2871 products were found matching your search for Operator Theory System Theory in 4 shops:
Harmonic Analysis in Operator Algebras and Its Applications to Index Theory and Topological Solid State Systems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 157.61 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Phalanx Defense Systems Stealth Operator H6221 Compact Clip Holster Black Polymer OWB Right Hand
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 46.99 $ -
Phalanx Defense Systems Stealth Operator H618 Compact Clip Holster Black Polymer OWB Left Hand
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 23.39 $ -
XS Sight Systems DXW2 Big Dot Sight, Yellow, Springfield 1911A1 Loaded/TRP/Operator/Novak Rear, SP-0008S-3Y
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 109.99 $ -
1984 Total Audio Concepts Operator's Manual for TAC 1042 System
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 47.05 $ (+1.41 $)Owner's Manual for TAC 1042 SystemA4 BookIncludes Schematics In Good Legible Condition UK Shipping Via Royal Mail 2nd Class Signed for Internationa...
AAS Applied Acoustics Systems Low End Theory Sound Theory
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 39.00 $Applied Acoustics Systems Low End Theory Sound Theory Your Digital Software Registration Code and Instructions Will Be Sent to You, Along With a...
Mighty Mule Wireless Driveway Vehicle Sensor for Automatic Gate Operators
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 179.95 $Add convenience to your Mighty Mule Gate system with the Mighty Mule Wireless Driveway Vehicle Sensor. This Wireless Driveway Vehicle Sensor has an extensive 100 ft. range from the gate. Allows for a hands free vehicle exit from your property, providing guests the ability to exit without a Remote (FM135).
Scattering Theory for Hyperbolic Operators (Volume 21) (Studies in Mathematics and its Applications 21)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.17 $Scattering Theory for dissipative and time-dependent systems has been intensively studied in the last fifteen years. The results in this field, based on various tools and techniques, may be found in many published papers. This monograph presents an approach which can be applied to spaces of both even and odd dimension. The ideas on which the approach is based are connected with the RAGE type theorem, with Enss' decomposition of the phase space and with a time-dependent proof of the existence of the operator W which exploits the decay of the local energy of the perturbed and free systems. Some inverse scattering problems for time-dependent potentials, and moving obstacles with an arbitrary geometry, are also treated in the book.
Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.55 $This work and Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras. Volume II, Advanced Theory present an introduction to functional analysis and the initial fundamentals of $C^*$- and von Neumann algebra theory in a form suitable for both intermediate graduate courses and self-study. The authors provide a clear account of the introductory portions of this important and technically difficult subject. Major concepts are sometimes presented from several points of view; the account is leisurely when brevity would compromise clarity. An unusual feature in a text at this level is the extent to which it is self-contained; for example, it introduces all the elementary functional analysis needed. The emphasis is on teaching. Well supplied with exercises, the text assumes only basic measure theory and topology. The book presents the possibility for the design of numerous courses aimed at different audiences.
Linear Operators, Spectral Theory, Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space, Part 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 9.18 $This classic text, written by two notable mathematicians, constitutes a comprehensive survey of the general theory of linear operations, together with applications to the diverse fields of more classical analysis. Dunford and Schwartz emphasize the significance of the relationships between the abstract theory and its applications. This text has been written for the student as well as for the mathematician―treatment is relatively self-contained. This is a paperback edition of the original work, unabridged, in three volumes.
Unbounded Linear Operators: Theory and Applications
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.68 $Unbounded Linear Operators: Theory and Applications
Spectral theory of linear operators
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.67 $Text: English, Russian (translation)
Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.96 $This work and Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras. Volume II, Advanced Theory present an introduction to functional analysis and the initial fundamentals of $C^*$- and von Neumann algebra theory in a form suitable for both intermediate graduate courses and self-study. The authors provide a clear account of the introductory portions of this important and technically difficult subject. Major concepts are sometimes presented from several points of view; the account is leisurely when brevity would compromise clarity. An unusual feature in a text at this level is the extent to which it is self-contained; for example, it introduces all the elementary functional analysis needed. The emphasis is on teaching. Well supplied with exercises, the text assumes only basic measure theory and topology. The book presents the possibility for the design of numerous courses aimed at different audiences.
C*-Algebras and Operator Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.47 $This book constitutes a first- or second-year graduate course in operator theory. It is a field that has great importance for other areas of mathematics and physics, such as algebraic topology, differential geometry, and quantum mechanics. It assumes a basic knowledge in functional analysis but no prior acquaintance with operator theory is required.
Elements of Hilbert Spaces and Operator Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 193.56 $The book presents an introduction to the geometry of Hilbert spaces and operator theory, targeting graduate and senior undergraduate students of mathematics. Major topics discussed in the book are inner product spaces, linear operators, spectral theory and special classes of operators, and Banach spaces. On vector spaces, the structure of inner product is imposed. After discussing geometry of Hilbert spaces, its applications to diverse branches of mathematics have been studied. Along the way are introduced orthogonal polynomials and their use in Fourier series and approximations. Spectrum of an operator is the key to the understanding of the operator. Properties of the spectrum of different classes of operators, such as normal operators, self-adjoint operators, unitaries, isometries and compact operators have been discussed. A large number of examples of operators, along with their spectrum and its splitting into point spectrum, continuous spectrum, residual spectrum, approximate point spectrum and compression spectrum, have been worked out. Spectral theorems for self-adjoint operators, and normal operators, follow the spectral theorem for compact normal operators. The book also discusses invariant subspaces with special attention to the Volterra operator and unbounded operators. In order to make the text as accessible as possible, motivation for the topics is introduced and a greater amount of explanation than is usually found in standard texts on the subject is provided. The abstract theory in the book is supplemented with concrete examples. It is expected that these features will help the reader get a good grasp of the topics discussed. Hints and solutions to all the problems are collected at the end of the book. Additional features are introduced in the book when it becomes imperative. This spirit is kept alive throughout the book.
Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 40)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.21 $A unique introduction to the theory of linear operators on Hilbert space. The author presents the basic facts of functional analysis in a form suitable for engineers, scientists, and applied mathematicians. Although the Definition-Theorem-Proof format of mathematics is used, careful attention is given to motivation of the material covered and many illustrative examples are presented.
Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.27 $Zustand: Sehr gut - Gepflegter, sauberer Zustand.1974. Sprache: Deutsch Produktart: Bücher
C*-Algebras and Operator Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.02 $This book constitutes a first- or second-year graduate course in operator theory. It is a field that has great importance for other areas of mathematics and physics, such as algebraic topology, differential geometry, and quantum mechanics. It assumes a basic knowledge in functional analysis but no prior acquaintance with operator theory is required.
Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science (Applied Mathematical Sciences)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $A unique introduction to the theory of linear operators on Hilbert space. The author presents the basic facts of functional analysis in a form suitable for engineers, scientists, and applied mathematicians. Although the Definition-Theorem-Proof format of mathematics is used, careful attention is given to motivation of the material covered and many illustrative examples are presented.
Spectral Theory of Operators in Hilbert Space
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.21 $The present lectures intend to provide an introduction to the spectral analysis of self-adjoint operators within the framework of Hilbert space theory. The guiding notion in this approach is that of spectral representation. At the same time the notion of function of an operator is emphasized. The formal aspects of these concepts are explained in the first two chapters. Only then is the notion of Hilbert space introduced. The following three chapters concern bounded, completely continuous, and non-bounded operators. Next, simple differential operators are treated as operators in Hilbert space, and the final chapter deals with the perturbation of discrete and continuous spectra. The preparation of the original version of these lecture notes was greatly helped by the assistance of P. Rejto. Various valuable suggestions made by him and by R. Lewis have been incorporated. The present version of the notes contains extensive modifica tions, in particular in the chapters on bounded and unbounded operators. February, 1973 K.O.F. PREFACE TO THE SECOND PRINTING The second printing (1980) is a basically unchanged reprint in which a number of minor errors were corrected. The author wishes to thank Klaus Schmidt (Lausanne) and John Sylvester (New York) for their lists of errors. v TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Spectral Representation 1 1. Three typical problems 1 12 2. Linear space and functional representation.
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