una amplia gama de emociones, como el amor o la compasión.
Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.95 $How can higher education today create a community of critical thinkers and searchers for truth that transcends the boundaries of class, gender, and nation? Martha C. Nussbaum, philosopher and classicist, argues that contemporary curricular reform is already producing such "citizens of the world" in its advocacy of diverse forms of cross-cultural studies. Her vigorous defense of "the new education" is rooted in Seneca's ideal of the citizen who scrutinizes tradition critically and who respects the ability to reason wherever it is found--in rich or poor, native or foreigner, female or male. Drawing on Socrates and the Stoics, Nussbaum establishes three core values of liberal education--critical self-examination, the ideal of the world citizen, and the development of the narrative imagination. Then, taking us into classrooms and campuses across the nation, including prominent research universities, small independent colleges, and religious institutions, she shows how these values are (and in some instances are not) being embodied in particular courses. She defends such burgeoning subject areas as gender, minority, and gay studies against charges of moral relativism and low standards, and underscores their dynamic and fundamental contribution to critical reasoning and world citizenship. For Nussbaum, liberal education is alive and well on American campuses in the late twentieth century. It is not only viable, promising, and constructive, but it is essential to a democratic society. Taking up the challenge of conservative critics of academe, she argues persuasively that sustained reform in the aim and content of liberal education is the most vital and invigorating force in higher education today.
Clash Within : Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.49 $While America is focused on religious militancy and terrorism in the Middle East, democracy has been under siege from religious extremism in another critical part of the world. As Martha Nussbaum reveals in this penetrating look at India today, the forces of the Hindu right pose a disturbing threat to its democratic traditions and secular state. Since long before the 2002 Gujarat riots--in which nearly two thousand Muslims were killed by Hindu extremists--the power of the Hindu right has been growing, threatening India's hard-won constitutional practices of democracy, tolerance, and religious pluralism. Led politically by the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Hindu right has sought the subordination of other religious groups and has directed particular vitriol against Muslims, who are cast as devils in need of purging. The Hindu right seeks to return to a "pure" India, unsullied by alien polluters of other faiths, yet the BJP's defeat in recent elections demonstrates the power that India's pluralism continues to wield. The future, however, is far from secure, and Hindu extremism and exclusivity remain a troubling obstacle to harmony in South Asia.Nussbaum's long-standing professional relationship with India makes her an excellent guide to its recent history. Ultimately she argues that the greatest threat comes not from a clash between civilizations, as some believe, but from a clash within each of us, as we oscillate between self-protective aggression and the ability to live in the world with others. India's story is a cautionary political tale for all democratic states striving to act responsibly in an increasingly dangerous world.
The Perfectionist Turn
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.54 $Contemporary political philosophy - especially in the works of Martha Nussbaum, John Rawls and Amartya Sen - has assumed that it can separate itself off from other philosophical positions and frameworks. In this book, Den Uyl and Rasmussen challenge this trend by moving from the liberalism they advocate in their earlier work to what they call "individualistic perfectionism" in ethics. They continue to challenge the assumption that a neo-Aristotelian ethical framework cannot support a liberal, non-perfectionist political theory by filling in the nature of the perfectionist ethical approach utilised in their previous political theorising.
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (Hackett Classics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.57 $A splendid edition. Schneewind's illuminating introduction succinctly situates the Enquiry in its historical context, clarifying its relationship to Calvinism, to Newtonian science, and to earlier moral philosophers, and providing a persuasive account of Hume's ethical naturalism. --Martha C. Nussbaum, Brown University
Complete Tragedies, Volume 2: Oedipus, Hercules Mad, Hercules on Oeta, Thyestes, Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.00 $Edited by world-renowned classicists Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi Bartsch, and Martha C. Nussbaum, the Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca offers authoritative, modern English translations of the writings of the Stoic philosopher and playwright (4 BCE–65 CE). The two volumes of The Complete Tragedies presents all of his dramas, expertly rendered by preeminent scholars and translators. The first volume contains Medea, The Phoenician Women, Phaedra, The Trojan Women, and Octavia, the last of which was written in emulation of Senecan tragedies and serves as a unique example of political tragedy. This second volume includes Oedipus, Hercules Mad, Hercules on Oeta, Thyestes, and Agamemnon. High standards of accuracy, clarity, and style are maintained throughout the translations, which render Seneca into verse with as close a correspondence, line for line, to the original as possible, and with special attention paid to meter and overall flow. In addition, each tragedy is prefaced by an original translator’s introduction offering reflections on the work’s context and meaning. Notes are provided for the reader unfamiliar with the culture and history of classical antiquity. Accordingly, The Complete Tragedies will be of use to a general audience and professionals alike, from the Latinless student to scholars and instructors of comparative literature, classics, philosophy, drama, and more.
Complete Tragedies : Oedipus, Hercules Mad, Hercules on Oeta, Thyestes, Agamemnon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.97 $Edited by world-renowned classicists Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi Bartsch, and Martha C. Nussbaum, the Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca offers authoritative, modern English translations of the writings of the Stoic philosopher and playwright (4 BCE–65 CE). The two volumes of The Complete Tragedies presents all of his dramas, expertly rendered by preeminent scholars and translators. The first volume contains Medea, The Phoenician Women, Phaedra, The Trojan Women, and Octavia, the last of which was written in emulation of Senecan tragedies and serves as a unique example of political tragedy. This second volume includes Oedipus, Hercules Mad, Hercules on Oeta, Thyestes, and Agamemnon. High standards of accuracy, clarity, and style are maintained throughout the translations, which render Seneca into verse with as close a correspondence, line for line, to the original as possible, and with special attention paid to meter and overall flow. In addition, each tragedy is prefaced by an original translator’s introduction offering reflections on the work’s context and meaning. Notes are provided for the reader unfamiliar with the culture and history of classical antiquity. Accordingly, The Complete Tragedies will be of use to a general audience and professionals alike, from the Latinless student to scholars and instructors of comparative literature, classics, philosophy, drama, and more.
What is Philosophy?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.65 $In this stimulating book, six leading philosophers―Karl-Otto Apel, Robert Brandom, Karsten Harries, Martha Nussbaum, Barry Stroud, and Allen Wood―consider the nature of philosophy. Although each of them has a unique perspective, they all seem to agree that philosophy seeks to uncover hidden assumptions and concepts in order to expose them to critical scrutiny. It is thus entirely fitting that philosophers should examine their own assumptions about the nature of their discipline.As they delve into the nature of philosophy, the authors address many fascinating subjects: what makes philosophy different from natural science, religion, and other branches of the humanities; whether philosophy can contribute to political transformation, and if so, how; whether there can ever be an “end of philosophy”; and more. The editors’ introduction ties together the contributors’ diverse perspectives by noting common themes, similarities, and differences.
Remarques Impressionisten/Remarque's Impressionists
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.56 $Kunstsammeln und Kunsthandel im Exil/Art Collecting and Art Dealing in Exile. Deutsch/Englisch. Hrsg. von/Edited by Thomas F. Schneider und Inge Jaehner. In Zusammenarbeit mit/In collaboration with Walter M. Feilchenfeldt und Suzanne Schwarz Zuber. [Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Felix-Nussbaum-Haus/Stadt Osnabrück und dem Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenszentrum/Universität Osnabrück]. Dieses Buch dokumentiert die eindrucksvolle Gemäldesammlung, die sich Erich Maria Remarque nach dem Erfolg von "Im Westen nichts Neues" aufgebaut hatte und dann im amerikanischen Exil erweiterte. Darunter sind bedeutende Gemälde führender vorrangig französischer Impressionisten wie Cezanne, Degas, Van Gogh, Renoir und Daumier. Nach dem Tode Remarques 1970 wurde die Sammlung sukzessive veräußert und in alle Welt zerstreut. An die sechs wissenschaftlichen Beiträge, die sich vertiefend mit der Kunstsammlung und zentralen Fragen nach Kunst und Kunsthandel im Exil sowie deren Bedeutung im Fall Erich Maria Remarques auseinandersetzen, schließt ein umfangreicher Katalog der Gemäldesammlung Remarques an. Sämtliche Beiträge liegen in deutsch-englischem Paralleltext vor. Mit der Dokumentation und der Kontextualisierung dieser bedeutenden Sammlung leistet das Buch einen gewichtigen Beitrag zur Remarque-Forschung. Mit Beiträgen von Walter Michael Maria Feilchenfeldt, Thomas F. Schneider, Esther Tisa Francini u.a. 495 Seiten mit 250 überwiegend farbigen Abb., Großformat, gebunden (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2013). Gewicht: 2439 g - Gebunden/Gebundene Ausgabe - Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
La fragilidad del bien
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.12 $El libro fundamental de Martha C. Nussbaum, Premio Príncipe de Asturias, en una nueva edición corregida y ampliada. La visión aristotélica del ser humano y la deliberación práctica reviste gran importancia para el pensamiento ético y político contemporáneo; y creo que la descripción de la pluralidad de bienes y de los conflictos entre ellos que encontramos tanto en los poetas como en Aristóteles ofrece claves que están ausentes en gran parte del razonamiento social contemporáneo. Pero mi creciente implicación con la ética estoica me ha hecho contemplar bajo una nueva luz algunos temas del libro, en particular, la naturaleza de las emociones y el concepto de ser humano. Al mismo tiempo, mi interés por la filosofía política me ha llevado a replantearme una serie de temas de Fragilidad, incluida la importancia ética de la pluralidad de bienes, la vulnerabilidad de la vida humana ante la fortuna y la naturaleza de la amistad.
Political Emotions : Why Love Matters for Justice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.25 $How can we achieve and sustain a "decent" liberal society, one that aspires to justice and equal opportunity for all and inspires individuals to sacrifice for the common good? In this book, a continuation of her explorations of emotions and the nature of social justice, Martha Nussbaum makes the case for love. Amid the fears, resentments, and competitive concerns that are endemic even to good societies, public emotions rooted in love―in intense attachments to things outside our control―can foster commitment to shared goals and keep at bay the forces of disgust and envy.Great democratic leaders, including Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr., have understood the importance of cultivating emotions. But people attached to liberalism sometimes assume that a theory of public sentiments would run afoul of commitments to freedom and autonomy. Calling into question this perspective, Nussbaum investigates historical proposals for a public "civil religion" or "religion of humanity" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Auguste Comte, John Stuart Mill, and Rabindranath Tagore. She offers an account of how a decent society can use resources inherent in human psychology, while limiting the damage done by the darker side of our personalities. And finally she explores the cultivation of emotions that support justice in examples drawn from literature, song, political rhetoric, festivals, memorials, and even the design of public parks."Love is what gives respect for humanity its life," Nussbaum writes, "making it more than a shell." Political Emotionsis a challenging and ambitious contribution to political philosophy.
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