92 products were found matching your search for Objectively in 3 shops:
Objectively Speaking: Ayn Rand Interviewed
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.36 $Readers and students of Ayn Rand will value seeing in this collection of interviews how Ayn Rand applied her philosophy and moral principles to the issues of the day. Objectively Speaking includes half a century of print and broadcast interviews drawn from the Ayn Rand Archives. The thirty-two interviews in this collection, edited by Marlene Podritske and Peter Schwartz, include print interviews from the 1930s and edited transcripts of radio and television interviews from the 1940s through 1981. Selections are included from a remarkable series of radio broadcasts over a four-year period (1962-1966) on Columbia University's station WKCR in New York City and syndicated throughout the United States and Canada. Ayn Rand's unusual and strikingly original insights on a vast range of topics are captured by prominent interviewers in the history of American television broadcasting, such as Johnny Carson, Edwin Newman, Mike Wallace, and Louis Rukeyser. The collection concludes with an interview of Dr. Leonard Peikoff on his radio program in 1999, recalling his 30-year personal and professional association with Ayn Rand and discussing her unique intellectual and literary achievements.Ayn Rand is the best-selling author of Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Anthem, and We the Living. Fifty years or more after publication, sales of these novels continue to increase.
Lethal Force and the Objectively Reasonable Office
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.19 $Your Guide to Understanding the Complexities of Lethal Force - A huge treasury of lethal force case law - Officer survival tips - Training methods & philosophies - An exploration of wound ballistics and the deadly reactionary gap - Exploration of "fleeing felon" issues
Lethal Force and the Objectively Reasonable Office
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.25 $Your Guide to Understanding the Complexities of Lethal Force - A huge treasury of lethal force case law - Officer survival tips - Training methods & philosophies - An exploration of wound ballistics and the deadly reactionary gap - Exploration of "fleeing felon" issues
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man First Book (Gurdjieff)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.86 $Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man by G. I. Gurdjieff.
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life Man - All & Everything/First Series
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.43 $Gurdjieff, in his writings, intended to "awaken" people to their own inner possibilities and potential. "Beelzebub's Tales To His Grandson", the three books that constitute the first series in Gurdjieff's trilogy "All and Everything", distills the essence of his ideas. This book examines life on earth from the viewpoint of beings belonging to a distant world, led by the "all-wise Beelzebub", who is able to perceive the weaknesses and follies of humanity and, through his compassion, can point the way towards possible regeneration. Through this cosmic allegory, Gurdjieff demonstrates a methodology for the spiritual growth of mankind.
Yamaha ST Style
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 649.00 $ (+49.00 $)For sale is a Yamaha ST Style Stratocaster Japan Electric Guitar in Good Condition!Okay, this is objectively one of the coolest looking strats I've...
Hamilton KB991BL
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 70.99 $ (+3.79 $)Hamilton symphonic stands are objectively superior in many ways. Heavy-duty wide tripod legs and a full size steel sympohonic desk.Features:Black S...
The Arabs and Israel for Beginners (Beginners Documentary Comic Books)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.92 $The history of the Middle East goes back about 12,000 years, most of which was not marked by fighting between Arabs and Jews.Documenting the Middle East from ancient times to present, Arabs & Israel for Beginners is one of few books cover the issues of both Jews and Arabs objectively, insightfully and in an easy-to-read style. Some of the provocative issues and topics that the book covers are the birth of "Western" civilization in the Middle East and Africa; the truth about ancient Israel from birth to destruction; the building of the "Walled" city of Jericho; the origin of Christianity; the real story of modern Israel's birth; Jewish history beginning with Abraham [c.2000 BC] & Moses [c. 1350 BC]; documented facts on the Arab-Israeli wars; the lowdown on the PLO, Intifada, US Money; Desert Storm and Terrorism; and the September 1993 PLO/Israel peace talks.In the tradition characteristic of the "Beginners Series", Arabs & Israel for Beginners is written for two vastly different types of readers; those who are new to the Arab-Israel discussion and those submersed in it and perhaps confused by facts that just don't seem to add up.
A Prince of Our Disorder: Life of T.E. Lawrence
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.24 $When this Pulitzer Prize-winning biography first appeared in 1976, it rescued T. E. Lawrence from the mythologizing that had seemed to be his fate. In it, John Mack humanely and objectively explores the relationship between Lawrence's inner life and his historically significant actions.Extensive interviews, far-flung correspondence, access to War Office dispatches and unpublished letters provide the basis for Mack's sensitive investigation of the psychiatric dimensions of Lawrence's personality. In addition, Mack examines the pertinent history, politics, and sociology of the time in order to weigh the real forces with which Lawrence contended and which impinged upon him.
The Third Lens: Metaphor and the Creation of Modern Cell Biology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.24 $Does science aim at providing an account of the world that is literally true or objectively true? Understanding the difference requires paying close attention to metaphor and its role in science. In The Third Lens, Andrew S. Reynolds argues that metaphors, like microscopes and other instruments, are a vital tool in the construction of scientific knowledge and explanations of how the world works. More than just rhetorical devices for conveying difficult ideas, metaphors provide the conceptual means with which scientists interpret and intervene in the world. Reynolds here investigates the role of metaphors in the creation of scientific concepts, theories, and explanations, using cell theory as his primary case study. He explores the history of key metaphors that have informed the field and the experimental, philosophical, and social circumstances under which they have emerged, risen in popularity, and in some cases faded from view. How we think of cells—as chambers, organisms, or even machines—makes a difference to scientific practice. Consequently, an accurate picture of how scientific knowledge is made requires us to understand how the metaphors scientists use—and the social values that often surreptitiously accompany them—influence our understanding of the world, and, ultimately, of ourselves. The influence of metaphor isn’t limited to how we think about cells or proteins: in some cases they can even lead to real material change in the very nature of the thing in question, as scientists use technology to alter the reality to fit the metaphor. Drawing out the implications of science’s reliance upon metaphor, The Third Lens will be of interest to anyone working in the areas of history and philosophy of science, science studies, cell and molecular biology, science education and communication, and metaphor in general.
Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters : Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.88 $The relationships, both historical and philosophical, among the Zhuangzi's Inner, Outer, and Miscellaneous chapters are the subject of ancient and enduring controversy. Liu marshals linguistic, intertextual, intratextual, and historical evidence to establish an objectively demonstrable chronology and determine the philosophical affiliations among the various chapters. This major advance in Zhuangzi scholarship furnishes indispensable data for all students of the great Daoist text. In a lengthy afterword, Liu compares his conclusions with those of A. C. Graham and addresses the relationship between the Zhuangzi and the Laozi.Liu Xiaogan is Professor of Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.97 $'The Ketogenic Diet' is a complete resource for anyone interested in low-carbohydrate diets (such as the Atkins Diet, Protein Power, Bodyopus or the Anabolic Diet). It looks objectively at the physiology behind such diets, including potential negative effects, and gives specific recommendations on how to optimize such a diet assuming an individual has chosen to do one. Two modified ketogenic diets (which involve the insertion of carbohydrates to sustain exercise performance) are also discussed in detail, along with specific guidelines. Exercise is discussed in great detail, including background physiology, the effects of exercise on fat loss, exercise guidelines and sample workouts. A great deal of basic physiology information, dealing with both nutrition and exercise topics, is included so that readers without a technical background will be able to understand the topics discussed.
Engagements with Close Reading (Routledge Engagements with Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.61 $What should we do with a literary work? Is it best to become immersed in a novel or poem, or is our job to objectively dissect it? Should we consult literature as a source of knowledge or wisdom, or keenly interrogate its designs upon us? Do we excavate the text as an historical artifact, or surrender to its aesthetic qualities? Balancing foundational topics with new developments, Engagements with Close Reading offers an accessible introduction to how prominent critics have approached the task of literary reading. This book will help students learn different methods for close reading perform a close analysis of an unfamiliar text articulate meaningful responses Beginning with the New Critics and recent argument for a return to formalism, the book tracks the reactions of reader-response critics and phenomenologists, and concludes with ethical criticism’s claim for the value of literary reading to our moral lives. Rich in literary examples, most reprinted in full, each chapter models practical ways for students to debate the pros and cons of objective and subjective criticism. In the final chapter, five distinguished critics shed light on the pleasures and difficulties of close reading in their engagements with poetry and fiction. In the wake of cultural studies and historicism, Engagements with Close Reading encourages us to bring our eyes back to the words on the page, inviting students and instructors to puzzle out the motives, high stakes, limitations, and rewards of the literary encounter under the pressure of this beleaguered and persistent methodology.
China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.63 $This book answers the questions: - What was the class composition and class nature of the Chinese Communist Party when it took power in 1949? - What forces pushed the Mao regime, despite its explicitly class-collaborationist strategy, to take measures which were objectively socialist and to establish the Chinese workers' state? - The Chinese Revolution was a practical test of both Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution and Mao's theory of uninterrupted revolution by stages. Which theory matched reality? - The degeneration of the Chinese People's Republic has confirmed that without a political revolution, a Stalinist regime will inevitably return to capitalism, but how did that process unfold? The author also argues that the policies adopted by the Chinese Communist party towards women were a direct measure of its revolutionary commitment. Throughout the book, how the activities of the CCP impinged upon the mass of Chinese women is used as a measure of its socialist credentials. This book also describes how the return to capitalism has meant that many of the gains made by Chinese women have been, and are being, taken away.
Dimensions of Creativity (Bradford Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.45 $Dimensions of Creativity brings together original articles that draw on a range of discipline―from the history and sociology of science, psychology, philosophy, and artificial intelligence―to ask how creative ideas arise, and whether creativity can be objectively defined and measured.Dimensions of Creativity brings together original articles that draw on a range of disciplines―from the history and sociology of science, psychology, philosophy, and artificial intelligence―to ask how creative ideas arise, and whether creativity can be objectively defined and measured.Margaret Boden and her colleagues Simon Schaffer, Gerd Gigerenzer, David N. Perkins, Howard Gardner, Colin Martindale, and Hans J. Eysenck demonstrate that creativity requires not only challenging new ideas but their acceptance by some relevant social group. Although some new ideas can arise as novel associations, others are generated by exploiting structural features of an existing conceptual space. Strong motivations often drive the creators and those who evaluate and perpetuate their work.The seven essays―although very different―are complementary. The book can serve as an up-to-date introduction to the study of creativity in various disciplines. The many references provide a way into the relevant literature.A Bradford Book
Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel (Asor Books)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.39 $Archaeological data, when viewed objectively, provide independent witness to the religious practices of the ancient inhabitants of Syria-Palestine and help to identify the integral part that religion played in the social and political worlds of the Israelites and Canaanites. By applying current anthropological and sociological theory to ancient materials excavated over the past eighty years, the author offers a new way of looking at the archaeological data. 'Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel' summarizes and analyzes the archaeological remains from all known Middle Bronze through Iron Age temples, sanctuaries, and open-air shrines to reveal the ways in which social, economic and political relationships determined—and were shaped by—forms of religious organization.
Assessing the Developing Child Musician: A Guide for General Music Teachers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.56 $General music teachers have long struggled with the issue of how to accurately and objectively assess the progress of their students. With this practical and much-needed book, Timothy S. Brophy, Ph.D., a rising leader in the music education field, tackles the issue head-on, giving practical insights and providing excellent practical suggestions and samples.Assessing the Developing Child Musician leads the general music specialist through every step necessary to develop their own personal style of assessing students while working within the guidelines of local district standards and curriculum, state and national standards, varying educational philosophies, and the school's adopted music series.From the foundations of assessment through development considerations, to assessing each child as a performing, creating, and critically thinking/responding musician, Brophy brings clear, in-depth explanations to the task, followed by easily referenced Chapter Summaries, Questions for Clarification, Questions for Discussion, Assessment Practice, as well as suggestions on developing scoring guides and assessment tasks. Music portfolios and profiles are also given ample attention, with real student samples included at the end of the book.By looking at the state of general music education today, asking the right questions, and delivering practical suggestions, Dr. Brophy has written an indispensable resource guide for all teachers in the field of general music education.
Literary Remains [jhc]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.43 $In this collection love and loss tear at the fabric of everyday life and distort reality. What was once objectively familiar is tainted by uncertainty, and soon everything becomes subtly and terrifyingly altered. In "Loup-garou" a young man watches his own past re-enacted as an avante garde French film. In "Llanfihangel" memories of the past are shown to be incorrect and misinterpreted. In Russell's stories even the present appears to be open to misunderstanding. When those around you insist that they see they world differently at least you can argue with them. But when you realise that you cannot rely on your own senses then the world becomes a terrifying place indeed.
Questioning Chemotherapy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.87 $A revealing critique of chemotherapy, this book looks objectively at chemo's successes and failures.
A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T. E. Lawrence
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $When this Pulitzer Prize-winning biography first appeared in 1976, it rescued T. E. Lawrence from the mythologizing that had seemed to be his fate. In it, John Mack humanely and objectively explores the relationship between Lawrence's inner life and his historically significant actions. Extensive interviews, far-flung correspondence, access to War Office dispatches and unpublished letters provide the basis for Mack's sensitive investigation of the psychiatric dimensions of Lawrence's personality. In addition, Mack examines the pertinent history, politics, and sociology of the time in order to weigh the real forces with which Lawrence contended and which impinged upon him.
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